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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1938)
THE AURORA OBSERVER, AURORA, OREGON Items of Interest AROUND the HOUSE D Snoopie to the Housewife £BMj»aa Prepare for Spring.—Now is a soil quickly. These strips can be good time to collect cigar boxes removed and washed when neces or make flats for planting seeds sary. * * * indoors. * * • Peanut Butter Drops.—One cup For the Garden.—Begin collect peanut butter, one and one-half ing stakes for the garden. There I cups powdered sugar, four egg Cream to will never be enough of them whites (unbeaten). gether and drop mixture in small when you want them. spoonfuls on parchment paper. * * # Bake in moderate oven for 20-min Covering Chairs.—When making utes. loose covers for easy chairs or * • * settees, make extra slips fitted Sandpaper-Wax Cure.—To rem with patent fasteners to cover the edy furniture drawers which stick arms, which get most wear and sandpaper and wax their edges. Cross Stitch and Crochet Linens DEPARTMENT ________ CHICKS________ WHITE LEGHORN PULLET CHICKS Hanson Strain—World’ s Best New Hampshires, Reds, Rocks, and 20 oth e r breeds. D AY OLD AND STARTED CHICKS. Free 68-Page “ ChickNews.” RUSSELL’S Box 451-S - - Corvallis, Oregon. NURSERY STOCK Pattern No. 1422. -— AMD I IO jova ) "THEßE'.S' N O BoD y H o m e — iH e y WEMT AW Ay THIS MORNINâ-— BOX, I fn e R E 'S A_ Ll<ÿriT B ürmim <5 THERE N N E y OF THE F Two’s company and a smart combination when you team up dainty crochet and fetching 8 to the inch cross stitch in a stunning motif for towels, pillow cases or scarfs! Either crochet or cross stitch may be used alone. It’s effective to use a monogram with the crochet. Pattern 1422 contains a transfer pattern for two motifs 6% by 9% inches, two motifs 514 by 5% inches, two motifs 4% by 10% inches and two 5 by 714 inches; directions and charts for the filet crochet; material require ments ; illustrations of stitches used; color suggestions. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. Please write your name, ad dress, and pattern number plainly. O R C E By Ted O’Loughlin © — WNU The F E A T H E R H E A D a, S Osborne - ©— WNU Famous Food Expert To Conduct Feature D EGINNING with this, issue this paper is pleased to an nounce a new series of articles which we believe to be the most original and up to date food department in the country. We wanted to offer a food department that was live—in teresting-different. We wanted to get away from the usual “ recipe column.” We believe the women of this community are primarily interested in food in its relation to health, in its effect on growing children. In formation of this sort has usu ally been too scientific to be understood by the average per son, but in this series it is pre sented in clear, understandable language and applied so that it will fit the average household. C. Houston Goudiss, famous author, lecturer, and radio per sonality, will conduct this de partment each week. Many housewives will want to make scrapbooks of these articles. Don’t miss a single issue. 200 VARIETIES of NEW & IMPROVED FRUIT & NUT TREES. Descriptive 24 page catalogue FREE. Special premi um with this AD and ORDER. TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Sherwood, Oregon. OPPORTUNITY MEN. WOMEN EARN $30 or more weekly. GROW MUSH ROOMS in cellar, shed. We buy 30c lb. Year around business. Mr. B. made $241 in few weeks spare time. Established 1931. Write for Free Book. Washington Mush room Ind., Dept. V 2019 2nd, Seattle Wash. HARNESS & SADDLES LAWRENCE QUALITY SSSSSS sold on MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1 Favored by farmers and stockmen fo r 81 years. H ighest Quality—expert workmanship—low prices. Write fo r FREE illustrated catalog and terms THE 8E0R8E LAWRENCE CO. 308 S.W. First, Portland. Oregon Reading Speeds Some discoveries through the ophthalmograph, a device for tak ing motion pictures of a reader’s eye movements: An untrained adult reads 200 words a minute, pauses 120 times, goes back twenty-three times per 100 words. An average college student, who can read 325 words a minute, pauses only eighty times, goes back ten times per 100 words. In one office where tests were made the best paid stenographer read 461 words. Fastest reader ever tested, an eighteen-year-old high school boy who evidently had an unusually large macula (a yellow spot in the retina, most sensitive point of vi sion), in one test read 2,202 words a minute with excellent compre hension.—Time Magazine. ■ ¡■ R S I 4 cups of U thaw you the imp K E E P C LEA N IN S ID E ! Y o u 'll Ilk« lh« way If snaps you back, overnight, to the («cling of "retIn' to g o " fitness and inside clean liness! H tlp s eliminate th« left-over wastes that hold you back, cause headaches indigestion, «to. Garfield Tea is not a miracle worker, but i( C O N S T IP A T IO N bothers you, it will certainly"do wondersl" 101 and 251 of drugstores— or W RITE F O R FREE S A M P L E S of Garfield Tea and Garfield Headache Powders toi G A R F IE L D T E A C O ., D e p t 10A , Brooklyn, N . Y. CHEW LONG BILL NAVY TOBACCO « f iv e L eaves ’ GARFIELD V TW O FOUR” M in u s WRONG? Well, yes— and no. The arithmetic of your school days taught that "If Mary had five dollars and spent two . . . " three dollars remained. But that is mathematics—not shopping! In managing a home guarding a limited family incom e. . . we've simply got to do better than Mary did.We must sharpen our buying wits ascertain where the dollars of extra value lurk. . . take five dollars to town and get much more for the money spent Fortunately, there are ever-willing guides right at hand— the advertise m ents in this newspaper. Advertised merchandise is often exceptional value merchandise. It makes dollars S-T-H-E-T-C-H.