^ a % 'A W . v . v . v . w .*; Professional Cards :j hardw are 8 a:a a.« ft* » s a .a n s Plumbing and Heating < F. W. BISHOP Plw..* 21*03 B e av e rto n , a a a * „ M c A l e a r h a re a s « peters A ttorney*-at-L aw •: à Upstairs. O r. .• Shiite Savings Bank Hillsboro, Oregon. Bldg CHURCH OF C H R IS T g 45 a tn —Bible school 11 a in. - M o rn in g worship. P ni V ung People's meeting I>. m.—Evangelistic service .1 Lra.uk. Cunningham, minister. ¡^ S S S V A S W W .W .V .S V . CH U RCH OF T H E T H U S H T O N G U E . JR . A t to r n e y - a t - L e w —N otary Public Office, Commercial Building Hillsboro, Oregon. s. SORENSEN VETERINARY s u r g e o n Beaverton, Oregon. I p|,0,ies: Office Beaverton 0549 harm Residence, Hillsboro 3K25 BEAVER Celle« tion»—All at Meets first and third Thursdays of each month by order of E W Woodruff. W . M„ W H Boyd, sec) law kind*— I n s u ra n c e The Beauty Box F in g e r W a v in g M a rceli ing S h a m p o o in g All kinds of beauty work. Finger W aving E xpe rt Will Be Here Every T hursday. W. I. NOYES :j P L U M B IN G a n d H E A T I N G \ Always on the job Phone Tigard 552 or Beaverton ,■ 03-33 ;! B eaverton, O re g o n », V V A % V .V .V W b V A V .V .V .V .V . S U P P L I E S t Ever R ead y F la s h lig h t C o m p le te , $1.50 V’X*V'X-V v v v v v X f $ ‘I'V V *;*-,'*:* V V V 'X ' MAPES & SON i Billiard Parlors !■ Cigars Tobaccos Confections Soft Drinks !; *P I; •r-x -i-’i - x - x - r - i - x - x - x - BETHEL Beaverton Finance Co. Have From $1000 to To Loan On First Class Security or F irst M ortgage See Us First Optometrist Fine Repairing and Optical W ork a Specialty. HITEON. 1 Miss Viola Hansen uestiav in Monmouth. spent BANK OF BEAVERTON A g oo d b a n k in a goad t o w n in t b a G arden Hiteon farmers are threshing clo ¡ver seed. TH% , Hiteon Progressive Club is finishing plans for the com ing bazaar to be held O ctober 2*» Here is a chance to escape making Christmas presents Just buy some at the bazaar. Spat of Orogon Resources over HALF MILLION DOLLARS 4 per cent on Savings CONGREGATIONAL T he “500" party giveti by the Hit- eon Progressive Club was well a t ­ tended Saturday evening. Those who did not play "500" enjoyed games Sunday school at 9 :45 a in. of Flinch amt Pit. Among those attending w ere; Mrs. "Herman Met- ^fornitig worship at II a. nt. Mr. and Mts. Charles) Junior and Intermediate Christian zentine, Struthers, Mr. a n d .M rs. Ernest Hite.i Endeavor b:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Christensen,) Evening worship, 7 :45 p in. Mrs. Elizabeth McGowan, Mr. and. Mrs. Oscar Sclatider, Mr ami M r s .1 Geo. N. Taylor, pastor. Charles Van Kleek, Mrs. George! Anderson, Mr. and Mrs William Campbell, Mrs Lena Olson, the 1 Misses Lucille Hite, Effie Van Kleek,, M. E. C H U R C H Ethel North, Florence Selander and i Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Hazel Olson, and the Messrs. Henry Public worship, 11 a nt. Mctzentine, Carl and Vincent Olson.! Robert C ampbell, Ernest Hite J r , Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. Robert and Richard Selander, and Evening worship at 7 :30 p. m. F.dwin Hansen. A cordial invitation is extended to you to come and join us in these Mrs. Herman Metzentine returiml seasons of worship and a warm wel­ Wednesday after a far# days spent come awaits you with relatives and friends in Eastern j Oregon. In company with her W. Edwin Ingalls, pastor. brother, John Schmltezen, and son and daughter of Mountain Home, I she left Saturday afternoon. Satur­ day evening was spent with relatives,, ST. C E C IL IA CH U RCH . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E’lctcher of Rev J. M O ’Niell, pastor Duke’s Valley near Hood River Sun­ Sunday masses, 7.45 and 10 a m. day afternoon tsev visited with friends, Mr and Mrs. Caullers of W eek-day mass 8:3) a. in. Saturday confession», 4 :J0 and The Dalles Monday morning they stayed with Mr. Frank Schmeltzm 7 :3l) p. III. o f i I 1 — it i\h ^ r Z ecm om ttai Trmntportation Mrs. Herman Metzentitie called at the Willett home Sunday evening. \ Save Money—Buy ‘‘Family Books ",d* .