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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
TH E A U R O R A OBSERVER, A U RO RA , OREGON i TsOaS liû tq l& H V à ft & t' NATIONAL TOPICS INTERPRETED NATIONAL PRESS BLDG W A S H I N G T O N . D. C. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST End o f World Idea Stale; Planet Collision Unlikely Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers ^ = = __a b ou t: Albany— For the first time since organization of the Oregon League of Cities, Albany is now a full-fledged member, as tXereSult of action by the city council. — D o y o u rem em ber the feverish, the alm ost hysterical eagerness to make kidn apin g a capital offen se w hich sw ept legislature on legis lature— M issouri and C alifornia and oth er states besides— after the Lindbergh baby was stolen? You must remember; it wasn’t long ago. And now will some bright little boy or girl tell the rest of the class just how many kidnapers, who were tried, con victed and condemned under these laws, have been legally put to death since then? And does anyone seriously believe that anywhere in th e Union, Bruno Haupt mann would today st and a p p r e c ia b ly closer to the electric Irvin S. Cobb chair, had not child- murder been added to the other hideous crime of child stealing? We’re a great people for laws—not for enforcing laws; dearie me, no, we’re much too tender-hearted for that rough stuff—but just for having nice orna mental laws on the statute books. Let’s see how many more we enact before the spring thaw comes. We are never deeply alarmed over the annual, sometimes semi-annual, predictions that tne world is soon coming to an end (it is a wornout way of attracting attention to one self, too). The only manner in which the world can reach annihilation is by some great convulsion among the planets. The mathematical system of the universe must have been worked out long ago, or we should see in our day at least one or two collisions of worlds whirling through space. But they do not collide; and they have not collided since the morning stars sang together. They are a perfect example of per petual motion, and, therefore, the deathless inspiration of those earthly souls who think that if perpetual motion can and does prevail in the scheme of cosmos, they can discover the secret. Persons who predict the end of the world are unscientific indi viduals with indifferent reasoning powers.—F. H. Collier in St. Louis Globe Democrat. Kidnaping Laws. BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF. Umatillo— Deer and wild foul are Washington.—Congress, again, has him, however, and M. Laval was re surviving theNcoId weather fairly well given a fine illustration of how a horse placed by Foreign Minister Flandin. In the Umatink national forest. goes up to the jump. Now, Europe has seen the prompt Snow is five feet^eep at Summit and Neutrality then fails to take it. desertion of Mussolini from the two feet along Meacham creek. a Shell It faltered on the French side and his alignment with Ashland*—An unofficial survey dis neutrality question. Hitler. True, congress has re-enacted for an So, the old picture has been put closes that 76.6 per cent, of Ashland other year the neutrality Mw that was together again in Europe with the only citizens are jaywalkers in the down put through under pressure a year change being the placement of Italy town district. A recent ordinance ago but it did not have the necessary on the opposite side of the fence from prohibits crossing streets outside the courage to go into that question and where that nation stood in 1914. But pedestrian lanes. work out anything of a permanent let not the fact that the alignment Dufur— Cherry acreage in Wasco character. The result, I am con differs only because of Italy’s position vinced, is that as soon as there is any be minimized. It is the most impor county has increased several hundred excuse whatsoever, neutrality for the tant of the combination that has de per cent, during the last 25 years. From 818 acres ffi 1909, the acreage United States will be nothing but a veloped in Europe. has grown to 3827 acres. The cher shell. ry tonnage now amounts to 3800 an I do not know, nor do I believe any The new situation, insofar as Great body can tell at this juncture whether Britain is concerned, means that in nually. the United States ought to embark on Silverton — j h e Down family is case of a clash In a rigid policy of isolation from affairs France Backs t h e Mediterranean down on its luck. Bud suffered an of the world but that is a question that Britain between the forces injured foot white playing on the is subordinate at this moment The school grounds. His brother Bob of Mussolini a n d point is that congress, a year ago, the British there will be French sup hurt his finger. Then their father, made a great show of neutrality and port. It means, therefore, that Mus A1 Down, lost all his belongings in a put on a second stage performance solini hardly dare disturb the concen fire that made 100 persons homeless only lately with the same theme song. tration of British warships around at Knappton, Wash.'’ Since it has backed away from the the Suez. To do so would call down real issue it begins to appear that the upon his head not only the shells of Cottage Grove— The miniature sil * * * original action was but hollow mock the British fleet but those of the ver thaw which hit this section did ery; that the politicians moved a year French as well. not discourager the flora. Spring Old “ Uncle Wilbur” ago with the thought in mind that they O THE ex-kaiser is getting on to For the French, the revived under beauties have been reported sticking would not have to go on record so soon standing with Great Britain gives sup their heads up through a thin layer of ward eighty, j It seems only yes- and that they could make the country port against the slow flow of Hitler ice. Daffodils, already well out of terday when I was one of three Amer- feel it had elected statesmen. But, in lava into the Rhinelaiid which was the ground, are^merely waiting for a ican correspondents with the invading stead, their course has led them to demilitarized by the Treaty of Ver little encouraging sunshine. German forces in 1914. Among our the point where a decision had to be sailles at the end of the World war. selves we wanted to be able to refer Stayton— The digging of a trap made—and they have dodged it. The French are very touchy about the freely to our imperial host without giv One of the reasons why this neu Rhineland and any attémpt by Ger well to reach a source of mountain ing offense to anybody in his army. So trality question has become so im many to fortify that territory makes water is submitted to the Salem of we twisted Emperor Wilhelm Hohen- portant is the combination of circum French-nerves very jittery. It is only ficials as a solution of the city’s wa zollern into “ Uncle Wilbur Hennebury stances that has developed in Eu natural, then, that the French look ter problem by A. D. Gardner of of Chambersburg, Pa.,” and went about rope. Those maneuvers have put our upon the agreement with London as Stayton. The well would be located speaking of him as one to whom we congress on the spot and it, like so an assurance of security in event Hit in the «old Santiam river bed four were indebted for diverse favors but miles southeast of Stayton. many previous times, again has wav ler should strike in the Rhineland. whose policies and methods frequently ered. Through it all, foreign advices in Bend— Indications are that there were open to criticism. It is difficult to forecast what Is go dicate that British fists are gradually will be between 35,000 and 40,000 To the world today he’s, the wood- ing to happen in Europe but there are being doubled up against Hitler. This acre feet of water in the Ochoco res chopper of D oom ; to The suppressed' certain signs and' portents that may is true notwithstanding the fact that ervoir this coming season, when snow royalists of the Vaterland he’s still, I not be ignored. History, as we all the new King Edward Vÿll is trying now bJ^y^etij^^fc^Blue. piou^tains of suppose, the all-highest. But so long now, has a habit of repeating itself to be, rcehtrai' Oregon^^tts, Glen Cox, man as I (ian remember those mad days In nd it promises to repeat Itself in a eign dispatches and private advices ager of the Ochoco irrigation district, Belgium and France, he’ll be “ Uncle explain that there is a notable re hurry this time. reports. The water content of the Wilbur,” a good fellow while he had it. Let us look at the European pic currence among the British of discus- Ochoco snow is reported to be the Maybe if he hadn’t figured his divine ture. On the one hand we have an ^Sion recalling Germany atrocities in heaviest known in years. right was better than the devastating alignment of France and England and Kthe World war. Slowly but surely left hook of world opinion he might Salem— Road oils totaling approx still be the all-ages heavyweight cham probably Russia. On the other, we see throughout England the old hatred is imately $100,000 were purchased by pion of European royalty. And there Hitlerized Germany, Austria and Italy. arising. On the northern frontier o f Germany the state board o f control from eight might be more European royalty than There has been nothing more tangible thus far than a baring of fangs. That there is a new line of steel. The Com oil companies, the business to be dis there is. * * * Is, no overt acts have been committed munistic state of Russia looks with tributed on the “ basis of taxes paid but It always has been the case that disfavor upon the Nazi. My informa in the state and ability to deliver at Wrestling As an Art the snarling and showing of teeth tion is that it would take very little various points” . Purchase o f the oil has provided the setting, the atmos to provoke trouble there. on