Thursday, Nov. 19, 1931 THE AURORA OBSERVER, AURORA, OREGON Prove Bulls Before Putting Them to Use Only Method of Assuring Herd Improvement. . WINTER SUNSHINE BEST TO DISPOSE GOOD FOR POULTRY OF “LEAKING” COW Ultra-Violet Rays Needed by Flock. Percentage of Cures Shown to Be Small. So much evidence has been accum­ ulated about the value of winter sun­ shine in egg production that it cannot be ignored by poultrys raisers who want to get profitable results. It has been shown that ultra-violet rays are a powerful factor in increas­ ing egg production, hatchability and fertility, as well as in maintaining healthful conditions. Ultra-violet rays promote bone and body growth, and building vitamin D. During the winter months, when poul­ try is confined, ordinary glass and soiled cloth curtains bar them out and some means must be employed to make them available. You need good housing and good management to get best results. Pub­ lished data by such representative bodies as Wisconsin experiment sta­ tion, University of Arkansas; Ohio experiment station and others have shown the effect of ultra-violet rays during the winter months. Records at egg-laying contests (notably the Vine- land egg-laying contest) also give practical proof of the egg-producing value *of ultra-violet rays. Poultry needs winter sunshine. Layers must get ultra-violet radiation or its equivalent. This is also true of chicks. The wise poultry raiser will make sure his house is properly con­ structed this winter and next spring. p-Ohfo Farmer. i ■ — Many high producing milk cows will be seen with the milk dripping or streaming from their udder for some time before the usual milking time. The owners of such cows will be de­ sirous of learning how to prevent this loss of milk. Usually there is only one way to prevent that is generally satisfactory, and that is to milk these cows often enough to prevent the dis­ tention of the udder which causes this leaking. By milking these cows three or four times- a day, this loss usually is prevented. Since many owners do not find it convenient to do this, it is usually best to dispose of these an­ imals. Several different treatments have been advocated for this conditions, but non“ uable cow for breeding purposes, as the percentages of recoveries are so influenced by Feeding very small that it hardly seems desir­ Egg size is influenced by breeding able to keep such cows in the herd and also by feeding. It is as natural unless they are exceptionally valuable for some hens to lay large eggs as it —Montreal Herald. Is for some cows to give a heavy flow of milk. It is important to select eggs of the desired size when saving Impossible to Find Any for incubation, because the size of egg Profit in “Scrub” Cows laid, to some extent, is inherited by When the prices of butterfat and the offspring. However, it is possible to influence the size of eggs to a con­ feed are normal, ten cows producing siderable extent through proper feed­ an average of 100 pounds of fat per ing and a proper supply of minerals annum will earn $135. Under the same conditions one cow producing 400 necessary for egg shell. A ration of grain alone or even with pounds o f . butterfat will earn $138. milk will probably not give best re­ When you multiply the butterfat pro­ sults so far as egg size is concerned. duction of a cow four times, you mul­ A balanced ration carrying not less tiply your income ten times and you than 3 per cent of bone meal and pos­ cut your feed costs per pound of but­ sibly 1 or 2 per cent calcium car­ terfat in Jialf. bonate in some form, like crushed It is suggested that out of the more limestone or calcite, is considered do than a million cows milked in Texas sir able for best eggs. there must be a very large number that never make a profit for their own­ ers. How much better it would be to Plan Now to Increase sell six scrubs for butchering purposes Production of Eggs and buy one good cow. When scrub cows are sold to other One of the imperative needs of the poultry industry is to increase the farmers for dairy purposes the indus­ consumption of eggs, said Reese Ricks try has not been helped. Every nou- of the International Baby Chick as­ profitable cow should be disposed of, sociation, in addressing the American even at sacrifice in price, to the butch­ Institute of Co-operation at Manhat­ er or killed and canned for home con­ tan, Kan. Other foods are giving eggs sumption. What we need in the South­ a battle for a place on the breakfast west is fewer and better cows.