y Observer Aurora AURORA Published Every Thursday VOL. XIX. $1.50 a Year AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 24, 1930 Would Serve as State Senator Dr. P. 0 . Riley, editor of the Hub bard Enterprise, one of the very few papers in Oregon so often quoted in the Literary Digest, is a candidate for State Senator for Marion county. I ggg| IIS ÿfl llíit T? Order of Rainbow Inspected Evergreen Assembly. Order of Rain bow of Woodburn, was inspected by Shirley Stewart, Corvallis, and Vir ginia Tony, McMinnville, grand officers, Tuesday evening. Pegffy Sadler, worthy adviser, pre sided. Elenor Wright, W. A., and twenty-five officers and girls were pres ent. from Salem. Prof. Fagan and wife and Dr. Tony and wife chaper oned the McMinnville group. The Woodburn girls exemplified their work, and little talks from the guests and supper followed. Mr. and Mrs. Otta- way were present from Aurora. The Rainbow is a wonderful order for girls; the influence at this time of their lives is beautiful; the girls are super vised by a board of five men and women, and mother adviser Mrs. Nellie Muir. Not only is the influence helpful, but it assists the girls in acquiring poise and executive and has the whole Masonic fraternity behind and inter ested in it. Jane Yergen, o f this district, will be next Worthy adviser. Obituary lili H Dr. Riley has been president of the Marion County Federated Community Clubs for three years and has been a great factor in promoting the interests o f the entire Willamette valley. Dr. Riley is a most fluent speaker, a well known writer and educator and has a legion of friends over the entire state. Big hearted, friendly and honest “ Doc” Riley, as his friends call him. will have support from every section o f Marion county because “ Doc” is interested in the progress o f every section. If elected to the senate, savs the Cottage Grove Sentinel, Marion county will have a real orator to plead its cause. “ Brilliant Doc Riley” , says the Oregon Voter, is also a candidate for state senator. A vote for P. O. Rilpy means a vote for a clean, honest, conscientious and intelligent inan to represent us in the senate, Mark your ballot for P. 0 . Riley for senator. Riley for Senator Club, “ Hy” Ever- ding, secretary, Hubbard, Or. Paid Adv. Fred Yergen Fred Yergen, well known citizen of this district, passed away suddenly at 2:00 o’ clock Tuesday morning. Mr. Yergen was born at Buttevilie Decem ber 10, 1867, and died April 22, 1930. at the age of 62 years. Mr. Yergen was a member of the Masonic lodge and Eastern Star chapter at Donald, the Shrine at Portland, and Odd Fellows at Buttevilie. He leaves a widow. Mrs, Nona Yer gen; two sons. Lyell B. and Norman Yergen; two brothers. George Yergen of Aurora and F. E. Yergen of Hub bard, and one sister, Mrs. J. V. Swan of Portland. Funeral services will be held in the Miller'tpjapel Friday afternoon at 2:00 o’ clock, with interment in Aurora cemetery. Mrs. Alice E. Buchanan Funeral services for/M rs. Alice E. Buchanan arid infant son were held at the Miller Chapel Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Buchanan was born in Portland. Oregon, January 4, 1907 and died in Portland April 17, 1930, aged 23 years. She leaves surviving her husband, E. E. Buchanan; her father and mother, Three Chapters Meet at Moialla C. D. Roger and Mrs. Cora Mason; sisters, Mrs, Nettie Siscal and Dolores A joint meeting of Venus chapter, Roger, and a brother, Orlo Roger, all Donald; Orchid chapter, Moialla. and of Portland. Laurel chapter, Canby, was held at Moialla last Thursday night, Mrs. Aurora Presbyterian Church Elizabeth Tipton, grand matron, was present and the above Eeastern Star Bible school at 10 a, m. “ Giving Up chapters exemplified their work for her inspection. The chapters were letter All for the Kingdom.” Read Matt. perfect in their work. The grand mat 19th chapter. Golden text: “ Lay up ron gave a very interesting talk on the for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Evening service at 8 p. m. “ The" order. The three chapters presented Mrs. Tipton with a piece o f sterling Meaning of Pentecost.” The most uni silver. Music and a delicious lunch fied effort of Christendom since apos tolic times is now being made in the rounded out a very pleasant evening. next fifty days in the observance of Aurora is a good town to live in Pentecost. H. L. Grafious, Minister. and