THE AURORA OBSERVER, AURORA, OREGON Our Presidents F arm | T o p ic s date last night? Alford—Well, she ate everything in sight at two night clubs and a restaurant. “ What shall we play with now, M a? Tommy’s swallowed the top.” Away “ What do you do when asked to carve a duck?” ‘Duck.” SILVER LINING Hubby—Darling, my income has dropped so this last year that I won’t have to pay any income tax. Wifie—Oh, goody! Now you can afford to give me the money you had to pay for the old tax last year. A Holdout “ So you brought up a family of eleven on $18 per week.” “ Hush! I always told the missus I only got $15.” Calling It Mr. Flatt—I presume that you would be glad to have me cal] again. Miss Sharp—You do. Mr. Flatt—I do what? Miss Sharp—Presume. The average man isn’t as clever as his wife thought him when they were engaged, or as much of a dud as she imagines now they’re mar­ ried. That’s Why Ruth—There goes Mikhail. He’s an awful flatterer. Elsie—Did he tell you that you were beautiful, too? Ruth—No, he said you were. The End “ Well,” said Brown, “ when my wife and I have an argurrfent I always have the last word.” “ Oh,” exclaimed someone. “ You do?” “ Yes, I apologize.” Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a tonic which has been helping women of all ages for nearly 70 years. Adv. Pride Offends The proud are always most pro­ voked by pride.—Cowper. MEN LOVE GIRLS WITH PEP If you are peppy and full of fun, men will in­ vite you to dances and parties. B U T , if you are cross, lifeless and tired, men w on't be interested. Men d on 't like "qu iet" girls. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smiling through" with Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessen­ ing the discomforts from the functional dis­ orders which women must endure. Make a note, N O W to get a bottle of world- famous Pinkham’s Compound today W IT H ­ OUT F A IL from your druggist—more than a million women have written in letters re­ porting benefit. W hy not try L Y D IA E. P IN K H A M ’S V EG ETA B LE COM PO UN D ? 666 LIQUID, TABLETS SALVE, NOSE DROPS checks COLDS FEVER and fir s t d a y Headaohe, 30 minutes. Try “ Rcb-My-Tism” —World’s Best Liniment Help Them Cleanse the Blood o f Harmful Body Waste Y ou r kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work— do not act as Nature intended— fail to re­ move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system pnd upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes— a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ order may be burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan’ s Pills. Doan’s have been winning new friends fo r more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask your neighborI | USE GOOD RATIONS FOR DAIRY CATTLE Cows Relish Grain Mixture of Different Feeds. B y J ohn A . A re y , N orth C arolina State Col­ lege— W NU S e rv ice . Even the humblest dairy cow has her own ideas about what she likes to eat, and only palatable feed will tempt her to eat enough to main­ tain a full milk flow. A good dairy cbw has a tremen-- dous capacity for converting feed into milk and to make full use of this capacity, she should be induced to eat all she can. A healthy cow relishes a grain mixture containing several different feeds, but she usually gets tired of a ration containing only one or two kinds of grain. Variety in the grain mixture not only makes it more palatable; it al­ so insures against a shortage of minerals and provides needed pro­ teins. The grain mixture should not be too concentrated. If it weighs about one pound per quart it has the right amount of bulk. Such feeds as wheat bran, ground oats, ground barley, and beet pulp are often used to qdd bulk and vari­ ety to the mixture. But grain is only a supplementary feed. Cows need plenty of good pasture when it is available or a full feed of silage in legume hay. Dairymen who buy feed for their cattle will get better results if they purchase only feed in which the per­ centage of nutrients is fairly high. When the percentage of drude fiber runs high, the fiber fills up the cow’s stomach without providing the di­ gestible nutrients she ought to have. Warm Water for Layers Increases Production In feeding laying hens, we usual­ ly think of the feed as the most im­ portant part of the ration. However, numerous experiments as well as practical observations of poultry- men have demonstrated that when water is withheld for any period of time from a flock of birds in heavy production, there is an imme­ diate and very marked decrease in egg production and oftentimes an entire loss of production in a very few days, says J. S. Carver, head of the poultry department, Washing­ ton State college. Water plays a highly important part in the digestion and metabo­ lism of fowl. It comprises over 55 to 75 