Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, April 18, 1941, Image 9

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    Thursday, March 10, 1938
Local and Personal
Air Lines company and could not land
his plane at Aurora.
Eldena Reed celebrated her birthday
Fred Kahle was a Salem business
last week by inviting Irene Stoner to
visitor Monday.
attend a picture show in Portland with
J. M. Will transacted business in her, Mrs. Eleanor Reed took them to
the city where they saw "Snow White
Oregon City last Monday.
and the Seven Dwarfs.”
If Olson ean’ t repair it, throw it away.
Those from Aurora attending the O.
O. S. Olson, Jeweler, Woodburn.
E. S. district meeting held Thursday
Miss Clara Will will soon build a new night at Newherg, were Miss Rose
sidewalx in front of her property seuth Ehlen. Miss Emma Snyder, Mrs. Percy
W.ill, Mrs. B. W. Stoner, Mr. and Mrs.
o f the 8. W. Stoner residence.
P. O. Ottaway. Worthy Grand Matron
For Crosscut Saw filing see Joe King, Haz 1 Ingram o f The Dalles, was pres­
ent. and Donald, Sherwood, Dayton
and Gervais chapters were represented.
Diamonds, watches, jewelry and sil­
Dr .T. K. Sanderson has taken over
verware O. S. Olson. Jeweler, Wood-
Dr. Ammeter’s Dental Practice and
will be in Aurora Tuesday, Friday and
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ferguson went Saturday o f each week. Remainder of
to Bonneville last Sunday where they the week will be in his Portland office,
visited Mrs Ferguson’ s father, Mr. 303 Guardian building.
Mr. and Mrs. George Krause and
Choice Roses 20c at the Aurora Lum­ family and Martin Krause o f Portland,
visited Mrs. Otte Keil and daughter,
ber Yard. Herwig Netter.
Miss Mabel Stilger, Saturday. Martin
Miss Evadne Hurst returned from Krause remained with his daughter,
Heppner, Ore., last Friday. She taught Mrs. Otto Keil, ever Sunday, while the
in the Heppner school during the illness George Krause family visited in Silver-
o f the regular teacher, Miss Maud ton. Additional dinner guests Sunday
were Rev. and Mrs. S. F. Goldenman.
4-H Club Oratory Meet
certified Hanson White Leghorns.
Sponsored by Institute
1938 catalogue.
Twin Oak Poultry
Farm, St. Paul, Ore.
6 17p
Oregon State College — Oregon 4-H
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ogle of Salem, club- members will have opportunity
and Mrs. Ogle’s mother, Mrs. Schmidt, this spring and summer to compete in a
of Portland, were Sunday dinner guests regional oratorical contest on the sub­
of Mr Ogle’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. ject, “ Why Should Youth Be Interested
James Ogle o f Aurora.
and Active in the Cooperative Move­
Dr. de Lespmasse, Dentist, in Hub­
H. C. Seymour, state leader of club
bard every day. Monday, Tuesday and work in the OSC extension service, has
Wednesday mornings at State Training been notified that the winner o f the
school; all other times at Hubbard office. contest in this stale will be given a
X-Ray service. Phone 3411.
free trip to Pullman, Wash., to com­
pete in a tri state regional meet being
In explanation of the laek of light sponsored by the American Institute of
in the posteffice lobby, Mrs. Eleanor Cooperation, which will hold an annual
Reed, postmistress, states that it has convention there this summer.
Plans are for the county winners to
been off because they could not get up­
compete for state honors during the
stairs to repair it.
club summer session at Oregon State.
If Olson can't repair it, throw it away. Rules for the contest will be supplied
0 . S, Olson, Jeweler. Woodburn.
49c to clubs soon, according to the state
George P. H. S. White of route 3,
Woodburn, was in Aurora last Satur­
Christ English Lutheran Church
day and made a friendly call at the
Observer office. Mr. White formerly
S. F. Goldenman, Pastor
lived in the Butteville neighborhood.
Sunday school at 10, with Bible class
| ^FOR SALE—Combination wood and for adults, and services at 11:15. We
gas range. Gan be seen at Aurora are observing Parents’ day (open house)
Lumber Yard, Phene S006.
during the Sunday school hour. A
hearty invitation is extended all par­
Visitors over the week end at the ents, and especially the ones who have
home o f Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gribble children enrolled in the school, to come
were their son-in-law and daughter. and see for themselves what and how
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tyler, and little their child is taught. We want you to
sun, Norihan, of Bend, Oregon, and feel that this is your school, in which
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Gribble of Albany. your interest plays a vital part.
Lenten services continue this Friday
FOR SALE—50e per lb.—25 pounds at 7:30 p. m. under the theme: “ Simon,
Reeds Canary Grass Seed. 0 . S. C. Christ’ s Fellow-Crossbearer. ” To stand
Highland strain. This seed should be under the cross of Jesus, as all de who
sown in March. A. S. Coffman. Aurora, come to Lenten services, is a matchless
Route 1.
privilege, and great is the loss of all
who do not make full use of the opper-
Mrs. Charles Beeke and Mr. and * tunity. We are not worthy to stand
Mrs. W. C. Grim drove to Salem Sun­ there. But God gives us the right,
day for a visit with Robert Powers, nevertheless, and in His Name we ex­
who had a three hour stop-over in Sa­ tend the invitation to you as well. Will
lem. Powers is employed by the United you not come?
