o tU bull ':ar Mrs. V. Low is still confined t o | A . E. YEAGER WILL . .'.V . j U P t n b A K U i t a T TIGARD h e r home «with illness. i ’? ;!v zrc!T v m m Lake Labish onion growers are en- ! A. E. Yeager, formerly of Beaver­ joying real prosperity this season. Dorothy Me Michael is now able to Onions are now bringing $4.U) per use crutches but is unable to at- ton, has rented the Kintsney con­ 1UU pounds. According to reports I tend school. She broke her ankle fectionery store at Tigard tmd will there are only 75 to lUt) carloads re- and ulso .the bones just above the r e m o d e l' it into a tuicery. Uuivvrtiity of Oregon, Eugene. — Extension and Research for T he date of opening the store has niaining in the hands of the glow er ankle while playing basket bad at A continuing legislative appropriation not been set as yet. Oregon be Limited ----------- he high school. of duo tor the University of Ore- Mr. Yeager conducted tile Bvaver- Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Straus of W al- M tx te iu io n d ■ . 14 m m to tf Money Not Granted. Mrs. VV. Root and daughtei Bekeiy at Beaverton toi mai.v nut avenue spent the week end witii establish a ro u n d m ethod ot i.iuiucin£ Muriel of Klamath Falls left Fridas >ears .disposing oi same about a llu s work which is invaii.ibly followed their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. night for San Diego, California for|.VCar ago to A. E. Schiader. la o 'h e r sta te In stitu tio n s, it is point and Mrs. E. V. Reed of Portland. P o rtland. Ore. — Business and :udus bn extended trip. i ■ od out here, following auiiouncm uent t r i a l isaoera th ro u g h o u t the co untry of tills request by the rt ents It i»- have come t - rel) in sta te uiiiverelHss Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Straus cele­ TIGARD HIGH HOOPSTERS tli. in v a riab le p iactice, except In the Mrs. V. Fields leaves Friday for for two im p o r ta n t fu nctions aside from brated their 19th wedding anniversary TRIM FOREST GROVE e.u.e of the U niversity of Oregon, for th e reeiuent in stru e tio n to stu d e u ts. January bth. Only close relatives 'alifornia to ¿visit with 'friends for ix te n s lo n work to bt finuneed by spe T hese a r e rese arch aud extension a few weeks. T he Tigard basketball squad trim- w ere psesent. On January 10th their •dal ap p ro p riatio n s. c o u rse s for adult education. Iu ueltUet da ughter __________________ Ida celebrated _ her 5th _______ _ med the horest Grove ho o p sw .s 33 to Ftteed with th e g re a tly increased of th e se fields can the U niversity of birthdby. Several of her little friends T he bridge crew leave Friday for! 19 on the Forest Grove floor, Tues- P leasure upon Its resources by the O regon expand, an d in tuet, unless attended the party and a jolly time anby w here they evill work on t h e ' t a v night, January -N at t •■H raa sing atte n d a n c e , th e ttniver fln an c i I aid is g r a n te d b.. the present was enjoyed by all. bridge aero«« tin W illamette. T*e> , |u ^ u ,; l t t m e d - X ,y •dty lias found It’ ncceseaiy t h is year •e ssio u ot the tc g i-latu re both pro­ ----------- have been w orking on the bridge u,Uh ,ht. Tige„ K u r u ^ iir$t> w heii to ask for the special c o n t a in i n g ap g r a m s w ill have to be reduced in opera T he report of Mrs. B. K. Denny, across F a n n o creek and the onion 1!obby LittuI1> .i(lia„ u tivo forward, propi iatlon in o r d e r 10 relieve the g*'ii tio n for the future, local business men lecturer .at the Pomona, held last bridge. caged a cripple, Finnigan of Forest s ra l fund of c a r r y i n g on th is work. h a v e been Inform ed by officials of the tweek at Tigard, showed an increase Grove retaliated with a long one, I Econom y P ra c tic a l u n iv e rsity , who nave lust found that .11 this U | Cal