Get Your Supplies for Hop Picking At the Sadler & Kraus store you will find all the essentials necessary for hop picking—all the requirements that the grower may need. We give all the little details the proper attention that enables us to give you— All goods marked in plain prices and the same price to all. Visit Our Big Store with a Big Stock of Season able Merchandise Always at Your Service. Sadler & Kraus THE BEST FOR THE PRICE Call E. M. HURST Baggage at Dock or Depot in Portland-carefully looked after. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED H. G. ZIEGLER DEALER IN Grain, Pototoes, Hay and Feed SEED AND RE-CLEANING OUR SPECIALTY ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING DONE IN CON NECTION W ITH W AREHOUSE. - - OREGON AURORA MEAT MARKET An Up-to-date Sanitary Meat Market that handles every thing b e s t i n m e a t s fresh and cured. OPEN EVENINGS DURING Oregon for Oregon BOTTLE FEEDING The republican state executive com mittee organized at a meeting in Port ______ land and laid plans for an intensive campaign to start on September- l.J * i r y* i will be successful If Denims, the milk modi Glide is arranging for a community The committee elected John W. Coch-1 A S K I O I W l6 2 J O n i l O d l l C t S fier, Is used. Doctors ran secretary for the campaign and I ______ fair September 13. ___ „ endorse Dennos. At Arugglsta. Sample on request. Phil Metschan treasurer. I Two forest fires in Baker county OREGON M A K E S IT Sheep purchased in the central Ore D EN N O S FO O D CO. burned over about 2500 acres of tim gon country by G. M. Blakely, rep- — P ortlan d. Ore. ber. resenting a group of Portland buyers, 0reg(m Industries Deserve Oregon W ork^n the construction of Bend’s will be shipped to the Aleutian is-: Patronage $209,000 union high school building lands, off the coast of Alaska. Blakely Everytime you buy an article made has been started. plans to ship 10,000 sheep and 200 in Oregon, you are helping to employ Wheat shipments to foreign and head of cattle to the Islands this sum- Oregon people in the manufacturing N O T A R Y PUBLIC domestic ports from the Columbia mer. o f Oregon goods. You are keeping river in July were 810,462 bushels. FIRE INSURANCE _________ ^ of Umatilla _______ county _____ Oregon money in Oregon. A campaign The wheat crop REPRESENTING Lane county has 416 teachers, which that last year approximated 7,000,000! j® on ^ the interest o f ‘ * Oregon Made is the largest number of any county bushels will be but half that, declares! £ ° ? ds> “ Oregon Industries.’ ’ Pacific States Fire Insurance in the state outside of Multnomah. Henry W. Collins, grain dealer, miller Xt 13 more than w o rth y -a n idea that Company | means money to yon. Look at the Assessed property in Polk county and farmer. The estimate is based i label Springfield F. & M. Insur increased 814,760 in the last year, on warehouse receipts and on esti ance Company the total now standing at $12,483,090. mated yields reported from the var- ] ious sections. Fire Association of Phila. During July, 34 men in the field as ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING hunters for the United States biolo One of the largest cash land deals' at Reasonable Rates A U R O R A , OREGON gical survey killed 510 predatory ani in Wasco county in a number of years THEODORE RESCH,’ mals. was consummated last week in the Aurora, Ore. Phone 1115 Manufacture of fountain fruit syrups sale of the J. E. Kennedy stock ranch, j Will pay highest market price near Wamic, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. j out of surplus fruit of Lane county for Hogs. may be undertaken by the Eugene Johnson and J. R. Johnson Jr. fot j $85,000. The Kennedy ranch com -! Fruit Growers’ association. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW prises several thousand acres a t ! At the request of Douglas county Oregon City, Oregon R. B. F. GIESY granges, the Roseburg chambei* of Wamic and at Smock. Estates, Trusts, Confidential Advice Despite one of the windiest sum commerce is considering plans for a mers In history of the mid-Columbia home products show this fall. The condition of the Oregon apple district, crews are making rapid head crop is estimated at 65 per cent with way on the Waukoma interstate I Asquith & Hocken ] > a total^ yield. of 5,990,000 boxes, of bridge, which will span the Columbia which 66 per cent are commercial river and connect Hood River with White Salmon, Wash. The total length Doth Phones D A IN T IIN G I apples. Aurora, Ore. ! of the