per cent of the body and more than 65 per cent of the whole egg. It serves to soften feed in the crop. It plays an important part in diges­ tion. It is important in blood. It cools the body by evaporation through air sacks, lungs, and skin, and helps to equalize the temperature of va­ rious parts of the body. While all feedstuffs, such as mash and scratch grain and green feeds, contain a certain percentage of moisture, the amount from all these combined sources furnish but a very small percentage of the large re­ quirements for hens in heavy egg production. Ways to Stop a Fire This is the season for farm fires. Once started, a fire in a farm build­ ing is pretty hopeless to stop. But there are simple precautions worth taking, Country Home Magazine ob­ serves. A bucket of sand is use­ ful to have in case fire starts around a car, tractor or oil stove. Every home should have a fire extinguish­ er or two. Even a portable pres­ sure sprayer kept full of water is useful. We read recently of a man who makes fire grenades of old bottles filled with salt brine. He wires two bottles together which break when thrown on the fire, cre­ ating a vapor which smothers the flames. Zachary Taylor was interred without burial services. President Wilson’s baptismal name was Thomas Woodrow, but in early life he discarded the Thomas. During his public career he was known as Wood- row Wilson. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first President to be inaugurated in January. Theodore Roosevelt (in 1906) and Woodrow Wilson (in 1918) were awarded the Nobel peace prize. Washington was the only President to have a state named after him.- ASK ME ANOTHER ? 1. Is the North pole nearer to the center of the earth than the equator is? 2. Is it possible to expel a mem­ ber of congress? 3. Have the Dionne quintuplets been fingerprinted? 4. The United States issued how many patents in 1936 and 1937? 5. Who was the Salmon for whom the navy’s new submarine is named? The Answers 1. The earth is flattened at the poles, which are therefore nearer the earth’s center than is the equator. 2. Yes, with the concurrence. of two-thirds of the house. 3. All of the children have been fingerprinted. The prints are eas­ ily distinguished from each other. 4. In 1936 39,793 patents were issued; in 1937 37,695 patents were issued. 5. It is now the policy of the United States Navy department to name submarines for fish in the ocean. The submarine Salmon is named after the fish and not after an individual. S tran g e Facts ! Trim Your Couch Cover in Contrasting Cord TF SPRING is not in the air yet it soon will be. It is the season when every room in the house seems to need a lift. If your couch or daybed looks as though it has had a hard Winter now is the timé' to giyé it a thought. The couch of the type shown here may be made to fit into al­ most any decorating scheme if it has a smart and appropriate cov­ er. The one shown here is ideal for a room with modern furniture or for one that follows no particu­ lar period. It would also give an interesting accent in a Colonial or provincial room. The cushions match the couch cover. A rough- Tavotite JQeclyie c?k the Pineapple Cream for Plain Cake. ly/T ANY times the dessert ques- tion is a difficult one to de­ cide upon, and there are other times when there is some pound cake, gingerbread,, or plain butter cake left that needs to be made interesting to tempt the family. When these two situations meet, you will find that pineapple cream to serve over slices of any one of the kinds of cake will be just the trick to produce a lovely dessert. Pineapple Cream. 8 oz. ca n crushed p in ea p p le V2 pint p a stry c r e a m V 4 cu p m a rm a la d e, ja m o r je lly Drain the juice from the pine­ apple and save it to use for some­ thing else, or just drink it. Whip the cream until stiff. Blend the cream with the drained pineapple and the marmalade, jam or jelly. By varying the kind of jam used the whole tone or flavor of the cream can be changed, and you will find any flavor blends well with the pineapple. Serve the pine­ apple cream over slices of the' chosen cake. ly woven navy blue cotton mate­ rial is used and the seamlines are outlined with heavy cream colored cable cord. If you would like a gayer color scheme, use red cord with navy blue. Cream or yellow cord with brown material also makes an attractive cover. A curved candlewick tufting needle such as is shown here at the lower right is good to use for sewing the cord in place. Thread about size 8 or 10 to match the cord should be used. The needle shown is really a medium size ver­ sion of an upholsterer’s needle which is another piece of sewing equipment that you will find use­ ful if you like to renovate old fur­ niture. So often mystifying technical details stand in the way of mak­ ing things