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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1924)
I fe Aurora Observer Entered as second class mattei March 28, 1911, at: the postoffice 'at Aurora,. Oregon’, under the Act of March 371879. Geo. E. Knapp. Editor and Publisher E D ITO RIAL Opinions of the 1S P a<>^€iw6r « In a recent' article we urged a continuing campaign for the sale of “ Oregon Goods to Oregon Peo ple,” There are many .ways in which this campaign may be pro moted, and it is not too much to say that p,ll legitimate methods should be pursued,, if possible, at one and the same time. .. We may well take a leaf from the book of the revivalist who stirs up an enormous amount of enthu siasm by a continuous series of lec tures or sermons. A well defined system of window displays, throughout ,the state, a synchronous publication of suitable advertisements in the press,; both daily and weekly, ' backed up by demonstrations where practicable, will do much to püt over such a campaign. But it is not by one spasmodic effort alone that the results aimed at are to be attained. .The slogan, “ Oregon Goods for Oregon Peo p le /’ can be made 100 per cent ef fective only by continuous and per sistent efforts in publicity. vEvery good salesman knows that to sell his goods he must > take into consideration many and varied conditions of time, place and char acter. To attempt the sale of a Klan talisman to a Roman Catho lic would be as futile as to offer Holy Water to a Klansman. In like manner, to try to sell ex tremely high priced goods to pov erty stricken people would be ‘ but to encourage financial suicide But, as everyone knows, there is one basic principle on which all sales dépend; we must touch the fancy of the buyer. The /house wife is the mistress of the home and her word is law. She is the largest purchaser of Oregon-made goods, and, in fifty per cent of the cases where the head of the family makes the purchase, she has the say, though he doesn’t realize it. In any campaign for the sale of Oregon-made goods, therefore, we must make the goods pleasing to the eye as well as useful. We must make our advertising striking and attractive, whatever method we use. What housewife does not know of the Old Dutch Cleanser? What young miss and prospective housewife is not acquainted with the latest styles in footwear? Who up and down the Willamette Val ley does not know “ Where the Sun of Prosperity Shines” ?' Make Oregon-made goods th§ standard of quality, style and com fort to the housewife, and the ad vertising to match and we have solved the problem. We heartily indorse Hon. Willis C. Hawley for re-election as Con gressman from this district because of his ability and experience, but es^ pecially because of his faithfulness to the cause of his constituents not only in Marion County but of the whole state as well. Courage and Statesmanship Needed. FOR CONGRESS come a steady improvement in the p rodu ct. The result is that thé standard o f service for tires has been considerably raised over what it. was a few years ago. In the old days one of the biggest ! in-ms of w aste in tire manufacture j came in the fabric that the tire buîider trimmed off. This itein^ | was also a very important gaugeîto ¡ the q uality of th e'tire, for the tire j builder w ho had a large trim was •jstretching his plies too much mak in g the th e carcass too tight and j uscep; ibie to. breakage under strain. On i he O ther hand the lire I builder whose uim was practically i neglibible was not stretching ffis j plies tight enough and the result m ight show in a wrinkled ply which in the end would weaken Among the candidates, for office W. C. HAWLEY the carcass. ^ in Marion County is Mr. Carl B. Since the advent of mechanic^ Webb, of Salem, who will come Republican Candidate for tire building means the product before the republican primaries as Renomination becomes more uniform and labor is candidate for coroner. Mr, Webb A native son of Oregon who is not such a factor governing tire is forty years of age and has resid Clean, quality. Today in the Goodrich fa(W ed in Salem for eleven years. For Capable, tory detailed records are kepc <» eleven years he has been a booster Experienced, the; number of ounces of fabric ' -Faithful, trimmed from each tire by each for Marion County and a taxpayer : " :' - 7 Successful building machine operator. The^â therein. Mr. Webb is the owner Read his Record of Successful. Ser- figures are constantly checked b j of the Webb & Clough Undertak inspectors and waste specialists, ing Parlors in Salem, and is well ■ .vice,: Steady Achievement, In- who are able to correct the ma qualified for. the office profession ■ creasing Influence and Wise chine or builder when the slightest ally and by experience as a deputy Statesmanship in Voter’s variation occurs. In this way the high standard of under former Coroner Clough, Pamphlet. quality that is so consistently