M ULTNOM AH T h e funeral of the late Victoria M. Thornton, mother o f Mr*. Royer, of M Maplewood, of a t-------- m will be held Saturday, , , February 2 at 2:30 p. m at Finleys Chapel, Montgomery at Fifth. Com­ mitment, Riverview cemetery. Lodge Directory BEAVER LODGE Na. 10*. A. F. * A. M 25 Meet» first and third Thttrsdays of each month by order of L. D. Shell-, enbrrger, W. M , J B Kambc.ger.j secretary. o u n ce s fo r 25e KC Baking Powder (double acting) BEAVER CHAPTEP No. 10*. O. E. S. Meets second aabe ^ known 0f it I ft. of hose belonging to the Multnoma said • • r- i ,L..» lo nrr the* Eugene department, thus .L. delaying the IigDI* fight - she would have stayed ing of the fire. A few minutes delay until the weather changed. People often means hundreds of dollars loss. there «were enjoying nice warm rains. The Multnomah Boosters Club met Wednesday. M A P E S & SON Billiard Parlors Cigars T obaccos Confections Soft Drinks Mrs. A. Johnson, of Kansas City, Wation, St. *• Kansas, is visiting her sister. Mr». Joseph Hertz, Rt. 6, injured his S Cady Bldg. Miles Royer and mother Mrs. Thorn- left hand severely Monday »while v . v . v A V . v . m v . v . v . v . v . í The Pacific Stages snow plow at- j ^ cutting wood for Crawford and I>or- taJ.cd to a truck worked from 8:30 ghty, nttir Tigard. Dr. Thatcher at­ a. m. to 2 p. m Thursday on the A wise young man o f Multnomah tended him. curve on the W est Side Pacific surprised his friends Monday by highway just above Hoffman road. wearing a derby, white silk scarf, The road was covered with snow spats and fur trimmed gloves. 3 to 4 feet deep. This is a steep grade and every time there is frost The An Dyke and Beardsley child-1 or snow it is difficult even for trucks ren are ill with the measles. FOR 1ST CLASS PLUMBING to climb. HEATING AND GAS FITTING Win. Hurn was ill at his home ST. CECELIA CHURCH for several days last week. M M. Hawksley, head janitor at CALL BEAVERTON 3303 tht Multnomah school, lost a valu-j able Springer dog Friday, January On account o f the inclement wea- Rev. J. M. O ’Niell, pastor. Jobbing Promptly attended to 25. He is white with brown spots ther the recital which was to have W eak-day mass 8:20 a. m. and answers to the name o f BrovVnte. bet-n given Monday by Miss Steeles Sunday masses. 7:45 aad 10 a. m. Mr Hawksley would greatly t>p- pupils has been postponed until next ►♦•><:* W "> 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X~>*M~:-:~> predate any information about the Monday night, dog. Phone Atwater 2210 or Atwater BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL Mrs. Ames tind two sons, o f Ard- 2910. > • I enwald, were guests of the D e-Ilish- A 4 4 4* *1* 4* *2* 44*44*4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 -F . » ■! CHURCH County Superintendent N. A. Frost mutt family Sunday, has received notice of the organiza- —— The Sunday services of Bethel tion of a camp cooking club with William C. Taylor is the proud Church w-ill be conducted at 11:00 F O U N T A IN PENS eight members, at Garden Home with owner of a l hevrolet coach which ite and 7 :30 o ’clock The morning theme Mrs. Glen Singlettiry leader, and purchased through the Griffin Chev will be "The Gospel of Mark.” In C. rolet t o. sewing 1, of ten members, Mr the evening service we consider the $1.50 and up H Langdon leader. subject "The P<»A’er of the Holy There were 32 young people pre- , . .. . , , • .. . . t . „ i „ „ i Spirit. Inis church extends a cordial O .............................. 