^ A urora Observer Knots Play Important Shadows in Oil Do Part in Asiatic Life Not at Once Fade Entered as second class matter March ■ Freak shadows that do not fade 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora, away at once when the objects that Oregon, under the Act of March 3,1879. cast them are removed are described by S. Leonard Bastin In St. Nicholas Geo. E. Knapp, Editor and Publisher (New Fork). We read: “In the great oil regions of Cali­ fornia, pools of crude petroleum are quite commonly seen. Here the oil Is allowed to remain until It Is stored Opinions of the away In barrels. One of the curiosi­ ties of the district is the freak sha­ Observer dow which these ponds of crude oil produce. If, when the sun Is shining brightly, a person stands so that his Radio Over Lighting Wires. shadow falls across the surface of the The baffling question as to who petroleum, a very remarkable thing Should the Individual change is to pay for radio broadcasting is happens. his place, strange to say, the first being solved in Staten Island, N. shadow remains on the oil, while the Y., where. for the last 18 months person casts a second shadow from his position. The longer the individ­ an engineering staff has been de­ new ual has been standing by the oil pond, veloping the “wired radio”, invjen the longer will the original shadow tions of Major General George O. remain. The explanation of the mys­ is simple: Under the influence Squier. Apparatus has already tery of the hot sun, gas Is freely produced been perfected by which two differ­ in the crude oil. This rises to the sur­ ent radio programs can be trans­ face in the form of millions of bubbles too minute to be noticed by the mitted over the lighting wires far human eye. When a shadow is cast from the Staten Island generating over the surface of the petroleum the station, and within a short time temperature Is reduced, and this has the effect of checking the production equipment for transmitting three of bubbles. The result Is that the programs will be completed. Ten­ shaded area looks different from the tative plans of Wired Radio, Inc., part which is exposed to the sun. Now, when the person moves, the tempera­ a North American Co. subsidiary ture of the oil which has been shielded which is doing the development from the sun does not at once get work, call for the eventual estab­ back to its former warmth. It takes a little time to heat, and, until this lishment of a nation-wide “wired actually happens, the shadow effect radio” services This service will persists, giving the curious appearance consist of three continuous pro­ which has been described.—Literary D igest EDITORIAL grams from studios in New York, Chicago, and a Pacific coast city which will be sent over trunk wires to central generating stations in all parts of the country. From the central stations these national programs (supplemented by local programs) will be transmitted to subscribers via the lighting lines. Each subscriber will be provided, at a monthly rental of $2, with a small tuning device that is plugged into any convenient lamp socket. Because a large ! percentage of the monthly rental receipts can be devoted to paying for talent, the expectations are that wired radio programs will be of an exception­ ally high quality.—-The Manu­ facturer. Easy to Tell Fortune Shown by Tea Leaves The custom of telling fortunes from tea leaves left in the cups is by no means on the wane. It Is a simple matter to memorize most of the signs, and a good imagination is also of great assistance. Leaves In the form of a train are said to mean either a journey or the arrival or departure of some one in whom you are Interested. A snake indicates ¡ enemies. Doves are sup­ posed to be lucky, and so are stars, the crescent moon, and horseshoes, says London Tit-Bits. News from abroad is often fore­ shadowed by a fent. Shoes mean a journey. If the cup Is clear all round It is said to be a good sign. Gloves indicate a meeting with strangers, while stoeklngs usually foreshadow presents. Chairs mean visitors; keys new un­ dertakings. Initials are usually deemed to be lucky. Black clusters of trees New Overland Coupe Arouses mean gatherings, but may also be taken to mean a cluster of worries. Enthusiasm of Feminine Motorists. Unusual interest among feminine motorists has greeted Willys-Over- land’s announcement of its new two-passenger Overland coupe. Not only is it a light ear embody­ ing the manifold advantages of the entire Overland line, but it com­ bines with the