TH E OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for information of Our Readers. Katherine Everett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Everett of Portland, will rule over the May-day festivities on the Willamette University campus May 2 and 3. IR W A LTE R RALEIG H had a hunch t 1 th at p ip e-lovers w ou ld w elcom e som e practical hints on how to take care o f a pipe. It was a good hunch. Thousands o f pipe-sm okers have sent for this free booklet. It tells you how to break in a new pipe— how to make a good pipe smoke sm oother and sweeter1—the proper way to clean a pipe— and many worth-while hints on pipe hygiene. I f you haven’ t sent for this booklet, write fo r a copy today and find out what pipe makers and pipe-lovers sug­ gest doing to keep your pipe sweet and mellow. Just drop a line to the Brown & W illia m son T o b a cco C o rp ora tion , L o u is v ille , K en tu ck y, D e p t. 9 9 . Tune in on u The Raleigh Revue** every Friday, 10:00 to 11:00 P. M , {.New York Tim e) over the W E A F coa st-to-coa st network o fN . B. C. S ir W alter R a l e ig h It’s 15c and It’s milder Prized Volumes in Museum Two rare volumes, one a perfectly preserved copy of Josephus’ “ De An- tiquitate Judaiea et de Bullo Ju- daica,” printed by Jo Schussler at Augsburg In 1470, about 14 years after the printing of the Gutenberg Bible, are in the St. Louis Art mu­ seum. The other volume is a copy: of the “ Hyperotomachia Poliphili,” written by Columns and printed by Aldus Manutius at Venice in 1499. ¡Women Are Always Admired Yon too want to be lovely and admired F You can have a radiant complexion and the charm of youth if you use M A R CE LLE Face Powder. M A R C E L L E F a ce P o w d e r quickly matches your complexion and brings out the sweet charm that every woman has. t M A R CE LLE Face P ow d er makes ’ your skin feel younger and you your« k8elf look younger. Then people w ill adm ire you and iay— “ W hat lovely skin you have!” * Popular size packages at 25c and 50c, ’ __ all shades—at all dealers. Send fo r free liberal sam ple and com plexion chart MARCELLE L A B O R A T O R IE S C. W. 8SGG5 SONS & CO., C hicago, Illinois Beautifying the American Woman for HalfsCentary 'efluisiteg' Haying Note Mrs. Jones—I saw your husband at the masquerade ball chasing after a hula-hula dancer, in a grass shirt. Mrs. Brown—Why, tbe old rake! — Boston Transcript. First American Glue Maker The glue industry in the United States was founded in 1827 by Peter Cooper. C H IC K S Queen Hatchery Huskies [ • fo r Poultry P rofits R. I. Rads, R. I. Whites, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Black Minorcas, Black Giants,White Leghorns—all from carefully super­ vised flocks. Also W ,L. Pullets, year­ ling hens and day old turkeys. Order now to insure delivery when wanted. W rite tor Special D iscount. 100 % live delivery guaranteed. 20 years’ reputation your safeguard. (iflY TODD) QUEEN 24201st Avenue HATCHERY - Seattle N. U.f PORTLAND, NO. 16-1930. AURORA O BSERVER, AU RO RA, OREGON Miss Hazel Bartley of McMinnville has been chosen by the Linfield stu­ dent body to reign over the festival on May 2 as May queen. Building permtis issued in McMinn­ ville during the first three months of i the year totaled $15,980, figures at I the office of the city recorder reveal. This is considerably lower than the same period last year when more than $100,000 in building permits were is­ sued during a similar period. .\ V e s s Gus Schirmer of Keating was seri­ ously injured at a mine about five miles from Keating when a charge of dynamite exploded. Schirmer set the I charge, and as it did not go off he Bertram Thorsell, 18, son of Mr. went back in about an hour and a and Mrs. B. P. Thorsell of St. Helens, The man in the want-ad booth of half to investigate it. The dynamite was killed when he fell from the run­ the newspaper oflice was puzzled. exploded and injured both eyes. “ See here,” he objected. “ You don’t ning board of a friend’s automobile as The government land office at Rose- want to put this ad for a cash register it turned a comer. burg sold 14 tracts of grant land tim­ under the head of ‘Musical Instru­ The Southern Pacific Railroad com­ ber in ten counties for a total of $115,- j ments’ do you?” pany has abandoned its daylight train “ Sure,” said the gentleman "on the 074.27. The largest purchase was by between Eugene and Marshfield, and the Fruit Growers’ Supply company of j other side of the counter. “ That is as a substitute is running a gasoline what it is to me, boy!”