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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1927)
ENTERPRISE FOR A GREATER EASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTY VOL. 1. NO. 1 BEAVERTON, OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 17, 1027 PR IC E— FIVE CENTS. Telephone Canyon Road Erection of New Building A LITTLE TALK TO Oregon REPORT OF CITY Co. Take Over To Be Finished Soon to Start in Beaverton BEAVERTON' PEOPLE Tigard Lines COUNCIL MEETING in the Spring The First Issue of a P a p e r That W ill Stand Behind a P rogressive C ity WATCH CITY GROW We A*W People to Help Find. Mail Bring in New» Storie» or Local» of Interest. M a n y I n te r e s tin g Topics to City and People of B e a v e r t o n Discussed Tigard, Or.—At a meeting of the Tigardville Telephone Co. held March 3, the directors w ere authorized to sell the company to the Oregon Tele-1 phone company. The new company agreed to build a new central office at Tigard of either cement or brick, replace present wires along the highway with a c«bD that a select service can be given They also agreed to build needed line, at once in the S tafford district ami maintain a 21-hour service. Improve- ment will require an outlay of $00,- LARGE LIST OF CLAIM S fcjr e Talk of Establishing Sti /• An ! T h r u Street» R eferred ta Committee». j favors gave a wonderful effect. Six people were seattM at the big table. T heir birthdays all came in this month. T he afternoon program was enjoy- e«l # e r y much. W . R. Baird, evangel ist from the Christian church, gave three splendid readings during the This now paved highway will mean afternoon. Mrs. R. L. T ucker and much to Beaverton and the sur- daughter, M argret, gave two m usi roumling country. E will be 3<> feet cal numbers that were thoroughly e n wide, concrete, and in addition to joyed. T h e re w ere three applications being a scenic highway, it will !>«■ for membership. Mr. T hyng will leave his old place built for heavy traffic for the west side of ihe W illam ette valley. It will 1 of business and store his supplies of -tart >oi Jefferson street, in P o r t merchandise in the H a n n a building, P o r t l a n d Men and W o m e n Jailed in R o a d h o u se Raid land and will have a grade of 59f which he will use as an office till along the canyon to Sylvan, and the new building is com pleted He T he W ashington county Sheriff, from there it will run west t*» the will then occupy one of the new com Ja p Reeves and deputies, raided the W ashington county line, eliminating partments. Beavertot* residents arc rejtiicitig over the news that the new Canyon ro&d from P o r tla n d to the W ash ington county line is ILovg assured and that th«e million dollar grojSct will start 'his spring. Since Benjamin F ranklin was a A regular meeting of the city c oun i cil was called to order by Mayoi school boy it has been the custom i Pegg. All members v.ere present. for a new paper to m ake its bo.> amt speak a piece—tell a supposedly 000 . Minutes- of the previous regular and anxious public that it comes to fill T he telephone system Was 25 >e»rs ápeci-tl meetings were re id a n d a p a long felt want, display its policies old M a rc ’jfe 2 anti C. F. Tigi*rd \>y$ - proved. and plans, and then proclaim the the first president. Mr. Tigard says i Bert Hacklier is the contractor in Silver S ta r inn here Sunday m o rn air sharp curves. T he state highway wonders it hopes to perform. that the first message was phoned I T h e following claims against the charge of the work on the building. ing, March 13, at 2 o”clock and a r commission has agreed to meet the So, following precedent, T he E n te r over the lino on March 2, 1902, from city of Beaverton were presented and new highway at the W ashington It has many times been said the rested about 40 guests. T w enty-six prise will now give a short selection the B. G. Leetly place on the Tuala- i referred to the committee of finance' county line and eliminate all sharp Beaverton m en could not bid on a of this num ber were held at Hills City of Portland, F ebruary water, on its own horn. tin river. $<W3.F8; ci t_. of Portland, changing curves between there anti Beaverton. job near as cheaply as l ’ortland boro for questioning. H. E. Ferguson N ot Many Promise». and James Mooney, proprietors, are T he first line v.-- between the meter, $23.60; P ortland Electric Pow This new highway is reaching out firms. This was proven wrong when We are going to be very chary pres-nt Tigardville store down tin er t o., February light, $143.80; A. 1 in jail on charges of mainfUining a the bids were opened ami that of of Portland tov«ar<ls Beaverton and of promises, that w<; will have less highway to the then l.eedy p L . e o;-> Story, March salary \nd labor, $14 5«); nuisance, and S. Rice and Harr»« Ee'gis Brothers» was many dollars b e it means more activity, more devel to apologize for later on. And prom the Tualatin river, and was approxi George Thyng, recorder, salary, $25; Reese, Portland, w ere jailed tor opment in this section. It will r e low any P ortland t o. Lewis Rr<JS. j ises are very much like planks in a drunkenness. T he other 22 guests will mately two miles lone • will furnish the lumber and m ate George Thyng, w ater cterk, salary, quire about two years to complete national political convention, anyhow. be called before the grand jury We haven t a set program of policy— j T he first board • of directors vyere February, $50; Investors Syndicate, the m ad ami it is expected the bids rials and will haul it with a fleet when it convenes, for questioning. j of new trucks. we hope we never will have—and v .e jC . F. 