Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, November 25, 1926, Image 4

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Charles Brady
Regains Health
Uncle Sam Is Building a New Naval Cruiser
Seek Changes in
Old English Laws
If a traveler led a horse up to the
Savoy or Claridge hotels, the mana­
ger, under English law, would be
obliged to furnish shelter for “ man
and beast.”
It is no dead letter either, for the
manager, although he has no longer
any stable on the premises, would
send the horse around to a livery
stable for the guest and act as-though
nothing had happened.
A bill has been drafted to remove
some o f the many anomalies in an
act which has stood pretty well un­
changed, for 300 years.
At present a landlord is responsi­
ble to a guest, up to the value of $150,
for any property stolen on his prem­
ises unless he can prove gross negii-'
gence on the part o f the guest. It I
does not matter how many notices
he posts up repudiating responsibil­
ity, the courts under the present law
will hold him liable. This is a point
which the British hotelkeepers are
anxious to see changed.—London
San D ieg o M otorvtan Found
Difficulty Staying on Job Due to
III Health Brought on by Severe
Stomach Troubles. Marvelous
Tanlac Restores Him.
“ Irregular work­
ing hours and equal­
ly irregular meals,”
says Charles Brady,
a r e s p e c te d San
Diego resident liv­
ing at 4628 Georgia
Street, “ robbed me
of good health. Eat­
ing became a trial,
for I suffered from
indigestion and gas
th a t b loa ted my
stomach. My liver was so sluggish that
I was deprived of normal strength and
energy. I lost weight, too.
_ “ After reading about Tanlac I de­
cided to try it. Immediately I began to
feel stronger. M y appetite returned.
By the end of six weeks I was feeling
like an entirely different person ana
was eating and digesting my food better
than in years. I got rid of the sluggish,
fagged-out feeling, and _ my strength
and energy came back with vim.”
This amazing tonic, nature’s own
remedy, made from roots, barks and
herbs, usually builds up weak bodies,
drives out causes of pain and anguish.
Take Tanlac. Results are amazing)
Ask your druggist for a bottle—today,
No Cold
A harmless vegetable butter color
used by millions for 50 years. Drug
stores and general stores sell bottles
o f “ Dandelion” for 35 cents.—Adv.
A new cruiser, the first since the Washington naval conference, is being built for the American navy at the
Brooklyn navy yard. It will be called the Pensacola. The photograph shows the framework ready for the laying of
the keel, which has Just taken place.
F ev er h e a d a ch e o r g r ip p e ^
Colds break in a day for die millions who
use Hill's. Headache and fever stop. La
Grippe is checked. All in a way so reliable
that druggists guarantee results. Colds are
too important to treat in lesser ways;
Be Sure
Each o f the Tom bs Family Will Have a Fortune
G e t R ed B a x
w ith p o r t r a it
Wonderful Gouin
A Good Lead
Kitty— And you let him kiss you?
Betty—Let him? Great heavens, I
had to help him!
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor efficiency as
well as promote skin purity, skin com­
fort and skin health.
No mug, no
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irri­
tation even when shaved twice daily.
One soap for all uses— shaving, bath­
ing and shampooing.—Advertisement.
A to r p id liv e r p reven ts p r o p e r fo o d a s-
Vim ilation. W r ig h t's In d ia n V e g e ta b le P ills
tone up th e liver.
T h e y a c t g e n tly but
rarely. 872 P e a rl St., N ew Y o r k . A d v .
George Toombs and his wife of Los
Angeles and some of his 21 children,
building for the future by establish­
ing a bank account under a new “ for­
tune foundation” plan. Mr. Toombs
and his family were among the first
to take advantage o f the new plan.
Opportunity knocked on the door,
but the man inside was so busy knock­
ing he did not hear.
Build Up Your Health With
D R .
P I E R C E ’S
still quenches thirst,
co o ls th e parched
throat and by its de­
lig h tfu l fla v o r and
refreshment restores
the joy o f life.
N o th in g else can
give you so much en­
joyment for so little.
After Every Meal
W H Y * S U F F E R F R O M IN G R O W N T O R
N A I L S ? A q u ick efficien t Cure R e lie f is in ­
sta n tan eou s, lastin g. 50c p ost paid. W . V in ­
cen t, P. O. B o x 91, San ta M on ica , C a lif.
Earn $25—$50 Per Week
N o c a p ita l req u ired .
G et in business f o r
y o u r s e lf s e llin g
shoes, g lo v e s , sh irts an d trousers, th e w o r ld 's
m ost fa m o u s g a rm en ts, d ir e ct t o w ea rer— a t
o d d tim es o r fu ll tim e. O ver tw e n ty t h o u ­
sa n d ag en cies. W r ite t o d a y f o r p a rticu la rs.
