Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, July 20, 1922, Image 4

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Ü!? Aurora O bserver
Entered as second class matter March
28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora,
Oregon, under the A ct of March 3,1879.
Paul Robinson, Editor and Publisher
Opinions o f the
The Aurora man who doesn’t
know what he is talking about takes
very little pains to -onceal it.
That race horse called “ Good
Times” would probably attract
more attention and be more popu­
lar if it was called Time-and-a-Half.
They are establishing many new
saw mills and cuttihg thousands of
trees in Russia.
Which probably
means more new issues of paper
. *
Here.s another summer, and the
Aurora man who said last season
that he’d never let another year go
by without learning to swim hasn’t
been near the water.
There’s one cut that takes longer
Com* to Think of It, Hit Inamorata
Hardly Displayed the Ardent Lova
Ha Had Looked For.
“Funny bow a guy makes up his
mind to enlist,” remarked Slim,, the
company clerk, to a bunch of his bud­
dies in the bunkhouse.
“ What made you decide to take the
big plunge?’’ asked a buddy.
‘„’It was this way," explained Slim,
“I had a little squabble with the girt,
and I told her I was going to join the
marines. Just to make it sound as if
I meant business I wrote a letter to
the nearest recruiting station, and be­
fore sealing the letter up I let her read
“Did she say anything?” asked the
“ Not a word. So X went out and
posted the letter. A little later I gets
the answer back, saying I could enlist
fpr two, three or four years, and
shows it to the girl.-.There you are,
says I, ‘If you don’t treat me different
from now on. I’ll go straight out and
enlist for two years.’ *•
“ ‘Two years,’ says s^ie. ‘Two years
Ah, don’t be a piker, 811m, why don’t
you make it four?’
“ Come to think of Jit,” .concluded
Slim, “I don’t think that Jane was as
bughouse about me as I calculated.”—
The Leatherneck.
Hunter* of the Sword-Fish Find Their
Prey Altogether “Worthy of
Tholr Steel.”
to heal than any other— and that
Sword-Fish schooners are the fastest
fishing-boats under sail in the world.
is a wage cut.
They have to be, for the sword-fish is
W hat we’ve never been able to a fast mover. He is a fighter, too.
Often has he charged a ship and
understand about civilized man is driven his “ sword” through her stout
why he cuts down trees to build a planking. When a school of sword-fish
is sighted, the spearman goes for’ard
city and then plants trees to build
to the end of the bowsprit and gets
a park.
into the “ pulpit,” an iron fitting at the
end of the spar, where he stands to
The best advice we can give any drive his lance into a fish. The line
citizen of Aurora is to so live that attached to the spear rushes out of
the tub in . which it is colled, and the
you won't have to ask to have it fish makes off, doubling his speed in
a vain effort to escape.
kept out of the paper.
A good-sized fish will often fetch
The bad man whose victims once as much as $40; but it- is a hard
life, and it needs fine seamanship In
were counted by the notches on his the chase amid the huge seas of the
gun now coynts the dents in his Atlantic when bad weather prevails.
The sword-fish is widely distributed
in the ocean, but is most common off
the North American coast. Its average
W e note a tendency on the part
length Is 7 feet, but some are 12 feet
of several neighboring editors to or 16 feet. The “ sword” Is used to
grow poetic. For instance, we find spear its prey, such as cod, tunny and
mackerel, and even to attack whales.
in an exchange this truthfuj little
rhyme; “ I can remember, my little
The Bello-PaolfUt.
son, when coal was selling for three
“ H. G. Wells is known In Europe
as a bello-paclfist, and truly his recent
dollars a ton.
peace articles have stirred up a lot
of bitterness and strife.’*'
It doesn’t take the average Au­
The speaker was Stephen Lauzanne,
rora citizen long to find out that a the French publicist. He went on:
“ Wells reminds; me of the can­
vacation would be much more pleas­
tankerous Individual who was about
ant if the old pocketbook could en- to be married. When he. came to the
jQy a rest, too. •
church on the wedding morning he
warned the minister beforehand that
The farmers of this country have he didn’t want any fuss.