steel spans will be 2124 feet. Office at Residence I 1 APER HANGING ♦ At a speoial city election at Mon Of this 1040 feet are already laid. | : mouth a proposed bond issue of $75,- | AND TINTING <► The possibility of utilizing ^ Booth- 000 to construct a sewer system fail < ► t All Work Neatly Done < > ed to carry by the small margin of Kelly Lumber company cut-over lands Phone 8012 ¡ ¡ Z Aurora, Ore. will be investigated by E. T. Allen, three votes. DENTIST Klamath Falls will have a central director of the Western Forestry and Has established bis Dental office in Conservation association, and Norman automobile stage depot and claims the the Aurora Bank Building, where honor of being the first city in Ore E. Jacobson, forester In charge of he will be present each Tuesday, “ No Collection, No. Charge” that work for this district, who are Friday and Saturday, from 9 a, m gon outside of Portland to install this Delinquent accounts collected on a in Eugene. The two men will spend to 6 p. m. transportation convenience. contingent basis. We do the work, a month on Booth-Kelly property in PLATES A SPECIALTY shoulder the expense and make no Any contention that the bob is de that section. AURORA, OREGON charge unless collection is made. clining In popularity is refuted by the $100,000.00 Bad Accounts Turned In A carload of green prunes, the first fact that a Cottage Grove barber shop to Cash Since W e Started. Jot down to be shipped this year, left Myrtle recently bobbed the tresses of three a trial list of. bad ones and let us Phone 5-51 Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Creek last week consigned to Chicago. Evenings and Sunday by appointment generations of the same family. turn them into actual money. Because of the poor market for dried Miss Bernie Mc.Cool was killed in Business Men’ s Adjustment Co. fruit in the past few years, one buyer DR. S. J. LEVITT an automobile accident when the' ma announced that he would ship five 315-16 Masonic-Bldg., Phone 911 DENTIST chine driven by Dick Lindholm over carloads each day this week. Buyers SALEM, OREGON turned on the highway four miles from I. O. O. F. Building are paying $20 and $22 per ton for Room ~1 and 2 Molaila, Oregon John Day. Her head was crushed. orchard rim fruit delivered at the By the time snow flies some 56 warehouses in lug boxes. miles of the new Klamath Falls-Eu- Better than expected yields per aore gene line of the Southern Pacifi* will of winter wheat and fall sown oats in be laid from Kirk north, and from the western part of the state, a near six to ten miles from Oakridge south. failure of spring grains and clover C. F. Hein was elected president seed and the smallest prospective po of the Willamette Valley Flax Grow tato yield in many years are outstand ers’ association at Salem. Other of ing features of the present Oregon ficers are W. McKee, vice-president, crop situation, according to F. L. Kent, and J. W. Denham, secretary and agricultural statistician of the United treasurer. States department of agriculture. The state board of forestry, at an Coyote puppies picked up in Oregon executive session indorsed the so-call by tourists have proved a nuisance j j j ed McNary-Clatk bill, which provides in some of the -eastern and southern jjg for a federal appropriation of $2,600,- states, according to information re- : I n 000 for reforestation in co-operation ceived at the offices of Dr. W. H. j H I with the states. Lytle, secretary of the state livestock M Suit in circuit court at Pendleton sanitary board. It was said that these H I has been brought by Umatilla county coyotes were taken to the homes of HI against O. P. Bowman and wife to the tourists and later strayed into the ' M l secure the condemnation of 14.10 forests. They have propagated rapid- ' | jjj These dresses are made o f a fine quality teres of land near Emigrant springs ly, with the result that in some of the SB Gingham, nieely trimmed and embroidered in for use as a public park. eastern and southern states bounties m i colors. The price is so low that no one can The public service commission now are being offered, for their en-! M l | S 3 granted a permit to the Spokane, Port termination. afford to miss this opportunity. " I * land & Seattle Railroad company to Oregon pensions have been granted S g We have only a limited amount, so take operate eight automobile stages be as follows: Gustav Warlen, Portland, ¡ a tween Portland and Rainier on the $18; Annie M. Edwards, Medford, $20; j M advantage o f this offer if you are in need