N. E. Cole has closed down his lum- j S A L E AN D W AN T ADS. ber mill and it is understood will make j repairs. Dr. Osmai-K. W olf, Woodburn, Ore. Little Relda Gooding, who has been C. F. Ziegler has just purchased a quite sick the past several days, is im­ is fully equipped to fit your eyes with proper glasses. tf new Chevrolet. proving. Wm. Ehlen, o f Eugene, spent the Guy Loomis, publisher of ihe DANGER—Lurks in all wires week end in Aurora. Brownsville weekly, was a visitor in MARRY IF LONELY, for results, try me;] best and most successful “ Home Maker:” huudreds rich wish marriage soon strictly confidential; most reliable; years o f experience; des­ criptions free. ‘ (The Successful Club,” Mrs. Nash, Box 556 Oakland, Califor­ nia. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shimmin were Aurora Sunday. arrivals in Aurora Tuesday. Bud Coon and John Reisch returned Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McCarger were to Bremerton Tuesday to join their guests at Frank Miller’s home Sunday. ship, the Oklahoma. Any girl in trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Ar­ my at thé White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Ore. 37-52t Local and Personal You never can tell when they are hot, telephone or Elect­ ric. Warn your children. Molalla Electric Co. tf. Mrs. George Gould, of Portland, was Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerr and Mrs. For Sale—6 room house with bath, Wanted—25 bushels (measure) White the week end guest of Mrs. W, F. Jack Kerr, of Seaside, came up to at­ 2J lots; three chicken houses; some Russian Oats for seed. For sale, Ho- tend the funeral of Mrs. Albert Ehlen. fruit; opposite Lutheran Church. Louis ganized Ancona eggs and White Pekin Prahl. Siebert, 45tc duck eggs for hatching. Also sow and Orville Stoner was up from Oregon Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Crisell and Miss pigs, F. Yohann, Route 2. 14-tfc City Wednesday evening,, calling on Sarah Graham, of Portland, were here We have plenty of money to loan on his parents. Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. farms at 6 per cent. No commission. Reliable Abstracts. Oregon City Ab­ D. A. Yoder, formerly o f the Yoder Ehlen. Wanted 44-tfc Confectionery is now in the employ of May 11th is ‘ Mother’ s Day!” Order stract Company. E. M. Hurst. that special “ Mother’s” box of hard Few men to train Loganberry vines. Pasture For Rent—See Mrs, Rook- Carl Becke of Salem, visited at the rolled chocolates at Miller’ s Confec­ lidge, Rambler’s Rest Inn, Aurora, Miller Bros. Loganberry Farm, Aurora, home o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chis. tionery. Oregon, 15-2tc Oregon. 15-2tp Becke, Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Johnson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harbaugh, of Mariannu, left this morning for a few • ~ Reserve District No. 12 Portland, were visitors m Aurora Sat­ days’ visit with her cousin, Mrs. G. A. Charter'No. 106 White, in Salem. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE urday evening. AURORA STATE BANK Mr». G. A. White and M a jor Shearer Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Evans attended At Aurora, in the state o f Oregon at the close o f business March 31, 1924. stopped for lunch with Mrs. J. C. John­ the funeral o f H. T. Hayes at Wood- RESOURCES ston and Mrs. Diana Snyder Tuesday, burn last Tuesday. while en route to Salem, 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in item 29 and 30, Mr. E. J. Lasher and Mrs. Julia Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Arnold, of Ho- if any .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . ........................... $166,103.46 Thorpe, of Portland, spent Sunday quiam, Wash., passed through Aurora 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured ............................................ 222.12 with the Steinhoif family. on their way to California, Wednesday, 3. U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barkman and where they will spend a few weeks items 30 and 3 5 .......... .................................................... family, of Portland, were guests of with friends, Mr, Arnold is the father 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign gov­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kraus Sunday. of Charles Arnold, who will be remem­ ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those Fred Garrett was one of the success­ bered as the former owner of the Gloss shown in items 30 and 35 if a n y ........................................... 