•» •• «•“ • IT»*»« — ■AW.SV,W.V.W.V.V.%S%VrtVAV.%V.SVAV.V**rtV.%%Vrt%S W rd- y A \ , .V .v ^ A *> W W V W i>. A V > W A W > w .» .^ v .« .v .* .s « .V .V .W .W * V « V » , ^ V A A A rtA A A A A A A A ^ V »V »V A The Hiteon Sunday School will h l>l Rally I »ay Sunday, October •*. The kinton Sunday School has been invited to participate. There will be a program, church services, and a tbasket lunch at noon. Everyone rc- i member the date and come, bring i vour basket and enjoy the day w nh us. Beaverton Kebekah Lodge No. 248 Mrs. Anna Sieges has sold her j meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each home to the Knapp ETorists, o f , month Mrs. W alter ifarris, N. G., Portland. She is now making h e r | home with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Mrs. Cinden Meyers, Secretary. Newman, of Portland. Church and Sunday School. W atson, St. DR. A. E. WILSON R. gger rV L ashm utt of Spokane \ j r an,| \ j rs y has. W heeler and has been visiting with hi» cousins, daughiei Adrienne spent the week Mr. and Mrs. H. Povev. end in Tacoma and Seattle I ■.W A V.W AVA VAW .W .VA Cady Bldg. The I»ve family and Abbott faintly have moved to Portland _ _ _ W arren Eorsyihe has been having a rather serious lime at the Emanuel hospital having had an operation for abccsses Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell and Time Deposits Beaver Grange, No 324, meets the and son were guests at the Struthers N O TICE home Thursday evening second Saturday of each month B. C Tht Hiteon Progressive * lub will Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Denny, master, Mrs. Ruby Boyd, sec­ hold a progressive dinner Saturday Miss Dorthea Struthers spent the retary. week-end with Miss Helen Bu of Evening, October 1, from b to 8 p. Travelers Checks and Foreign Drafts in., beginning at the home of Mrs. Portland. Lena Olson This will ht followed I by a talk given by Mrs. Eretl Mr Magnus Grandfassen, of V a n ­ (irover, of Scholls. They are chaig Beaverton city council meets first couver, Wash., spent the week-end : ing $.35 a plate for the dinner. T he Monday of each month. with his sister, Mrs. Oscar Selander. I talk by Mrs. Grover will be free I for those buying tickets for the dinner. T he Mess’rs. Peter Olson, James Beaverton Chamber of Commerce Ditching, Carl Hansen, and Connie H IL L S D A L E meets second Tuesday in each month. W est took a trip to Southern O r e ­ gon bn a deer hunt Mrs. William Ostrand, of Wald port, motored up and is visiting her Miss Margaret Hansen has been sister Mrs. Eva Pointer Modern W oodman of American, a week-end guest at the home of Silverleaf camp, meets the first Sat­ her grandmother, Mrs. Carrie OFFICERS Tse Hillsdale Parent T \a c h e rs a n urday and third Tuesday of the Hansen having a “Food Sale” at J. t Nel­ month. F W. LIVERMORE, Pres. L. H. EVANS, Asst Cashjer son’s Grocery Store on Saturday, October 1. B. K. DENNY, V-Pres. K. L. DESINGER, Asst Cashier Mr Carl Olson went on a fishing trip Sunday. DOY G.iAY, Cashier F. W. LIVERMORE, Jr., Asst. Mrs K. C. Thompson motored to Pendleton with a party of friends. Beaverton I. O. O. F. No. 252 Mr. They spent two days at the Round­ meets every Monday night at their »pent up hall in Beaverton Albert H. Eric- j A. are going The Hillsdale P son, N. G., Ted Wheeler, Secretary sons Mr. and Mrs. Steringer card parties. the to continue with have moved to Portland AAW AW W AV.,AW/.VAV.*AWlSVA%VVVWWWVVWrtV% winter. ■ ■ .V .'