One Occasion When His Mind Worked Quickly j D o Your Christmas i Shopping at the People to Get Acquainted W ith Smith was a freshman, older than j most of his class. He was tall, lanky] and slow. His mind, like his body, i worked slowly, and the nervous pro-| fessor in mathematics, after a long ■ , aad careful explanation, was wont to say: “ Well, Smith, If you will go over] i that explanation carefully and medi will be successful If \ Dennus. the milk modi- > tate on It, I think you will understand. tier, is used. Doctors ) endorse Dennos. At | Meditate, Smith, meditate.” Sample on request. So Smith became “Meditate” Smith OREGON M AKES IT to his fellow students. D EN N O S FO O D C O . One evening a party of students Portland. Ore. gathered in the room of one of their Oregon Industries Deserve Oregonj number, and Smith was one of them. Patronage The meeting was for fun and perhaps CHRISTMAS SEAL Everytime you buy an article made, mischief, and such a meeting was an in Oregon, you are helping to employ RESULTS ARE H JGE infringement of rules. When the jollity was at its height Oregon people in the manufacturing | NOTARY PUBLIC •courge Fast Yielding to Health a warning came that th'e professor o f Oregon goods. You are keeping FIRE INSURANCE Through Work _ Financed by. I was coming to Investigate. The room Oregon money in Oregon. A campaign REPRESENTING is on in the interest o f ‘ ' Oregon Made was cleared at once. Smith as usual Christmas Seals. The Christmas Seal is with us again. was the last and, hearing steps ap Goods,” and , ‘ ‘ Oregon Industries.” Pacific States Fire Insurance Seven million of them have been dis proaching, he crawled under the bed. It is more than worthy— an idea that Company trlbuted throughout the state of Ore seeing no other way of escape. Here means money to you. Look at the Springfield F. & M. Insur gon to be sold during the month eji he sat doubled up like a jackknife label December to finance the "Fight Tuber awaiting the event with no little ap ance Company - culosis—Give Health” campaign. The prehension. Fire Association of Phila. seal, with its bold victorious figuré, The professor entered. looked ahout ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING typifies the movement which it has him, saw that the room was empty, AURORA, OREGON ; at Reasonable Rates financed so successfully that within then turned to depart. As he closed the last fourteen years the death rate the door, a thought seemed to strike THEODORE RESCH from tuberculosis has been out in half him; he re-entered the room and Aurora, Ore. Phone 1115 in the United States. Throughout the looked under the bed. Will pay highest market price country, one hundred thousand people “ Hey, Smith, what are you doing for Hogs. are enjoying the Christmas season, there?” he cried. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW who would have perished if the dis Smith turned his head with diffi Oregon City, Oregon ease were as uncontrolled as it was culty, a decade and a half ago. Estates, Trusts, Confidential Advice “Meditating, professor." In Oregon, the toll in tuberculosis F jR . B. F. GIESY The professor withdrew.—Youth’s deaths In 1923 was 623, and the best Companion. estimates indicate that about 6000 people in the state are afflicted. Tu W , L. Mulvey B . F. Lindas berculosis is now characterised by Allowing “ Off and On” leading specialists as a preventable, Every Year Counted curable disease, and one that need not' menace the lives of our citizens, A lawyer, noted for his success in 10 Hogg Bldg. if known measures of prevention and cross-examination, found his match in Both Phones Oregon City, - - Ore. proper living are put Into practise. a recent trial, when he asked a long- Office at Residence Aurora, Ore. The chief object of the Christmas suffering witness how long he had Seal Sale is to finance the eduoatlonal worked at his business of tin roofing. campaign which will help equip the The answer was | general public with such Information “I have worked at it off and on Asquith & Hocken $ about the maintenance of their health, for some time, but have- worked at that tuberculosis shall be ultimately it steady for the last .12 years.” DENTIST a in t iin g .eliminated as a destroyer of mankind. “ How long off and on have you j Has established his Dental office in APER HANGING the Aurora Bank Building, where worked at It?" he will be present each Tuesday, “ Sixty-five years." | AND MINTING TUBERCULOSIS YIELD S Friday and Saturday, from 9 a, m . “How old are