i. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST School Time Suggestions 8rief Resume of Happenings ol the Week Collected for Our Readers. Aurora school begins September 22nd. Sadler & Kraus is prepared at this minute to supply the necessary school equipment for the kiddies. It matters not whether it is— Wearing Apparel for the Boys and Girls or Supplies for the Schoolroom— we have anticipated your wants. When buying tablets, remember we give free with each pur chase of a tablet a Cupie Twin pencil tablet. Also Cupie Twin blotters for the school kiddies. ALL OF THIS AT Sadler & Kraus Call E. M. HURST Baggage at Dock or Depot in Portiand carefully looked after. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED H. G. ZIEGLER DEALER IN Grain, Pototoes, Hay and Feed SEED AND RE-CLEANING OUR SPECIALTY ALL KINDS O F T R U C K IN G DONE IN CO N NECTION W IT H W A R E H O U S E . - - OREGON A U R O R A M EAT M ARKET . —• | V ' ; “ ~ ■ . ■ ' ' ’ t “ ""' A n Up-to-date Sanitary Meat Market that handles every thing b e s t in m e a ts fresh and cured. OPEN EVENINGS D U R IN G HARVEST BOTTLE ! FEEDING j druggists» will be successful if $ Denuos. the milk modi- \ tier, is used. Doctors j endorse Dennos. At \ Sample on request* DENNOS FOOD CO. P ortlan d. Ore. LOUIS W EBER! N O T A R Y PU B LIC FIRE INSURANCE REPRESENTING Pacific States Fire Insurance Company Springfield F. & M. Insur ance Company Fire Association of Phila. The Hood River Apple Growers’ as More than 50 forest fires were start ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING ed in the Umpqua national forest by sociation has announced that H. F. at Reasonable Rates A U R O R A , O REG O N Davidson, formerly president of the a severe thunder storm. A heavy THEODORE RESCH rain which followed extinguished the North Pacific fruit distributor^ and Aurora, Ore. Phone 1115 for many years prominent in fruit fires. / growing and shipping has been named Will pay highest market price Chinook salmon eggs totaling 4,000,- for Hogs. 000 have been taken out for planting advisor to the sales department of the from the McKenzie river hatchery. organization. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Eugene was selected as next year’s Last year the record was 15,000,000 Oregon City, Oregon meeting place by the Pacific North J J R . B. F. GIESY eggs. Estates, Trusts, Confidential Advice A car of Oregon Wealthy apples was west Circulation Managers’ associa sold at auction at New York at $3.25 @ tion at its concluding session in Spo 3.50, averaging $3.37 for extra fancy kane, Wash. The 1925 convention will and $2.90@3.50, averaging $2.95 for be held at the same time as the Ore gon state newspaper convention, in fancy. % Asquith & Hocken « March or April. ' One of the army De Haviland air ♦ « ♦ Five passengers and the driver on Both Phones AINTIING planes used on forest patrol was badly ♦ Office at Residence Aurora, Ore. wrecked at Eugene when it struck a the McMinnville-Salem bus were APER HANGING ♦ slightly injured when a Southern Pa fence at the edge of the municipal AND TINTING | cific electric train crashed into the aviation field. J * All Work Neatly Done Half of the town \ of Sisters was Ue- bus at Holmes Gap, 15 miles south • Aurora, Ore. Phone 5012 ^ stroyed by fire which started in the of McMinnville. The front of the bus DENTIST C. L. Gist hotel, apparently from a was wrecked and the passengers Has established his Dental office in defective flue. The loss was estimat thrown out by the impact. the Aurora Bank Building, where Neighbors of Hugh Kuenzil, whose he will be present each Tuesday, ed at $25,000. “ No Collection, No Charge” Thirty boys of Polk county, who body was found on his ranch near Friday and Saturday, from 9 a, m. Delinquent accounts collected on a have been raising Jersey calves for Salem, February 18, with a bullet to 6 p .m . contingent basis. We do the work, PLATES A SPECIALTY wound in the tc• > of the head, petition exhibition at the state fair, will gather shoulder the expense and make no AURORA, OREGON at Rickreall September 19 and hold ed the Marion county court to order charge unless collection is made. an official Investigation to determine $100,000.00 Bad Accounts Turned In an amateur Jersey show. to Cash Since,We Started. Jot down The state highway commission at a whether Kuenzil’s death was the re a trial list of bad ones and let us Phone 5-51 Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. sult of suicide or foul play. meeting to be held in