there is room fo r yon. MEMBER' 'F E D E R A L RESERVÉ »SYSTEM. —as you’ll find it THRIFT IS THE INVISIBLE CHANNEL THAT CONNECTS EACH INDIVIDUAL WITH OPPORTUNITY AND ACHIEVEMENT -suggesting that you open an account today at the Aurora i>tate lank Aurora, Oregon -where financial co-operation —is an active element. j i ii i i u ii i i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i f i i ii i i i ii i i i ii i u i ii i i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i i ii i i iu i u i i i B i i i ii i i i iu i i i ii i i i ii i i i ii i i if t ii a u i u i i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i t if ii i i i ii i f i i i ii i | KERNELS AND CRUM BS ,S i r D i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i i il H i i i in i i i i iu i i i i ii i i ii i i i ii i a i i i ii i i i a i i ii i i ii i i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i i ii i i a i i ii i i i ii i i i ii i i ii i i i ii i i ia i ii i i i im i i ii i Diamonds, Watches and Silverware. all the donors in a happy and very O. S. Olson, Jeweler, Woodburn. 42-tf pleasing manner. Some thirty guests were in attendance. Miss Orletta Kraus enjoyed Easter If you spend a dollar at home it Sunday at home. might return to you; spend it away Gus Arndt made a business trip to from home and you will never see it again. Portland Tuesday. Saturday afternoon Rev. Alfred F, Diamonds, Watches and Silverware. O, S. Olson, Jeweler, Woodburn. 42-tf Knorr motored to Portland and returned with Mrs. Knorr and daughter. Mathilde. Miss Lotus Giesy of the U. of O., Mrs. Hicken, mother of Mrs. Knorr, spent the week-end at home. returned with them. at Aurora Odd Fellows Capture Cup \ | Short Stories of the Town Picked Up Here and There | Some Serious, Others Humorous s “ Gorham Silver” Woodburn. NO. 17 “ Piper’s” - 4tfc The Marion County Odd Fellows Dis trict Convention was held in Gervais Saturday afternoon and evening, with a large attendance. In the evening an exceptionally good program was given. The address of welcome was by S. A. Harris of the Gervais lodge, and the response by Theo. Hobart. This was followed with a song by the Gervais Girls' High School quartet, which merited an encore. There were piano solos by Olive Shurtz and Angeline Bliven, who proved themselves talented musicians. The principal speaker o f the evening was Fred J. Mendl. past grand master, and Homer D. Angell, grand warden, awarded the cup, which fell to the Aurora Odd Fellows lodge for having the largest attendance, based on mem bership. The Woodburn Rebekah lodge con ferred the "third degree” on two pretty, “ fashionably dressed” ladies. All officers wore hats and dresses that were stylish years ago. The parts were well taken and created much merriment. The candidates were given all the work, even to riding the goat. Miss Evelyn Nelson, who was under the care of Dr. B. F. Giesy at the Ore gon City hospital while undergoing an Mrs. B. F. Giesy and daughter, Max an operation for appendicitis, has re ine, were Portland visitors Tuesday. turned to her home, but is not yet able to be out. Fireman’s Dance Saturday evening, April 26th, in Aurora. Mrs. E. L. Steinhoff was invited by Woodburn friends to join their party Mrs. Clyde Cammack was a Sunday and drive to Portland Sunday, to visit Woman’ s Club Meets guest o f her mother, Mrs. Diana Snyder. her daughter, Miss Hazel Steinhoff, who has a very good position with a On Wednesday afternoon, April 16th. Clarence Scheurer and family of Portland firm. Mrs. L. I. Snyder and Mrs. Frank Mc Portland, visited relatives here Sunday. Allister were joint hostesses to the J. E. Adams visited his son at his Aurora Woman’ s Club, at the home of Piper, the Authorized Elgin watch home near Silverton Saturday and Sun jMrs. McAllister. dealer, at Woodburn. 4tfc day, enjoying a picnic dinner at Abe- I Twenty-four members answered roll quah river Sunday afternoon. Others call with the names o f Oregon flowers The Buttevilie school commencement of the picnic party were Mr. and Mrs. and shrubs. An interesting art report will be held Tuesday evening, May Elmer Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl was given by Mrs. Frances Kraus. 