OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST SPECIALS A T THÍE SADLER & KRAUS STORE For Canning and Preserving we have special low price fo r— , 10 qt. Aluminum Kettle at $1.29 Same in 12 q t, $1.39 Crystal Special 69c Hot Weather Special Save Baking 2 lbs Fresh Fig Bars S A V E A T S A D L E R & K R A U S’ Sadler & Kraus THE BEST FOR THE PRICE If you have anything to be hauled. If you have anything to be shipped, If you have anything to be transferred to or from Portland, Call E. M. HURST Portland Telephone Broadway 7660 Portland Office : 73 Front Street Baggage at Dock or Depot in Portland carefully looked after. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED H. G. ZIEGLER DEALER IN Grain, Pototoes, Hay and Feed SEED AND RE-CLEANING OUR SPECIALTY ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING DONE IN CON NECTION W ITH W AREHOUSE. AURORA, - > - OREGON AURORA MEAT MARKET A n Up-to-date Sanitary Meat Market that handles every thing b e s t i n m e a t s fresh and cured. OPEN EVENINGS DURING People to Get Acquainted W ith Oregon for Oregon Fines assessed in cases resulting from the activities of the state pro hibition department during the six months ending July 1, 1924, aggre win be successful If Dennoa. the m ilk m odi The annual Bend flower show will gated $77,607.49, while the expenses fier, la used. Doctors of conducting the department were JB P endorse Dennoa. At be held Wednesday, August 20. | druggists. Sample on request. $15,451.37, according to a report pre Value of exports from Astoria to OREGON M AKES IT pared by George L. Cleaver, state pro D EN N O S FO O D CO. foreign ports during July was $240,- hibition director. P ortlan d. Ore. 804. Direotors of the Oregon Growers’ Oregon Industries Deserve Oregon The cost per capita for educating Co-operative association have agreed Patronage high-school students in Albany for to allow the Northwest Prune Ex Everytime you buy an article made the year 1923-1924 was $84.15. change to use the trade name “ Mist- in Oregon, you are 'helping to employ The first irrigation project in Lane land” on its products. The trade label Oregon people in the manufacturing N O T A R Y PUBLIC county has Seen completed by L. C. was adopted by the Oregon growers’ •f Oregon goods. You are keeping FIRE INSURANCE Abies of Eugene for his 285-acre farm association several years ago, and Oregon money in Oregon. A campaign REPRESENTING north of Springfield. large quantities of fruit have been is on in the interest o f “ Oregon Made Goods,” and “ Oregon Industries.” Pacific States Fire Insurance Construction of a ferry for use in sold under this brand: It is more than worthy— an idea that crossing the Umpqua river at Scotts- Company Protests against the proposal of the means money to you. Look at the burg will be started at once by the state forestry department to close the label Springfield F. & M. Insur Douglas county court. timbered districts to hunters because ance Company July was one of the driest months of unfavorable fire conditions are Fire Association o f Phila. ever experienced m Bend. There was coming in. The protests are based on Patronize Your Home Company not a single cloudy day, and only .2 newspaper reports that the state board A U R O R A , OREGON FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE of forestry had been called to meet of an inch of rain fell. Assets over $1,000,000 In Salem Friday to consider postpone Building activities in Salem during ment of the opening date of the deer Pacific States the month of July were approximate season. Fire Insurance Company ly 29 per cent greater than during the of Portland, Oregon Gravel has been laid on part of the corresponding month a year ago. seven-mile unit of the Roosevelt high While using a shotgun to shoot ATTORNEY-AT-LAW way between Glasgo and Hauser. The ALL KINDS OF TRUCKING rats on his ranch home in the Colum grading for the entire distance is near Oregon City, Oregon at Reasonable Rates bia district near Hermiston, Charles ly finished. When this unit of the Belcho, 75, accidentally killed himself. Estates, Trusts, Confidential Advice THEODORE RESCH,* highway is finished there will be a Aurora, Ore. Phone 1115 The state supreme court has re continuous hard surface over the cessed until September 1. Most of Roosevelt highway from Hauser to Will pay highest market price the justices will spend their vacations Corbin, Cutry county, a distance of for Hogs. at beach resorts and mountain re 83 miles. Asquith & Hocken treats. Will H. Moore, state insurance com While July was a quiet month In missioner, has prepared a public let AINTIING the lumber trade of the Columbia river ter urging all persons having deal A PER HANGING district, more than 61,000,000 feet of ings with real estate agents to keep DR. E. H. PREHN | AND TINTING lumber was shipped from the river by copies of any agreements they make Molalla, Oregon x • All Work Neatly Done water. for the purchase or sale of property. Phone 5012 A parlor car attached to the north This procedure, Mr. Moore said, would The home o f good dentistry | Aurora, Ore. bound limited passenger train on the aid his department materially in bring ALL W O R K G U AR A N TEED Oregon Electric line caught fire be ing unscrupulous real estate dealers tween Salem and Donald and was de to justice. stroyed. The Pendleton Round-up, for many Work on the North Umpqua section pears heralded on the motion picture of the Umpqua highway is to be start screen, will be the background of a ed at once, according to J. M. Meyers, Special picture this year which will United States engineer with the be built around the show by the Uni bureau of public roads. versal Picture corporation. The con The rainfall at Baker for the first tract permitting the motion picture seven months this year amounted to concern to be on the grounds during 3.2 inches, Which is 5.27 inches below the show was signed last week by of the average of 34 years in which ficials of the Round-up and the cor poration. records have been kept. . Because water in the North Ump- The state highway commission and Tillamook county court have filed peti lua is so low that the fish