Additional Local News Mr: and Mrs. Jonas M. Will and family spent Thanksgiving in Port­ land. Read on another page how a Marion county farmer made money raising Jerseys. A. H. Giesy and family, of Portland, spent Thanksgiving with his sisters, the Misses Giesy. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Berg, of Barlow, are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine new baby girl. It’ s butchoring timé again and our neighbors ’ have started) slaughtering hogs for home consumption during the coming Winter. HOLMES i EDWARDS Geo. Brockha'rt and son, Arthur, left last week for California, where they will visit Robert Bonn and other rela­ tives and friends;' Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yoder ate Thanksgiving turkey at thé home of Mr. Yoder’s parents at Needy. His three brothers were also at the re­ union. SILVERPLATE A Rendezvous o f “ Just what I’ve been looking for,” you’ll say, when you see our mar­ velous exhibition of unusual gems deftly set to enhance their attractive­ ness. There are also less expensive Jewelry novelties in varied selections. You are welcome to visit our store. Possibly just what you wanted1 will come to mind when inspecting our many different gift items. A deposit will hold any gift until Christmas. “ Gifts That Last” JUST ONE PURPOSE To supply the Men and Young Men of thè Willamette Valley with the best of Clothes and Furnishings,at Reasonable Prices. BISH O P’S 136;N. Commercial Street CLOTHING & WOOLEN MILLS STORE Salem, Oregon U. G. SHIPLEY COMPANY outfitters to W o m en , Misses and Children 145-147 North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Originators of the Pay as You Go Plan Quality Merchandise Popular Prices E V E R Y T H IN G M U S IC A L ” “Sherman, Clay & Co.~Pianos” “ If interested in Piano, drop us a card or call” M oore’s Music House 415 Co^rt S t, Salem, Ore. _/ 3 ___ 2 iv i ¥ c DANCE w I 1 * ü ! “ LIT E -F O O T" Powdered f H HMBKZD A xvn a r IAXC FIOOK W RY yr:" — ' i FLOOR W AX Give« smooth, en d ­ ing finish to n a r d or soft-w ood floors. N O ACID, GREASE OR DUST, T o u r druggist has it. If not, send us stamps. 75c for one- pound package. CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG Co„ Portland, Oregon. Dr. C. Am m eter DENTIST Has established his Dental office in the Aurora Bank Building, where he will be present each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, from 9 a, m to 6 p. m. PLATES A SPECIALTY AURORA, OREGON Phone 1255 S A L E AN D W A N T A D S . fWord has been received here by Mrs. Diana Snyder that her brother’s family in Boston are quarantined for scarlet fever. Little Helen, the eldest the patient. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becke, Mrs. Aurelia Powers and Son» Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and Mr. and Mrs' Erbsland spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Edgar Pierce, at Aums- George Ziegler, Jr., has just return­ ed from -a few months’ visit to tho city of Los Angeles, California. He states that California is beautiful in many ways but in his estimation lacks con­ siderable in coming up with the good old home state, Oregon, Misses Agnes and Emma Bery were home from the Oregon Agricultural College to ¿enjoy Thanksgiving vaca­ tion. They brought with them a num­ ber' f f young folks from the campus as gues ;s. An elaborate Thanksgiving dirmi r was served, after which all of the j arty attended the Fireman’ s bail at V Dodburn. Dr. Osmar K. Wolf, Wondbum, Ore. Mi T, Reynolds, of Winnipeg, Man­ is fully equipped to fit your eyes with itoba spent Friday at the home of proper glasses. tf Mrsi \Diana Snyder. Mr. Reynolds NOTICE: :The sale season is at hand qamp west from Renfew, Ontario, with Vandeleér and family in i889, af­ and I am prepared to handle all kinds of sales to your satisfaction. When ter fcoing to Winnipeg where he has ready, call Will Heinz, Auctioneer ,r sine? resided. The seVere winters of Aurora Route 1 or Canby 13-16.35-I4tp the anadian provinee are very trying, and Hr. Reynolds is now out west to We have plenty of money to loan on look for a location in a moré tempér- farms'‘a.t 6 per cent. No commission. ate i limate. Reliable Abstracts. Oregon City Ab stract Company. 44-tfe Presbyterian Church D A N G E R — Lurks in all wires Many are expected to attend the You never can téli when they1 services next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. are hot, telephoné or Elèct- The subject of the sermon will be “ I ric. W arn your children. Am.’ , :The Rev. J. F. Mathews Will Molalla Electric Co. tf. relate some o f his interesting personal experiences in the quest of trtrthj Any­ 1 set CHEVROLET curtains. Never one diligently searching for the truth been used. Trade for spuds. OB­ should avail themselves o f this oppor­ tunity and see if they can find ik_____ SERVER. tf For Sale—6 room house with bath, Dodging a Libel Suit. 2J lots; three chicken houses; some 1 "Mr. Strong has been in today and" fruit; opposite Lutheran Church. Louis he had murder in his eye,” said the Siebert. 