“He consented, however, to station
a lot of nerve to be hollering for himself in due form at the flower-
money when the wheat and cotton decked altar, but as the minister pro­
ceeded with the ritual he got more
gamblers need it so badly.
and more impatient. Finally, when
he was asked if he, Henry, did take
Among other things we can’t un- j this woman, Jane, to be his lawful
derstand about our modern courts wedded wife and so on, he gave a
of justice is how it comes that the ] snort before the question was half
through, and then turned to the con­
pretty women defendants are al-j gregation and said in a loud, jeering
ways acquitted.
1 ‘Well, I guess 1 came here with
Lots of Aurora men would work that intention.’ ”
A ft e r T h e R e ck le s s
Virginia is trying out a new law,
the undersigned, Emma G. Brooks, has
, ,
been, by an order o f the County Court and one that 18 Somg
o f the State o f Oregon for Marion ¡with close interest.
It provides
County, appointed administratrix o f j that every autoist, on approaching
the estate o f John H. Brooks, deceased, j a railroad crossing outside the cor­
and that-sha has duly qualified.
porate limits of a town or city,
All persons having clh'i'rns-against the
said estate are hereby notified to pre- I must come to a full stop not less
sent the same, duly verified and with than ten feet nor more than 100 ft.
the proper vouchers, to the undersigned from the nearest rail.
Failure to
administratrix at Silverton, Oregon, on observe this law is punishable by a
or before six months from the date of
fine of $10, and the money so col­
the first publication o f this notice, said
first publication being made this I3th lected goes into the treasury of the
county in which the fine was asses­
day o f July, 1922.
Last publication, Angust 10. 1922,
sed. W e believe auto drivers ar­
ound Aurora are as careful as are
Administratrix. to be found anywhere, and yet
many of them take .unnecessary
A D M IN IST R A TO R ’ S NOTICE OP chances at railroad crossings. They
will not all endorse the Virginia
law, of course, because it means
In the County Court o f the State o f stopping and starting the auto more
Oregon for the County o f Marion.
often than they are now compelled
In the matter o f the Estate o f Flor-1
to do. But we believe that those
ence A. Ristine, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that L. P. who realize it is better to stop for
Aidrich was appointed administrator a minute than to get ground up
o f the estate o f Florence A. Ristine,
deceased, on the twenty-eighth day and stop forever will declare that
o f June, 1922, by an order o f the the law seems to possess consider­
County Court o f the State o f Oregon able,merit.
fo r the County o f Marion, duly made
and entered o f record. A ll persons
having claims against the said estate Notice of Appointment o f Admin­
are required to send the same proper­
ly verified with proper vouchers to
Messers. Carson & Brown, his attor­
neys, Salem, Oregon, within six
months from the date o f this notice.
whom it may concern, that the under­
Dated this twenty-eighth day o f signed has been duly appointed admin­
June, 1922.
istrator with the Will annexed, o f the
L. P. Aldrich,
estate o f Michael Blaschke, deceased,
by the County Court o f the State of
Oregon for Marion County.
All per­
Attorneys fo r Administrator.
sons having claims against said estate |
First published July 6, 1922.
are hereby notified to present the same,
Last published August- 3,1922.
duly verified with the proper vouchers I
therefore, to the undersigned, at his
residence, R. F. D. No. 1. Scott’s j
Sheriff’ s Notice of Sale of Real Mills, Oregon, within six months from
the date o f the first publication o f this I
Property on Execution
notice. Dated and first published this j
20th day o f July, 1922.
Last publication August 17, 1922.
By virtue o f an Execution issued out
o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f
Administrator with the Will annexed,
Oregon for the County o f Marion -on
the 16th day of June 1922 in favor of of the estate o f Michael Blaschke, de- j
Alma Anderson, plaintiff and Joseph P. ceased.