cannot get tions with the public service commis ever the dam and fish ladder at Win sion asking for the elimination of a chester, the Roseburg Rod and Gun club has obtained an order from the grade crossing in Bay City. Building construction was 30 per state fish commission stationing a cent larger in Portland in July than nan with a dip net at the dam to in the same period o f 1923, bank clear ;ransfer summer steelheads and sal- ings showed a substantial increase non trout from the shallow water be- over the same month last year, and iow the obstruction to the deeper postal receipts were 4.9 per cent water above. Indians of the Klamath reservation greater. Miss Emma Mina Hockenberry, 19, in Oregon will receive a total of $6,- of Fresno, Cal., was killed and her 100,009 as a result of four sales by the father,' M. B. Hockenberry, suffered lepartment of the Interior in the last minor injuries, when an automobile in tew months of ripe timber on the which they were riding plunged off Trout creek, Squaw flat, North Marsh the Pacific highway three miles south ind Long Prairie units of that reser vation. The contracts include- ap of Salem arid turned over. proximately 1,000,000,000 feet of tim There was a total of 1232 arrests ber, for which the Indians are to re resulting from the activities of op vive exceptional prices obtained eratives of the state traffic depart hrough competitive bidding. ment during the six months ending Hearing of the suit instituted by July 1, 1924, according to a report by T. A. Raffety, chief inspector for the sight railroads operating in Oregon o restrain the public service com- state motor vehicle division. nission from enforcing an order re- J. R. Nunamaker, known as the lucing freight rates on hay and other cherry king of Hood River, although larm products was started in the cir- he has less than four acres of the suit court at Salem. The order was fruit, received a check from the Hood ssued more than six months ago and River Apple Growers’ association for provided for reductions in freight $12,701.83, the returns from his har ates of approximately 25 per cent. vest of 6072 boxes of assorted var The railroads are protesting the order ieties. . sn the grounds that it is discrimlna- Because of the growth of business ;ory in that it favors shipments of connected with the state fair, the fair larm products from Washington into board has found it advisable to create Oregon. “ T H E S T O R E OF M E R IT ” the office of manager and has ap An experiment in- growing water- A U R O R A , ORE. pointed J. E. McClintock of Rosebrirg nelons, with the object in view of as to fill the position. Mr. McClintock certaining the productivity, quality has served for nine years as auditor md marketability of more than 20 at the state fair. lifferent varieties, has been complet- A new world’s record for harvest id by The Dalles-Wasco county cham- ing flax has been established at the cer of commerce, with results which ranch of A. E. Bradley, south of Salem, ire expected to halve an important who with; the assistance of a patented rearing on the production of melons puller purchased a year ago has pull n this district, within the next several ed .more than 120 acres of the product rears. All Wasco county melons are since July 7. This is an average of ceing marketed this year through The more than six acres a day. Dalles Co-operative Growers’ associa- Klamath county farmers will receive ¡ion, with each melon stamped with 100 per cent more for their hay crop ;he association label of “ Dalco.” this year than last, according to re Three measures, one increasing the ports of early sales in the district. [asoline tax one cent per gallon, the In 1923 the new crop moved at from lecond setting aside the water in the Having purchased the G. C. Giesy feed business $6 to $8 a ton. The first sales this Hear Lake district for use of Wil- we will endeavor to satisfy your needs in Dairy and year were made at $12.50 and $15 amette valley towns and the third Poultry Supplies. Let us first introduce you to our is considered the present market croviding for joint incorporation of price. 18 valley cities as a water district, It is doubtful if there is sufficient will be recommended by Governor water in Big Butte Creek to supply Pierce in his message to the 1926 leg- E gg Producer. This is a 20% Protein feed that is both the city of Medford and the slature. This decision was the out giving excellent satisfaction and sells for $2.50 per Eagle Point irrigation district, accord come of a trip of nearly 100 Wil- 100 lbs. or $48.00 in ton lots. Come in and get ing to Rhea Luper, state engineer. amette valley men, to Clear Lake, in acquainted and w*e will try and merit your patronage The oity of Medford is seeking to he interest of obtaining a better divert approximately 30 second feet water supply for the central Willam WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BLACKBERRIES of this water for municipal purposes ette valley cities. The governor, mem- ât a cost of $690,000. The present ters of the highway commission, the supply of water Is from Little Butte engineering department and various creek, but this flow Is not of a »ranches of the state government ac- quality demanded by the municipality. lompanied the party. BOTTLE FEEDING Ask for Oregon Products LOUIS 7-piece Glass Fruit Set, special low price of Aurora Telephone 615 Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. George W. Riddle, for three years eommandant of the old soldiers’ home at Roseburg, was removed from his position at a special meeting of the state board of control. William M. Hendershott of Portland was elected by the board to succeed Judge Riddle. HARVEST SEASON W URSTER B R 05. Aurora, Oregon The Hunting Season will soon be open and you will want a ** New Rifle or Shot Gun. We can supply your wants in Guns and Ammunition W EBER! O. D. EBY Painless Dentistry P 1 ■ lit Ladies* Knickerbockers and Middies Coveralls Just the thing for Evergreen Berry Picking Will-Snyder SIM TH INfi NF.W Aurora Feed Mill “ MOTHER HUBBARD BRAND’’ Hardware G. A. EHLEN r ^ TUB W iN O fts n k «rroR» jj Implements m A U R O R A FEED MILL