THE AU RORA OBSERVER, AU RORA, OREGON Mysterious Footprints of the ‘ Man on His Way to HelV Are Still Intriguing North Carolinians After 100 Years And a Vindictive Horse Started All This Queer Business Bath, N. C.—North Carolina’s state government has officially taken control of eight shallow pits 100 yards off the main highway near here, the source of a legend almost a century old. The legend: A very profane country gentleman named Elliott, with his madcap companions, was given to racing on Sunday. One Sabbath as he gal­ loped down the lane Elliott shouted to his steed to either “ take him in a winner or take him to hell. Whereupon, his penitent compan­ ions reported, the horse dug its hooves into the soft earth in two mighty leaps and hurled the rider against a nearby tree, killing him. The horse’s hoofprints still remain. Ed Cutlar, nearby farmer, says the pits were made into a mudwallow for his hogs, but refused to vanish. Grown men recall now, as children, they filled the pits with dirt on the way to school, returning later to find the prints fresh as ever. B E D T I M E ST O R Y By Thornton W. Burgess I^IRANNY FOX was trotting down the Lone Little Path through the Green Forest. She was in no particular hurry. In fact, she was not going anywhere in particular. She was just out for an airing. But whether she is going anywhere in particular or not old Granny Fox always keeps her eyes and her ears wide open. It is in this way that she has learned so much about her neighbors, and it is because of this habit that she is so hard to fool. So now as she trotted down the Lone Little Path she heard the voice She smiled to herself when she saw that Blacky was so interested in what he was looking at that he didn’t see her coming. of Blacky the Crow. She stopped right away and cocked her head on one side so as to hear better, “ Caw, caw, caw, caw !” Granny sat down and a shrewd look crept into her sharp eyes as she listened. “ There’s mischief afoot,” said Granny. “ When Blacky caws like that there is something going on. He’s way over in the Green Forest, and he sees something that is ex­ citing, very exciting indeed. He’s spoiled many a hunt for me by caw­ ing like that. It sounds very much as if he was saying ‘Fox, fox, fo x !’ I wonder if that scamp Reddy is in trouble. I believe I’ll have to look and see what is going on.” With that old Granny Fox trot­ ted off in the direction from which Blacky’s voice came. The nearer she got the louder his voice sounded. Granny would stop once in a while to cock her head on one side and listen. Presently she reached a point where she could see Blacky on the top of a tall pine tree. He was leaning forward so as to look down, and it was very plain to see that he was watching something very exciting down below, and he was cawing so that Granny won­ dered that it didn’t give him a sore throat. She smiled to herself when she saw that Blacky was so interested in what he was looking at that he didn’t see her coming. It has long been Blacky’s delight to torment old Granny Fox by tell­ ing everybody within sound of his voice where she is when he sees her. So now Granny smiled and crept forward very, very carefully, so as not to be seen or heard, and presently she reached a place where she could keep out and see what it was that was, exciting Blacky so. What was it? Why, it was Peter Rabbit playing dodge with Reddy Fox. “ I thought I’d find that scamp Reddy,” muttered Granny. “ When Blacky makes a fuss like that it is usually because Reddy is some­ where around. I think I’ll join in the game and show Reddy that, smart as he is, his old granny is smarter. It is high time that im­ pudent Peter Rabbit was served up for a Fox dinner.” Now, it is no wonder that Blacky the Crow was excited. That game of dodge wasn’t a game for fun at all. Oh, my, no! It was very much more exciting than a game for fun I ever could be. You see, if Peter should get caught he would not only lose the game but he would lose his life as well. Just as old Granny Fox made up her rhind that she would take a hand*Reddy how to catch Peter something happened. Peter suddenly stopped dodging and start­ ed for a big pile of brush as fast as he could go, lipperty-lipperty-lip. Granny saw what he was trying for and sprang out to head him off, but she was just too late. Reddy, fol­ lowing close at the heels of Peter, was just too late, too. Peter was safe under the big pile of brush! Uncle Phil JSaijA: So, Cut Down Your Speed The pathway of life is long and' devious, and you never retrace it. Sometimes a man who enjoys solitude enjoys the kind of a pipe that insures it. Reason why the rights of some are not respected is because they don’t respect them themselves. Henpecked husbands are grown up men who were sissified by some one in their boyhood. Beautiful breeds of dogs do not stay