The International Federation of University Women has just launched the campaign, decided upon at its Washington meeting over a year ago, to raise a niillion-dollar fellowship fund. Many opportunities for advance study are offered to men but the number available for women is very limited. The need for fellowships has been shown in the experience of the Oregon division of the organization which has recently awarded its first fellowship to Mis* Laura Garnjobst of Salem for some important work in biological research. The commit­ tee on the award received twelve ap­ plications from Oregon women for this fellowship and nearly all the can­ W. E. Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas had as •heir guests on Sunday Mrs. W. H. VVeichlan, Waville and Bobby Weich- lan, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, all of Portland and Mrs. George Jack and family ' of Beaverton. William Meinel of Grass \ alley, Oregon is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meinel Mr. and Mrs. Verl Salee and family ipent Sunday visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood. Mr. A. Meinel and family and Miss Edith Leopold spent Saturday in Portland. WE SERVE REGARDLESS OREGON OFTHE TIME DAY OR NIGHT I R. E. Hanna, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cary spent £ • x -x -x -x v-x~x--x~X”X"X"X~>*x Lunch R oom , Candy, C onfectionery, S oft Drinks F. A. Noyes W a itin g Station fo r P acific Stages Montag Circulator 2 Sizes, Wood or Coal Beaverton 3303 LUMBER Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young had las their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Baker and family and Mrs. Cartwright of Portland. •x..x-:**X ’*-x -*< ~ X ”X ~ :.* x -< -* * < ":~ x ~ X "X "X -x x "X ”X -x ~ :-x ~ X "X "X "X t :• PRICES ’ r ,1, i! W. J. McCready Lumber Co. f Phone 4603 D. P E C K , Sales A gt., Phone 5603 B E A V E R T O N , O R EG O N Mis, Crete Gray retu J from Long Beach Cal l Fri* spent her vacation wuh g * Mrs. Olga Ferguson. * ,Mi** 'Elenora Haule„beck several day, this week grand-parents, Mr. anJ Mr, beck. Ty J Plan Your T rip Here .—plan leisurely with your own S ou th ern Pacific agen t* Worn en Wanted! I f X ? A void the hurried choice o f our-of- town buying. Start on your trip confi­ dent that you are goin g the best way, and that no an noying complications will mar it. W h ether it is a trip o f a day or a month, South or East, to San Francisco Ray-Maling Cannery, Hillsboro, wants ad­ ; ,/ A W V V W W J ,J W A I W W V A S V .V A % V .W / / A S W A % S ,A S ,A or to Europe, your resident agent can ditional women at once to work on Pears. IN EVERY HOME —complete telephone service is a convenience to ^ j every member of the family. Properly placed j -■ extension telephones saves tiring steps for the ? housewife. Son or daughter, sister or brother, dad or mother-find them a year ’round comfort and satisfaction. And too, the telephone is an aid in emergen­ cies and a protection in danger. at be o f utmost value to you. t Comfortable working conditions and cafe­ teria In buying "tra v e l,” rem em ber the reasonable prices in connection. slogan o f your local merchants," It pays to buy in your own home town.” For your accommodation Hillsboro bus will i leave Thyngs confectionery store, Beaver­ ton, at 6:15 a. m. daily, returning after S o u t h e r n P a c ific work. \ Fare 20 cents round trip. • x - :- x ~ x *'X -:~ w ^ > x ~ x - x - x ** x ~:~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~X mx ~:.. x - x - x >,>.>.>, x ~:* x-> C. E. ALLEN, Agen» West Coast Telephone Company F O U N T A IN PENS / V ^ .% W .S % W .V A S V .W .S S * A S % W .V .V .% V .W .-.W .W .W .V .