Portland Sep turn them into actual money, Evenings and Sunday by appointment Approximately 31 wells have been tember 25 will open bids for the con Business Men’s Adjustment Co. struction of approximately 15 miles drilled in Oregon in the hope of strik DR. S. J. LE VITT 315-16 Masonic Bldg., Phone 911 ing oil and not one has been suc of new road and one bridge. DENTIST cessful, according to Dr. Warren D. SALEM, OREGON Hop crop estimates of Oregon are ! I. O. O. F. Building Molalla, Oregon being, revised upward as a result of • Smith, head,, of the department of geo Room 1 and 2 the last surveys of the Willamette logy of the University of Oregon, who valley yards. Figures now place the ■-has prepared a survey on the “ Petrol eum Possibilities of Western Oregon.” 1924 crop at close to 50,000 bales. John McCourt, since 1921 justice of Two large barns on Morris Koons’ farm, 12 miles north of Eugene on the Oregon, supreme court, died at his the Pacific highway, together with a home in Salem after an illness of ! large quantity of hay and grain and three weeks. Endocarditis and pneu- j some machinery,, were destroyed by monia were the direct causes of death, | according to attending physicians. < fire.-- R. P. Bonham of Portland, district Justice McCourt was born in Canada immigration inspector, was in Salem 50 years ago, but had lived in Cali- I arranging for the deportation of eight fornia and Oregon since he was four j inmates of the Oregon state peniten months old. J. L. Spry, rancher of the Nelson tiary and eight patients at the state creek country in the western part of ! g jj hospital. Will H. Moore, state insurance com Lane county, who had served a few | missioner, and W. A. Mullen, chief nays more than a month of a long | deputy in the department, - have de sentence in the Lane county jail for signed a sticker advertising fire pre having a moonshine still on his place, j g g vention week, which is October 5 to was paroled for a few weeks by G ov-! ernor Pierce to build a trail and a | jj= 11, inclusive. bridge that his children may attend i ¡11 Between 50,000 and 55,000 pounds of school this fali and winter. hops belonging to G. R. Fish, near These hats are made of extra heavy all- On top of the recent decision o f ! B= Springfield, were burned when fire leveled the hop house. Loss is about the Eugene school board to abolish \ Bj| wool invisible plaid material. Light and $5000. Mr. Fish had just concluded a l l . secret fraternities and other or- j j l j ganizations in the Eugene high school, 1 ¡If his season’s picking. dark colors. 1 1 the board issued an order that all ! H I Portland was visited by about 100 ex-members - of the different societies j = 1 collection agency representatives Mon must sign an agreement that they will | ¡§2 day and Tuesday, when the sixth an discontinue membership in the organ- | ijg nual convention of the Collection izations and that they will substitute j HB Agencies’ association of Oregon was nothing equivalent to this member- j ¡¡¡| held at the Multnomah hotel. ship. • i g jj Automatic train controls, to stop . The Marion county circuit court has > jjjj an engine if the engineer through set October 13 as the date for hear- j ¡ j j sudden death or laxity runs past the ing arguments of attorneys with rela-; JU “ T H E S T O R E OF M E R I T ” warning block signals, are being in tion to the modified order of the pub- j ¡ j j stalled on the O.-W. R. & N. lines be lie service commission / in the case | BUS A U R O R A , ORE. tween Portland and The Dalles. brought by the several railroad com- Bit Hop and prune-picking operations panies operating in Oregon to enjoin ; In Marion and Polk counties are near enforcement of a previous order of ing - an end. The short picking sea the commission reducing freight rates I son this year was due, it was said on hay, grains and other farm pro- \ to the favorable weather, which has ducts. permitted work without, interruption. A total of 883 scalps of wild ani-1 A successor to R. B. Goodin, super mals came into the Portland office of intendent of the Oregon employment the United States bureau of biological Your HENS and PULLETS will lay more, institution for the adult blind in Port survey, from 33 trappers hired by the I If an EGG MASH you’ll keep before. land, who died last week, pjrobably bureau in cooperation with the state I Just keep before in hoppers dry, will not be considered until the next livestock sanitary board and the state And you’ll get the EGGS, “ OH M Y!” regular meeting