The ensilage outers are ai H( | in Hiteon. One silo ha» be en and we hope more will be Mr. and Mrs Lester I »avis went b> the • > Portland Friday to s**’ f *«r I lime this reaches you Ralph Anderson, cousin of Mrs The Messrs. Carl. Herbert, , nd P E A \ F T COOKIES Davies, who is seriously ill at -the Vincent Olson saw the Demp«*v. 1 cup flour, ks teapsoon salt. 2 Hood Samaritan Hospital Sharkey fight at the Heaver d,ru teaspoons bakin g pow der, 2 table- r»lrt Saturday night. spoons shortening. 1 egg. cup su Grandina Struthers is now at the gar. tu p milk. I teaspoon lemon ltome ,,f her son, Mr Charle Miss Gertrude Rirhter spcnt ^ juice. 1 cup c h o p p e d peanuts. | ; m l ,|,er*. »he is much improved in week end at her he m e in Portland Sift dry ingredients togeth er. Add ^ H 1TE O N . M ETZG EK . T he (heir r e c ip e s Metzger W o m a n '» Club hell first uieetiug alter the su:.i mer vacation at the club house Weu neaduy. S ep tem b er 7. A lte r a pot-lu ck lunch at noon 1 a business m eeting was held, th president, Mrs. Scott Shlerk. prest* iag. T h e clu b voted to hold a rum r.iuge sale in P ortlan d som e lim e i. ■ shortening which has been melted, to j beaten egg A dd milk and lemon The Misses Dorothea Mrs Herman Metzentine left Sat­ ictober, tile e>acl date to he decide, juice and mix well aud d ro p by small Dorothy Peterson, Florence urday for Eastern Oregon where later. Mrs. Clara Smith uud Mr spoonful» on greased pun. and Genevieve Peterson --he will' spend a fc*V days with her Ada Brackett will act as jo i n t chuii Kenneth struthers are now brother, Mr. Frank Schmeltzer. SAItIHNK SAM»\VI< HI S men. Strother Selan,|f, and \( attendin' Beaverton High School Rem ove akin and bon e» from sur- Mrs. Willoughby and sons Vincent, iliuea aud w a s h to a paste. Add to Mr. and Mrs. F.rnexi Hile Dean, and Maurice, and Mrs. li­ n equul quantity o f y o lk s o f liurd- tended a sale Monday at the ce n ily with W I. Collins and family I boiled egg» ru bbed th rou g h a seive Struthers and son Kenneth spent Haythorn farm of Laurel Mr. Barton and Mr. C ollins ar< Season with salt, ca y en ne uml a few Friday evening at the Beaver theatre drops o f lem on ju ic e . Moisten with cousins. Tvventv-one 'boy* and B*rU are olive oil or melted butter. Spread Mr and Mrs Wilbur Workman 1 -oixtiire betw een thin slices o f but frie n d s 1 now answering the roll at the Hit- Ksther Kiug left Saturday morn mil son were visiting Hiteon ichool. • lored broad. tug fo r Camus Valley, where she will Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Barton, fron T win Falls. Idaho, spent a week re RT R O S IT A . THE STORY CHAPTKH ! . — H u a tin a ry Crofton lu \r l> K iik llali g irl. 1» v la lt liia I •»« K ‘>\- tr n o r * puluoe In Ft-*. Murot'i'O. with fmr t n iii, T i i a r t .n A tiunclHoini- 1 1 «in b iiiau . Lie V ile » , 1 » a tim e ted t rantIon dealing «‘hiirfly w lih a m yitterloiia perm jiiugi k'.uw n only i> the K iild . In the a r r v lie of the »u llitn of Mnrut-rn, A lul ul Krlrn, l>e Vrli-H grow » lin p iirtu n n te In lu ­ ll »* rra k tn » and 1 « repulsed Next In u m ln g itoarrnury rid»» out e a rly In order to forget her d isq uiet, and hei home throw » her, rendutlng Iter un oonaclou» C H A W K k I I — A l i t t l e p n r t y or I t in t r l h e a m e n c o m e » u p o n her u n d , u n ­ w i l l i n g to a b a n d o n h e r t h e r e , t a k e » her w l'h th e c a r a v a n through the f a m o u s pi.»» I., h in d w h i c h A lo l el K i l m a n d h ia g a lla n t m en H i e h id in g Here I m ein ary m eet» the IC n g lla h n ia n a o o u t w h o m » h e h a » h e a r d »0 m u c h — the g e n i u s b e h i n d the w h o l e Itlff c » m - pi m i — t h e K a l d , a » u n h u m e d , w a r - a h ao rh e d so ld ie r. F o r throe ftnsernnrv