THE AURORA OBSERVER, AURORA, OREGON DIZZY DRAMAS — N ow P la yin g “ H IS F R A U " THE CHEERFUL CHE W ) By Joe Bowers I wonder wht,t you tkink oF And tùli tke little. tkou§V\t5 Ive >prvm§. Ok, gentle ret-der, p le a s e b e k in d j ■L 1 rrytjy im prove — 1m v e r y yovnd. rA J m* I I I I By LEMUEL F. PARTON WNU Service. H ow Often Should Your Furniture Be Polished? Housewives differ on the ques tion of “ when to polish their furni ture.” Some have no set time for it—polishing when they think of it —or when, casting a glance about, they decide that the furniture can “ stand it.” Others, polish every cleaning day—which ordinarily occurs once a week. Others dedi cate but one day a year to this important procedure. And still others, polish the furniture in their home regularly, once a month. This last group is the largest—but their schedule- is not sufficiently frequent. Furniture can not be polished too often! True, the outward benefit of the best oil polish—the luster—will last through a single week—and more—but this same polish, with its light oil base, preserves and “ feeds” the furnitureC/revives it, prolongs its life! So that every application is highly beneficial to woodwork and the various pieces of fine wood in the hpme. Our advice, therefore, for the sake of endurance, as well as appear ance, of your furniture, is “ polish up” with a good oil polish at least twice a month! O -CEDAR CLEANS, POLISHES, PRESERVES- KEEPS FURNITURE LIKE NEW More women use O-Cedar Polish and Mops than any other kind- fot furniture, woodwork, and floors. Joy or Grief Contentment furnishes constant joy. Much covetousness, constant grief.^ To the contented even pov erty is joy. To the discontented, even wealth is a vexation. For Chest Colds Distressing cold in chest or throat, never safe to neglect, generally eases up when soothing, warming Mus- terole is applied. Better than a mustard plaster, Musterole gets action because it’s NOT just a salve. It’s a “ counter* irritant”—stimulating, penetrating, and helpful in drawing out local con gestion and pain. Used by millions for 30 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. All druggists’ . In three strengths: Regular Strength, Chil dren s (mild), and Extra Strong. Ap proved by Good Housekeeping. WNU—13 10—38 Shining Qualities Many individuals have, like un cut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior.—Ju venal. INSIST ON GENUINE NUJOL Copr. 1987. Stara» lag. j ^ E W YORK.—Many years ago, in South America, this writer was always hearing somebody mut ter “ Perros!” (dogs), as he passed by. It expressed Propaganda dislike of all North Trick Hurt Americans. Upton U. S. Trade Sinclair’ s book, “ The J u n g 1 e,” about the Chicago packing houses, had been carefully mistranslated, in a widely circulated version, which made multitudes of South Ameri cans believe all North Americans ate dogs. Even in remote jungle towns, I found European trade scouts and salesmen making dili gent use of the book. It was the neatest trade propaganda trick of the century. The one-sided battle has contin ued through the decades. Late re ports are that South American ra dio stations are belting Uncle Sam with everything at hand, and, to the same degree, apostrophizing It aly, Germany and Japan. «F or this reason, there appears to be more than meets the eye in the printed story of our new airwave rearmament, and the assignment of a new short-wave channel for broadcasts to South America. With Secretary Hull, Dr. L. S. Rowe, director general of the Pan- Àmerica» union, pleads for “ strong er cultural ties” in the first broad cast. Spanish translations follow the English version. While all this is in the name of “ peace and good-will,” and official announcements carry no hint of a . . defensive propa- Radio Aida ganda war, it ap- in Fighting pears to be the an- U. S. Smear swer—perhaps the only possible re ply—to the widespread smearing campaign against the U. S. A. in Latin American countries. The sixty-six-year-old Dr. Rowe is a happy choice to head Ameri ca’s “ cultural,” if not propaganda, outreach in this direction. He has become widely known and decidedly persona grata in South America in his 32 years of pleading and prose lyting for solidarity, friendship and understanding in the Americas. He has fraternized with South Americans more than any other northerner, lecturing, writing, evangelizing and expounding bis doctrines of friendly co-opera tion—always on the high plane of cultural and intellectual inter course. He has been head of the Pan-American union since 1920, succeeding John Barrett. • * • begins at forty for Gracie L IFE Fields, English Musió Hall ac tress, who curtsies to the king and becomes a commander of the Order of the British Em- Jane Alger pire. It is another Career of Jane Alger story, Stage Star this tale of the Lancashire m i l l girl who became the highest-paid entertainer in the world. Her earnings from her 5,000,000 gramophone records, and from the stage and cinema have reached $750,000 a year. She lives simply with her mother, who manages her af fairs, and never has anything more than pocket money. Ev ery so often she visits Rochdale, the mill town where she sang for pennies at the age of seven, and has a rollicking time, sing ing for her old friends. She was a “ half-timer” in the cotton mills, half the day in school and half at work. In 1930, she made a brief appear ance at the Palace theater in New York. It wasn’t A cf Spoiled much of a suc- by Fear of cess. She ex- Gum-Chewers plained afterward that she had been warned in England that entire audi ences in America chewed gum to gether and in time, with dreadful facial contortions. This frightened her and spoiled her act. She was glad to land safely in England, where she is widely be loved and known as “ Good Old Gra cie.” Just a few days before her forti eth birthday, she returned home from a party at four o’clock in the morning. The milkman, the police man on the Beat and a street- sweeper ceremoniously handed her a morning paper with her name in the king’s honor list. © Consolidated News Features. WNU Service. WHAT TO EAT AND WHY Food Trovides the Key to Mental and Physical Power You Can Be Strong, Beautiful, Wise, Rear Healthy Children Only If You Know How to Combine the _ Right Food Materials in the Diet By C. HOUSTON GOUDISS 6 E ast 39th Street, New York. INCE the w orld began, food has been m an’ s first con sideration* F or it he has fought and died. To find it he has traveled over great continents