that would add beauty and comfort to your home. It is with this in mind that Mrs. Spears wrote and illustrated her book, SEWING, for the Home Decora­ tor. With clear sketches and text it explains the simplest and most professional methods of making new slipcovers, correctly styled curtains, difficult dressing tables, pleasingly proportioned lamp shades and dozens-of other things that will give your rooms new charm and freshness. This book will save you many dollars. Read­ ers wishing a copy may address Mrs. Spears, 210 So. Desplaines St., Chicago, 111., enclosing 25 cents (coins preferred) and a copy of the book will be sent post­ paid, by return mail. CINCE 1906 automobile prices ^ have been reduced fully 300 per cent, values have been dou­ bled or trebled, in manufactur­ ing and selling jobs have been provided for more than 3,000,- 000 people. Advertising created the demand that made these things possible. Pepsodent Tooth Powder and Paste A L O N E contain this thrilling new luster discovery • It will make your eyes open wide I . . . W h en you see your ow n smile reveal teeth that glisten and gleam with all their glorious natural luster . . . after you’ve nsed Pepsodent containing Irium I Stubborn, clinging surface-stains are New Eyes of the Universe ! TN 1940 a new telescope will be installed on Mount Wilson, in California. It is believed this 200- inch eye will show objects only 30 feet apart on the moon, and pho­ tographs taken through the tele­ scope will give us some astronom­ ical discoveries as important as those made by Galileo. To mod­ ern astronomers the camera is as necessary as the telescope to “ see” the universe accurately. The principle of the telescope was not discovered by Galileo, but he made use of it immediately. On a trip to Venice in 1609—the same spring Henry Hudson sailed for the New\ world—Galileo heard about a telescope. He heard that Hans Lippershey, a Dutch spec­ tacle-maker, happened one day to sight a wekthervane through two of his lenses at once. The aston­ ished maker of eyeglasses saw the cock on the church steeple grow larger in size and turn himself up­ side down. With this news Galileo went home to Padua and began making telescopes. The satellites of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and the mountains of the moon cam e' through his lead pipe with glass ends. Sixty years later Newton in­ vented a telescope with a mirror. This reflecting type has proved the most capable of being built in large sizes. The camera and its use in as­ tronomy would surprise Galileo and Newton more than the size of our giant telescopes. The cam­ era’s eye shows no errors caused by human excitement and visual fatigue. All the actions and ob­ jects in the heavens—eclipses, spi­ ral nebulae, and cyclones across the sun—are observed and record­ ed by light-sensitive chemicals through eyes of glass. © B ritann ic a Ju n ior. Ruling of the Judge Cut Both Ways »An Irishman, in court as a wit­ ness to a shooting affray, on being asked by the judge if he had seen the shot fired, replied, “ No, sir, I only heard the shot.” The judge told the man that such evidence was of no use. Upon leaving the stand the m a n laughed. The judge called him back and told him he had a mind to fine him for contempt of court. “ But did you see me laugh?” asked the man. “ No, but I heard you,” growled the judge. “ But we have just been told that such evidence is of no use,” replied the fellow. “ Next witness,” barked the judge. Catapulting Airplanes Quality Up, Price Down To Prevent Egg-Eating It is not good practice to feed chickens broken eggs. They acquire the habit of egg-eating very readily and some birds can puncture the shell of sound eggs. In preventing the flock from getting started at egg eating, says a writer in the Boston Globe, it is best to screen the roosts so that broken eggs will be out of their way and that they are not getting a taste of them, Adequate litter should be kept in the nest to prevent breakage. The dark front nest also prevents egg eating from getting started, and a close watch can be kept over the flock for birds that show evidence of egg eating as indicated by yolk m a terial on the beak. A Quiz With Answ ers Offering Information on Various S u b jects gently brushed away—as Pepsodent c< taining Irium goes to Work! It wo: speedily, thoroughly, t o o . . . yet is a& J u t e ly s a fe ! Contains NO B LEACH , N O GRIT, NO PUM- ICE. T ry it yourself! There are two methods of cata­ pulting airplanes off ships—the gunpowder catapult and the com­ pressed air catapult. These devices work in much the same way as does a sling shot. The plane is placed on a car which is on a track on the deck of a ship. The releasing of com­ pressed' air or of gunpowder at the back of thé plane assists it to pick up the necessary flying speed.