follow ed the A u s tra lia n 's counsel. SI10 stayed Indoor», roinl n niotlov co lle ctio n ol o ld paper» w hich Pete produced for her. und mended the rem nant* o f tier stocking*. Z a rlfn eonatlluted h e rs e lf w atch doc nnd c a rrie d her m istre ss’ excuse» to M itrtengo, hut the S p a n ia rd w hs per fdstent. lie him ): about the path w hich w as the sole m ean» of egress from the guest house, u n til tils un u sual p atience w as rew arded Hose nm ry. Im p atien t o f s o lita ry confine inont. broke hounds to go for a w alk W ith n long boyish strid e, she sw im :: a w ay from the v illa g e , up tow ard the p ass M art eng« let her go tut I f a m ile before he caught her up. "H ow d e lig h tfu l ”* he greeted tier too w ise 10 m ake a n y com m ent on her seclu sio n " S la y I w alk w ith y o u ? I have to croys the sh o u ld e r -" he ges f u n d tip to the cra g above them. R o se m a ry d id not know how to re fuse, d id not pten know that she want ed to T o tHlk w ith an yb o d y w ould be a re lie f. “ Are yon fa lr lv co m fo rta b le at the guest house?" inquired M arien g o , and was c a re fu l to keep the auhs.-q ucnl co n versatio n on so even n husls that before they were h a lf wav up tin* siope R o sem ary w as responding noi only n a t u r a lly hut w ith a n im atio n and at last reassu red hy tils detach meat, she exp lained how she cam e to the itirr. Am usem ent and sym p a th y, both fin ¡icrsonitl. were obvious In her com nanlo n's face. “B ut. I don’t under »ta n d ! You were only two d a y s ’ jo u r ue.v from Fes S u re ly som e of tin t’erga men could have taken you buck." Itosem arv e x p la in e d fu rl her. "Y n n i K a ld Im agined I should g ive a w ay tin liana." " l> lo s l" exclaim ed the S p a n ia rd b itte rly, " lie doc* not know women T h e g irl was a lilt I*» touched. 11 little d is tru s tfu l. "W h at w ould you have d o n e ?" »lie asked u n sm ilin g "Sent you hack, as n ear F e s 11« I dared. O ne lia s no rig id to mix women up In th is sort of a ffa ir." R o sem ary stu d ied h im s p e c u la tiv e ly A project w as »Im ping In tier lira tli, lllu -lv e as yet M arien g o ap|s*nred uitco iiaeloiia of her g a /e "W o u ld he tielp m e?" *| m - c 11I11 led Itosem ary and was not »0 w ide In tier (udgment ii > 1 « d ls c s rtl the suggestion of money So, for n week of constant m eetings these two p laced at cro ss p iir|s i» e s T h e g ir l p lanned escwiie w ondered It tile rh o acii I imi I Would prove re lia b le w ondered s t ill more how to liro ncti (tie su b je ct. T h e man purposed m aking h im s e lf Ind lsfie nsiiM e and la ic r re ta il citin g R osem nry to tier ieii>|H>riiry fate O ne day they sat on a rock above the v illa g e and the g irl rolled |M>tihle» Into a m in ia tu re a v a la n ch e "I d lik e to blot out the whole tilla g e ," »lie FORBES "I Hate the Place." There Wae Such Paieloo in the Curt Word» That the Man Started. said. "I hate the place." There was such passion In the curt words that the man started. " I t ’s a poor sort of setting for you* "Jr’s not that. Hut I’ve nothing to d o ! I’ m a virtual prisoner, watched by Zarlfn and I’ele." She turned to him Impetuously. “ I shall go mad It I can’t e s c a p e !" .Mariengo gave her one glance be tween narrowed lids. “ There are many wavs of e s c a p e ’ ’’ fie suld. wlillr that specialized bruin of bis eonsld ered. discarded, und readjusted “ But no one to tielp me to takt !h«*lo," venfp.’ed the girl Her henri thumped III her throat. She laid 001 ' meant to reveal her purpose »0 brusquely. Her hands cl uiehed ut her sides. She held herself iuimoblle. und felt the blood rising to her throat, ti her forehead. Well. It was done now ’ How would he take It? The silence was prolonged. Marten go, who saw his way clear