'ligrtrd, E. J. Goodman, tfioty March payment, $47.05; P e te Zehr, | will be let in May. Fight pints of liquor, and two u n It is reported that two new busi are’nt even going t<> declare we "will employed in the county comenifskon- concrete on W a tso n street, 11); Ar claimed overcoats with whisky in the nold Classen, w ork on streets, $4.37, ness buildings are to be built in the hew to the line, let the chips tall ers> office at HillsWwo and the Lite L. T. H u m b e r ^ m e te r key, $.1.25; T. Bed-fast F o r Year s Yet near future, bat nothing definite has | pockets were confiscated as evidence. where they may.” W e are just going B. G. l.eedy. to dig in and run a real newspaper. Ti'ic company in 25 year* grew W. Bishop, supplies for Losi meter, Man Smiles Cheerfully been said. Beaverton is growing now O P E N S B RA N CH . and within the next few months it Wc believe T he E nterprise will from a two mile line to it* present $3.90; E. A. Story, reading meter* succeed in Beaverton—that it will size, which n o f includes two c e n t o ' ' and labor, $13.25; Beaverton Lumber About 18 years ago a young man will grow and build ver^s much more.I T he A. B. Smith M o to r Co., at go over big when we get squared offices, T igard and Stafford. ith f< ;tr Co., W ats ni street material, $22 20; working on a farm near Beaverton Many New Home». Oth and Madison streets, Portland, Co., hauling hail the misfortune to fall from a away and better acquainted with the paid operators, with a total of over Beaverton T ra n sfe r il. Shannon has just completed a have recently opened a branch sales people. 170 suL-scrilers and 300 mile» of line $10.50; T. W. Bishop, tapping m a high hay-mow as he was putting in fine new m odern home on one acre office in Beaverton, in the old th e We believe this because B eaverton H eaded by Charles Hall, president, chine and supplies, $44.1H; W. J the hay. T h e fall resulted in an in south on W a tso n street extension. ater building. Mr. Freeman has been is the richest section of Oregon, L.’- and Earl W . Gates, general manager, Stitt, work on w ater main, $38.00. jured spinal column. A fter weeks in H arry Alexander has completed a appointed sales manager. Both new cause Portland is fast reaching o u t— the Oregon Telephone company now The' following for work on water bed the doctor gave up hope, he could fine new house and has just started and used cars are sold here. this way, and we know this city is in own« and operates ^ telephone sys- m a in; C. Zcha, >.79 75; Earl Pierce not recover, he was to be crippled ano th e r east of Cedar street. for a big growth and real soon. tent in thi section of the state $74.25; F. G. M ilieu’, $2225; Dan for life. O the r doctors and special SU IT IN J U S T I C E COURT. F. Buchanan lias started construc Adams, 13.25; T om Benison, $92.40; ists were called in. A trip to Cali If we don’t know and believe, these serving nearly 7000 subscribers with tion work on a beautiful new m od J. W. Raynard, expense for trip U fornia was advised. T h e y in turn things you wouldn’t be reading this exchanges located at 1 igard, llil.s- T he Electric Service Co., of P o r t ern home on Lombard street. Salem. o I j v i " the ease hopeless. Forest Grove, MeMinnvilh i*suc of T'n Beaverton .Tauter' me .boro, l orest (»rove, land .filed a suit against W. Koostra, I G resham, Nevvberg and Beaverton. A m ordinance dealing with the es Bill W alker, owner and manager of Huber, for recovery of a w ash T he Enterprise isn’t going to start Has Large tablishment of locations for stop and of the ranch, is still confined most G r a n g e ing machine. Suit was filed in the in with a clamor for a long list .f! C r o w d A t Meeting Beaverton justice court, Tuesday, through streets was discussed ¿m of the time to his bed, in a beauti- municipal itnprov .clients. T h e ircople M ¡ ( r r j a J , c ¡g N f 0 t laid om the table until the regular fine room overlooking the road, suf March 15th. T he machine was r e now Better w hat is o of Beaverton kne meeting in May. T he mayoi ordered T h e Beaverton G range nict at reg fering from the fall he had 18 years covered the same day. needed and wanted here than a com the street committee to confer with ago. ular session, Saturday, March 12, with parative stranger, and they know Let the school b o a r d on this m atter. routine business in the morning. N E W C L O V E R PL A N T . ter what their ability