W ill tea ch y ou h o w to sell b y m ail. H A M IL ­
T O N C A R H A R T T , M A N U F A C T U R E R . M ar­
k e t & San P e d ro S treets. L o s A n geles, C a lif.
Warning! Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on package or on tablets you
Successful N ew Parachute
are not getting the genuine Bayer
Fashioned so it can be worn as a
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 26 years. coat instead o f being strapped on as
Say “ Bayer” when1 you buy Aspirin. a separate garment, a parachute re­
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. cently devised has withstood actual
tests successfully.
A woman (over the phone)—My
dear, do come over and see my new
gown. Every one says I look awfully
well In It.
Her Best Friend—I’ll come at once,
dear. It must be a wonderful gown
Nosed Oat
When Max Cohen, artist, got his
last raise, an insurance agent was the
logical result. For an hour he talked,
and finally asked: “ You own your
own home, don’t you?”
“ No,” said Max, “ we have company
most of the time.”
Aspirin M arked W ith “ B ayer C ross”
H a s Been Proved S a fe b y M illions.
Remember Wrigley’s
Price 30c
a S. A .
Marie Gets First Glimpse o f Gotham
If You
' A winch that holds several hundred
feet of wire rope has been invented
that can be attached to tractors and
operated by their engines.
Stop the Pain,
The hurt o f a burn or a out stops
when Cole’s Carbolisalve is applied. It
heals quickly without scars. 30o and
60c by all druggists, or send 30c to
The J. W. Cole Co., 127 S. Euclid Ave,
Oak Park, 111.—Advertisement.
Getting Perfect
“ Well,” sighed the fellow whose
horse hadn’t shown, “ at least I am
a good loser.”
“ You ought to be,” snarled his wife.
“You have had plenty of practice.”
purchase plan
A Tonic which Dr. Pierce prescribed *9hen
in active practice 60 years ago.
In Liquid or Tablets, at your Dediera •
Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel,
Buffalo, N„ Y „ for trial pkg. Tablets.
T he standard price o f a General
M otors car purchased out o f in­
com e is the cash delivered price,
plus on ly the low G M A C fi­
nancing charge.
“ It is a fact,” says Paw Hoptoad,
“ that I am having my daughter in­
structed in many old-fashioned things.
For instance, the art of conversation
over the telephone.”— Louisville Cour­
The G M A C Purchase Plan is
offered by General M otors dealers
exclusively. It is a sound and eco­
nomical credit service in w hich
the best interests o f the car buyer
are o f first consideration.
Lots of people make a specialty of
pouring ice water on enthusiasm.
Elim ination
Should B e C orrected — G ood Elim ination
Is E ssential to G ood H ealth.
F you would be well, see to
your elimination. Faulty kid-
hey action permits toxic material
to remain in the blood and upset
the whole system. Then, one is
apt to have a tired, languid feel­
ing and sometimes, a toxic back­
ache or headache, and often some
irregularity o f secretions, such
as scanty or burning passages.
More and more people are ac­
claiming the value of D oa n ’ s
P ills, a stimulant diuretic, in this
condition. For more than forty
years, D o a n 's have been win­
ning favor the c o u n try o v e r.
Howard P. Savage of Chicago, who
was elected commander in chief of
the American Legion at the meeting
in Philadelphia after the other con­
testants withdrew, on the twenty-first
ballot. He was a lieutenant in the
American army In France.
Queen Marie of Rumania in the pilot house of the S. 8. Macom getting
her first glimpse o f lower New York.
In M emory o f Calvin Coolidge, Jr.
Exterior view of the new Mercers-
biujg academy chapel that was dedi­
cated recently to the memory o f Cal­
vin Coolidge, Jr. Mrs. Coolidge was
present at the dedication.
General M otors makes "a car
for every purse and purpose and
under the G M A C Plan purchase
may be arranged according to the
individual circumstances and as­
sured incom e o f the buyer.
A sk y ou r nearest G eneral
M otors dealer to explain the ad­
vantages o f the G M A C Plan.
A sk y o u r n e ig h b o r/
D O A N ’S p2¿?
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
V o»ter-M IIbum C o .,M íe. C h e m lo ts ,B u ffa lo ,N .T .
operating th e GMAC P la n fo r the purchase o f
^ E p ile p s y
N ervou sn ess &
S le e p le s s n e s s .
PRICE $1.50 ^ :Y 0 U R DRUG STORE -;
Wtitejorfree Booklet
1045: N. WELLS $T. CHICAGO); ILL ;.
Mrs. Edward L. Stock of Bethesda,.
Md., has been nominated by the Re­
publicans of Montgomery county as
Maryland’s first woman candidate for
% seat In the state senate.