A ttcrbury slipped through the of TO new members throughout t h e . Mrs. M. Guiding was very “ T h ro u g h rigid scounntv a n d deny gc.uul in s t ru c tio n on il.u cam pus at county since the kist report. Tigard week, Grovers defense to sink another lield .In* o urselves tilin g s esse ta ia l to tile E ugene now absorb«s p rac tica lly all gained seven members. During the , ,, ,.. , ,, , goal for the Tigard uuint, Grundy fol- efiVetive o p e ra tio n ot t h e u n iv e rsity , of th e I n stitu tio n 's income. I harles Young and .. , . . evening the crack team of Tigard put . Mr. a n d Mrs. , , . . . . . . . . . lowed with a long shot to g i n the we h iv bien able to live w ith in o u r R e sea rch is a p a r tic u la rly im p o r ta n t Mrs. B. G. Leedy uisited Mrs T. H. t „ . . . on work in the third degree. g e n e ra l fund, a n d still have $ 45.000 , . , , , • , ................ Vi Tigers U tour ponit lead. rm n ig a n field an d is hiph ly I m p o rta n t to peo lem . and da ughter Virginia in F o rt- then scored anollu.r ,ong otlc tor , hc for exten sio n work. T h is is 110 longer pie of th e state, it is pointed out. If possible." M. S. Daly who has been ill with and Sunday. I \ , ¡Grovcrs and Shearer tied .he score f u n d s a r e provided, experts using u n i­ the flu is able to be out again. iu ltil’s the e x ten sio n division budget versity e quipm ent can 11 . i,e tunny tut at six all, When he caged a cripple, j was $04,000. about $10,000 being from p o r t a n t discoveries tlmt m ean much -------------- . v ." " V \ i * " n " 1 r u ' J ust before the qua rte r ended, l in- fees a n d th e r e m a in d e r from th e uui to the pni T is s of tile sta te . In order T he music clfass of Miss Gilbert ‘’' ‘l • 1 au£ *r ", ' r*' .' ■ 1 migan sent another long shot to put vetsity. Slight developm ent of the m et at her home S aturday a f te r n o o n .,cnU-red the grade school this week. j p ort.st Grove in the lead 8 to 0. to do tills funds m ust be provided so work is planned lor th e coining y e a r th n t they may have a s s is ta n ts and T h e program for this meeting was j T he second quarter however, t h i i ( « -„ T ?<> EAST TIGARD in response to un ever in c re asin g dv e q u ip m e n t fer th e ir xperim ents. hew furnished by Lois W e s t, Betty Schub , Tigers settled down and took th* ni'uul to r this se rv ic e from people of ever ring, Dirickson Nedry, M argaret W est I Mrs. N. Hamilton who has been game in their own Wands. Thev Scotty Mtlllsan is one of the ..hlnlng the state. 1 seems to be about the same. Her E x te n sio n C o u r s e s W ante d and Dorris Jensen. T h e rest of the 11 ^ “ V checked Forest Grove so close that llglits of the Uuiversi?' of Ore:;on I as ig h te r and grandson gi i>- daughter from Canada .. .. ,. S p e a k in g of t h is dem und. Dr. Hail T h e r e is now a dem and it every afternoon r.vtix spent in games. Ke- _ 1. _ the Grovers were unable to score a ketiitll team this sc. >n Scotty Is re visiting her. soiil tliat “adult e d u ia U o n 1 m s become c ity of any size for extension courses freshnients were served. _______ point, and at the same time, the Ti- playing ills third uud lust year. so I m p erativ e an urge in th e h e a r t s ot from the university, and th e se do a \r «j r> w , , . . gard hoopsters collected 10 points to n o n a n d women th a t 5 p e r cent of the w 1 great deal of good since they b rin g Hoyle Phillips is spending a few', Mrs. H. , P Myers , „ daughter leaves f lead . at , . half time 1<> to 8. grown-up p opulation of P o rtlan d ear u n iv e rs ity I n stru c tio n to m a n y who weeks with his sister. Mrs Theodo.e n tx t N,ondav for Canada. Forest Grove gave coach Fowler’s I ry on some form of o rg an ise d study would o th e rw ise lie denied it. Should Reddick, in Gold