AURORA OBSERVER, AURORA, OREGON Morgan Asks Inquiry (Continued from page one) acreage allotments will be set by county committees for individual farms. Tax Bill Battle Starts D OBERT L. DOUGHTON of North Carolina, chairman of the ways and means committee, submitted to the house the revenue bill formulat­ ed by a m ajority of the committee, and thé struggle over this measure began at once. The admin­ istration l e a d e r s ¡¡ i § claim the act will - stimulate trade and ■ remove hardships on both big and lit­ tle business without lowering the aggre­ gate federal income. R . L. Doughton Mr. Doughton knew he had a fight on his hands, but pre­ dicted the speedy passage of the measure substantially as reported. The most vulnerable provision ad­ mittedly was a proposed penalty tax on closely held corporations. McCormack of Massachusetts and Lamneck of Ohio filed a separate report attacking this feature. Republican members of the com­ mittee united in a report which blamed New Deal taxes for the “ Franklin D. Roosevelt depression” and which charged that the tax on closely held corporations is a polit­ ical weapon to be used to purge the nation’ s business structure of cor­ porations controlled by New Deal foes. Chairman Pat Harrison, Demo­ crat, Mississippi, of the senate fi­ nance committee, said his group would begin hearings soon on the measure. A m ajority of his com­ mittee is reported to be opposed to several provisions of the house bill, including the retention of the prin­ ciples of the undistributed profits tax. |§|11 J Disaster in California C O U T H E R N C ALIFO R N IA, espe- ^ cially the region about Los An­ geles, was swept by a - destructive flood following extraordinary rains. N early 50 persons were drowned or killed in landslides and thousands fled from their ^hoiries. It was ! thought the property damage might I reach $30,000,000. For a time Los Angeles was cut off from all com­ munications except by short wave radio. British Air Program 'T 'H E British government an- nounced the greatest air force estimates in the nation’ s history and disclosed that a Corps of scientists had been mobilized to aid in secret air defense plans. For the fiscal year beginning April 1 the air force estimates total $367,500,000. N ext was announced a 23 per cent in­ crease in army appropriations for the coming year. Gets Out of China ,T 'H E Fifteenth United States in- -*■ fantry left Tientsin after a quar­ ter century of service in North China, during which, its officers boast, it has not fired a shot in an­ ger. The regiment, stationed there under the Boxer protocol, is being withdrawn permanently, to be re­ placed by a marine detachment. Soviet Chiefs Face Death ITH IN a short time we may W expect to read of the execu­ tion of 21 prominent citizens of So­ viet Russia, latest victims of Dicta­ tor Stalin’ s blood purge. They were put on trial before a m ilitary tribunal, and there was little doubt as to their fate. Among the ac­ cusations against them were conspir­ ing with foreign powers to dismem­ ber the Soviet Union, plotting to assassi­ nate Lenin and Stal­ Alexis Rykov in, inspiring the assassination of Sergei Kiroff, and putting to death the writer M axim Gorky and two others previously supposed to have died of natural causes. Most prominent of the men put on trial were Form er Prem ier Alex­ is I. Rykov, who succeeded Lenin and held office for nearly two yea rs; and Nikolai Bukharin, chronicler of the red revolution and editor of the government newspaper Izvestia be­ fore March, 1937. A ll of the accused men admitted their guilt, but Krestinsky, former ambassador to Berlin, tried to re­ pudiate his confession. The others one after another told in court of their alleged conspiracies and trea­ sons. Three Taken as Spies O VE R N M E N T agents and New ” York police broke up a ring of spies engaged in selling secrets of the American army and navy to a European nation described as , a world power but otherwise not named. Three alleged members of the ring were under arrest and held in heavy baiL Two of them, a for­ m er sergeant in the United States army and a private in the army, were said to have confessed. The third was a German girl, hairdresser on the German liner Europa. The G-men were diligently searching for other members of the band. Guenther Gustav Rumrich, the ex-sergeant, who is a deserter, said he was engaged in obtaining secrets and information concerning m ilitary operations of the United States army and was forwarding it through confidential channels to va­ rious addresses in Europe. Erich Glaser, the private, had been stationed at Mitchel Field, New York, the largest army air base on the East coast and key to the air fortifications of the metropol­ itan area. He supplied certain air corps codes to Rumrich. Johanna Hof man, the woman ar­ rested, admitted she was the “ liason officer and paymaster” between the ring and its employers. Secret code keys and considerable quantities of money were found on her person. Senate to Probe Reds C E NATO R COPELAND of New ^ York successfully put through his resolution for a special investi­ gation of subversive activities of Communists in the merchant ma­ rine. It will be conducted by a committee named by Gamer. About the same time Harry Bridges, C. I. O. leader on the west coast, arrived in Washington to resist being de­ ported as an undesirable alien. Bridges also demanded a hearing before the senate committees on commerce and labor. P ortland Thursday, March 10, 1938 Deaih of D'Annunzio ("J A B R IE L E D’ANNUNZIO, poet, playwright, soldier and Italian patriot, died at his villa in Gardone R iviera of a cerebral hemorrhage. He would have been seventy-five years old in a few days. The demise of this really great man saddened the whole Italian nation for he had made himself the idol of the people especially by his bold seizure of Fiume after the World war and