Hoffman, as Executor of the Estate of
Margaretta V. Hoffman, deceased, de­
fendant, for the sum o f Three Thous­
and, Nine Hundred Forty-One and 28-
100 ($3941.28) Dollars,. U. S. Gold Coin,'
For In f ants and Children
with interest at the rate of six per ceiA,
z r m O vor 3 0
m Yoars
m m wmm «p
$er annum, from the 22nd. day o f April I h Use For
1922 and the further sum o f One Hun­ Always bears
dred Thirty-Seven and 80"-100 ($137.80) Signature
Dollars, costs, and [accruing’ Icosts, I
have levied upon and will sell at Pqjjlic
Professional cards run regular in the
yuction on Saturday, the 22nd uay of
July 1922at 10 o ’clock a. in. at the Court paper are $1.00 per month, or $10 per |
House door in Salem, Mar-on County year when in advance.
and State o f Oregon, ail the right,
title and interest which the said Joseph
P. Hoffman as said Executor and or
personally had on or after the 3rd day
of March 1922, tbe date o f the filing of
the above entitled action, in or to the
Beaver Building
following described real property, to-wit;
Beginning at a point in the East line
o f Liberty Street and in the center line'
of a 40 ft, street, said point being 25.36
ft. East and 604.0 ft. North o f an iron
pipe in the center o f Section 13, Twp.-
4 South o f Range One West o f thes
Willamette Meridian, in Marion County;
thence East along the center line of
for their board— if they could only
said 40 ft, street, 240.0 ft. to an iron
They Never Did.
Will have carload on
find someone to work.
My most embarrassing moment oc­ pipe; thence North 200 ft. to the South
early in May. Get
curred while dramatizing a Christmas side o f a 20 ft. alley; thence West along
You never know where a politi- play. I had the part of the mother o f the south side o f the said alley 240 ft.
your orders in early and
cian’stands. B ut you can always a large family presiding at the feast to the East line o f said Liberty St.;
be sure to g et yours.
on Christmas day. It fell to me to thence South along the East line o f
tell where he lies.
carve the goose. Having rehearsed said Liberty St, 200 ft. to the point o f
this part, I was anticipating no dif­
With so many married women ficulty, so I started bravely out on the beginning—containing 48,000 square ft.
Groceries, Produce and
throughout the country running for breast bone. Gently and slowly it o f land.
A 20 ft. strip o f the above described
office we can’t see how politics is slipped out of my grasp. I tried again
" '
with the same effect. As the titters
going to get rid of the bosses.
1001-1003 Main Street
from the audience increased, I became kept open for the use o f the public
slightly confused.
as a street and also the following piece
At this opportune moment the fa­ o f land;—
Presbyterian Church Services
ther, sitting opposite, uttered his next
Beginning at an iron pipe 604 ft.
Phone: - - Pacific 70
lines, which were: “ Did you ever see
North and 260,04 ft. East o f the center
Services second and fourth Sundays
With that the audience began to o f section'13, Twp, 4, S. o f R. I, West
at 8 p. m. Rev. Elmer E. McVicker
o f the W. M, in Marion County, Ore­
o f Gervais will preach on the second roar, and I gave it up In ignominious gon; thence North 0 degrees 30 min.
defeat— Exchange.
Sunday Of the month an i R. W. Achor
West 495 ft. to an iron pipe; thence
R . B . F . G IE S Y
on the fourth Sunday. These arrange­
Plugging Out.
East 278.98 ft to an iron pipe; thence
ments are permanent after the busy , A Kentucky man seems to have South 0 degrees 30 min, East 495 ft, to
season. It is hoped that after the busy found a relative o f the city girl who an iron pipe in the center line o f a 40
season is past there may be evening thought it must be cold work har­
ft. street; thence West 278.98 ft. along
services every Sunday.
vesting, the winter wheat.
the center line o f said street to the
The young woman of whom the
point o f beginning.
Kentuckian tells is a native of Cin­
cinnati, and was lately talking with A Strip 20 ft. wide along the South end
H O W ’S T H IS ?
o f the above described Tract, is to be Beth Phones
Avara, Or.
HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will him about tobacco and tobacco-rais­
kept open for the use o f the public as Office at Residence
do what we claim for it—rid your system ing.
o f Catarrh or Deafness caused by
Terms o f sale, cash, unless bid in by
HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con­ a tobacco field,” she said, “ especially
sists o f an Ointment which Quickly when it is just plugging out.”—Way- plaintiff.
Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and
the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which side Tales.