Beach, Oregon. »• n li in , the first few min- ! S e rv ic e Is W ante d Mrs. r L. tv I). m Blue is very ill. H er nien a , score , , th e u n iv e rsity be denied u request be­ • » , i t * ;il Utes of lhe third qiiirter, when they “T h e r e is not a city iu Oregon of ing m a d e of th e sta te legisla tu re for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. E dw ards and f au^ er wh° has beel‘ ,U came within two points of Being the more th a n ;tt )00 p opulation th a t does th no m ore citie s cun have classes is some improved. .... , son Leland of Beaverton and C. L. _____ score, l h e lige rs took time out not v.aut a u n iv e rsity extension close an d som e present c issie s may hav e to Lcedy and family were dinner guests •>il» h u n d red ad d itio n a l correspond Mr. C. L. C'hilson left last T ues- chan*c‘1 ,heir defense and proceeded; be discont Inin d. It is declared. of Mrs. B. G. Leedy S aturday even­ day for Los Angeles, C alifornia to to outscore “ >e Forest Grove quint j once study courses a r e needed to serve Tile c h a rt In low «hows g rap h ic ally ing. from then on. a d u lts In villages and rem ote com m un how sm all a m a rg in the un iv e rsity lias visit his father who is very ill in it ins.” In the last q uarter the T ig e i- for ac tiv itie s o th e r Ilian in s tru c tio n : a hospital there. W . S. Fix, of W oodburn, is now checked the Forest Grove team to T h e a p p r o p r ia tio n requested. Dr PKKi'iiN'l'AtiK OF UNtVliI.l l r \ • N. connected .with C. W. Noyes as one field goal. Hall said, will “enable us to meet a COMK OVKK AM> AIIOVK THU CU;-T Mrs. C. A. Boyer visited with her OI IN fit I (TION AND AVAlI.ARt.g salesmtui. He is planning 011 moving few of the most p r e ssin g deni s a t i s for Tigard (33) (19) Forest Grove SXJK KX IT: Ns ION, It i-::'.t: MU!!! sister, Mrs. L. D. Blue List week. to Tigard soon. e x pa nsion of tht extension division, Rankin (10) TAI. lMt’KOV KMKN'tS. KTC. (6) Finnigan and m a in ta in out existin g s i i v i c e un - ■ Litton (12) (3) Hines 1 • Mrs. Gladys Meyers, Mrs. J. H ’ARTY GIVEN IN HONOR A ttcrbury (9) Im paired Unless we can hav e tills 1 ■■ . S'JJ i-i-r .-ru t (4) Shearer j ——....... .— .’3.7 par ,-fiit a p p ro p r ia tio n t lie extension work Summers, Miss M argaret Summers OF" MR. AND MRS. ARNOLD Ariss Marcy 11*25 .... ........................« ...— as |>*r o'-nt tiius' lie e ith e r abandoned o r oiltet and Mrs. B, G. Leedy attended the . Grandy (2) 1 1 n t r n n l McGlassen 1S27 — ~ .™—................. ts 1 .*r rent tilings that we have reg a rd e d a*> the county federation of womens citibs | card party was given Monday H oar 1*2* 11 '■ p»r cent inight at the O. H. Butler home for ! I m d u c i b l e m in im u m for the opera at Hillsboro last Friday. Tliis declining margin of income (2) W hitcom b ¡Geo. N. A rnold a n d wife, of Chicago. Mon of tile university m ust be elim in available for public service and for Stanton ved ” Mrs. C. W einman, .w*io has been i “ rnier residents of Tigard. Fred addition to plant may be represented Dr Hall polnti <5 out that Oregon sick is improving. jNunnencanlp and Mrs. H. W. "Me- graph ically ns follows: - ' a t e Agricultural roll ge U able to _______ Donald won high scores at cards. PEfcOCNTAi:!. O» INC j MK OVUR OI NOTICE OF G U AR DI AN S SALE r a r r y on a very effective extension Felix Rosch is recovering from h i s 1 Those present w ere: Mr. mid Mrs ( 1 / 1:1 inch \ per ewt) OF REAL PROPERTY •ervice without It becoming a burden 1920 pf»vt’nt.'w recent illness. John Tigard, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rvullnblo, S2.8 ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ in the g enera' -Milage r>ind. because _______ Tigard, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McDon- 19L4 percent ;t .