4...........„ U;.. Mr and Mrs. E. W. Gassett spent sent at the choir practice at the local invitation to everyone to worship Dr. A. E. Wilson last week end at Eugene, they took | church Saturday evening with us if you have no church home their daughter, Mrs. Mary Hall, w ho in B ea\erton. John A. Bratton was seen this has been ill for five weeks to her Optometrist week driving a new ( hevrolet cobch home. I Donald M. M acNeil which he purchased from the Griffin Jeweler Fastor Mrs. 1 . B. Lewis was a luncheon (.hevrolet Co. hostess recently her guests were: 4v4*v*!*4444*4“ l"X"X*4*4*4*4*;**K**M 'v4 Bill I >e Mayo. Vlio has been visit­ Mrs. F. J. Stack, Mrs. Edward Ratty CHURCH OF CHRIST ing at the Doescher home, left W e d ­ land Mrs. Hattie Hank. nesday to rejoin his ship, the L S. An object lesson illustrating the Mrs A Price, well known resident S. Altair. at San Diego. It has Just ¡Sunday School lesson for boys and i of W est Portland, is ill with the flu. returned from a cruise to Nicaragua. |girls will bc givt.„ at Bible School 4“ X**X*,X*v4**X*4**X*4"X-X**X*X"X**i 9:45. G O O D CO R D W O O D Mr. and Mrs. C harles Gassett e n - 1 lraffic on lerwilliger boulevtird Morning worship at 11:00. The tertained 18 o f their friends with a was held up for several hours Sun- Delivered card party at their hom e on the Shut- day morning and busses and cars had sermon is on, “ The Bigness of Little to turn back and go over Slavin Things.” tuck road. $5.00 a Cord road when 34 cars piled up the other Christian F'ndeavor at 7:00. A new Multnomah high school girls were i side of Hillvilla. 1 he road vvtts frosty Phone Beaverton 8055 guests at the dinner Monday at St. : an,l everyone was driving slow so contest will be started Sunday night. Davids parish house given for the no one was injured and only a few Com^ and see what it is. It’s dit- 44*44*4“ H*4*4**X**W*44**!*4*<*44444444 ferent. high school girls of Portland. Mrs. cars were badly scratched. Pent Gault was chaperon. The evening service 8:00. Evangel­ Dr. A meson and A. D. Mason istic sung service and speckil m*isic 4**X,4 -X ” X**;*4M!,4*4,*X**X**X,*X"X*44**> Mrs. I. F.. Putman htis been teach­ gave several guitar selections tmd Sermon “ Believing on Jesus as God’s ing the principal’s room at the Maple- Mrs. Ashley Cook favored the au­ Son.” dience «with m usical numbers Sunday •wood school the past two weeks. when Orenotnah Chapter O. E. S. Remember, the} meetings are on C. F. W E S T , Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Pent Gault and family visited the Masonic Hom e at Forest now and an invitation is extended are residing at the J. M. Burrough’s Grove. to everyone. Now open for Business home at 857 Clackamas St,.,Portland Oscar A. Cooper A. G. Griffin, of the Griffin Chev- Pastor ; 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 * 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Merton DeLong have roletCo., recently sold several Chev­ sold their home and moved to rolet cars to Portland people, one of Portland. them going to Geo. E. Johnson, of the Johnson Contract Co., being one W V . '. W V . V i A W . V L V A - A W . ’ . V . W i W i W V . '. V . V . V . W S V . V . S Mrs. A. F. W atsun was a luncheon of several purchased by that company guest last week o f Mrs. E. W. Gassett from Mr. Griffin. Tw o cars twfcre sent to Alaska this fall to be used Mrs. W . J. Shrader, Mr. and Mrs. on road work. I kiy, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Adamson, C