his aerial exploits in that conflict. The world of letters also mourned him deeply. W PA Rolls Increased /"'ONGRESS having sent the quar- ter billion dollar emergency re­ lief appropriation to the White House, the W P A officials immedi­ ately authorized the state adminis­ trations to hire 500,000 more relief workers this month. Aubrey Williams, acting W PA ad­ ministrator during the convales­ G en kral E l e c t r ic cence of Harry Hopkins, estimated that the March increases would pull up local enrollments from 15 to 25 per cent, depending on state needs. Williams said he expected large industrial centers to furnish heavi­ est demands for a slice of the new relief money, but added: “ There is no part of the country that is not affected in some real degree.” Humble Pie To eat humble pie is an expression applied to those who suffer a set­ back or submit to humiliation. It probably comes from the word “ um- ble,” applied to the heart, liver and entrails of the deer. In olden times these were the perquisites of the huntsman, and they would be made into a pie, which would be served to the huntsmen, humble retainers, and their poor dependants, while the lord and his guests ate venison joints and pasties. Thus to eat humble pie was to take a back seat at the feast. C o m pan y E lectr ic B uilding P o r tla n d . O regon FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH PRESIDENT Uarch 9, 1938 TO THE VOTERS OF THE HtOPOSED NORTHWEST BONNEVILLE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: In accordance with the law and at the request o f the sponsors of the pro­ posed d is t r i c t , the Hydro E le c tric Commission o f Oregon has oa lled a special election to he held F riday, A p ril 8th, 1938, to enable the voters o f portions of Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, Polk, Vfoshington and Yamhill counties to determine whether or not they sh a ll enter upon a pu blic ownership experiment through the formation o f the proposed publio u t ilit y d is t r ic t having fo r it s p rin c ip a l purpose the d istrib u tio n o f e le c tric energy presumably to be purchased from the Federal development at Bonneville* | The d is t r i c t , i f formed, w i l l be governed by fiv e directors none of vfoom is required to have had any previous experience in public service* Without a vote of the people, the d irectors would have power to incur o b lig a ­ tions and to borrow money - "not exceeding the ordinary annual income and revenue of the d is t r ic t " * The Hydro E lectric Commission estimated the annual revenue and income of the d is t r ic t at not less than $2,000,000* The d irectors would have power, without vote of the people, to levy taxes "fo r the purpose o f carrying on the operations and paying the obligation s of the d is t r ic t " * In addition to the powers that may be exercised without a, vote o f the people, the directors would have the power to c a ll elections fo r the purpose o f voting bonds not exceeding in amount 10$ of the assessed valuation of a l l property within the d is t ric t and would have the power to purchase, condemn or otherwise acquire the property of existing u t i l i t i e s in that d is t r ic t or to construct and operate a d istrib u tio n system in competition with e x istin g u t i l i t i e s . The d irectors would have power to f i x and e stab lish ra te s at which e le c tric energy would be so ld , but there is no assurance that the rates so fix ed by the directors would be lower than existin g rates* The Hydro E lectric Commission in it s report on the proposed d is t r ic t found th at, i f the proposed d is t ric t could purchase Bonneville energy and operate without competition, i t could not expect fo r many years to reduce the present ra te s or to make up the lo s s in taxes re su ltin g from the elim ination o f 1the present u t i l i t i e s . Taxes now paid by the ex istin g u t i li t i e s on th eir property within the proposed d is t r ic t amount to more than $500,000 per year which would be en tirely lo st i f the u t i li t y companies discontinued operation* Remember that more than h a lf o f the u t i l i t y taxes are devoted to schools of the proposed d i s t r i c t . The portion of the proposed d is t ric t now served by this company enjoys one o f the lowest ra te s for sim ilar service now in e ffec t anywhere in the Nation and th is company has p u b licly declared that any savings i t may derive from the purchase of Bonneville energy w i l l be passed on to it s consumers. You have low rates now. A l l urban residents and 86$ of a l l ru ra l residents in the te rrito ry served by us now have e le c tric service a v a ila b le . This has been the re su lt o f many years of progressive service and ra te reductions. I f and when further savings may be made, by purchase of Bonneville energy or otherwise, the policy of further reducing rates w i l l be followed and your tax ob ligation w i l l be lessened by the taxes contributed by the e x istin g u t i l i t i e s . With no assurance of reduction in rates - with the certainty of loss of u t i l i t y taxes - and in the face of the fa ilu r e of the State Ifydro E le ctric Commission to recommend the creation of the d is t r ic t , why substitute uncertainty as to rates and service and certainty as to. increased taxes fo r the r e l i a b l e , progressive, tax paying service you now have with the added assurance that as costs decline your rates must and w ill a ls o decline? We are keenly interested in the w elfare and up building of the area embraced in the proposed d is t r ic t and b e liev e your best in terests would be served by voting NO at the sp ecial election on A p ril 8th. In ny le t t e r next week I sh a ll outline the manner in which we believe the Bonneville development can resu lt in the greatest p racticab le benefit to our customers. Very tru ly yours,