of the state board of game commission. This is a record | control. I’ll tell your friends it’s not a joke, catch for August. Coyotes and bob- | The September estimate of pear cats, or lynx, were most numerous. Mix your own MASH and you’ll go broke. production gives the total crop of the Trappers also sent In scalps of 145 Our MASH will give your hens the pep; United States as about the same as badgers and 122 porcupines, shot in To get the eggs you’ll have to step. 1923, but shows a general reduction the course of their rounds. We also have a good SCRATCH FEED tor the Pacific coast states. The Ore Columbia river salmon canneries are Which will bring eggs from any breed. gon crop is estimated at 1,153,000 participating more extensively in the bushels against 1,540,000. bushels last activities of the fall fishing season, They get red combs and scratch and sing, year. To get MORE EGGS it is the thing. which opened September 10, than for Just why pine squirrels should be many years. Practically every large And if OUR MASH and SCRATCH you’ll try, seeking lower altitudes and forsaking cannery in Astoria and its environs Right back you’ll come and more you’ll buy. their mountain haunts is a question is packing, fish. The general high You’ll GET RESULTS and always will, raised by S. H. Walker of Umatilla quality of the Columbia river spring If you will trade at our FEED MILL. county. Ordinarily, the little animals and summer pack and the operation remain far back in the hills, but this of restrictions tp limit the output of CALL ON US OR PHONE US year they have come down on the the Alaskan product has so strengthen farms. Porcupines and skunks have ed the market for fall salmon that ilso come down out of the mountains there is keen competition among the IN THE GIESY BUILDING to a greater extent than ever before. packers. . s i P Aurora Telephone 615 Portland Telephone Broadway 7660 Portland Office: 73 Front Street - Oregon for Oregon Taking of testimony in 149 cases Involving water rights on the Des chutes river will get under way at Bend October 14, the state engineer The first sales of 1924 Oregon hops has announced. R was predicted that Ask for Oregon Products of the late crop were made at 12 to the taking of this testimony would require at least two weeks. 13 cents. OREGON MAKES IT Native bred wild ducks are com The citizens of Rufus, Sherman paratively plentiful in waters of Uma county, have filed with the Oregon tilla county. public service commission a complaint Oregon Industries Deserve Oregon Bids for the construction of a $100,- with relation to the water service Patronage 000 junior high school in.Astoria will there. The complaint has been re Everytime you buy an article made ferred to engineers of .the public serv be opened by the school board Octo in Oregon, you are helping to employ ice deparfmeht for investigation. ber 1. Oregon people in the manufacturing Matthew Sh.oeships, 40, prominent o f Oregon goods. You are keeping J. E. Thompson, for the past 10 years chief auditor in the state industrial and well educated Indian resident of Oregon money in Oregon. A campaign accident commission, died at the home the Umatilla reservation, was found is on in the interest o f ‘ ‘ Oregon Made dead in the Blue mountains. The re Goods,” and “ Oregon Industries.” of his mother in Salem. It is more than worthy— an idea that Railroad service between Tillamook port that reached Pendleton was that means money to you. Look at the the Indian probably had died from and Portland was halted by forest label fires at Wakefield and Snark, about injuries sustained when his horse threw him. 38 miles from Tillamook. Physician and Surgeon If you have anything to be hauled, , If you have anything t d be shipped, If you have anything to be transferred to or from^Portland, AURORA, People to Get Acquainted With O. D. EBY THE BEST FOR THE PRICE RATES REASONABLE A land and livestock deal, in which approximately $60,000 is said to have I been involved, was completed at I Pendleton whereby the ranch and one band of sheep of Charles W. Mathews of Pilot Rock became the property of A. W. Rugg of Pendleton. SEASON W U RSTER BROS. Aurora, Oregon Dr. C. Ammeter j i j|jj j H[ Just the Thing for the School Girls “The Little Bobby Hat” A Real Value Chilly Evenings Com ing W ill-5nyd er Co. i j Come and Select Your Heating Stove While Our Line Is' Complete. Prices Lower than Past Season Hardware G . A . EHLEN WlWJvaf£sm¡r% ST O R K Implements OUR P O E T S M A S H AURORA F E E D M I L L I