% —-— -------- $1.50 and up & $ m w m tr m m a f *x»*-x-< ~ x-vx"x*< i**x":~ x- •>•:•<- Special While They Last ( The beautiful, efficient, automatic house heater you have been looking for. Only $8.13 down and $8.13 a month. P E R T m p $112 VECTO HEATER for $65 ( a Also 2 Used Heaters Reasonable BRroadway 7SII S*. DEW EY tk. PLUMBER Beaverton Rhone 7702 TK KiVà E / i î b .liar. - . . P O K T L Ä N D 20c Jeweler Estate Gas Heatrola’s BACïFiCÿ AGENTS R. E. Ilanna, W hitehall’s C onfectionery mm VER ■ . - : A /0£u) 0OV Fßve/OO - SiMCC NVCGT imc , Kirv i K A v ith I t SCCPT A U l t ó r i - dOC P tVtOiOC., m s s ÇU £ M 3eTK - • AhV PRAi. Î0HO »S TKV.S ClAiPx ? r> C A a r •rr r \ O ptom etrist of Sixth i nd Salmon I Dr. A. E. Wilson Special Sale QiJ 4 It U © h e s MAhJDsOc^te 0tuc- HtS FtAXO^eS A(?e so ( 2 .e<£OUM£. I I kii O k -. THEM BAYS ARE GONE FOREVER.! 0 «f- -7 6 fen I “ Last hriday aftermoo* » « .1 game was played. Beaverto. H Grant high freshmen The ^ H Beaverton 31, Grant U flT ' cJ day Beaverton ¡s i,iavi c* M at Beaverton at 3:00 p ,a Pt0 Çoing away? y y à. S \ 2x4’» to 2x l2’s— Per M . $10.00 3x3’*, 3x4’s and 4x6’»— Per M ...... ...................... 10.00 Cedar Shingles ....................................... ..............-.... 1*75 «’ Barn Sash, Each .................................................... .. *75 OUR RED T R U C K S D E L IV E R __________ F. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills enter­ tained about twenty friends on Sat­ urday night for their daughter and j son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C ecil Mor­ gan of California. The evening was j spent «with music and dancing. ■ v :- x ~ x - x - x ~ x ~ x - x -:- v - x ~ x ~ m *«> v | * Mr. and Mrs. B. Leonetti enter­ tained a large group of friends last Saturday night to surprise their son Louie, the occasion being his birth­ day. The evening was spent in dancing. Thene were abofrit sixty guests present. Mr. Ed Degell and family, who have lived in the neighborhood for the last five years, moved on Tues­ day to Mosier, Oregon. Mr. Degell will be superintendent on a large ranch there. WHITEHALL RESTAURANT BIG STO CKS SPECIAL BEAVERTON gion last week. Effort, , made to br„,g the mem, V « h* 200 by December 31 h‘( >p Mrs. Robert Cameron, Mrs. J. C. Miss Crete Gray left « Mr. and Mrs. C. Cumlin and fam­ Smith, Mrs. Margaret (»age and .Miss Francis Livermore of Beaverton " ' Un'^)r ily of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Jean Smith spent Saturday in Port­ was elected vice-commander of the Eugene where she vv ‘• I attend U." Hillsboro Post of the American Le- O. this year land. Tom Miller on Sunday. PEGG MORTICIAN BEAVERTON, Mr. and Mrs,. B. L. Griffitts had Sunday with their patents, Mr. and as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. T. A. Cary. A, Kvinke and son Ellvvyn of Port­ Mr. and Mrs. S Lewis entertained land, . and Mr. Reusser of Cooper with a birthday paity on Sunday Mountain. afternoon for their daughter \ mme. Miss Florence Reusser, who is a The afternoon was pleasantly spent and a lovely luncheon was served. nurse at the Emmanuel hospital, The guests included Mrs. Tom Miller, and Mr. Gertrude Foster o f Port­ VVirginia, Margaret, Ruth and Jean land spent the «week end at the Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doughty Reusser home. and Samuel Doughty. A1 and Joe Rigert returned to their home on Saturday from Hood Mr. Geo. Iinlay and Oscar Hagg of Reedville spent Friday at the River, where they have been picking j apples. Joe Rigert was the champion state fair at Salem. picker, averaging 2U0 boxes of apples a day. Mrs, D. Matherell entertained Mrs. Charlie Barron and family at dinner on Sunday. HAZELDALE didates had done graduate work with distinct promise for the future, ibe fund sponsored by the International Federation «would offer greatly in­ creased opportunities for women of this type. The International Federation in­ cludes about seventeen nations in its membership and it hopes by means of these international fcllowhips not only to further greater educational and research advantages for women but also to promote a better under­ standing and more cordial relations between women of the different coun­ tries and so to forward international peace.