- 'e e 'v t s spe-la! appropri Mons fron ^ aid, Mr. and Mrs. D. Heiston, Mrs. I 1" , h ‘‘ b o u n ty Court of the S ta le of A vailable, 23.7 Leslie T o n tz has accepted a pos- 192.r> per.- i i.-tK<* -. ht fpderal govern m e n t and co utlnu Oregon for the County of W a s h -1 ava.IaLI ■ ‘JR.l> *■■■ iiion with the Portland branch ot E. Vincent, A rth u r Vincent, Mr. and ng a p p r o p r ia tio n s from th e s ta te gov '♦•■centaire Mrs. G. B. Davis, Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred tngton. the Federal reserve bank, ir n m e n t th a t total $i't ».000 a venr plut Nunnencamp, Mr. and Mrs. C. Christy In (he n ia tte r of the Guardianship i d d i t i o n t ! Mate g r a n ts for extetisior of the cstate of Jene Francis Klein Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rue left Tues and Mrs. Cook and daughter. ervlcs i’i y for an extended trip through and (icorge Nichols Klein, Minors. 1 alifornia in hopes of b e n e fitin g TIGARD HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Notice is hereby given that by vir- • health. H e has had trouble with ’ ' tue of an o rd e r decree and license of ss of his voice and will take treat- '.'.V,.V.W.W.,.,.,.,A,AVAVWiWiViV.,AV(VVi,A\SW1SV.,iVi At the Girls’ League meeting held the County Court of the State of lents. List Friday afternoon the following Oregon for W ashington County, made Mrs. A Borden returned from Can were elected to hold office for the and entered on the 2bth day of Jan- ■ la this week after attending the tiew sem ester: president, Patsy O ’-I uary, 1929, in the m a tte r of the J ■ literal of her parents who died N eil, vice-president, Mabel McDonald guardianship of the estate and per­ secretary, Helen O ’N e il; treasurer, son of Jene Francis Klein and G e o r g e ' ihin a ».veek o f one another. M a rga re t L itto n ; sargeant-at-arm s, Nichols Klein, minors. I will from "TO-DAY IS S chm eltzer; reporter, Alice | and after t h e 2nd day of March Mr. and Mrs. F rank Kimnucy, of M ary A. I). 1929, sell to the highest bidder, ewport, were in town this week. Johnson. YESTERDAY’S PLANS” for cash and credit in hand paid, i he Ladies Aid of the M. E. church Thursday morning of last week the subject to the confirmation of the j T h is is J o h n n y A nderson, leading e looking forw ard to their next fuur ckisses m et to discuss plans of t o u n t y Court for W ashington County — pu t in io a ctio n college s w im m e r in the n o rth w e st, who meeting F ebruary 12 when they will raising sufficient funds to have their Oregon, at my present place of busi- will head th e U niversity of O o g o n ■ w e a pot luck supper and each; lass pictures in the “Ti-U .” ness at Beaverton, W ashington county 1 te a t h a t will invade C a lifornia next tell how she earned a dollar. j Oregon, to-w it: T he T hyng C011-1 m o n th for dual m eets w ith Stanford. The Dramatic Club play, “Smile, feclionery Store, all of the right, C a lifo rn ia, S o u th e r n C a lifo rn ia and cm Rlakney led the Mazaintis Rodney, Smile,” which was presented title and interest of said minors In U. U. L. A. J o h n n y I hi IU h several Fa — th a t bank a cco u n t yo , !m day ‘¡>n trum p from Bridal before a large audience in the high an<1 10 the following described real eific Coast conference records. sta r t to-c!ay is th e h elf j '1 * s over Angels Rest doyen chool auditorium last Friday even- I property, situated in W ashington fu l w o r k in g pian o f a c tio a tg way to W aukeena Falls. Ar- j,,^, drew much favorable comment, i ^ onnty, Oregon, to-w it: Old Oregon, the a lu m n i m a gaz ine of •Imr \ tncent accompanied them. The The proceeds totaled about $150 to m o rr o v Beginning at the southwest c o r ­ th e U n iv e rsity of O regon, is ra n k e d now was deep and it was a stre n ­ uous trip. ner of lot No. fifty-five (55) ofl am o n g th e best alu m n i m a g az in es in T he boys basketball team played Steel’s Addition to BeUverton, W a sh ­ th e co untry. T h is m a g az in e h a s an — — Forest Grove Tuesday night. T he next ington County, Oregon, according uveruge circulation of Gititi) copies. 