o f Columbia River highway. Myrtle L. Ross, Portland, $20; Mary; S § any of these dresses. With crews of men working night C. Moyer, Salem, $30 ; Annie M, B. f j j Courtney, Lafayette, $30;. Robert O. j and day, the deep cut on the east side of the McKenzie pass lava fields Kumerow, Portland, $15 ; Harry R. Æ will be virtually completed by August Spurlock, Portland, $12; Ernest Lough- 25 and the pass highway can be cross ridge, Wilderville, $12; Buriah Wilk- I S ed with out difficulty, it is announced. ins, Portland, $12; Oscar O. Norgard, | jl ' A group of expert merchandise Portland, $15; Stella A. Ford, Port- |J| “ TH E STORE OF M E R IT ” thieves entered the establishment of land, $20; Fred G. Stillwell, Portland, !I J the Eastern Outfitting company at As $12; Annie McNulty, Portland, $30; M A U R O R A , ORE. [ IH toria and made away with between Jessie M. Murphy, Portland, $15. A proclamation closing the hunting M $5000 and $7000 worth of the choicest garments, wraps and coats in the season for deer will be Issued by Gov ernor Pierce, according to announce-. store. Since the government agents took ment made by the executive following a hand in affairs, the rabies situa a joint meeting of the state forestry tion, which had become alarming in board and the state game commission the Klamath Indian reservation, is re at Salem. If approved by the at ported to have improved. In June torney-general, the proclamation will 27 head of cattle had died of the dis apply to the entire deer season, with the governor reserving the right to ease. . revoke it in case of heavy rains. Klamath Falls will have the an Should such a proclamation be dis nual meeting of the Oregon irriga approved by the attorney-general, the tion congress September 7, 8 and 9, season will be postponed until a de It is announced by James M. Kyle of finite date. The open season for deer Stanfield, president, and W. E. Mea- is August 20. Having purchased the G. C. Giesy feed business cham of Baker, secretary of the organ Construction work on the Jordan ization. we will endeavor to satisfy your needs in Dairy and valley irrigation district in Malheur Portland’s harbor was entered by Poultry Supplies. Let us first introduce you to our county will start within the next 195 vessels in the foreign trade dur month, according to H. M. Chadwick ing the first six months of the pres of the state engineering department. ent year, according to figures given The contract has been awarded to Egg Producer. This is a 20% Protein feed that is out by the Merchants’ Exchange. The Morrison & Knudson of Boise, Idaho, vessels represented an aggregate ton giving excellent satisfaction and sells for $2.50 per who will accept bonds issued by the nage of 729,396. 100 lbs. or $48.00 in ton lots. Come in and get j district in return for their services, | Bprton Klookars, a North Bend high j The development contemplates con- acquainted and we will try and merit your patronage 1 school student, was recipient of the ! struction of the main feeder canal and Fellows scholarship award, which^is I the Antelope reservoir, which will WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BLACKBERRIES ili 1 made annually by the Marshfield lodge '■ have a storage capacity of 40,000-acre Of Elks, No. il60. Young Klockars ] feet of water. The district contains led in scholarship through Coos coun j 14,500 acres of land and the cost prob ty an& received $1000. ably will exceed {400,000. W EBER! O. D. EBY Physician and Surgeon ♦ HARVEST SEASON W URSTER BROS. Aurora, Oregon The Hunting Season will soon be open and you will want a New Rifle or Shot Gun. We can supply your wants in Guns and Ammunition Dr. C. Ammeter Children’s Gingham Dresses Sizes: Age 7 to 14 W ill-Snyder Co. SOMETHING NEW Aurora F eed M ill “ MOTHER HUBBARD BRAND” Hardware 'E G. A. EHLEN a X Aurora Telephone 615 Portland Telephone Broadway 7660 Portland Office: 73 Front Street - People to Get Acquainted W ith D If you have anything to be hauled. If you have anything to be shipped, If you have anything to be transferred to or from Portland, AURORA, Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Resources of the 278 banks oper ating in Oregon at the close of bu si-! ness June 30, 1924, aggregated $318,- \ 991,712.97 as against $314,406,120.07 i a year ago, according to a statement Issued by Frank E. Bramwell, state I superintendent of banks. LOUIS Good Service at Reasonable Prices. RATES REASONABLE OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Implements A U R O R A FEED MILL