In a sec ond, wished her to think lie was re j Meeting. “ I will help you." lie said 1 at Inst In a grave, restrained voice. A sigh escaped from Itosemary ns her tension relaxed. “ Will you. really? Are you serious?” "I mean It," returned Murtengo “ I’ ve been considering It ever since you told me your story You shall gel j away just as soon us I can manage It.” , "H o w ? ” demanded It o s e m a r y. "H o w ? " Her breath came unevenly between parted, expectant lips. Martengn lowered his eves. He was not quite so sure o f himself ns usual. • "That'll have to be planned. Cun you get hold o f a native dress?" "Oh. yes, easily. I’ m busy now mnfc lag a barracan Into a skirt. I didn't propose to »pend the rest o f my life In these." She (licked her worn rid Ing breeches expressively. The sun was sinking behind the hills. Itosemary pointed to the rim of light which barred the west. "Kvery night, when (hat disappears, I feel It's a door shut on my prison," she exclaimed and. for a moment, her face was (niggard. " W e ’ll open the door,” returned the < Spaniard. "I must think It o u t Come let’s go back." The girl sprang to her feet, whirled to face the sunset, tiling out tier arms I Impulsively. “ Thunk Ond I" she cried "Thunk flod I" The light was reflect ed on her as she turned, flushed nnd half ashamed, but still throbbing with elation. "You can't think what II means to me.” liartengn met tier gladness, realized her young unnwnreness. Kir a min ute he was on the heights He saw the possibility o f a great gesture of returning the girl to Fez amidst a gamut o f gratitude and appreciation saw hluiself h e ro ic- and. In the same second, thought o f a reward They went down the hill In silence, each ah sorbed In their own plan*. “ When can you arrange It?” urged Rosemary They were passing the man’s house, a mud structure wedged against the cliff “ Come In for a moment." suggested Martengn. “ and I’ll show you h map Pll have to take yon a long way round." There were several posts on the route you c o m e ” He opened his door, hut the girl hesitated “ Pete will he suspicions," she said "H e's sure to hear Bring the map to the guest house In a h.»ik " Juan accepted her subterfuge tun the Impulse that had flamed In him on the cliff was burned In thnt moment “ R ig h t " he said cynicism In his ,.yes velvet In Ms voice. “ We will star' plotting tomorrow." touch in the high school. St’O T t ’H FINGERS T w o cups rolled oats, Vfe teaspoon ST. CLARK' S PARISH alt. Vu cu p sugar. 3 te a sp oon s bak­ ing pow der, l/4 cu p m ilk , V» cup On S eptem ber 22, St. Clare's par molasses, 1 Mi tablespoon m elted but­ i.ih will hold a card party. ‘ ‘ 5 0 0 ’ ter. Grind rolled oa fs in the fo o d c h o p ­ and bridge will be played. Sacks ol per; mix with salt, b a k in g pow der sugar will be g iven as prizes fo r the and sugar. Stir in milk, molasses F lo u r board highest scores atid d o o r prize. R e ­ and butter. Mix well. with g rou nd rolled oats. R oll out freshm ents will be served, fo llo w e d in very thin sheet and cut Into uur- by d ancing. A piano and tw o saxa j row. ob lo n g strips. B ake 20 m in­ p h ones will furnish the music. utes in m od era te oven. St. C la re’s parish will hold Its an nual bazaar O cto b er W atch this paper nouncem ents. 21 fo r and 22. fu rth er an­ ■ ■ j . ' A b W A V . W . ' A f t A N W . V . V / A W A ’A W . W W i W W f t A W W A W W W W W W i W i W w Save Money-'-Buy “Family Books’ 5 0 % saving 10 rides to the book. Any one can use them. Frequent schedules. Luxurious coaches. H IL L S D A L E . T he op en in g day o f school b ro u g h t everul new sch ool. teacher. pupils to the Hillsdale Mrs. L eon a rd is the uew PACIFIC STAGES Mrs. H arold Povey and fam ily are home from T w in R ock , Oregon, Mrs. Adolph T euscher is at