—Farm table, and according to Mr. Hicks, this and Ranch. Is what can be done about it. The first step toward increasing egg Kill Lice in Calves consumption is for producers to sup­ The problem of lice on cattle, and ply high quality eggs. Thé second especially calves, in the winter * dif­ Step is in standardizing the product so that the public will know what it ficult, to control but by using certain Is buying. The third step is for co­ well-known methods as recommended operatives to join hands with other by J. B. Fitch, Kansas state college, agencies in the poultry industry to ed­ the insects can be eradicated. “Probably the most efficient trea*-- ucate the public as to the value of ment for lice in an application of a 2 eggs.—Nebraska Farmer. per cent solution of a coal-tar dip to all parts of the ’alffs body. A second treatment, a week or ten days later, will usually eliminate most of the Oat hulls are not harmful to chicks trouble. This treatment should be im­ If ground fine enough. plied only when calves are in a warm • * • place and can be rubbed dry. Duripg Among the incurable poultry dis­ severe weather a mixture of equal eases are chronic coccidiosis, tuber­ parts of kerosene and lard, or a good culosis, bacillary white diarrhea, fowl commercial louse powder will usually cholera, fowl typhoid and blackhead. control the lice. Through cleaning Serious cases of chicken pox and roup and disinfecting of the calf shed will might also be included. also help to control the lice.” Poultry Facts The poultryman’s biggest asset right now is the flock of new pullets that are being developed for next win­ ter’s laying flock, and whatever he can do to protect that flock so these birds will continue to lay, worth real money to him. * * • Culling a flock is one of the impor­ tant things which is most commonly neglected. There Is also a neglect to procure and keep pure-bred chickens. Vermin are commonly found in poul­ try houses. • •* • Several poultry diseases are quite similar in many external symptoms. One oEr two additional symptoms usually, to the experienced, determine the accuracy of rag superficial diagno­ sis. Post mortems prove the super­ ficial diagnosis andvtherein lies ex­ perience Curing “Sucking” Cow A cow that has formed the habit of sucking the other cows usually as diffi­ cult to break. A writer in Hoard’s Dairyman states that he has had this trouble with two animals in his herd and cured both of them by putting bits in their, mouth, securing them there with a small rope running over the head, halter fashion, and a piece of balling wire for a throat latch. The baiter must not be tight enough that- Ihe bit binds in the corners of the mouth, as this caxises the mouth to get sore and they will refuse to graze or eat. The directions are to use a com­ mon light snaffle bit. The bit is left in the mouth for several weeks and when removed the habit is cured. At least, it was so In the case of thi9 writer. It is some considerable degree of satisfaction to us that breeders and dairy farmers recognize more and more the value of dairy herd improve­ ment associations for securing better sires. Breeders who have advanced their herds in production through keeping, records andL systematic cull­ ing do not desire to select a bull that many decrease the production of the herd. This leads them to seek ways and means to prove the bulls before used extensively in their herds. In Iowa we find that the herd im­ provement association is attempting to prove 1,374 bulls. This activity is named the “better sire contest,” and 64 associations have entered. It has caused three or four farmers to own a bull together, to build safety bull pens, and provide paddocks where the bulls can exercise so they may be kept in good health. At the proper time awards based on pedigree, type, rec­ ords of daughters over dams, will be given. This kind of work will help to save the good bull which, up to ndw, too often has been sent to the butcher before his value was known. Further, If carried out in the proper way it will ultimately eliminate from our breeding cattle the low producing blood and establish characters that will breed true for high production and good type.—Hoard’s Dairyman. Your children’s F U T U R E depends on the sound, sturdy foundation you help i them build. Give them Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Do doctors say its Vitamin A potency aids in building resistance to child- diseases, and promotes correct growth. Its Vitamin D, along with calcium and phosphorous salts, helps develop strong bones and teeth. Good for adults too • • . and it s really easy to take. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Rep­ resentatives, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. L isten to ScotVe Emulsion *• ** Romances o f the Sea” every Sunday at 6:30 p. tn. over Stations K H J Los Angeles, K O IN Portland, K FR C San Francisco, K O L Seattle, K V I Tacoma and K E P Y Spokane Tired, Nervous and depressed ? Health Suffers When Kidneys Do Not Act Right 110LED p r o m p tly a n a g g in g M backache, with bladder ir­ regularities and a tired, nervous, depressed feeling. They may warn o f certain disordered kidney or bladder conditions* Users everywhere rely on Doan’s Pills • The sale o f m illions o f boxes annually attests to Doan’s popu­ larity* Your dealer has Doan’s• Doan’s M ils A Diuretic for the Kidneys Early Breeding Sure to Hold Back Development Many heifers that have been well fed fail to make proper size at ma­ turity because they have been bred at too early an age. Not only is size lost by this practice but ability to produce milk as well. The heavier the breed the more Is the time re­ quired for development before the ani­ mal is bred. Holsteins, for instance, may be tffed at the age of eighteen to twenty-one months depending on their development. Ayrshires at eight­ een to twenty months and Jerseys at fifteen to seventeen months. This is a general rule. The best breeders may prefer to hold their heifers a little longer. One of the greatest Ayrshire breeders once said that the best heif; ers lie ever owned were not bred till twenty-one months, and he consid­ ered this quite efsviW?enough. / In al­ together too many cases the lighter breeds come in at twenty months and the heavier breeds at twenty-four months. Need for Deep Plowing Land can he made rich in the plowed soil by the addition of manure and green Immature clovers plowed under, or by plowing under any of the peas and beans; but land can be made rich with manure and these crops, only as deep as they are plowed under. When the surface soil is made rich, the roots of plants form largely in the plowed or surface soil and roots are shallow and weak. When roots are shallow and weak the crops are likely to suffer from drought when the surface soil be­ comes dry, and the crop is reduced in size and quality, because full maturity is not reached. Legume crops grown and removed from the land are likely to leave th e . soil poorer than before they were grown, except for a slight temporary stimulation. Made $27.58 an A cre! A net profit of $27.58 an acre was earned last year by Charles Green of Monrovia. Total expenses to the acre for his year’s operations amounted to $10.69. Money received grossed $38.27 an acre. The difference of $27.58 was left to pay for-Mr. Green’s work, and Interest on the investment, which is a good recdrd for a tough year. Of the SO acres Mr. Green farms. 27 acres are in alfalfa, with small amounts of other legumes. Sweet clover is used tor pasture. Here is a dairyman who produces quality cream that is sold on a steady price basis, and all of his crops are fed to his herd of nine Jer­ sey cows, some chickens, hogs and sheep.—Kansas Farmer. Agricultural Notes A successful sailor studies his coin- pass and a successful farmer studies market conditions, t * • * At present prices for corn and tank­ age, skimmilk is worth about 25 cents a 100 pounds, to feed hogs. Ordinarily the meat from hogs six to twelve months old will combine the most desirable features of weight, yield and eating quality. . * * * Forty^four men. managers of coun­ ty live stock marketing associations, pitted their skill against one another to find which can ship live stock to market this year with the least tran­ sit losses. \ \ 1 t s hive a fe w moments w ith each o f your friends this Christmas A C hristmas card is next best to a personal visit. As you address the cards it’s like living for a mo­ m ent with your friends. It is your enjoyment— as well as theirs. And whether you select one design for all or get variety from the famous Burgoyne box assort­ ment o f twelve, do so early— and enjoyably. B u rgoyn e CHRISTMAS CARDS YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM Uncle Ab says if you have sense When blueberry pie is made it enough to be happy, you have sense should be blueberry cobbler so you enough. can eat it with a spoon. going, anyway” T I H E modem Miss needs no f’time out” for the time of month. If you’ve ever taken Bayer Aspirin for a headache, you know how soon the pain subsides. I t is just as effective m the relief of those pains peculiar to women! Don’t dedicate certain days of every month to suffering. It’s old- fashioned. I t’s unnecessary. Aspirin will always enable you to carry on in comfort. Take enough to assure your complete comfort. If it is genuine aspirin it cannot possibly Hurt you. Bayer Aspirin does not depress the heart. I t does not up­ set the stomach; I t does nothing b u t stop the pain. Headaches come a t inconvenient times. So do colds. B ut a little Bayer Aspirin will always save the day. A throat so sore you can hard­ ly swallow is made comfortable with one good gargle made from these tablets. Neuralgia. Neuritis. Rheumatism. Pains that once kept home are forgotten half an E eople our after taking a few of these remarkable tablets. So are the little nagging aches th at bring fatigue and “nerves” by day, or af sleepless night. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets cost so very little after all, th at it doesn’t pay to experiment with imitations!