you?” J, All Work Neatly Done to 6 p. m. TO HEALTH PROGRAM “ Sixty-five.” PLATES A SPECIALTY “ Then you have been a tin roofer | Aurora, Ore. Phone 5012 | Five C e n tw ^ r Capita for ChrlstmM from birth?” AURORA, OREGON Seale Paye for Oregon Campaign. ■“ No, sir; of course I haven’t.” The only source “Then why did you say you have DR. H. O. HELMER of funds for the Phone 5-51 Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. worked at your trade 65 years?” (VETERINARIAN) .anti - tuberculosis, Evenings and Sunday by appointment “Because you asked how long off Graduate of the Kansas City Veterin and Public Health and on I had worked at it. I have ary College, 1913; Post-graduate of work conducted DR. S. J. LEVITT worked at the trade 65 years—20 the Indianapolis Veterinary College, by the Oregon 1923; Examined and Licensed by the years on and 45 off.” DENTIST Tuberculosis As State of Oregon. j I. O. O. F. Building sociation and its Molalla, Oregon Call, Phone or Write, Canby, Oregon Room 1 and 2 seventeen affiliat Beauties of Nature ed. County Public • It may be observed that what we Health Associa f call beauty of nature is mainly nega tions, is the Christmas Seal Sale. tive beauty; that is, the mass, the Every person who purchased seals last huge rude background, made up of year is entitled to the satisfaction of rocks, trees, hills, mountains, plains, knowing that even at the small per- : water, has not beauty as a positive capita expenditure of 5 cents, over a i character, visible to all eyes, but af period of a year, a long list of things fords the mind the conditions of was accomplished. beauty, namely, health, strength, fit Thousands of children were enrolled ness, etc., beauty being an experience in the Modern Health Crusade, and of the beholder. Some things, on the given the benefit of definite teaching other hand, as flowers, foliage, bril and practise in the performance of habits of personal hygiene so neces liant colors, sunsets, rainbows, water sary to good health. Public Health falls, may be said to be beautiful in Nursing service was extended into a and of themselves; but how weari larger number of Oregon counties dur some the world would be without the ing the year than ever before. Free vast negative background upon which tuberculosis clinics were held. Thous these things figure and which pro ands of pieces of literature was dis vokes and stimulates the mind in a tributed. Health films were circulat way the purely fair forms do not I— ed. Supplementary material to aid in John Burroughs. the required teaching of Health and Hygiene was offered to every teacher How H e Accomplished It in the state. Sir Eric Geddes once remarked that Another piece of the Association’s work, of the utmost value, is the mak before doubting any statement a man ing of surveys, and investigations re may make, fio matter how seemingly garding the tuberculosis situation in Incredible it sounds, one should be the state. The Bureau of Clinics and quite sure as to its precise meaning. On Saturday, December 13, between 2 and 4 In order to illustrate his contention Surveys has been able to furnish ac p. m., Santa Claus will be at our store. He he went on to instance the case of a curate and up-to-date statistics that are fast crystalizing public opinion in friend of his who knew a little about will be anxious to meet all the little folks; so regard to the desperate need of addi billiards and chess, and who told him one day that he had beaten the ama be sure to bring them in. He will make them tional tuberculosis hospital facilities. All this was done on 5 cents per teur champions of England at both happy. capita. If every purchaser would games. Sir Eric expressed great 'surprise double his purchase the Association and some incredulity, but the other could double its service. persisted that his statement was quite true. Oregon Seal Record Excellent. “You see,” he explained, “1 took on A record in the December Christmas ‘ •THE ST O R E OF M E R IT ” Seal Sale was made by Oregon last the champion billiard player at chess, of which he knew nothing, and I year, which places her well toward the AURORA, ORE. top of the list of states in the per played the champion chess player at capita sale of seals. Her 1923 record billiards, of which he knew less.” was 5.6 seals sold for every person in the state, an increase of seven- Carlyle Is There tenths of a seal over the 1922 mark. Carlyle is sometimes as Irresistible Portland, and Multnomah county, Oregon, last year won a cross-country as “ The Campbells Are. Coming,” or contest against Portland, In Cumber “ Auld Lang Syne.” He has described land county, Maine. The race was to gome men and somé events once and lee who would sell the highest number for all, and so takes his place with »f seals per-caplta. A large silver Thucydides,- Tacitus and Gibbon. oving cup .was awarded Multnomah Pedants may try hard to forget this, sounty, which reached the record of and may in their labored nothings 1.2 against her opponent’s 6.2. Even seek to ignore, the author .of Crom Give your hens a chance to show a nice to, Multnomah did not reach the top well and the French Revolution ; but imong the Oregon counties, for she as well might the pedestrian in Cum profitfthis month by giving iras slightly surpassed by Deschutes. berland or Inverness seek to Ignore them plenty o f— The 1924 Christmas Seal Sale be Helvellyn or Ben Nevis. Carlyle is gins December 1, and continues until there, and will remain there, when Christmas. The sale Constitutes the the pedant of today has been super lole support of the Oregon Tubercu seded by the pedant of. tomorrow.— losis Association, with all its health Augustine Blrrell. md anti-tuberculosis work, and pro vides funds for the County c Public On the Contrary Health Associations. Ninety-five per Maud (newly married)'—You look cent of the proceeds are retained with in the state, only five per cent being very melancholy, George; are you lent as commission to the National, or sorry you married me? CO STS________ _ <_____ LESS George—No, dear, of course n ot I parent organization. was only thinking of all the nice girls PROFITS __ __. _ _. _ _ LARGER For seventeen years, Christmas I can’t marry. Maud—Oh, George, how horrid of Seals have been following their useful career in the United 'States. The first you ! I thought you cared for nobody j sale amounted to about $3000. Last but me. IN THE GIESY BUILDING George—That Is sb, my dear, I year’s totaled four and a quarter mil wasn’t thinking of myself, but of the | lion dollars. disappointment they have had! Oregon for Oregon Sadler & Kraus Store Eighteen more shopping days be fore Christmas. Start doing your gift buying now and avoid the last minute inconvenience. Our un usually large assortment of Gift Goods will meet your every re quirement. Shop early at the Sadler & Kraus store. Sadler & Kraus THE BEST FOR THE PRICE BOTTLE FEEDING Ask for Oregon Products LOUIS W EBER! O. D. EBY Special Price on Ladies and Girls Hats 9 9 If yQU have anything to be hauled. If you have anything to be shipped, If you have anything to be transferred to or from Portland, Call E. M. HURST Aurora Telephone 615 Portland Telephone East 8226 Will move into Portland Auto Freight Terminal Dec. 1st. Baggage at Dock or Depot in Portland carefully looked after. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RATES REASONABLE H. G. ZIEGLER DEALER IN Grain, Potatoes, Hay and Feed SEED AND RE-CLEANING OUR SPECIALTY ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING DONE IN CON NECTION WITH WAREHOUSE. AURORA, - - OREGON \>e/ore YOU another DO TH IS Ask for a M aytag Gyrafoam Washer to do it with. N o obligation at all. Undisputedly the world’s leading washer— you m ust have heard about it. W om en every where are talking o f its wonders: 50 lbs. o f dry clothes an Ifour— a tubful o f linens, silks, wool ens, spick-span in half the tim e required by any other washer— never a bit o f hand rubbing needed, even on wristbands or collars, N o t a dolly, oscillator, or any type you’re familiar with— but an entirely new principle— years ahead l Its results will amaze you. D on’t fail to try it— next washday or sooner if you wish. Phone im mediately. Outstanding M aytag Features 9 1 — Washes faster. 2 — Washes cleaner. 3 —Largest hourly cap acity in the world. 4 —Most compact wash er made. . 5 —Cast aluminum tub. 6 —Easily adj usted to your height. 7 —Clothes can be put in or taken out with the washer running. 8 —Tub cleans itself. 9 —Automatic drain- board. Instant ten sion release. All parts enclosed. Reasons for World Leadership 9 G. A. EHLEN Dr. C. Ammeter F MAKE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING A PLEASURE HOW? Gall on W ill-Snyder Co. They will do all they can to help you select your gifts and will save you money. Their store is full o f seasonable goods. COM ING W ill-Snyder Go. EGGS A re Advancing in Price EGG PRODUCER owith cast aluminum tub ^ Hardware Lawyers Mother Hubbard Gyrafoath L w A Physician and Surgeon Implements AURORA FEED MILL