27th, 1930. Adams and Mrs. Ormbrek. Plans were completed and committees appointed for the entertainment of the Miss Doris Ottaway of Yamhill, is “ I only get 39c for my butterfat and visiting at the home o f her cousin, P and I have to pay 45c for a pound of Marion County Federation of Woman’s Clubs, to be held in Aurora April 24th O. Ottaway. butter, and I won’ t do it,” said the- at the Presbyterian church. All inter dairyman as he asked his groceryman ested are welcome to attend this con I f Olson can’ t repair it, throw it to wrap up two pounds o f substitute. vention. Delegates appointed to attend away.—0 . S. Olson, Watchmaker and Then butterfat took another drop, and from the Aurora club are: Mrs. G. A. Jeweler, Woodburn, Oregon. 36tf dairying doesn’ t pay. Why? Ehlen, Mrs. Z. A. Schwab, Mrs. E. C. Diller. Mrs. L. I. Snyder and Mrs. Mi;, ana Mrs. A. W. Giesy of Port Mr.-and Mrs. Louis Webert had as Frank McAllister. A no-host luncheon land,'! were Sunday visitors at the dinner guests for Easter, Mrs. C. Zim- will be served at Lafler’ s Cafe. Georg",-?, Kraus home. , - — j» miT» t t i >an « p j — Ä lter tue xjusliiestr raoöftrig,' the pro merman of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. gram opened with songs, led by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harbaugh o f Elmer M* Zimmerman and Junior of Ben Stoner. Portland, were Easter guests of Mr. Portland, arid Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Zim and Mrs. John jtister. The following very interesting papers merman and family of Albany. were given: "Libraries o f the State,” Have your watch repaired by the by Mrs. E. C. Diller; “ Industries of Two Aurora girls and three boys Southern Pacific Watch Inspector — Oregon,” by Mrs. U. Eilers; “ Ex with Woodburn High, will take part in “ Piper” —at Woodburn. 4tfc ports,” by Mrs. James Ogle. the musical tournament at Forest On May 7th the Music and Art pro Grove April 25th. They are Maxine Charles Becke and family took gram, which is always an anticipated Easter dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Giesy, Geraldine JSonney, Bernard Cole. meeting o f the year, will be held at Glen Bergen and Louis Ratcliff. Wood Becke in Salem Sunday. the home of Mrs. B. W. Stoner. burn received recognition last year. Mrs. Robert Scott, Jr., and son spent. Easter Sunday with her parents. Mat1 Wednesday night after the cantata sung in Christ church bv the choir of and Mrs, L. L. Gribble. Peace Peninsular Lutheran church of I f Olson can’ t repair it, throw fit Portland, the singers were entertained away.—0 . S. Olson, Watchmaker sjjid by the local church people in the church Jeweler, Woodburn, Oregon. S6tf parlors. Refreshments were served in formally and good fellowship enjoyed Mrs. Ruth Frow has been visiting by all. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, A, Gfn- tenbein, during the past week. Easter services at the Presbyterian church was one o f the best given and Mrs. Rupert Anderson and sonjof most largely attended in Aurora for Oswego, is spending a few days vjith many years. The Mesdames Diller, her mother, Mrs. Snyder. Miller and Tyler, as a committee, de veloped a very fine, well trained pro Mr. and Mrs. P. 0 . Ottaway |nd gram that was an inspiration. It is family spent Easter at the homi of hoped that these numbers will again be Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Ottaway at R i given. verton. Mr. and Mrs. George Ziegler enter Mrs. J. W. Sadler sustained pailful tained with an Easter dinner at their injuries in a fall last week. The! in home Sunday for immediate relatives. juries, however, are not considered The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Ziegler, William, Viola and Marshall Ziegler, Mrs. Anna Tremayne, Mr, and Rev. A. F. Knorr has been ¿bade Mrs. Earl Conkey of Monmouth, Mr, happy by the return home Saturday of and Mrs. Henry Martin, Alta Marie his wife aqd children, who have peen Martin, A lf Martin and Norman Hurst, in Portland for a time. The trouble with most o f us. isithat as we want to save, we overlootlthat part of our contract which requit© us to be true to the article we raise or manufacture—to use it ourselves, I At the regular meeting at tiff city council of Donald, Joe Fowl<® was named to act as city marshal, cwplet- ing the term o f L. R. Garrett, *)t>o has moved from Donald to a rantf near Hebo. Mrs. J. W. Coffield o f Vsipouver, Washington, is spending a ®v days with her daughter, Mrs. c f e - Gil breath. Mrs. Able o f CanbiJanother daughter, spent Thursday •vth