O N F E C T IO N E R Y A N D ICE C R E A M PARLOR Mr. and Mrs. Harris attended the card V irgil Bolton is now employed by party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the Russ Motor Co. W E A T H E R L Y ICE C R E A M 5 Harry Lecdy last Saturday night • ■_ given for the benefit of the Metzger Canned Good« and Light Groceries to Accommodate Sunday Win. Lciphart, who resides at the Woman’s club. Mrs. Shrader won Dillard home, is slowly recovering 1 1 the first prize for bridge. Mr. and from an attack of pneumonia. SO F T D R IN K S, F R U IT S, M E L O N S •: Mrs John Grant and Mr hnd Mrs. Otto Johnson from Garden Home also Residents in the neighborhood of ! Magazines— All The Daily Papers \ attended. Citj avi nue are 111 j turnout to h a. 1 At The Old Location— With N< Store F. A . N oy es C h u rch N otices Pubi C HICK CARL’S BARBEQUE THOS H. TONGUE. JR.. Attornay-at-Law—Notary Public Office, (. ommercial Building Hillsboro, Oregon. THYNG’S A M. HOCKENS Contractor & Builder Any Size Building Phone 0825 Beaverton A food for pro­ tein; a food for m ineral salts; for calcium and phosphorus; all the essential ele­ ments for health and strength are found in good cheese. And all the essential ele­ ments o f good cheese are found in Kraft Cheese. ;j; STANDARD HARDWARE j » Naw and Sacond-hand Furnitur« V ED HALSTEN Beaverton, Ore. - - - Phone 4855^ We buy for cash any second- A | baud goods. t i HARDW ARE Plumbing and Heating F. W . BISHOP Phoua 2003 T raiir at K R AFT PHENIX H on«« CliEtSE COMPANY r . TH EM D A Y S AR E GONE FOREVER W r^ rH r^ rH r^ rH r BE R TH O LD Beaverton Kes. 3602 j* D A IR Y FEED W IT H M O L A SSE S * Charles Berthold DEALER IN HAY. GRAIN. I • P u s o s and fine f lim itar# k « P their rich finish with O C fd a r Polish. It cleans M it polish»*« with speed and safety. 4 -oz. bottle, 30 c ; 12 os., böe. F uncial services for Walter Thomp­ son. brother of Mrs. John Junior, »were held last Friday at Tualatin, I Oregon. 1 he deceased was a member of Fast Gate lodge No 155 \ F A-' AM. I Mr. and Mrs. John Junior have, Ireturned from California. Mrs Junor enjoyed the hospitality of friends while Mr. Junor pkiyed in the golf' matches. _ rhone Ò603 Mrs. Esther Hanson who has been' | 'll with the flu has left the hospital ! and is staying with her grandmother, I Mrs. S. B. Lawrence at Raleigh V m v .v .w .v .v .v .v .v .w s P a tron ise your L oca l M * i-haivt S V .W .V .W W .V A W A W A W A W .V .S W .V W .'A W .V .W V . Mr. and Mrs M. H Bottler are proudly announcing to friends that | they have a granddaughter. Beavarton. Or. v KRAFTCKXHEESE Night Trade Arlene, little daughter of Mr . and Mrs L. S. W olf, who was operated upon for appendicitis, is at home but not able to be up. Of^dar GARDEN AND FEED, POULTRY F L O W E R S E E D S IN BU LK J W e reco mmend > X v Berthold Scratch Food Berthold Mash Berthold E®* Mash with mineral Dairv Feed Standard Dairv Feed Standard Scratch Feed Berthold Hog Feed R O L L IN G and G R IN D IN G Beaverton Oregon, Near S. P. Deo°t FOR S I Griff ^ P o lis h Squawk This in the Schoolroom. - sU. - ü \ ■ri.osi W U ST t a act J' Hr S /W , t o o k c o o P iS v / î c î y . - A O '? F J i C T H £ t ? n O ß e V O U ß G A l O ^ S T kvs I k ’. OP T O <&>(**>' M A U c i O O S T töC K - i O i ’S k o e tfacm cccs o gcsg AU j O c O l O TO OSG Tkfc GOOC? Ou? S T lC ^ ! kittet Atvvat» E 5E 3 E f THEM «AYS ARE &ONE FORËVER.! z. , ' P - S I ¿ 2 •* X 'O fc 1 - " — I