to pay for W e were surprised, a fte r a talk Ladino clover, a giant form of white T he usual bounteous dinner was these things. As the city grows, im N othing definite was derived froini with Mr. W alker, to find him so the discussion of luiinb'ring the efieerful and adverse to talk of his served to a very large crowd at noon. clover, is being purchased rather g e n provements will come, just n a tu r a l T he birthday table was beautifully erally for W illamette valley and coast ly have to come, and when they are Justice of i* ■ace Swenson houses of Beaverton. the plight. decorated by members of the Home pastures. It has proved itself a valu needed this paper will get behind states tkut it vei be w r y profitable A petition from Mr. Fay asking j Bill s>»ys he has many things to Economic committee. A large cake j able pasture plant in Oregon being them and do its durndfst. for the first cot!-; f v.Et cerne to him for an cstimat' of cost of establish be thankful for, that he is alive and and candles with St. Patrick's day productive, palatable and durable. Then there may come time* in the to be married. ing w a te r at tin A. B. W ood place | able, on Sunny «lays to walk in the future when issues will arise that T h e first man :id vvi .nan that the w a . rvferiwd to the water superin yarn on crutches or hitch a horse line men and women up and count judge will have honor to sc:.:T hap- . tendent. T he recorder was ahke ! to to the buggy and go over ditches and them—real issues of prominence. If pily into the state of wedlock will .rite to the Hillsboro Investment Co.! logs through the woofls to the boun such emergencies arise there will be be m arried free of charge with a for prices of Gates pipe. daries of his farm. i no doubt w here this paper will stand. beautiful certificate and silver \ .e d An established price of $22.50 was Altho in bed most of the time Bill T heodore Navlf, of Huber, has been ' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. and G. S. it may not always be right, but it ding present throw n in. arrived at lo r tapping w ater mains, manages the farm, which employes Alexander made a trip to Belling will be honest. It will be out in the This is a dia n c c i m yom ¥ ill with pneumonia. the city to furnish m eters and meter from eight to 10 men and keeps his ham, Wash., Friday, March 11. T hey ('. V Layman, of Multnomah, was °Pen- couple to be married with little or box, with labor necessary to complete disposition more cheerful than you a business visitor in Beaverton Fri- had an enjoyable visit with Mr. An Open Forum. no eXpensc and to go their way , ith ta the curb. T he council w s moved or I. Alexander's sister, and returned home day. We would like to make this paper a blessing and \,cd ling present from to .«djoMrn to May 15. T he members of the Congregational the following Sunday. as wide open as a barn door for its Judge Swenson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray have returned church gave a supper Friday night readers. W e would like to have them _______________ Beaverto n People D r a w n from a 16-<lay vacation, at Long at the church. write on any topic of public interest .. CUSINESS IS GOOD. F o r G r a n d J u r y D u t y Aftorney and Mrs. L. L. Myers en Beach and Los Angeles, Cal., visit for the city or county. Such an F la n Llean-Up to Beautlt} tertained Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Allen ing Mrs. G ray’s sisters, Mrs. F e rg u open forum departm ent brings out City of Beaverton W m . A. Smith, cabinet maker, r* a Beaverton is well represented on at dinner Thursday. son and Mrs. Mosher. T he Grays say discussions, and ideas. It m akes m c n J --------- very busy man, people all over the the county ju ry for March. Those they had a wonderful trip. On the Dr. Julian S. W ard. f’*«’**rnl m a n and women think. T he trouble is th a t T he first move of a «cries of plans county know the kind of work Mr. drawn from here are : B earnard I.cis, way back they t«x»k a boat front Los ager of the Universal H ealth S e r v - 1 such a d epartm ent is often liable to clean-up and beautify Beaverton to get out of hand. Religion, poli- ‘ will soon be under way starting with Smith turns out to his servic«* are F.aruest, Grandgeorge, A rth u r Bauer ice Co., of Portland, made several Angeles to San Francisco, and then Fred Hamel and Anna Hyland. business calls in Beaverton W e d n e s train on in. T hey arrive«! in B eaver tics, personal spite and like bent pigs a big circular band stand. Thi* old very much in demand. ton Sunday night. slip in and then it loses its value, dilapidated relic of by-gone days will Mr. Smith is doing the inside worl Judge Bagley tried several cases day last week. C. W. H uyettc, of the submarine Mrs. Elinor Stipe, Mrs. W . H j Let’s try it and see liovv it w orks be torn down, the lumber unfit for cupboard floors, breakfast nooks, and at Tillamook last week. T he murder 15, U. S. navy, is visiting his old Boyd, Mrs. George Bloser and M rs out. Make your letters short and use will