though he has never before asked CPaid Adv. by Ronald C. Glover.) shown in long mileage records is for public office. He is a man of maintained in every tire produced. family and a member of the Cher- Washington lies with Congress, rians, Rotary Club, Elks and the whose hypocrisy, shirking and mor For Sale —Tomato and asparagus al coWardice brought about condi plants. Fred Drager, Route 3. I8-2d Salem and State Chambers of Commerce. His slogan is “ Ser tions that made corruption inevit vice above Self,” and he promises, JOHN H. CARSON able.” if elected, to investigate all cases It then cites numerous instances Republican Candidate for coming under his jurisdiction with of radical,; silly or freak legislation District Attorney . out prejudice. — Paid Adv. which. Congress has passed to sat Now serving first term ■ isfy hysterical demands or dodge responsibility. Primaries May 16, 1924 “ A.dozen boards and bureaus f. —Paid Adv. can be mentioned to which Con gress has granted the high, the middle and the low justice with re spect to wide areas of activity and important industries. . .“ Citizens and business enter prises can be ruined by various of these boards and bureaus without ever having a day in court. As for AT ancient right of privacy, there is nothing left. Our telephones: are tapped, our desks are rifled, our books 'searched on orders from our departmental inquisitors. Few human beings are fit to be trusted with the power which“ Congress so gaily delegates to the bureaucracy, f “ Our form of government has changed under out eyes . , We are governed not by statutes, but by will be the opening date at Horse rulings of this department and that Shoe Park for this season. The commissioner whose orders have the music will be furnished by the force of laws. Our rights are de Sllverton 4-L Band who will play termined for us not by courts and from 9 till 10:30, then Mr. Ness juries, who hear our cases in pub- and his Orchestra will take up the lie, but by inspectors and investi good work from 10:30 till 12. Band Benefit and Opening DANCE Horse Shoe Park Saturday, May 3rd gators and bureaus who colleet ev idence where they find it and an nounce decision m true Turkish fashion. That, of course, is not democracy. It is not even efficient but if it Were, free'government should not be sacrificed to effic iency. ' “ Only a Congress that will dis play some courage and statesman ship, and a little devotion to the Constitution of the United States will rid ns of this pest of bureauc racy and restore the American ideal of popular government.” The Bulletin editorial is a strong statement of the case,» but it will take strong leaders among our pub lishers and our public officials to save intact to the American peo ple the liberties which were grant ed them in the formation of our government.— Industrial News Bu reau. The San Francisco Bulletin has been running some excellent editor Standard of Tire Service Is ials on the necessity o f getting Raised back to first principles in regard for, and honor of the Constitution The high degree to which pro- of the United States and, the fun-, ductionr jefficiency has been brought damental principles which were about1 m the plants of the F. B. recognized in establishing bu r Goodrich Rubber Company, is particularly noticeable to a visitor democratic form of government. In commenting on the recent ac- who calls at the plant at this sea Hion, or lack of action, in Congress son of the year. Production of Goodrich Tires is and its failure to exert itsalf along business rather than political lines, being accomplished through the the Bulletin, in double column, elimination of lost time and waste black face editorial, .after citing at a saving which was undreamed And the numerous instances of the short of five dr six years ago. comings of our national law-making fact remains that probably the most astonishing thi: g about this body, says: “ At bottom, responsibility for economy is that With the advance the present disgraceful situation at I 1 of efficiency in manufacture has -Don’t Miss This Dance EXTRAORDINARY GENUINE No. 16691. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County. Department No. 2. Star Land Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. The unknown Heirs of Olive A. Slover, deceased, and the unknown Heirs of Clara M . Slover, deceased, and the, unknown Heirs of Albert P. Staats, deceased, and all Persons or Parties whom soever claiming any right, title or interest in the real Premises here inafter described, defendants. To the unknown Heirs of Olive A. Slover, deceased, and the unknown Heirs of Clara M. Slover, deceased, and the unknown Heirs of Albert P. Staats, deceased, and to all per sons or parties whomsoever claim ing any right, title or interest in the real premises hereinafter de scribed, the defendants above named: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause and Court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this .summons, to- wit: Within s'x weeks from Thurs day, April 17, 1924, and if you fail to so appear, or answer herein the plaintiff will take a decree forever quieting its title to and forever enjoining and barring you and each of you from asserting any right, title or interest in the real premises owned by plaintiff, which are described as follows: Beginning at the southwest cor ner of the Donation Land Claim of, Benjamin Munkers and wife in Township 8 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, Oregon, and said .claim being No. 37 and Notifica tion No. 128, and being in Section One (1) of said Township and Range; thence north along the west line of said D. L. C. 7.15 .chains, more or less, to the center of the County Road leading from Salem to Turner in Marion County, Oregon; thence south 36 degrees east along the center of said road 8.00 chains; thence south along the center of said road 13.50 chains; thence west 5.75 chains to the southwest corner of the premises now owned by the plaintiff; thence north 7.13 chains; thence east 1.66 chains; thence north 6.00 chains to the place of beginning, and cotain- ing 8 acres of land, more or less. This~ summons is published for six consecutive weeks in the Auro ra Observer, f a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Aurora in Marion County, Oregon, the date of the first publication thereof being Thursday, April 17, 1924, and the date of the last publication thereof being Thursday, May 29, 1924, all done in accordance with the order of the Honorable George G. Bing ham, Judge of the above entitled Primaries May 16, 1924 Court, which order is dated and - —Paid Adv. entered of record in said cause this 9th day of April, 1924. Ivan G. Martin, Carey F. Martin A strict business administration- Attorneys for Plaintiff, fair and impartial treatment to all j Post Office Address: 413 Masonic Temple Building, Salem, Oregon. of Marion County For Second Term JP A BAG You cm mil 100 Ciga f or 15 Cents CATARRH Catarrh is a Local disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALL’ S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists o f an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System o f Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. | Drs. L T. Dick & L. M. Hum h in e s e C | m e d ic in e Company Herbs, Flowers, Leaves, Buds, Bark, Stalk. Roots Cure Any Known Disease „ I Open Sundays, 10 a, m. to 12 m. 420 and 426 State Street 5 SALEM, OREGON Phone 233 J J R . B . F . G IE S Y Physician and Surgeon Both Phones Office at Residence Aurora, Ore. “ No Collection, No Charge” Delinquent accounts collected on a contingent b^sis. We do the work, shoulder the expense and make no charge unless collection is made. $100,000.00 Bod Accounts Turned In to Cash Since W e Started. Jot down a trial list of bad ones and let us turn them into actual money. Business Men’ s Adjustment Co. 315-16 Masonic Bldg., Phone 911 SALEM, OREGON RADIO “All the makins” High Grade Materials Aurora Drug Store “ The Store o f Quality” A urora , O reoon RAILROAD TIME CARD SOUTHERN PACIFIC NORTH BOUND No. No. No. No. No. 22 (on F lag)____________ 5:44 a, m. 16 (on F lag)____________7:88 a. m. 62 (Stop). . . __________ 10:19 a. m. 18 (S top ).......................... 2:16 p. m, 24 (on F la g )____________ 7:00 p. m. No. Piles Treated and Cured Without No. Primaries May 16, 1924 Operation No, — Paid Adv. 804-6-7-8 Selling Bldg. PORTLAND. No. 17 (Stop)_______________ 9:43 a. m. 61 (on fla g)_____________ 2:08 p. m. 23 (S top )______ ____ .__ 4:53 p, m. 21 (on F lag)___________ 9.09 p. m. J. T. HUNT Republican Candidate For County Judge BALLOT NO. 81 Candidate for M. G. McCORKLE, M. D. Rectal Specialist SOUTH BOUND JUST ONE PURPOSE To supply the Men ana Young Men o f the Willamette Valley with the best o f Clothes and Furnishings at Reasonable Prices. BISHOP’S 136 N. Commercial Street CLOTHING & WOOLEN MILLS STORE Salem, Oregon Re-election for —y ASSESSOR Î DENTIST Has established his Dental office in the Aurora Bank Building, where he will be present each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, from 9 a. m_ to 6 p. m. PLATES A SPECIALTY AURORA, OREGON SHERIFF Marion County 2 C £ hagsf 8* j Dr. C. Ammeter Republican Candidate for BULL” 0. A. Steelhammer DURHAM SUMMONS Now Serving First Term Republican Primaries May 16, 1924 /.-^Paid Adv. REPUBLICAN CAN D ID ATE FOR D IST R IC T A TTO R N E Y Carl T. Pope Honest Lawyer Successful Business Man For enforcing the laws without favor. —Pd. Adv. WILLAMETTE VALLEY Mortgage Loan Co. We have funds to supply your needs for new buildings, land clearing, or new and ad ditional equipment. Or perhaps you have a mortgage maturing in the near future. We loan on first mortgage security ex clusively and will be glad to consider your application. We loan for, three or five years at cur rent rates. O ffice at A urora State Bank