1 . L. L hi Ison received word of the game will be played Saturday night to the recorded plat thereof oil file j 'erious iHness of his father and left at St Helens. — be a to -d a y e r F ifty m e m b e r s of tile faculty at the in b«»ok P and in book 1 of the 1 uesday evening for Los Angeles to at y o u r n t ig h b e r s bank records of plats of W ashington U niv ersity of O regon po s ?ss tlit* itigli visit him. Miss Maybach has organized a new- d e g re e of d o cto r of philosophy, nnd a County, O re gon; thence running art class which will study the prin- one hundred fifty-five feet n o rth ; I large m e a s u r e of a d v a n c e d work is Mrs. Bissett is in St. Vincent hos- 'ciples of design, jesso work, block thence east seventy feet to a point; boasted by th e e n tir e s ta ff in general. pital this week. Drs. Thutchcr, o f I '¡ting, tie-and-dyed and batik w ork thence south one hundred fifty-five Multnomah and Dr. M atthew s o* » *etal a rts, and leather tooling. G r e a t e r and g r e a te r Im portunée Is feet to a p o in t; thencc west sev­ P ortland are a ttending her. _____ A good bank in a good tow n in the enty feet to a point, the place o f ! being a t ta c h e d to g r a d u a te work at the U n iv e rsity of O regon, and this G arden Sp o t of O regon. beginning, said property being loe-l . . , „ , _ JL , , ALL S T U D E N T S PASS Little Hazel F.ngdhl cut her fore STATE E XAMI NAT I ONS ated nttir Beaverton, W ashington yeur a la rg e r numb.-r th a n ev e r a r e se ek in g th e high d e g r e e of doctor of head when she fell on the ice Sat- _______ County, Oregon. itt-thll Mill “ urday and Dr. Bissett had to take , l o r r M W I I N R S S MY hand and signatun philosophy. An unusual record was made by several stitches. the students of the Tigard Public ' this 28th Hay of January, 1929 Mail se rv ic e for th e U niversity ol G EORGE THYNG. School in the recent state exanuna- MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM O regon a d m in is tra tio n an d te a c h in g j Guardian of the E state rind Person j W hen Mrs. PeUrl Brown slipped tions. Every one passed, there not s ta ff is ban d ied by a U n iv ersity post- of Jene Francis Klein and office. winch is p riv a te ly m a in ta in ed £ on a rup and fell T hursday she cut being a single failure in the 6th, 7th — w h ere ser v ic e b len d s in to George Nichols Klein, Minors. a deep gash in her forehead over or bth grades. Almost every one >n on th e cam pus. A lost an d found de­ the right eye. Dr. Bissett had to the 8th grade n t d e an average of ALLEN & ROBF.RTS, h elp fu l c o -o p e r a tio n p a r tm e n t is also m a in ta in e d a t the J take stitches to close the cut. b etter than 90. Attorneys for Guardian ■ postoffice. l-* .W A V A M A V A * A F A >A W A V A V M aA W > W W d W V W A TIGARD. FC 3 SIATE SERVICE ITiCE AID Fdn WGfiK \ " l- U . of (). M erman ai cahia oj M In \ Ì \ i 1 BANK OF BEAVERTON I * DAD AND 1 By Stafford - DicV and I Ere gomg to tòke photos of liens. < N * * better rot nrtove " ~ .In the Pvpning th e lior\ winourvces K is c o m in g o u t to seek Kis preg m Ml j, i v " ' . - . • - > Z - ; \ i bg giving thunderous r o ts The kounirqj kgapnb grouts dumb; the leopard ceases Ks growling i Jhe monkegs fig terror-stricken into the highest branches fori*f«tg % J B < I > -V .- C - Í ( ¿ H * • * I e> tke camels MÆ > well Sam. did you move t^u/hen the lion roared ? f No Boss. Ibuhm' L > sto m A ch di d“ s i r Sf ' crazy w ith f e K r . seek safety in flight M ‘c ■ A . , / - Vi •« m.— ChisS/tftucd