the taxation basis was declared a r^YERY time I go to a so-called wres- Altogether, the situation is one new policy of the board and was rec ^ tling contest, I say to myself that, phere, for more serious accusations. It may never happen that Germany or where, if a stone rolls down a moun ommended by the state highway de if only we revived the ancient Roman Austria or Italy will take steps which tain side, it could very easily become partment. Bids of the eight com sport of matching gladiators to murder one another publicly, no building any France or Russia could regard as an the detonation cap that would explode panies wer$ identical. where could hold the multitudes that invasion of national rights and then, an ammunition dump. Salem — Millard D. Rodman, Cul would flock to the blood-lettings. With these facts in mind, one can again, any one of them at any time It can’t be the posing, posturing, may accidentally or deliberately do understand readily the gravity of the ver, ^youngest member of the house some minor thing that would provoke relations between the United States of representatives at the regular and cheap acting, deliberate fouling, obvi and the rest of the world. One can special sessions of the 1935 legisla ous hippodroming, the fixed victories hostilities. • * * understand as well why congress was ture, has resigned as representative and the faked defeats that bring the rather anxious to avoid legislation of from Crook and Jefferson counties to crowds swarming about the mastodonic The chief significance of the re a broader scope in international af accept a federal job. Rodman will be masters of the manly art of self-pre ported alignment of Italy with Ger many and Austria is fairs than already was operative. Yet, associated with the U. S. department tense, these blubber-laden practition New that the Central this does not alter the fact that if of agriculture. The state department ers of the pleasant science of mayhem. congress had no in|ention of estab was undecided whether it would ask All the cruel agony can’t be make- Alignment Powers, as they lishing a real neutrality policy, it the counties to appoint a successor, believe, all the seeming suffering isn’t stood in 1914, have been augmented by the strength of should not have embarked on a course or .merely wait for the next election. rehearsed beforehand. That’s what makes the business pay. The creak of Fascist Italy. It means that the Ger designed to that end. It was either Medford— A band of outlaw horses many of 1914 has access to the North engaging in a game of fooling the led by six wild stallions has created the dislocated ankle and the brisk sea and the Mediterranean instead public a year ago or it has just now such a problem in the little Appe- snap of the. splintering knee-joint, the scream as a brutal thumb gouges at a of just the North sea as occurred 20 demonstrated a most cowardly atti gate district that the Jackson county tortured eyeball—it’s so much music to tude. years ago. court was asked to approve a round the popular ear. Coupled with that fact is the con up of the rovers. Stockmen and for Now, to get back home; we observe That reminds me I must see about dition of a better defense for the Cen est service representatives signed the getting my tickets for this week’s a maneuver by Président Roosevelt tral Powers. If the agreement be to link North and petition for the roundup and agreed bouts. I hear the house is sold out. tween Germany and Italy sticks, Ger Roosevelt98 South American na- to pay the expense. They said the That’s no way fo treat a regular cus many has only the western and Rus Maneuver tions into a new wild horses, numbering between 75 tomer. sian fronts to maintain. ^It allows for agreement. W h i l e and 100, trample down range grass a more compact military program be none of our officials will say that this and alfalfa fields, eat the rock salt Stifling the Urge cause, instead of guarding against Italy on the south, Germany has an move has any connection with Euro left for range cattle, kick the life out T’S almost time for the master tai ally in that direction from which pean development, I believe that ob of sheep and young stock, and consti lors to announce that this year men servers generally are of the opinion tute a general rangeland nuisance. sources of supply can be established, . will wear bright colors. They do that that it has an important bearing on The fresh understandings worked out the situation beyond the Atlantic. It regularly and nothing ever comes of Ice Cave Too Warm between France and England really ought to be helpful in keeping the Bend— Workmen cutting a barrier it except vain longings for us, poor are nothing more than a restoration United States out of that mess or, if in a lava cave near here made an un cowardly worms that we are. Being a of the arrangement that existed in the the future forces us into it and, in usual complaint. It’s too hot. The race of ’fraid-cats, we’ll