—New York San Francisco, which took 640 acres j Central Magazine. car on the old schedule. In Josephine county, near the Califor­ Thurman Berry, chief of police at nia line, for lumber for box shooks. BIG BENEFIT Junction City and for many years a State prohibition operatives partici­ resident there, dropped dead from pated in 125 arrests for liquor law vio­ heart disease just as he had finished lations during the month of March, locking up a prisoner he had arrested. according to a report filed with Gov­ Wasco county wheat growers are ernor Norblad by George Alexander, now represented in a co-operative as- state prohibition director. Fines were sciation, set up under the fedesal farm imposed in the amount of $15,865, with board, following an organization meet­ jail sentences aggregating 785 days. ing in the Columbia district recently. Two more dens of rattlesnakes, con­ The Robert hotel of Reedsport, a taining a total of 71, together with frame structure, burned recently, with one scorpion and a number of non- a lose estimated at $15,000. All occu­ poisonous snakes, were found near pants escaped without injury, and Canyonville, making the- third to be most, of them saved their belongings. located in a week. McKinley Hunt­ ington discovered the dens. The nests Election of directors of the Apple Growers’ association at the annual were blowp. out with dynamite and meeting a few days ago, resulted in the rattlers killed. A recent school election both at re-election of nine members of the former board of 11 and two new mem­ Florence and at Cushman and held to consolidate the two high school dis­ bers. tricts resulted favorably, 68 Florence Mayor Livesley has vetoed two or­ She—What did you ev,er do to bene dinances passed by the city council voters doing so unanimously and the fit any other man? Cushman district polling a still heav­ of Salem providing for a bond issue He—Gosh! Didn’t 1 marry you? ier vote, and with a majority for con­ of $7000 to finance the appraisal of solidation. Plans for a new high school New One on Them the local water system with a view building will now be made. “ Y ou tell th ose to o tin g fo o ls ,” to municipal ownership. G row led fa th er, w h o w as sore, The famous Oregon caves—gener­ Floyd F. Hoyt shot a black wolf on “ A b o u t ou r d o o r b e ll— and ally conceded to be one of the major T e ll 'em w hat it's f o r !” his farm three miles southeast of attractions of the state—are to he Springwater. Farmers of that locality Appeared in a Mystery Flay thought dogs had been worrying their completely renovated and lighted with­ in the next few months, according to The Girl—1 should just love to go livestock. The wolf was evidently an an announcement by Major John D. on the stage. old one and had traveled far. The Man—Yes. it’s rather nice. 1 Guthrie, assistant district forester. Taking for its motto, "Let us not The caves are in Josephine county, once appeared at the Alhambra. live for ourselves alone,” the Lake- 52 milee southwest of Grants Pass. The Girl—Oh, how topping! What sort of act was it? view Chamber of Commerce has adopt­ Planting of 300 experimental acres The Man—A little mystery play. 1 ed a plan to meet with chambers of neighboring towns for the purpose of of garden lands in the Salem district left the audience to help a conjurer working out mutual problems more from the state fair grounds north to with a card trick. Gervais was announced at Salem by effectively. Consistency the Associated Seed company of Hart­ A hill authorizing an appropriation ford, C on n . O n ly v e g e ta b le an d gai'- J “ Are you annoyed by the people who o f $60,000 for the erection of a gym­ den seeds will be produced. The ex­ want you to assist them In getting nasium at the Chemawa Indian school, periment presages development of salaried positions?” “ No,” answered Senator Sorghum five miles north of Salem, has been more than 10,000 acres of garden land “ 1 mustn’t be Inconsistent. I have for approved by the appropriations com­ in that vicinity. many years been asking the people to mittee of the U. S. senate, according Approximately $400,000 will be avail­ do the same thing for me.” —Washing to a telegram received from Senator able for the protection of forest lands ton Star. McNary. In Oregon during 1930, according to In the Morrow county spelling con­ a report prepared by F. A. Elliott, Trophies of the Chase test in Heppner recently, Strawberry state forester. This money will fi­ Motorson—Was that guy we hit school won first place with Doris nance a personnel of more than 400 hurt badly? Speedup— I dunno. I just got out Klinger, winner. Heppner won second men and provide for improvements with Cleo Duncan, winner, assisted and equipment. There are approxi­ to cut a button off his coat to put in by Jennie Swendig, and lone third mately 10,500,000 acres of Oregon land my collection of trophies. with Clifford Yarnell and Marion Hale, under the jurisdiction of the state for­ WORM WILL TURN spellers. ester. Construction of a $50,000 theatre in A total of 752 persons were killed Lakeview has been announced by a and 24,355 were injured in traffic group of Lakeview business men. The accidents on Oregon highways during new showhouse will fill a long felt the. six year period from 1924 to 1929 need in that city, it is reported, and inclusive, according to figures compil­ is to be equipped with the new large ed by T. A. Rafferty, chief of the state size projection screen and sound traffic squad. Recorded accidents dur­ equipment. ing this period totaled 170,076. Ore­ The sum of $1000 was voted for the gon was one of six states in the Union porpose of oiling the principal streets showing a reduction in the number of Glendale by the city council. This Of fatal accidents during the year, action was taken after a merchants’ Raffety declared. committee complained about the an­ Ben Clelen of Albany recently put nual summer dust nuisance and volun­ an end to the fishing career of a three teered to donate at least $150 