Full Line o f
Don’t Fail to Ask for Your Poll Parrot Shoe Money
Given with All Purchases
The House of Merit
and ice cream were served to Mrs. Geo.
Martin, Betty Martin, Mrs. Matilda
Billie Croco, Barbara Jean
Croco. Mrs. H. Morgan, Billie Morgan,
Mrs. Fred Delsen, Mrs. George Clark Peggy Morgan, Mrs. O. Painter and
and Mrs. G. B. Ackerson were hos­ Bobby Smith.
tesses at the “ 500” Dessert card party
Aurora School News
at the Grange hall uining room Friday,
March 4, at 1:30 p. m. St. Patrick
By J une S wan
colors were used in serving and decor­
Mr. Geren, a representative of
There were 11 tables of cards. Prize
the Marion county department of
winners for the party were: Mrs. P. O.
Ottaway of Aurora, high; Mrs. G. B. health, finished taking samples of
Ackerson, lew. and Mrs. Jack Swan water from town. The results will
won the guest prize. Grand prize win­ help determine whether certain
ners for the series were: Mrs. Robert persons will win scholarships to the
Armstrong, high; Mrs. Fred Doisen
Corvallis summer school. Milk
second high, and the grand low went to
samples will be taken later.
Mrs. L. E. Harris.
The H. E. C. of Butteville Grange
The eighth grade made posters
wish to thank all the ladies from around pertaining to transportation. Sep­
the community who attended these
arate committees were as follows:
Items Gathered by
Butteville Correspondent
Mrs. W. O. Lindquist entertained a
group of ladies at cards Wednesday
evening while the men folks attended
the boxing match at Donald. Mrs,
Fred Doisen won high in cards.
Lunch was served to Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sin­
ger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doisen, John
Miller and Mrs. Henry Tautfest.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doisen were Sun­
day callers of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Kuhnke at Needy. The men are em­
ployed by Silver Falls Lumber company
at Silverton.
Mrs. William Pittman entertained
her “ 500” club at a 1 o ’ clock luncheon
Wednesday, March -2, at her home.
Guests were Mrs. Matilda Greco, Mrs.
William Grim and Mrs. Dewey Smith.
Mrs. Croce held high score at cards.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. Lindquist invited Mr. and Mrs. Fred
J. Doisen to attend the theatre in New-
berg with them. Returning to Butte­
ville the Dolsens were guests of the
Lindquists at a midnight lunch.
Mrs. O- Painter o f Portland, spent
last week with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith.
On Sunday the Smiths and their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Matthieu, of
Aurora, motored to Beaverton, where
they took Mrs. Painter for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Matthieu and
son, Allen, ©f Hubbard, have moved in
with Mr. Matthieu’ s father, Jehn Mat­
thieu. who lives in the Seheurer house
Mrs. Dewey Smith entertained a
group of young’folks and their mothers
at a birthday party honoring her daugh­
ter, Shirley, ocr her fourth birthday at
her home Tuesday afternoon, March 1.
The little Miss received many gifts.
Balloons and favors were placed for the
kiddies at the table. Angel cake, salad
Phone 5813
Aurora, Oregon
1 \B
EAST thru
B ig g est Bargains in
Travel are Southern Pa­
cific’s East-thru-Califor-
nia roundtrips. From
most western Oregon
cities to Chicago, New
York and many other
eastern destinations, you
can go or return thru
San Francisco and Los
Angeles for not one cent
more rail fare than you
would pay for the ordi­
nary straight East-and-
back roundtrip! You’ll
see twice as much when
you go this way. And
you’ll double the inter­
est and enjoyment of
your eastern roundtrip.
Donald Cruikshank
and Jewel
Smith, airplanes; Lola Walter,
June Swan and Lorraine Fredrik-
son, trains and automobiles; Bob
Hunt and Billy Cole, ships. The
pasters were used in the democracy
Hubbard was caused to forfeit
all basketball games played, due to
the ineligibility of one player.
Hubbard was in the same league
Gloria Miley, who has been ab­
sent for several weeks, is back in
In the fifth and sixth grade
health class last Thursday, it was
decided to choose sides and make
posters. The side with the best
posters was to give the opponents
a party. >
For details see your railroad agt. or
Wayne Harding made a visit to
write J. A. ORM ANDY, Gen. Pass.
the school and gave the fifth and
Agt., 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Or.
sixth grades a test in arithmetic.
Frank Clyde from Monroe, Wn.,
has entered the second grade.
Aurora Observer now 50c
Marvin Keil, Norman Kee and
Lucille Colvin brought spring bou­
for one full year.
quets to school this week.
All four rooms have brightly col­
We have some bargains in newspaper
ored decorations on their windows
and magazine subscriptions.
and all about the rooms.
That there are five tax levying and collecting sections,
56-3427, 29, 34, 46 and 59?
That the directors have power to borrow money and
Veal Chops
and Steak
Extra Fancy
FRI. and SAT.
Aurora Meat Mkt.
Fred Kahle, Prop.
Paragraph 6.
That the directers can tax for all operating expenses and
all obligations of the district?
Sec. 56-3429, Paragraph 7
and Sec. 34.
That there is no guarantee of lower rates.
Sec. 56-3436.
Let us understand and appreciate what our costs for
electric service are before venturing into the uncertainties of
public ownership.
M o l l a l a E l e c t r i c C o m pa n y