45tc city editor. “ How In time did yon | come to speak of Mrs. Strong’s ‘alleged Any girl in trouble may communicate husband’ In that paragraph about her with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Ar­ accident?” “ I did It to steer clear of a libel my at the White Shield Home,' 565 suit,” replied Freshie. “ You know, you Mayfair Ave., Portland, Ore. 87-52t told me always to say ‘alleged thief,’ Lost—A black and silver bedded bag ‘alleged murderer,’ and that sort of between Aurora and Donald. Return thing.” to Henry L. Bents, Jr.,1' Aurora, Route 5. Reward to finder, 48-2t Christmas Candy Sale For Sale—1 bay mare, 3 years old, weight about 1450. Wanted: Grade On Sunday. December 22, at 2 p. m., Shropshire ewes, Chas. Eilers, Route the Camp Fire Girls o f Aurora will 3, Tel. 807. 48-2p give a home made Christmas Candy A No. 1 fresh cow for sale. C. C, Sale. The sale Will be held in the Grover Giesy shop, which is hear the Oldfield, -Aurora, Ore. Presbyterian Church. The public is Wanted—To hear from owner o f cordially invited to patronize this sale. good ranch for sale. State cash price, The proceeds will be used for the ben­ full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minne­ efit o f the Gamp Fire Girls. apolis. Minn. 30-8t Spuds for Sale Lost—Jersey Cow, sable Color, 5 yrs. old,'branded with key on right hip; 200 sacks culls at 20 cents per sack. disappeared from my place December j O. J. Olson. 2 miles north o f town on 1. 1923, W. W. Irvin. 49-tfc Butteville road, Aurora, Ore. ltp WANTED—Position as clerk in gro­ A cow has strayed to our place. cery store by man o f experience. In­ Owner can take her after covering the quire at Observer office. advertising and feed cost. 160 N. L ib e r t y N. Netter. Sealed Bids on 25 Cords Wood S t ., S a l e m , O r e - EVERYTHING FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS Your Christmas greeting accompanied with an appropriate gift, will recall happy recollections of your thoughtfulness at Christmas long .after the season has past. SHOP E AR LY! Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Kreis and the Misses Faye and Lucille Kreis and Mr. Hudon Were dinner guests on Thanksgiving Day .of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Prahl. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Keil are rejoicing over the advent of a baby girl, born last week, Tuesday. Mr. Chas, Keil, • the grandfather, is very proud of thè youngster, it being the first girl born in this branch of the Keil family in three generations. JEW ELERS and SILVERSMITHS SALEM , OREGON 475[ DEPARTM ENT STORES Paris Garter Sets In Holiday Boxes for G ifts Men will appreciate useful gifts such as these, in attractive Christmas boxes. Paris Garters in wide weaves with single or double grip, some with arm bands to match. In a variety of colors. ville: HARTMAN BROTHERS CO. State at Liberty St. 4Incorporated 29c to 89c Silk Hosiery Umbrellas Gifts for Men Very Good Quality Choose something prac­ tical for gifts! Delinquent accounts collected on a contingent basis. We do the work, shoulder the expense and make no charge unless collection is made. $100,000.00 Bad Accounts Turned In­ to Cash Since We Started. Jot down a trial list of bad ones and let us turn them into actual money. Donald Sdhoo! District No. 1, Don­ ald, Oregon, will accept sealed bids for 25 eo;'ds of 3 foot good old growth fir wood, to be delivered not later than June 5th. 1924. All bids must reach rhe clerk not 315-16 Masonic Bldg., Phone 911 later than January 15, 1924, SALEM, OREGON E. D. Carver, Clerk. 1 Business Men’s Adjustment Co. with You will Prince of Wales Handles. get the full value for your $ 3 .4 9 to $ 6 .9 0 money if you select Hose from our Store. Men’s full fashioned Hose of pure thread silk in black and all wanted colors. Merceriz­ ed top and lisle heel and toe for additional wear. Garter Sets In Holiday Boxes Arm Bands and Garters, single or double grip. 4 9 c to 9 8 c 59c to 79c M en’s Belts M en’s H dkfs. Good quality white linen, 39c Belts for men and boys. 5 9 c to $ 1 .2 3 hemstitched, each 25c In Gift Boxes Finest cowhide leather For Gifts 49c Suspenders ’Kerchiefs In Holiday Boxes A big assortment of men’s For Boys White cotton with col­ ored printed designs. Suspenders for gifts, t 4 9 c to $ 1 .4 9 10c M en’s Rom eos M en’s Slippers That Give Comfort Leather tops, soles and heels. Priced low at • $ 1 .5 9 to $ 2 .9 8 M en’s Shirts For Ease Have elastic sides. Made of soft kid leather with heel and flexible sole. Good values at $ 2.98 O f Fine Silk New fine Cannelle stripe patterns in the choice col­ orings. Full cut, square tails, perfect fitting. High quality Shirts at only $ 4.98 M en’s Pajam as Flannelette Coats exceptionally long “No Collection, No Charge” Men’s Umbrellas and sleeves are fu|l. Pants cut proportionately large. We firmly believe they’re fuller eut than any obtain­ able elsewhere. $ 2.25 Suspenders and Garters In Sets Finest quality webs and trimmings, in gift boxes. 5 9 c to $ 1 .9 8 M en’s Velours That Are Genuine A new “ Marathon” in popular shades, with con­ trasting band and binding. Full satin lined. Only $ 3.98 Let Us Be Your Hatter