to help foot gartersnake that he saw running pay for the oiling. for cover with a ten-inch eastern The new grange hall in Central Point, a one-story and basement build­ ing, 44 feet by 85 feet, costing more than $7000, is nearing completion. The Pomona grange will hold the first meeting in the new structure the last of this month, at which time Governor Norblad is scheduled to speak. THE MARKETS Portland Wheat—Big Bend Bluestem, $1.21; soft white and western white, $1.10; hard winter, northern spring and west­ ern red, $1.08. Hay—Alfalfa, $19 per ton; valley timothy, $20.50@21; eastern Oregon timothy, $23.50@24; clover, $17; oat hay, $17; oats and vetch, $17.50 @18. Butterfat—36@41c. Eggs—Ranch, 21@24c. Cattle— Steers, good, $11.75@12.25. Hogs—Good to choice, $9.25@10.15. Lambs—Good to choice, $9.25@10. Seattle Wheat — Soft white and western white, $1.12; hard winter, western red, northern spring, $1.11; Big Bend Blue- stem, $1.25. Eggs—Ranch, 25@29c. Butterfat—40c. Cattle— Choice steers, $9.50@11.00. Hoge—Prime light, $10.60@10.75. Lambs—Choice, $9 @10. Spokane ' Cattle— Steers, good, $10.25@11. Hogs—Good to choice, $10.35. Lambs—Medium to good, $9.50@10. brook trout in its mouth. Clelen, with at least six other Albany people look­ ing on, killed the snake at the Roaring river fish hatchery near Albany. The snake had seized the trout in a pool. The fish was restored to the pool and in a few minutes was swimming about, apparently uninjured. According to the Jackson County Central Civic council plans are under way to preserve for southern Oregon the historic relics of the Jacksonville museums. Funds for better housing the collection and for hire of a care­ taker are required. The museum in­ cludes the old Beekman banking building and contents intact, the first bank established in Oregon, as well as a big collection exhibited in the famous old-time U. S. hotel building and another collection housed in the first brick building erected in Jack­ sonville in 1854, ¡still intact. The several irrigation districts in Rogue river valley are turning the flood and natural flow of the streams into the canal system to conserve all available water. This is a purely pre­ cautionary measure against a predict­ ed dry season. John Bilbeau, 40, a trapper and miner in the Coffee creek district, a remote section of the south Umpqua territory above Tiller, committed sui­ cide and attempted to cremate his body in an abandoned cabin. He had been suffering from a leg infection m & lM ¡III First Girlie— Why do you call him a worm? Second Girlie— When he passes me he always turns. Changing tbe Cast P o litic s has m ade us tret As this rule it le a c h e s : O ther o r a to rs w e get T o m gk e the sam e old speeches. Mean Brute “Here is a headline that asks ‘Whal do women think about?’ ” remarked Mrs. Grouch. “ Huh I” growled her husband, “ aftei listening to their gab I'd say about once in a long time.” His Endeavors Thwarted Visitor— Why didn't you try to keep out of jail? Convict—J did. ma am. And I got two months extra for resisting the police.--Stray Stories. Worth While Employer— Why are you discharge« from your last place? Applicant— For good behavior. Employer—What do you mean? Applicant—They took three mouths off my sentence. A Technicality The Counselor—You've been Indict -ed for attempted manslaughter The Prisoner—-That oughtn he easy to defend, cause it wasn't a man but a dame that I heat ud . Children w ill fret, often fop no apparent reason. But there’s al­ ways one sure w ay to com fort a restless, fretful child. Castorial Harmless as the recipe on the w rapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than some pow erful medicine that is meant fo r the stronger systems o f adults. That’s the beauty o f this special children’s rem edy! It may be given the tiniest infant— as often as there' is any need. In cases o f colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb­ ance, it is invaluable. But it has everyday uses all mothers should understand. A coated tongue catt? for a few drops to ward o ff consti­ pation; so does any suggestion o f bad breath. W hénever children don’t eat well, don’t rest well, o r have any little upset— this pure vegetable préparation is usually all that’s needed to set everything to rights. Genuine Castoria has Chas. H . Fletcher’s signature on the wrapper. D octors prescribe it. Oregon & California Directory HOTEL ROOSEVELT SA N FRANCSSCO’S NEW FINE HOTEL Every room with bath or shower. $2.00 to $3.50* Jones at Eddy. Garage next door. B IO M ONEY u L o i L N O W 25 to 50 per cent paid while w iearning. Position secured. Lectures weekly. 32 colleges. Write for catalog. SU FFER IN G ELIM IN A TED 15-years success in treating R ectal and C olon troubles by th e D r. C . J. Dean ■ NON-SURGICAL method en­ ables US to give WRITTEN AS­ SURANCE o f PILES ELIMI­ NATED or FEE REFUNDED. Send today for FREE 100-page book describing causes and prop- M O I F R v k b n h « i SY STEM OF COLLEGES 30g Burnside Street, Portland,Ora. Special winter day, week H otel H o y t: rate > or by month PORTLAND, OREGON Absolutely F ireproof Corner 6th and Hoyt Sts., Near Union Station. P ipe V alves, Fittings Pump Engines REoJlWOTiONXL^Ic Farm Tools & Supplies A L A S K A JUNK CO, D ^ ^ “ tofsucha“ .!S!-