89,056.81 ful smelt fishermen from Aurora this place. 5. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc.......................... 6,250.00 week. He returned with a Ford load. 12,854.60 Victor Grimm, well known in Aurora, 6. Banking house, $9,750.00 furniture and fixtures $3,104.60 734.44 Two automobile loads of people, del­ was the victim of a serious accident at 7. Real estate owned other than banking h o u s e ............................... 8 (a) Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank.......................... 12,784 08 Scott’s Mills the other day when a log­ egates from Estacada, came to Aurora (be) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and last Friday to investigate our water ging train rah away. Mr. Grim jump­ trust companies,__________.....................---------------------- 15,562.47 ed from the train to save his life and supply. rolling down a hill, was struck twice by 10 'Exchanges fo r clearing house and items on other hanks in the May 11th is “ Mother's-Day!” Order the runaway cars and had both legs same city or town as reporting b a n k ........................ .............. 171.19 that special ’ ‘Mother’ s” box <.f hand broken. He was taken to the hosuiLl 11. Checks on banks outside city or town o f reporting bank and rolled chocolates at Miller’ s' Confec­ in Oregon City. It is not yet known other cash it e m s .......... .......I ..................................................... 160.99 tionery. whether he suffered internal injuries. Total ............................ ........... ............................................303,960.16 Mrs. Andy Miller has so far recov­ LIABILITIES ered from her recent illness that she has been removed to the home of her Aurora Lutheran Church 17. Capital stock paid in ...................................................................... $ 25,000.00 mother in Portland. 18. Surplus fund . . . . . . 1 ? , . . . . . . , . , ................................................ 16,000.00 (b) Undivided profits, less^ expenses, interest, and taxes paid 2.021.38 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ehlen, of Eugene, Sunday-school at 10 a. m German 19. Reserved fo r taxes, interest or depreciation ............................. 470.00 and Harry Ehlen of 0. A. C., came up service at 10:15, and English service at 22 United States deposits, including postal savings and deposits to attend the funeral of Mrs. Albert 11:15. The Lord’ s Supper will be cel­ o f United States disbursing o fficers.................................... 80 Ehlen Monday morning. ebrated in connection with the English DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Parts for all cars, trucks, and tract service. 23, Individual deposits and deposits due the State of Oregon, - At the regular quarterly meeting ors. W. E. Burns—Dan Burns (Not and deposits due the county or cities and other public funds 124,613.14 Brothers—the Same Man.) High St., last Sunday it developed that the oon Cashier’s checks o f this bank outstanding payable on demand 7,138.54 25 gregatiori continues its steady and at Ferry, Salem, Oregon, 46tfc healthy progress. The officers report­ 26. T o ta l o f dem and deposits, other than bank d op osits, Ed W. Diller and sons have purchas­ su b ject to reserve, item s 23, 24, 25, 26 $131,771.48 ed the finances to be in excellent con­ ed in Portland machinery for a new TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and dition. Mr. E. Epperly and Mr, and saw mill which they propore to erect Mrs. Henry Fred Peters were received payable on demand and subject to notice: on the land recently purchased north as new members into the congregation. 27 Time certificates o f deposit outstanding ........ .......................... 62,592.66 of town. A number of other persons are taking 28 Savings deposits, payable subject to n o t ic e ............................... 66,123,64 Henry Zimmerman, cashier of the instructions and will be received at the T o ta l of tim e and savings deposits payable on dem and First National Bank, has been appoint­ next quarterly meeting. or su b ject to notice, item s 27 and 28 $128,716.30 ed to have charge of the university Everybody is cordially welcomed to drive for funds in the north end of attend our services. - Total .......................................................... .......................