r THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE < ---------- f l l G H W Ä Y ^ C O N D I T I O N S _____> Lodge Directory H. H. J E F F R I E S , Publisher Member National Association Association Editorial Oregon and BEAVER State Dtkum budding- 1‘hone LODGE Editorial No. 1M. A F R A . M. , Meet* f . n t and third Thursdays oi v each month by order of !.. >nen . \j I B. Katnberger, A L L MAIN R O A D S IN O REG O N , «Mitri Mult* W A SH IN G T O N AND C A L IF O R N IA r __ f t - . - Cn « r t | * of M iU rt W»»kii|toe cosiwty ■ ■aadi county. are in good condition and are carry • — I.,*.«.-.» tn H ie I h boyd- *ec‘ together on a common meeting ground for the good of «ha«« ‘county line In California, , ______________________ the whole. At Boulder Creek there is a sharp W . 'A m Y . V . V A V V . V . V . V . S A Chamber of Commerce cannot be compared with:«™ whcrc a brid^ »bein gin stalled , CORDWOOD any other civic organization because its purposes art dit motoriats should use great caution ini ferent. Since everybody can get into a C hamber of Com- approaching the curve. North of' FO R S A L E merce, there is no excuse for anyone standing on the side- Boulder creek there are four larger ctiin m _____ cliM v iile o* engaged um rL in onnia„ touring. California You may . ,. ri, i . w „n .. functioning , .• • /-I_____i____ r. s Com r v „ . « -«° . KO by by ei,hc, either r ,he the R^ood R II ^ " Chamber of or Pacific SUverlea{ can,Pi meets the first S at- $ well organized anti well luncuonmg t-iiamuci OI highway and return by the alternative . T- , Tll. . . f merce is its democratic form of organization and its open roU|f This scenic route is in fair ^ ^ U 1 m e m b ersh ip . condition throughout. T h e only in- _____ ;________________________________ S 1 . • « • •. * convenence is experienced between •> Everybody who has the interest of his cominuni > at the Kiaitia,h r iver and the town of Beavsrtou i o o F No 25> heart and is willing to pay the small membership tee may Orick. This piece of road will be B)eetg every lNion(tkV night a. then heroine a Working unit in the Chamber of Commerce. T h e ! f o u n d somewhat dusty and during hal, in Beaverton N. G. J. F. God . . . v p mav seek exnression ^ ° rkmK h ( W * lt ,S operaU‘d under ard; sec’ty M. E Underhill, individual notions that citizens h nave may seex p the following control system: Auto- _ ___ , and become the program of the entire community. Selfish mobiles are permitted over the road Beaverton Rcbekah Lodge No. 24* | interests are, or should be forgotten when the welfare o f -fronti both ends a. 8:45 a m„ 11:15 a m eet. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each V . # rpi ^ * r / v n s m o r i . o nL 12:15 p in. and 2 45 p. in. Thu month. Mrs. Albert Erickson, N. u , the community is at stake. 1 he Chamber of C ommerce roa(| however is open a„ night from Lena Godard, secretary. § . W aiting Station for Pacific Stage* >CLrc **r> 0/91__________ lines and saying “Let then, go ahead ami do it, I don’t Lunch Room, Candy, Confectionery, Soft Drinks las. Ore., itemizer observer -------- Ex-Governor Fierce announce* that he will make a vigorous campaign foi In 1845 England passed a law to preserve the hiuh Al Sm,,h aml also ior a ,fi*1 in con' wavs for horse-drawn vehicles, in effect keening self-nro *r*M ,or h“n,e1!f' biu T ' a,i "M peilcu Pennies t>ti all public roads; thereby causing (he tempt will hoodoo the other and the discouragement of manufacture of such vehicles for fo rty l,wo combmfd arc a combination ( Years. which even the ntoit vigorous cam­ paign cannot put over.—Hillsboro lit-, The automobile industry in 1927 used 14% of the iron and steel produced in the United S t i t t * « - Gt** »L.. . . . . . , , . . 1110 * l a l e S ‘ 01 th ‘ ■ K ^ r ot the leather upholstery; 82 per cent of the rubber consumed; cent of me the hardw ood lum­ him- ■................ - ....... • 13 per i1'-* a s .m ui naruwooti ber; 26 percent of the aluminum; 11.6 percent of the cop­ per; 22 percent . . . of the tin ; 16.7 . percent ------- of - - . the . . . . . lead; . . . . . . . 3.4 .., perient of the zme, and 29 percent of the nickel, besides cloth, paints, varnish, hair and padding and other r a w materials. ‘ K ° ‘ ncr raw dcFfn‘,cm » As one travels on the arterial high ways of thr state, he notice* an un-l un,ally ,arKf ,u,"'h er of cars bearing ,N OUR OWN C,TY To find a real spirit of public s e r - 1 vtce it is not necessary to go to high places. The tame motives which _______________ t ~ of; — ■ ■ - rhe only figure surprisingly low in the above table is that of the amount of tin used. | The cute ,,ron’,’, r^hhc work among the most the nation hold for prominent of those who labor in our city | F.very week different groups assent- -------— ‘T always prosecute in the name of lustice ” nen vntl >ou are turning tE- the ,i:.| dial for ... music and , you l,,bir ject of *rouP com unity with adv ancemrnt get to a station where the fellow is saving something that has no sense to it, you’ll know it’s a speech and not the Yr et prophets are not without h-nor announcer talking. k v .............! 6 f 5 ^ S S S iJV * 6 9 5 u Lu tr**1 * 7 1 5 r* Removal of War Tax Lowers Delivered Price* 1 Rr',wi* "* musicians assemble prac,,f‘‘ f"r 595 T iV '"“’» Lner When a fire alarm rings the re- »p»Hi»e to this emergency is made by • Iftoup of volunteer firemen Once I he first thousand dollars may h« the hardest to get,.* U J Tcurtm »J.QC * S rr — Oregon Mevt.anvilte N«.vs-Reporter —come take a ride in th e Bigger and Better Chev rolet A sm ooth, quiet m otor that sweep« you along at igh speed for h o u r after hou r— in perfect com fort! A cceleration that shexsts you ahead at th e traffic lin e! Pow er that conqu ers th e steepest h ills! T h e positive tv lbc un'on- and ,b I I here s no money in stockings any more. things have turned into a roll of their own t ^ coach licenses of other states They are here from Vermont, Texas, (.oloraik). Iowa. New York, nearly every state * n,oy ' h i '»"proved highway, m \ .r r#->\ s ^ jjjt Q U A L I T Y co u n try —Forest AT I o L O W c o s t