TheAurora I REVIEW OF WORK OF OREGON LEGISLATURE ¿ill. Most members believe that pas- lage of an income tax at this session Entered as second class matter March ts Inevitable. The only debatable ques­ 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora, tions are how to avoid double taxa­ Oregon, under the Act o f March 3,1879. tion and too much administrative over­ head. First Week Sees Little Work Budget Commission Reports. Geo. E. Knapp, Editor and Publisher The recommendations of the state Done Outside of Organiza­ budget commission were ready for the legislature when It convened Monday. tion of the Two Houses. They call for appropriations aggregat­ ing $6,416,832.23 for the biennium of Salem. — Aside from organization little of importance was accomplish­ 1923 and 1924. The $6,416,832.23 is the amount ed during the first week’s session of A side light on the tax question the state legislature. This is not un­ recommended for actual appropriation usual, however, for it is the habit of by the legislature. Requirements for is developing in the legislative ses­ legislatures the country over to do the biennium for those state- activities sion now on at Salem in opposition very little real work during the first supported by fixed levies or continu­ to the bill for aid to the sufferers ing appropriations are estimated at week. at Astoria. The opposition comes While there is said to be an under­ $13,388,696.73, and requirements of self most strongly from the east side current of resentment in certain quar­ maintaining hoards, commissions and ters over the committee appointments departments are placed at $27,363,- counties who maintain that, while of President Upton of the senate and I 869.23. they appreciate and most sincerely The free text book bill fathered by Judge T . D. Hurley of Chicago, who Speaker Kubli of the house, it is not sympathize with* the sufferings of has declared war on ‘Move pirates” believed it will result in upsetting the I Representative Woodward ’of Mult- the Astorians in their dire calamity, who figure in divorce cases, and is organization plans in either house. , nomali county is likely to arouse con­ The oppon- nevertheless the question is strictly going after them with Injunctions. Every session finds a number of mem­ siderable controversy. | ents of the free text book bill will bers displeased with their committee financial and from a financial point base their fight largely on the ground assignments, but usually their resent­ of view the Eastern Oregonians are ment disappears when the session gets that it will increase taxes, while those in just as bad plight themselves. who favor the. bill - claim they have down to business. In many cases, indeed in most in­ figures -showing, that in' other states i A clash between the senate and stances the farmers, as the case | house ways and means committees free text books have not materially in­ creased taxes. stands, are likely to lose their farms marked the first days of the session, Representative Woodward has also Washington, D. C.—A resolution fa­ i The differences seemed to be largely because they can not make enough voring Immediate withdrawal of the over the appointment of a chief clerk sponsored a hill extending suffrage to pay their taxes. American forces on the Rhine was of the joint ways and means com­ j to all qualified voters in school elec- In view of the serious condition adopted by the senate. I tions and another to prohibit the mittee. Pressure has been brought to prevailing all over the state it be­ Th§. troop resolution, approved by a i bear on both committees by a large i wearing of sectarian garb in any pub­ hooves the members of the legisla­ vote of 57 to 6 after a day of debate element in both houses and harmony lic school. While a similar sectarian garb bill ture to watch their P ’s and Q’s and and private consultation regarding is looked for this week. was defeated in the 1921 session, in­ American relationship to the crisis in Few Bills Introduced. cut out unnecessary expenditures. dications are that there will be little, Europe, was supported- on the final Let us have a genuine cut in taxes, rollcall by the republican leaders des­ ! One remarkable feature of the ini­ if any, opposition to the bill in this tial week o f the present session was j session. fewer commissions and commis pite an earlier effort by them to ward the small number of bills introduced, A farm bloc and an anti-log-rolling sioners with big salaries attached off action. as compared with recent sessions. It block have been organized in the There was no indication that the fewer bills introduced to provide is hoped by some members of both l house. senate’s acMon would effect any change houses that this record will he main­ jobs for deserving henchmen who The farm bloc will vote as a unit in the present policy of the adminis­ have been instrumental in helping tration or that any plans were being tained during the session, so that the i against measures which do not seem roll the* chariot of political party made for return to the United States 1923 session will make its record on I to be a good thing from the farmers’ the importance of the bills passed and viewpoint, while Che anti-log-rolling of the small American force still in along the path of victory. I not on the number of measures in- bloc Is going to insist that every Germany. Law-makers should remember I troduced. measure- be considered on its merits The resolution for withdrawal of that there is such a thing as i I During «the -first week twenty bills and not traded or log-rolled through American troops was pressed largely boomerang and they are not elect on the ground that the French repara­ were "introduced in the senate and 43 I the house. j in the house. Four-joint resolutions ed for life. Allen Land Bill Introduced tions policy, contemplating military were also offered in the house. All aliens not eligible to citizenship occupation of the Ruhr, might en­ The first measure of major impor- in the United States would be barred tangle- America by involving th e Amer­ The situation in Europe inducec. ican troops. Its adoption was preceded » tance introduced was offered by Sen- I from ownership of real property or by France’s action in taking pos by futile efforts to stave off a vote by | ator Hall of Coos county, proposing | control of corporations in Oregon un­ I the abolishment of 64 boards and com- der the terms of a bill introduced in session of the Ruhr Basin has a motion to refer the matter to the , missions and merging all other state the house by Representatives Bailey fo^ ign relations committee for inves­ reached a critical period. The tigation. This motion was defeated, departments under four general heads. and Huston. United States has already with 39 to 22. The four departments proposed In The bill is modeled closely after drawn her troops from the Rhine Senators voting against the resolu­ the Hall bill would be known as the the California anti-alien land law and department of business control, depart­ is similar to a bill introduced in the and England wishes she could do tion were: ment of labor, industry and public wel­ 1921 session of the Oregon legislature Myers, Nelson, New, Reed (Pennsyl­ likewise without entirely imperilling fare, department of agriculture and and-defeated because of the federal vania), Starling and Williams. her possible influence among the natural resources and the. department opposition to the measure at that time. nations. The result so far as Eng of public works and utilities. Better Ice Cream Wanted. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS The secretary of state and the state land and America are concerned Two bills directed at ice cream treasurer would each be constituted a manufacturers were introduced in the has been to cement the friendship Charles W. Bryan of Lincoln, bro­ existing between the two. Candid ther of William Jennings Bryan, has commissioner in charge of one of these j house, one by Gverturf and the other departments, with two other commis­ public opinion in this country will been inaugurated governor of Nebras­ sioners to be appointed by the gover­ by Cary. The Overturf bill would inorease the ^ endorse the step already taken by ka. nor with consent o f the senate at sal­ amount of milk fat in ice cream from Mrs. Alexander Graham Bell, widow aries of $4500 each per year, except 8 to 12 per cent; from 6 to 9 per cent the president. 4 In the great world of the famous inventor, died in Wash­ war the United States felt it her ington, D. C., after a long illness^ She that the commissioner of public works in fruit ice cream and from 6 to 9 and utilities should receive $6000 per per cent In nut' ice cream. duty to step in and help her sister was 63 years of_ age. year. The Cary bill would increase the states who were fighting for an ex­ Governor Names Department Heads. percentage in plain ice cream from istence and to suppress a danger The governor would, designate the 8 to 10 per cent; in fruit ice cream which threatened the whole world department to be headed by each com­ from 6 to 8 per . cent and in nut ice But things are different now missioner and would he authorized to Cream from 6 to 8 per cent. shift the commissioners about at any There is in reason no sense in mix­ Only natural-born or naturalized time the good of the service demand­ American citizens could be employed ing further in the broils in Europe ed such a shift. by contractors on public works being nor any good judgment in the eyes Fifty-nine of the 64 abolished- com­ «done either by-the state or any« muni­ of the average American, in letting missions would be resurrected in the cipality in it, if a bill introduced by Uncle Sam be made the goat. reorganizatin under the super com­ Representative Hurlburt becomes a SPECIALIST missioner plan. law. Violation of the proposed law ' in Internal Medicine for the The only agencies actually abolished would be penalized by a fine of from pait eleven years. under the proposed reorganization $50 to $500 or jail imprisonment of Drainage Course a t O. A . C would he the state audit committee, from 30 to 90 days. DOES NOT OPERATE legislative service and reference House Commends Highway Body. A course in soil darinage will be bureau, securities committee, commit­ Expressions of warmest commenda­ held at the Oregon Agricultural Will be at tee of tax investigation and the state tion for the present state highway College Feb. 19 to 24. Various emergency board. commission and its work were contain­ The bill provides for the appoint­ ed in a resolution introduced in the soil types will be examined and ment of sub-commissioners to head the house by Graham and adopted with­ Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday discussed with reference to the various activities in each department, out a dissenting vote. Not only did February 6, 7, and 8th. manner and extent of drainage re­ similar to the commlssionerships in the resolution express confidence in quired „to place them in proper Office Hours: 10 a: m. to 4 p. m. effect under the present organization and’ gratitude to the members, but it condition for the crop. Use o f sur­ and at the same salaries now obtain­ also declared that the rapid develop­ THREE DAYS ONLY ing except that the salary of the tax ment of the state during the last five vey and drainage equipment, levels, commissioner would be increased from years had amply demonstrated the wis­ soil augurs, weirs and water meters Ne Charge for Consultation $3000 to $4000. Instead of three high­ dom of the road program. will be taught for both laboratory way commissioners, three industrial An effort to prevent the change of and field use. The soil of this Dr, Mellenthin is a regular graduate accident commissioners and three pub­ party registration and keep democrats country, while of a diffierent charac­ in medicine and surgery and is lisensed lic service commissioners as a present, from voting In republican primaries or ter and texture from that of-w est­ by the state o f Oregon. i7:49 a. m. No. 28 (Stop) ___ ______ .10:15 a, m. No. 18 (S top)______ I_______2;49 p. m. No. 24 (Stop)___________ ...8 :1 8 p. m. SOUTH BOUND No, 23 (S top)_______ ___ ...9 :0 9 a. m. No. 17 (Stop)____ _________ 2:41 p. m. No. 27 (on.flag).._________ ..6:10'p. m. AUCTIONEER LIVE STOCK SALES FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable W M . HEINZ HENRY G. KREIS Real Estate—Investments Loans Office Phone .4814 Res. Phone 1113 A urora , O regon Canby Phone 13-16 (Mail— Aurora, Route 1) Coming to PORTLAND Dr. Mellenthin BENSON CASTORIA HOTEL WILLAMETTE VALLEY age Loan Co. We have funds to supply your needs for new buildings, land clearing, or new and ad­ ditional equipment. Or perhaps you have a mortgage maturing in the near future. We loan on first mortgage security ex­ clusively and will be glad to consider your application. We loan for three or five years at cur­ rent rates. Office at Aurora State Bank -------- eve— - — *=*•> A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Sand, Roofing, Building Papers, Doors, Windows, Sash, Nails and Builders' Hardware. C O P E L A N D ’S HUBBARD, OREGON •> «P I m V '