$303,960.16 Marion County. WM. SCHOELER. State o f Oregon, County o f Marion, ss. E. L. building now has barns in Steinhoif has just completed an addition to his barn, and one o f the best equipped dairy the valley, David A. Snyder, well known in Au­ rora, who has been residing o f late at Tillamook, has returned to his former home in Pendleton, where he will make his residence for the future. I f you have a piece of farm land or some town lots not producing anything but a crop of taxes, or a house and lot and want to trade for an improved farm, call at the Observer office, 8-tf Fate on Strange Career The Paris courts report one of the CORRECT—Attest: B. F. Giesy, J. H. Miley, I. A. Miley, Directors. most curious series of incidents yet laid before legal students in the case Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day o f April, 1924. of a Paris woman who, on the occa­ HENRY L. BENTS, Notary Public sion of two previous weddings, had My Commission Expires March 30, 1927. lost her husband In an auto accident while en route home from the wed­ ding ceremony. She recently married Charter No. 11975 Reserve District No. 12 a third time and as the burial car REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE was speeding home it collided with a vehicle and the third husband was FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF AURORA killed In a manner almost identical At Aurora, in the state o f Oregon, at the close o f business -on March with the fate of the -first two. The 31st, 1924. courts took cognisance of the series RESOURCES of strange mishaps, because in the case of the second husband’s death the 1. (a) Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (except those woman asked damages. shown in b and c) .......... ............... ........................ $46,704.82 The Parent-Teachers’ Circle of Prahl will give a card party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Millard Crisell on Friday evening, April 13. There will be a This One Doesn’t Packer charge o f 25c. All are cordially invited Persimmons are scheduled for a rise as a good time is assured. ' 15-ltc in popularity. At last a persimmon Sunday, the 13th, the famous Collie has been found which will not pucker dog, “ Bobbie,” together with his new the mouth no matter how green It is home will come through Aurora, and when eaten. It is the Fuyu persimmon, may be visited by anybody interested. which the United States Department of Agriculture has introduced from The route of travel will take in all the Japan and predicts will become one of towns between Portland, Salem and our leading varieties. The Fuyu has Silverton, a beautiful golden orange color, is Mark D. McCallister has announced ideal for shipping and, what is more his candidacy for representative in the to the taste, is never astringent and can be eaten with enjoyment even State Legislature for Marion County. when still hard. Mr. McCallister is a Marion county product,, having lived in this county Eras of Time most o f his life and is a graduate of The year 1924 corresponds to other the Willamette University Law School. reckonings as follows: 1342-3 of the L. T. Ward and family left today for Walla Walla, Wash., where they will make their home. Mr. Ward will have charge of the circulation department on an evening paper there. In the past six months the Wards have made many friends who wish them well,—Hubbard Enterprise o f April 4. The Pythian Sisters held district convention with the Hubbard chapter laBt Saturday. Representatives were present from Hood River, The Dalles, Portland and elsewhere. Some twenty- - five attended from Aurora. The after­ noon was devoted to ¡.business matterB while the evening was given up to work of the order and social enjoyment. I, Ze no Schwab, cashier o f the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best o f my knowledge and belief. ZENO SCHWAB, Cashier. JU S T ONE PURPOSE To supply the Men and Young Men of the Willamette Valley with the best of Clothes and Furnishings at Reasonable Prices. D | C | jp v p > C iJ 136’ N. Commercial Street U. G. SHIPLEY COM PANY outfitters to W om en , Misses and Children 145-147 North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Originators of the Pay as You Go Plan Quality Merchandise Miscellaneous cash ite m s............................................. ........ Total W e A re H eadquarters for LUMBER— PA1NTS-OILS—ROOFING-SHINGLES BUILDING HARDWARE J. W. COPELAND YARDS Hubbard, Oregon H ow to Save on Your Battery Says Little Ampere: “ It takes battery specialists to build and service batter« ies right. I’ve got m y degree.” Only $ 1 7 .5 5 . Just figure it out for yourself -—a Willard Threaded Rubber Battery never needs to be re­ insulated. Any wood battery must be reinsulated in time. Yet you can buy a Willard Threaded Rubber Battery for * * H ow ’s this for economy? Stoner Bros. Garage Aurora, Oregon i I STORAGE BATTERIES m t-Wil ant Oceans i * ofPowesr/ 27.55 .................................................................................