go right on World war. The British, on the sur the meantime, there is a sound ar cave, filled with icicles in the sum encasing ourselves in garments suit face at least, have no compact with rangement worked out between na mer, becomes uncomfortably warm in able for pallbearers at a Dunkard Russia but the French have a very tions of the western hemisphere, their winter. funeral. definite agreement with the Soviet. combined strength ought to put an I’m typical of the whole thwarted It seems likely, therefore, that if hos end to European strife more quickly male species. My impulse is to go pick “ Not for Rent” Signs Out tilities should break out again, the than if those European nations were Milton-Freewater- An acute short out something suitable for a fancy vest British and the Soviet will have no left to fight it out alone. In other age of hpuses has developed in these and then have a whole suit made of difficulty in establishing a pact of words, if Mr. Roosevelt can work out twin communities as a result of in it. Right now I’ve got my eye on a mutual help. a binding agreement between all the creased industrial activity. One man nobby checked ^pattern in black and As a sidelight, it seems to me that nations of the western hemisphere, has gone so far as to display this sign white squares that would make me look a good deal like a marble-tiled entry the new developments rather turn the they can exert a tremendous influence. on his house— “ Not for Rent” . hall. But will I indulge my stifled nat spotlight on the policies of Pierre This influence will carry further ural cravings? Don’t make me laugh! Laval, former French foreign minis-* than on the homeland of any of the 12,000 Fleeces Sold It’s not one another’s scorn we fear. ter. M. Laval, it will be remembered, countries now involved in the Euro Portland— Frank Clark, wool buy was ousted because of alleged pro- pean case of jitters. It possibly may er for Hallowell, Jones & Donald of It’s our womenfolk. Well, if you were hen and the poor foolish rooster had Italian policies. He sought for months extend to the point of becoming the Boston, confirmed the purchase of to maintain friendship between France balance of power in the settlement of 12,000 fleeces at Shaniko, Oregon, at surrendered to you all his gay feathers, and Italy, because he feared to do oth- j colonial disputes between the central 25 cents a pound. The initial trad alwong with most of his other perqui erwise would result in alignment of powers and the newly re-established ing last year for similaV types of wool sites, would you give ’em back to him? IRVIN S. COBB. Mussolini with Hitler. The bulk of allies. was around 17 to 11 Y 2 c^nts a pound. Copyright.— WNU Service. the French parliament disagreed with © W estern Newspaper Union. S Much in Little It Is in the perfect poem that its writer knows when to stop. i j A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal No. matter how many medicines $ du have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul- sion, which goes right to the seat o f the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money i f you are not satisfied with I results from the very first "bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) Need for It A man who paddles his own canoe Boon wants a larger craft. CONSTIPATED 30 TEARS “ F or th ir ty yea rs I had c h r o n i c c o n s t i p a t io n . S om etim es I did n o t gq fo r fo u r o r five days. 1 also h ad aw ful gas bloa t in g , headaches an d pain in t h e b a c k • A d le r ik a h elp ed rig h t away. Now I e a t sausage, bananas, pie, an yth in g I w an t an a n ever fe lt b etter. I sleep sou n d ly,all n ig h t a n d en jo y life.** — Mrs» M abel S ch o tt • I f you are suffering from constipation; sleeplessness, sour stomach, and gas bloating, there is quick relief for you in Adlerika. M any report action in 30 minutes after taking just one dose. Adlerika gives complete action, clean ing your bowel tract where ordinary laxatives do not even reach. Z)r. H. L. Shoub, New York, reports9 ■‘In addition to intestinal cleansing* Adlerika checks the growth o f in• • testinal bacteria and colon bacilli.” Give your stomach and bowels a real cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relievei GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by all druggists and drug departments. Get auick relief with Cuticura. A w orld wide success! Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. O in tm e n t 2 5 c. W r it e “ C u t ic u r a ," Dept. 12, Malden, Mass., fo r FR E E sample. WNU—13 10—30 W EAK WOMEN Mrs. John Wright of 4th and Cedar Sts., Junction City, Ore., said: “ A few years ago I had headaches and. pains in my side, back and limbs. 1 started taking Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription and noticed a big change, my food seemed to be doing me more good. I soon felt strong and well again.” Buy now! New sire, tabs. 50c. Liquid $1.00 and $1.35.