the family. On April 17th Mrs. A. D. E#rgen en tertained at luncheon in hoiv of Mrs. Napoleon Davis, the oeeusiflpeing the celebration of her 86th birfliSay. The table was beautifully decofliM in lav ender and white. NumeroiS&'fts were received by Mrs. Davis, 'Kb thanked Z¿i ^ At their meeting last Thursday night, the Aurora Odd Fellow^kodge elected G. A. Ehlen as their delWate to the grand lodge, which meets\in Portland the latter part o f May. Phil Wiegand was recommended for the office o f dis trict deputy g r a n » master. The Re- bekah lodge chose as their delegate Mrs, D, C. Harms, who will attend the Rebekah assembly, which meets in Portland at the same time as the Odd Fellows grand lodge. The White school, has a large group of pupils on the honor roll Heralds of Health. The school is a one room, eighth grade institution serving the children o f that immediate district. Pupils receiving the grades in health, deporthient and scholarship who are -entitled to the honor are Eileen Riemer, Blanch Munsen, Norman Stauffer, Leano Colvin, Betty Stauffer, Mary Krupicka, Eddie Stauffer, Carl Gies- wein, Cleo Corothers, Doris Stauffer, Hazel Corothers, Warren Grim, Elsie Houghtaling, Peggy Meyers and Jean Houghtaling. FARMERS ATTENTION Due to the increase in our sales we desire to contract 25 Acres of Cucum bers in addition to our usual require ments, Call or write us in regard to contracts, seed and other information in regard to this money-making crop. STAFFORD PICKLE CO., 15-17 Aurora, Oregon. The ODserver is only $1.50 a year. Pythian Sisters Celebrate Birthday Una Temple No. 26, Pythian Sisters, celebrated their 30th birthday anniver sary on Friday evening, April 18th, it being the regular meeting night of Hermes lodge No. 56, K. o f P., but the brother knights proffered the hall for the festive occasion. The hall was decorated with the colors of the order, lilacs and tulips. The program consisted of America, sung by members of the temple; a piano duet by Doris Flick and Rose C. Miller; a reading by Amy Snyder; a song by Walter O. Fry and a musical skit by Diana Snyder and W. 0 . Fry. The charter members put on a clever skit, representing the “ Birth oi Una Temple,” written by Eleanor Reed, a member of Una Temple. The Most Excellent Chief. Cita Otta way. presented the temple with a huge birthday cake decorated with thirty candles, all lit, and said a few appro priate words about the past and future prospects of the order. The rest o f the evening was devoted to playing old fashioned games, and many prizes were won by the members and a jolly time enjoyed by all. Later a delicious lunch was served in the dining room, where the tables were beautifully deeorated appropriate for the Easter season. The beautiful tulips used for decorating were kindly donated by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Miller, and which were much appreciated. The evening was most fittingly fin ished by a song by Avon Jesse, who with Mrs. Jesse and four others o f Arion Temple of Hubbard, dropped in for a short visit. Charter members present were: Past grand chief, Emma J. Snyder, Gussie M. Will, Tillie E. Fry, Tena Gribble, Tillie Webert. Jonas M. Will, Andrew C. Snyder, Andrew W. Fry and Louis Webert. Other charter members in good standing, but not present, are Clara C. Will, Hattie C. Ehlen, Ida S. Mpshberger and Gussie Cole Miller. Mrs. Flick and Mrs. Ziegler Entertain Mrs. William Flick and Mrs. George Ziegler were joint hostesses at a “ 500” party at the attractive home o f Mrs. George Ziegler Saturday evening, hon oring Miss Viola Ziegler, “ bride elect,” The rooms were prettily decorated in ferns and pink tulips. Five tables of “ 500” were in play, and a numbe of piano solos were given by the younger set. High score in cards went to Forrest Giesy and Lillian Olson. Those enjoying the affair were: Mr, and Mrs. Earl Conkey o f Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lofgreen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harshman, Fred Leffler, Lillian Nordhausen and Lillian Olson of Canby, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. William Flick. Dorothy and Eloise Hurst,'M axine, Lotus and Forrest Giesy, Peggy Sadler, Betty Kraus. Marshall Ziegler, and Norman Hurst to whom Miss Ziegler will be married in the near future. A D V E R T IS E In the Observer Get Your Job Printing at the OBSERVER OFFICE