-$177,762.98 LIABILITIES Overland is alive with pow er! It takes to the hills w ith a relish— sweeping up the stillest slopes w ith an ease that thrills you. Oceans of pow er— and w orlds of satisfaction. Big reliability. Unusual riding ease. Extreme econ­ omy. Overland has w ell earned its reputation as the most automobile in the w o rld fo r the m oney. Treat yourself to a taste of Overland per­ formance. Y ou’ll like it! Champion $695, Sedan $795, b o. b. T oledo. 17. Capital stock paid in ........................................................ ..............$25,000.00 18. Surplus fund .................................................................................... 5,000.00 $ 112.71 Mohammedan era, the year 1343 be­ 19. Undivided p r o fit s ........ ...................................... c Less current expenses, interest and taxes p a id .. . . 726.91 839.62 ginning August 1; 4621 (nearly) of the Chinesé era, beginning January 2 ; 2236 25. Cashier’ s checks on own bank outstanding----------- 1,445.06 of the Grecian era ; 5684-5 of the Jew­ Total of Items 21, 22, 23 24, and 25 $1,445.06 ish era, the year 5685 beginning Sep­ 26. Individual deposits subject to check............................................. 37,847.03 tember 28 ; 7433 of thé Byzantine era, 28; State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge o f which begins September 1; 2584 of the 33,392 88 . assets o f this bank or surety b o n d ........ .......................... Japanese era and 6637 of the Julian - 1 , 000.00 period. 31. Other demand .d e p o s its -----' . . . . . .,4vv Total o f demand deposits (other than bank deposits) Some of Her Best Friends subject to reserve, items 26,27,28,29,30, and 31 $72.239.91 Marjorie, aged six. shocked her TIME DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE (payable after mother by picking up the saucer In 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal which she had had her strawberries savings): and cream and licking It vigorously 32. Certificates o f deposit other than for money borrow ed)........ 43 325.88 with her little pink tongue. “ Why, Marjorie!” reproved her 34. Other time deposits .; ........................................................ ........ -29,912.51 mother. “What disgraceful manners 1 Total o f time deposits subject to reserve, items 32, 33, Whom have you ever seen doing that?” 34, and 3 5 .....................................................................$73,236.39 “Dogs,” said Marjorie curtly.— Youth’s Companion. Total ................................................................................... $177,762.98 Mr. R. W. Zimmerman, who has en­ tered the race for county commissioner State o f Oregon, County o f Marion, ss. in Clackamas county, has been engaged His Mite I, Henry R. Zimmerman cashier o f the above named bank, do solemnly in the construction o f ' roads and Judge—Why did you offer resistance swear that the above statement is true to the best o f my knowledge and belief. bridges for the past sixteen years, and to the officer who was Trying to arrest HENRY R. ZIMMERMAN, Cashier. he believes that each road district you? CORRECT— Attest. Louis Webert, Geo. W . Fry, A. W . Keil, Directors. Prisoner—Because, your honor, I should receive its full 70 per cent of Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 th day of March, 1924. money paid into the county treasury didn’t have anything else to offer him. in taxes each year, as per stipulations —Chicago Tribune. ZENO SCHWAB, Notary Public. contained in the State road law. My commission expires September 29th, 1926 Popular Prices BUILDING M ATERIALS 2. Overdrafts, unsecured................... ................................ 23.00 4. U. S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OWNED: • (b) A ll other United States government securities. 250.00 5. OTHER BONDS, STOCKS, SECURITIES, ET C .:............... 109,132.28 6. Furniture and fix tu re s ........ .......................................... 3,402.15 8. Lawful reserve with federal reserve b a n k ............................. 8,922.26 10.' Cash in vault and amount due from national banks.............. 9,294.22 13. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than item 1 2 )................ ................ 6.70 Total o f items 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13............ $9,300.92 14. CLOTHING & WOOLEN MILLS STORE Salem, Oregon ^Toledo Hubbard Garage Co., Hubbard, Oregon I