.V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .', BEAVERTON PHARMACY til relatives from Portland Sunday The Hiteon Progressive Club met Mr. and Mrs W W Burns, of Mr. and Mrs. H. Andrews have Wednesday at the home of Mrs Mora, l i r e , have been vi>"ing with ¡moved into tseir new home near the O scar Selandc! . The afternoon was spem tying a, comforter A business M r s Burn’s mother. Mr» Plummer [Green berg road meeting was held at which plans ivi discussed for I’utifre meetings Sunday the 18. Dr »■ 1 Tufts METZGER. and the coming bazaar Following preached the last sermon before Itht meeting the ftostess serveil a leaving for the M E". Conference at deEcious lunch 1 he Metxger W om an’s Club will Salem hold a rummage sale in Portland, • — I Miss Pauline W est called at the Nov. 10th The exact address will be T he O 1» Martin family arc moy invited to attend these Meizcntinc home Monday evening announced next week iug to Portland for the winter but Mrs. birucsi Hite, Mrs. Lena plan to return to their home here iii ROY L NOLT. pastor Olson and Miss Evelyn Hite were M r. and Mrs Axel Kahili entertain the spring .Monday callers at the \ an k leck home. Miss Elizabeth Struther, Kenneth Struthers and Vincent Willoughby BEA V ER CH A PTER called at the- Leasie home Friday evening. No. 106. O. E. S Meets second and Ray Christensen attended a P o r t ­ fourth Wednesday of land theatre. Saturday evening. each month. Verna L. Huntley, W o rth y Matron Mr. Lester Davies visited Mr Jessie Pharis. Secretary. Ralph Anderson at the Good Sam ­ Card party and 500 the third aritan Hospital Friday and found him much improved. W ednesday—\ isitors welcome Beaverton, Oregon. SCHOOL All are serv ices. LODGE No. 100. A F. & A. M c , W. NOYES ATTORNEY Location Mrs Philip Lynch will entertain on Friday, September ¿3 Luncheon * m !I be served at twelve, and ..tie h. in betore cards will be devoted to study. “ l i v Harold lovev has reported the loss ot their police dog, answers to the name ol C ap Rew ard. 10 t** A M Sunday School, .1 1- Holden Sup’t. 11 tit) A. M Morning W orship SJt. k ft» » m a a ftJLi:.» « tvs jsjcb '.{ jusmj M ' (|P P- M- Young People’s Meeting ' <*** P M Evangelistic Service Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at Lodge Directory 7:30 P. M *S1«X* *>:■« a » * * # a x k * * E dith Watt* w ill s.ug spatial aouga at both services. "Licensed G raduate V eterinary dr . New N A ZA REN E. in.I children 18 miles easi of The Dalles, and Monday afternoon and evening they visited with Mr. and •vli' M ims S c h u u li/e i. ai tin I its Pine Rauch, 14 miles east of Culver, fltey left the Henry Schmelt/ei horn Tuesday morning and returned home by wav of the Me Ketizie Paess, Eugene and Corvallis reach­ ing the John Schweitzer home I'ues- da> evening They re|>ort having passed through a snow storm while going through lh«; McKenzie pa>» 'M s iv 5 if ' $595 c'X- . . . * 6 2 5 10 r i d e s to th e b o o k . ^ ‘^ . * 6 9 5 *7 I e r v . !**net I gnifu • • • I t ' V l - T r ^ »*v1 cT J l'T iL a »49* - - ---- au *>iiH(^k L u x u rio u s coaches. 1 • 1 The C O A C H ’525 F re q u e n t sch ed u les. i a -an outstanding feature of the most Amazing Quality in Chevrolet History 50% saving A n y o n e c a n use th e m . k \°~ Ne>Ì4*A 1 W « l* a ^ < lh a l.» •*i ha.JIlai ■ .J L e a rn for y o u rse lf th e th r ill o f C h e v ro le t p e rfo rm a n c e . C o m e i n — tak e th e w h e e l of \ o ti r fav o rite m o d e l a n d go w h e re v e r you like. D riv e th ro u g h th e c ro w d e d t r a d e of city streets— a n d n o te th e h a n d lin g ease. Step o n th e gas o n th e o p e n ro a d a n d e n jo y th e sw ift sw eep o f th e passing m iles. H e a d for th e steepest h ill you k n o w — a n d see h o w effortlessly th e C h e v ro le t m o to r w ill c a rry you up. *H ere is p e rfo rm a n c e you n e v e r th o u g h t possible ex cep t in c a rs of m u c h h ig h e r p rice— — p e rfo rm a n c e th a t o n ly C h e v ro le t p rovide« at p rices *o uu* p ressiv ely low! ; BERNARD & STIPE At Stipe’s Garage - Beaverton, Ore. PACIFIC STAGES P O I-U 7 ON SALE AT { W hitehall Restaurant Hatch Drug C °" P » n y 1n- rn1- c , Q U A L I T Y A T L O W C O S T ■q jfu s iü u r^ jj © - :