PACIFIC/ PO1—1-27 where they spent the su m m e r months. ON S A L E A T the G oo d Samaritan hospital w h ere she is to u d e rg o an operation. i Whitehall Restaurant Hatch Drug Company . V . V . W S W A V b W . V . V . V A V . N '. W y V . W J F redora Hall and her g ra n d m oth e r.! Mrs. Putzig h a v e returned h om e from a visit to Bellingham and S e­ attle, W n. T he Hillsdale, P. T. A. ga v e a pic nlc at the sch ool on Friday, the 2nd. A big c r o w d turned out and It was a huge success. EVERY READER Mr. Fred Hall was much surprised when Ills broth er John from San A nna, Calif., made him a visit on S e p tem b e r 2nd. of this paper has something that he, or she does not need. Friends of Mrs. a K rl N ord b erg will be pleased to learn o f her rapid re cover.« at tlu- Good Samaritan h os­ pital. w here she u nderw ent a serious op era tion. T h e Hillsdale Parent-T eachers are having their first regu lar m eeting on Friday 16th at the sch oo l house. SELL IT ! Mr. and Mrs. Chus. K n epper of In dianapolis, Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hull. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. T h om p son & Son are h om e from a trip to Y’ ellow- Stone National park. SOM E W OULD ACCEPT S O M E T H IN G NOW ELSE FOR WHAT THEY HAVE Mrs L. A. Mathiesen and children are h om e from Manhattan w here they spent the summer. Mrs. Clias T ln g ley has gon e east w here she will visit relatives. She expects to he gone fo r som e time. T he Hillsdale trou pe o f Boy Scouts have resu m ed their m eeting after vi i iiiih ( T a Bt t outiuu« I Nasi W««l Give the news to your home paper Sister M acoria, form erly Miss M a­ il» Borsch o f M aplew ood, visited Portland and her parents o f this par­ ish. She is now o f New Y o rk . When she returned to New York she was acco m p a n ie d by Miss Cecelia Mur thaller who will en ter the novitiate there. disban din g for tbe summer. » » till i t i n n i i n i ' »''Ut dnwu thè palli Martengo si in lite dnorway, Usiking after ber Ma eyos, wlde opeu nmv, «vere 11 » tal as thè goal 11 re nidi whlrh crusbed thè thlng he imaglued in botti. Next utornlng hrought Westwyr Tclehdl Ulding lido thè vlllage ul he disia.uilited ut thè heudnmn’s d tedierei! bis borse, and Interrui Meliciddit■'» medi!alluna. “ By Allah you are w e lco m e!" c thè old wurrlor. offerlng a sliure of U 111 L "Whut ueu s frolli die snudi; "Tldngs «re golng fulrl.v «veli 011 1 fr>«it The Uerga tribes are Invai thè Ahmas (referrlng to die wesi Uniti of ili« «vai conci I» trai Imi auf fnr France to crack." Thcy dia« usaed die sltuatlon en SpaiiKli front. T h e generai Is overbold." sali) h cadili a n. dntwlng a uaip iu thè ». " I f he pusties hts uuipost.» aerosa l ri ver. we can cut them o(T." Mesiwyti leiiued for«rard to Inni thè tra. Ing “ The dam Is In thè hi •xplalned tba Kilt. T U two in ty es met “ Hy gutal Miss Lillie Cook is attending the Nlr and Mrs Charles Van Kleeh called at the Will Hanson home of Girls Polytechnic School of Portland Scholls Thursday evening. NOTICE—The Hiteon Progressive Miss Gertrude Richter, teacher of l lub will hold a “ 5RÜ” party at the Ihe Hiteon School, is staying at the McDonald Hall of Tigardville, Sat­ urday evening Sept. 17. All invited. \ an Kleek home. Mrs Ernest Sw ayze gave a lu n ch ­ eon on Thursday 8th, h onorin g Mrs R o s c o e Swayze. SWAP IT ! A Little W ant A d Will Do The W ork. Go»«l w ares w ill sell if thc'vo a show First buy then let the people kmr* God gives all things to — Benjamin Franklin. industry 1 arekssnevs is the paved high­ way that leads straight to failure Mrs. S. Clair TRY IT ! 2 lines — one time — one dime Clairvoyant Reading Readings Daily $ 1.00 JW' J Morrison St Room 315 1 Block North Stage Depot Bet Broadway and Park PORTLAND. OREGON Want Ads 5c per line