be burned and the good and built-ins on the large home of C. W trial of Eva N. McGee will be tried Robert shipmate, C hester B. Hanna. Mr. Summers attended the snappy—and say something. sound u«ed in the erection of an im- Jor the second time April 17. The H uyctte will leave Friday morning W o rth y M artons’ club in Portland And while you are waiting for T he provised lean-to to be built at the Bakrrsun at Tigard. He is also m a k first trial was at Tillamook. The for his boat which is at Vallejo, Cal. Enterprise to get into your life and rear of the city hall. This addition ing the new counters and fixtures for jury could not come to an agreement Friday afternoon Stuart H anna made a flying visit T he Beaverton Masonic Building activincs have charity. Get it into will be used a- a store room for tools Bobbie’s barbecue. after being out 48 hours. fr«iin < latskanie. O r , Monday, to vis association, assisted by the Beaver vour heads and try and keep it there, and miscellaneous equipment, it his folks. He was in Beaverton Social club, held a card party at the that the editor could almost count This is just a start O thers will Masonic hall Tuesday for the bene just a few hours. his acquaintances on the fingers of follow, to make our city attractive to ( «instable W. F. Desinger made a fit of the building asociatioti. his hands. He is a stra n g e r among the eye of those who pass through. Robert Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs three day’ trip to Tacoma, Wash., you and he might walk right over a If a city is neat and attractive many Leon Lee, of Aloha, was operated on where he attended a banquet given real feature story and never see it people will stop to buy or to return March 8, at Emanuel hospital by Dr. by the Tacom a German singing so to m ake it their home. Beaverton Be good scouts and help us out at Mason fop appendicitis. Doing nicely ciety, in the interest of the North is growing and will grow more. L et’s the start. Tip us off to things; This Siiciety T he Crown Flour company gave a | Pacific Singers Bund. bring in what you know that wc don’t help. demonstration of their products at is giving a four-day program July kti'ivv, that our readers should know the Christian church every afternoon 40-31, August 1-2, at Tacoma. Two T O O MUCH N O ISE. ^ 'll this do for the opening num of last week Mrs. I. A Humphreys! thousand singers will blend their ber? W e haven't said m uch—didn’t Considerable Complaints have been was demonstrator. Mrs. C. W . Allen voices in song. All of the N orth ' * ' ' o. W h a t wc will do in the ma,|e about young boys who loiter won the 49-lb sack of flour. There Pacific states will send singers. Mr. 7N tuture is what counts. This is mostly , . , , , • , . , A ... . . . on the main streets late at night and were from 50 to 75 women present Desinger returned Monday, March 14. words, but petrified precedent de every day. Lester Tallman and family have re mands something along this line with makc a 101 o f «"necessary noise and M r. and Mrs. Van Kleek and turned from an enjoyable visit at the $irst number and we have got It do a lot of mischief. This is mighty Rydcrwood, W ash daughter, K atherine were guests «.i off our chest. bad business and if it keeps on some Friends will be gla<1 to hear that Mrs. Van Kleek’s brother, Claude The m a tte r simmers down to this: ■ >ne will get into so m e te a l hot water. Anderson of Portland, over the week D. C. Tallman is fastly recovering As the city grows, so will T he E n te r from a bad attack of flu. end. prise, and T he E nterprise is going B A C T E R IA AT O A C. E. E. Swenson visited an old time Mrs. J. E. Davis has recovered to work har«l for the city’s growth *4 Oregon farmers can obtain legume from her recent illness, and Mrs. C. | friend, Mr. Branded, president of the v> that it may have a permanent bacteria from the departm ent of bac Stribling, h e r mother, has returned Augustana Synod, who is visiting the place with you. synods of the church in the Unite<l home to Portland. teriology at O. A C. A large supply j . The En tetprise is with Beaverton Robert H arris, student a t O A States, in P ortland Friday, March II. every move. Don’t forget we are of the organisms have been produced; C.. made a week-end visit with his Mr. Branded lectured to the L u th e r Beaverton to help make il *>y «he department during the last tifi parents, Mr. and Mrs. W a lte r H a r - , an Brotherhm>d of Portland, of which THE EDITOR. winter. Mr. Swenson is a member ris. I I j N ì W o rk was started on the new b«ul?img at the corner of North Broadway and \ \ esv streets, Monday evening. A large crew of men are busy clearing this corner ¡ft the first step in a new era of building in Beaverton. It is estimated that it vvift lake 60 days to complete this 90x75 one story concrete construction bui&l mg, which will have th>ee business compartments. W ith the wrecking of the old corner building it will take an ortl landmark front the town. j Costly Venture in Beaverton LOCAL NEWS Enter—Exit [UK ? i