Dozen Shows at Pacific International How irrational is the conduct o f some people! They denounce the preacher, as i f he were actually re sponsible for the evil which he ex posed. Many are theists in doctrine, and atheists in practice; they are ortho dox intolerably, in metaphysics, and as heterodox as the devil in action. There is a point at which science or riches will leave you. I f Christian ity does not stay with you then, you will be very lonely. But Christianity, if it be .genuine, never goes away. That is the distinction o f Jesus Christ. Talk is nothing except it leads to practice.. -A. lecture is but wasted breath unless it culminates in noble conduct. Increase o f true reverence toward God always means increase o f real beneficence toward man, fo r where God is most feared, loved, and hon ored, man is blessed by an accession o f religious conviction and emotion. Some men develop unexpected cor ruption o f character. They are good only so long as they are watched. Leave them unguarded and their true nature comes to the surface at once. Liberty lies so near to license that unless the spiritual faculties be trained to all. but supernatural, dis cernment a fatal mistake may easily be made. A urora: 50 minutes from Salem; 60 minutes from Portland; 30 min utes from Oregon City. People to Get Acquainted With Oregon for Oregon Ask for Oregon Products An exposition is a collection of shows, more or less related by nature. The Pacific International Live Stock Exposition, held at Portland, Or., Nov. 3-10, has drawn under its ample wings a dozen of them, and there is interest for everybody in some of them. It has a beef cattle show of great size. Its dairy cattle show is second to none anywhere in numbers and qual ity. The sheep and goat show is regard ed by experts as on a par with any like show in America. The hog show has always been ex cellent, and this year will be bigger than ever. The draft horse show is representa tive, with five breeds of heavy horses and jacks. The Western Winter poultry and rabbit show attracts thousands of in terested spectators. The Western dairy products show is the least spectacular and one of the most important. The boys’ and girls’ clubs make a show that is the outcome of work des tined to make this country a better place to live in. Don’t miss seeing the work they have done. The Land Products show, with its fruits and vegetables, grains and grasses,, county and other exhibits, is one of the splendid features of the Exposition. The latest show to come to the Pa cific International is the fine North west Grain and Hay show, hitherto held in Pendleton. This is going to be a 1923 feature. The Industrial Exhibits department affords a show that for beauty and value would be hard to surpass. This great department is filled with fairy like booths, showing costly furs and other raiment, beautiful furniture, every convenience a housewife needs, machinery of every sort to save labor and increase profits. Everything has its demonstration for the public. The sense of sight and the sense of smell are both appealed to, for the flour and other food products companies are doing their best to show the merits of their goods. The Night Horse show is one of the four great horse shows in the United States. It is brilliant, exciting and delightful. Horses are coming from the Eastern states this year to show their paces in the arena and struggle for the big prizes offered. One kind of a show isn’t at the. Pa cific International, and never will be —the gambling concessions and other questionable amusements that rob children and sometimes grown people and leave nothing but a bad taste. The Exposition does not need that kind of shows. If you have anything to be hauled. If you have anything to be shipped, If you have anything to be transferred to or from Portland, Call E. M. HURST Aurora Telephone 613 Portland Telephone Broadway 7660 Portland Office: 73 Front Street Baggage at Dock or Depot in Portland carefully looked after. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S M M ¿I- |1 ':! PORTLAND /OREGON ¿ N ov. 3 - 10, $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 in P rem iu m » GREATER AND GRANDER THAN EWER D ecisis At Fvrtbnft. On. Industries Deserve Patronage Oregon - • ~....... - — — - Everytime you buy an article made in Oregon, you are helping to employ Oregon people in the manufacturing o f Oregon goods. Ton are keeping Oregon money in Oregon. A campaign Notary Public is on in the interest o f “ Oregon Mafic Goods,” and “ Oregon Industries.” It is more than worthy— an idea , that means money to you. Look at the Repqaatoutinf^ Parole States Fire Insur label ance-Company, Springfield F. A II. LOUIS W EBERT Inurance Co., Fire Association of Phila. Patronize Your Home Company Fire Insurance FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE Assets ovex $1,000,000 R E D U C E D F A R E S A L L R A IL R O A D S Pacific States Fire Insurance Company SgiñpjBt OÜ lH innwqf o f Portland, Oregon U Hfr'niw S i AURORA OREGON Attorney at Law Tops 'em A ll” Offices with The First National Bank of Aurora and 108 Platt Bldg., Portland,. Qre. Oregon Auto Top Co. 14th & Couch Sts, “ That Shoe is Not W orth - Robert R, Rankin Tops Recovered $12.50 to $40.00 Did you ever have the shoemaker tell you that your shoe was not worth repairing? It hap pens often, because, a good many people today are buying shoes by appearance and price—a very ex pensive way. o a st. DENNOS FOOD CO. Largest livestock exposition under one roof in America. 10 acres o f purebred and fancy beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, sheep and goats. Combining the Western Winter Poultry and Rabbit Show; Western Dairy Products Show; Manufacturers, and Land Products Show; N orth w est H ay-and Grain Show; Night Horse Show; Industrial Exhibits. Repairing, Mister.” is Denso*. dnwglstsk fiataste •« r**«*st. OREGON M A K E S IT Portland, Ore. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »e » e » » » e » e e e e j» » e e e e e » v # ■> I Painless Dentistry Asquith & Hocken | A PER HANGING F AND TINTING Ì f I All Work Neatly Done J a in t iin g DR. E. H. PREHN Molalla, Oregon The home of good dentistry Aurora, Ore. At Monitor on Thursdays e s a WHOLESALE and RETAIL * ' ■ - Flour, Cereals, Poultry and Dairy Feeds. Hay and Seeds There is just one thing to do— We buy Potatoes, Wheat, Oats, Hay, Vetch and Clovw Seed. insist on getting solid leather shoes. You can get them here for any and every purpose. WE CARRY THE FOLLOWING POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS IN S T O C K -G et my price*. Buttermilk Egg Mash Egg Builder No. 1 Eastern Oyster Shell Ground Bone, Grit Charcoal Fish Meal Meat Scraps Poultry Groats Scratch Fe#d Developing Scratch Developing Mash Chick Feed Calf Meal, Olympic,. Lilly’s Blatchford’s Mill Run Middlings Shorts Bran Molasses Dairy Feed Sure Milk " Milk Builder Oats—rolled and ground Corn-whole, cracked, ground Barley—rolled and ground Linseed Meal Cocoauut Oil Meal Cotton Seed Meal Alfalfa Meal AU R O R A M EAT M ARKET Sadler & Kraus OPEN EVENINGS DURING HARVEST SEASON 5 ....... ' ii, waa W e Pay CASH for Poultry, Eggs and Country Produce W URSTER BROS. Aurora, Oregon Store Phone 9 IL AURORA. OREGON .......... — Residence Phono 26 California W E H A V E A NICE LINE OF HEATERS --S E L E C T YOURS NOW WHILE THERE ARE MORE to Pick FROM Livestock Exposition Hardware G . A . EHLEN Implements Bungalow House Dresses Reduced Round Trip Fares We have exceptionally good val ues and assortments made up in crepes, Sateens, Ginghams and Percals. Tickets on sale daily carry a final return limit o f May 31, 1924. Portland, Ore. Nov. 3-10 Low Round Trip Fares Plan now to spend the Winter or at least a few weeks, in sunny Southern California—1 a n d of outdoors all Winter—o r along the delightful west coast of Old Mexico. and Aprons to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other ideal winter resorts. Visit the Tickets on sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sun days at slightly lower fare than the season ticket, carry a limit of 21 days from date of sale. 4 trains daily via the “ Scenic Shasta Route” ofier you your choice of scenery For illustrated literature, fares, sleeping car reservations and full information, call on or write any agent or JOHN M. SCOTT Ass’t Passenger Traffic Manager Portland. Oregon Southern Pacific Lines PRICE R A N G E S - 89c to $3.50 Also sizes to fit large women Will-Snyder “THE STORE OF MERIT” IlilSnH ♦ Phone 9018 £ G. C. GIESY FEED STORE A shoe that’s not worth repairing was not worth buying in the first place. Paper and sub stitutes in the soles and insoles, counters and heels make shoes quickly lose iheir shape and wear out. Let us Shoe the family. A n Up-to-date Sanitary Meat Market that handles every thing b e s t in m e a t s fresh and cured. Panto*, ih . aallk m«dl- H sr, ________ andorga Oregon A S M M ÍI BOTTLE FEEDING f will l»e aneMMfnl H Co.