and braved unknown dangers. His quest fo r food has changed the m ap o f the w orld and colored the history o f nations. But in all of these historic struggles, he has been m otivated solely by the desire to get enough food to satisfy hunger. S Today, actual hunger is rare. But hundreds of thousands of people starve in the midst of plenty because they do not realize the tremendous power of food for good or for evil. They do not realize that as a m an eats, so he is, and that his ch oice of food m aterials gives or takes aw ay the pow er to Jive vigorously—to think clearly—to feel w arm ly—to be strong, healthy and wise. < It can be truly said that been discovered to date— A , B, your food is your fate. It has C, D, E and G. the pow er to shape your body 6. WATER which is a part of all body tissue and must be —to m ake it strong and beau present in order to have the tiful, or weak and ugly. It has other food elements function the pow er to influence your properly. language, yoiSPrgait, your tone The ideal dietary is one that in o f voice, in short—your life. cludes a correct proportion of the With the right food, life be different food elements required com es a glorious adventure, to supply bodily needs without any of them being supplied in excess, for it increases your leader or in insufficient amounts. ship, intensifies your m ag Food Can Make or Mar. netic qualities, strengthens your morale, ¿md increases your physi cal defenses and resistance. Food—the Fuel of Life. The body machine cannot be run efficiently without proper food fuel any more than a car could be run without gas, or a house could be heated without oil, coal or wood. Food also has the power to speed up or slow down the workings o f the mind. It likewise influences the state o f our nerves, the warmth of our affections, the type o f characters we possess. Finally, the power to have strong, healthy children is based on proper food. And nutritional scientists have discovered that the wrong food can even take away from us the greatest bless ing that Nature has bestowed— our earthly immortality. For it can deprive us of the ability to bear children who will carry on after we are gone. Six Groups of Food Substances. What food substances are neces sary to build and maintain top health—to develop the greatest physical and mental power? 1. PROTEINS which build and repair body tissues. These are found in such foods as milk, eggs, meats, fish, cheese and nuts. 2. FATS which yield heat and energy. The fats are rep resented by butter, cream, oils and the fat of meats. 3. CARBOHYDRATES — the starches and sugars. These also supply heat and energy, and are found chiefly in such foods as bread, potatoes, cere als and sweets. 4. MINERALS which build, repair, protect and regulate. Among the minerals which are absolutely necessary to health and vigor are calcium, phos phorus, iron, copper, iodine, sulphur, manganese, magne sium, sodium and potassium. These are found in varying amounts in milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, whole grain cere als and meats. 5. VITAMINS which are nec essary for body regulation, and as a protection against dread deficiency diseases. Six have There are many striking ex amples of the power of food to make or mar existence. I could cite hundreds of laboratory ex periments, many of which have been confirmed by clinical ex perience. Nor is this power of food to af fect mental activity confined to prenatal life. Even if a child en ters this world with a strong body and a clear mind—the wrong food during childhood has the power to wreck health. Investigation after investiga tion, by leading specialists throughout the country, has prov en that a surprising percentage of retarded children—those who can not keep up with thfeir school grades—do not really have infe rior minds. They only seem stu pid because the action of their minds is clogged and slowed down by sluggish, under-fed bodies. C. Houston Goudiss, outstanding food authority, author, and radio lecturer, author of “ What to Eat and Why.” He knows food from soil to serving, from table to tis sue. Watch for his articles each week. follow will be better or worse than those that went before, de pends largely upon what you eat. Within a few hours the bread, meat, vegetables and liquids that you swallow are transformed into your person ality They begin to think, feel and a f t a T h e y become YOU. What w a s^ R d yesterday, today is carrying ’on the impor tant business of the world. Each meal that you eat helps or hin ders the efficiency and ease with which these various duties are performed. That is why it is true that as you eat, so you are. And that is why I say that three times a day, at your table, you SIT D O W N TO LIFE. © WNU.—C. Houston Goudiss— 1938. SmoJteM- knout tUati LUDEN'S Menthol Cough Drops 5 0 B U S IN E S S Physical fitness is a far greater asset than material possessions. For in times o f stress and trouble, those who can stand up under the physical strain win the battle. For those who collapse, all is lost. Business demands thorough training in business essen tials. That’s why the popu lar choice is Behnke-Walker. The Homemaker’ s Responsibility. Every wife and mother is there fore faced with the tremendous responsibility of keeping her fam ily mentally and physically fit. Her husband must have the right kind of food in order to earn a living. Her own diet must be adequate and well-balanced if she is to have the energy, wis dom, and patience required of a mother at all hours of the day. Her baby will not grow into a healthy man or woman unless he or she has the right nourishment from the moment of birth. And school children can’t keep up with their classes without the right food. If you will follow tnis series of articles, and put into practice the principles of correct eating that I advocate, I can promise that you will increase both mental and physical efficiency, and as a re sult, achieve greater health and happiness for every member of your family. Food Affects Your Body and Mind Each morning when you awake, a new life is ahead of you. Whether that day and the days to $fcVvn\Q05oM[vejif • Write fo r particulars BUSINESS COLLEGE 1022 S. W. Salmon St, Portland, Ore. WATCH U tcSpetiafa You can depend on the spe cial sales the merchants of our town announce in the columns of this paper .They mean money saving to our readers. It always pays to patronize the merchants who advertise. They are not afraid o f their mer chandise or their prices.