popular long. People like monstrosities—or at least comic­ looking dogs. That'll Make Violators When a remedy for unemploy­ ment is found, will idleness be prohibited? One of the amusing pastimes is to humor a highbrow. A manly man still prefers the womanly woman and vice versa; and don’t make a mistake about this. Naughtiness is silly to those who have arrived at the age of com­ mon sense. Sincerity isn’t always admired. Invariably, there is sincerity in fault finding. If a big boy bully tricks the small boys out of all their mar­ bles, you know why more and more penitentiaries have to be built from year to year. SORE THROAT whh COLDS Given Fast Relief Take 2 Bayer Tablets with a fu ll g la ss of water. Room Reflects Your Personality If Unique Lamps Are Featured By BETTY WELLS where you show your a lamp that belongs in that par­ A own personality,” said a dec­ ticular spot. Let it introduce line, orator friend of ours whom we form and color as well as lighting asked about the use of lamps the proper. other day. We thought we’d pick “ Personally I think there have up a few of her bright ideas to been too many white lamps the past pass on to our readers, and here few seasons. I love them in a place they are: that they fit, but they shouldn’ t “ Leave their selection until last,” be introduced just willy nilly. The is her advice, “ unless you happen cosmetic tones in shades are nice to have something specially beauti­ and suggest interesting variation, ful that you’re using as the design and of course now that beige is such inspiration of the room. Usually, a high fashion, it presents a wonder­ however, you finish the room, more ful chance to do things with lamp or less according to Hoyle, since shades. Remember too, all the fine most of us prefer following the ac­ jewel tones in pottery bases that cepted and traditional modes in dec­ can do such wonders for a room. oration. But run amuck in select­ Pink, of course, is flattering and im­ ing the lamps. Depend Upon them portant in decoration now and can to bring a lift to the room, pick it be most successful for a lamp up and make it sparkle. shade. Don’t forget what a lot an “ Decide what each part of the unusual braid or trimming can do room needs in the way of both il­ for a plain shade, too.” lumination and design. Then select © By Betty Wells.—WNU Service. Cru sh 3 B a y e r Tablets in M glass of water— gargle twice every few hours. “ '"p HAT’S © T. W. Burgess.—WNU Service. AM A Z E A M BY IN UTE SCIENTIFACTS ARNOLD .HILOREN WRITE BETTER T H A N G R O W N -U P S . A d u lts w r it e 3 ¡i t im e s MORE ILLEG IB LY TH A N DO CHILDREN IN ELEM EN TAR Y SCHOOLS, C AREFUL INVES­ TIG A TIO N SHOW S. The speed with which Bayer tablets act in relieving the dis­ tressing symptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utter­ ly amazing . . . and the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets in one-third glass oi water. Then argle with this mixture twice, olaing your head well back. This medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic on the sore, irritated membrane o f your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. You will say it is remarkable. And the few cents it costs effects- a big saving over expensive “ throat gargles” and strong medicines. Ana when you buy, see that you get genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. f 2 FU LL DOZEN 25c Virtually 1 cent a tablet Confesses Weakness Revenge is a confession of pain. —Seneca. YOU Everett, Wash. — Mrs. Ethel Raven, of 2955 Pine St., said: “I was weak ana every­ thing seemed to get on my nerves. After I had used Dr. Pierce’» Favorite Prescription for a while I had a splendid appetite and felt stronger and much improved in every way. It never failed to relieve me of that tired, weak feeling.” Buy it in liquid or tablets from your druggist now. f WHO | J CARES JABOUT f RAIN? 1 Let it pour—the weather man won’t be able to inter­ fere with Marjorie Weaver’ s plans for either shopping or just having fun with this green and red scotch plaid raincoat. Cut on square box lines, it has deep side slit pockets and with it she car­ ries a self plaited green um­ brella. Marjorie is current­ ly appearing in “ Sally, Irene and Mary,” following “ Second Honeymoon” in which she catapulted to fame. WEAK. NERVOUS? -ADVERTISING is as essential to business N erve growth g iv e s CONTROL - I n g r o w i n g a n i m a l s as is rain to g row in g crops. It is the keystone THE NERVES SPROUT FR O M THE SPINAL CORD AND GROW DIRECTLY TO THE M USCLE REQUIRING NERVOUS C O N TR O L. in the arch of successful merchandising. Let us S o u n d s t e r il iz a t io n - S o u n d w a v e s properly a p p l i e d DESTROY 9 9 % OF THE 1 BACTERIA IN M IL K . (Copyright, by.The Bell Syndicate, Ine.) show you how to apply it to y o u r b u s in e s s .