Dated at Salem. Marion County, Ore­
acts through the Blood on the Mucous
gon, this 20th day o f June 1922.
Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor­
Broadened Observation.
mal conditions.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Years.
“A statesman has to be a profound
Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.
By George J. Bohrer, Deputy.
“ No doubt about it,” replied Sena­
First published June 22, 1922.
tor Sorghum.
“ Time was -when a
good campaigner could get by if he
Last publication July 20, 1922,
kept his eye on the map of hlB own
state. Now you’ve got to be an ex­
pert in the geography of the world.”
Lenses accurately duplicated
Berry Crates
and Hallocks
Larsen & Co*
and Surgeon
Eyes Tested
Dr. C. Am m eter
Has established his Dental Office in
the Aurora Bank Building, where
he will be present each Tuesday,
Friday and Saturday, from 9 a. m.
to 6 p, p. m.
World's Largest Reservoir.
1« shout two years London’» reser­
voir at Littleton will be the largest
artificial reservoir In the world. It will
hold water to supply London for a
month, or 6,600,000,000 gallons. Its
surface will cover 800 acres.
Robert R. Rankin
A ttorn ey at L a w
Offices with
The First National Bank of Aurora
608 Platt Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf
Optical repairs carefully and promptly
Dr. W. C. Gehman, Optometrist
Qity papers better see the light,
and see it quick. You know who
Sarcasm From the Grave.
The will of Alexander Louis Teix-
eira de MattoSr the English transla­
killed the saloons?
The saloon tor of Fabre, Maeterlinck, Couperus,
•keepers themselves.
City papers Zola and many other continental
with their magazine sections tare writers, contains one bequest that will
Interest a good many booklovers who
getting just as bad.
The vulgar, have loaned their favorite volumes
nude pictures, the sex stories, the not wisely but too well—at any rate,
tyghly sensational stories in colored too generously, says the Living Age.
The estate of Mr. de Mattas was not
pictures is all causing rank criticism large, its gross value amounting to
all over Country America.
A l­ less than £3,000 ($15,000), and many
of his bequests take the form of books.
ready a n ' Oklahoma candidate as
He leaves books Jo many . of his
pjres for the U. S. Senate on a plat­ friends,. .One volume in particular is
form to do away with Sunday news­ left to a Certain '•friend qnd is de­
papers. Cut it out editors of city f scribed as one “ which he borrowed-
many years ago and has not returned.’.'
papers.— Get back to decency and
Increased Tractor Power.
gooq reading.
A new attachment designed to give
the small tractor greater bearing area
' Lightest of Liquids.
and increased pulling power, re­
Maaiy experiments here and abroad places the round wheels with two
have^shown that liquid hydrogen is large sprockets, according to an illus­
by far the. lightest of all known trated article in Popular Mechanics
liquids. Its density is one-fourteentli Magazine. - Outside of each sprocket
that of water, and, curiously enough, is a cast-steel arm which projects for­
this happens to be the same ratio of ward and downward, carrying at its
density that hydrogen in the gaseous front end a smaller idler wheel. A
state bears to air. For long the light­ track tread passes around the sprock­
est liquid known was liquified marsh et and* idler wheed, giving the tractor
gas, which possesses about two-fifths increased bearing area.
o f the density of water.— Washington
■ - . ' . w 2 a — 9
F or Infants and Children,
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
similatinéthcFood by Regula-1
l ¡ g .“kV tingtjieStoüiaciiS and Beweis au
Bears the
Thereby Promoting Digestion Signature
fell Cheerfulness
neither Opium,Morphine nor
|jj Mineral. N ot N a r c o tic ,
m ïm
¿Pumpkin Smcf
J bclcllt Soft»
JtfCarfar-atc Soda
Worm SaH
Clarified Sugar
itinfoyrten flavor
For Over
Th irty Years
A hel pf ul Remedy for
Constipation and Diarrtoe*-.
and Feverishness ana ^
L o s s o f S l e e p
resulting iherefrom-mlriancy.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
“ i \ 8 r — & S r— y
Mortgage Loan Co.
Fires are Numerous
This Dry Season
Have you noticed accounts of the
• .many
the country?
M uch property is destroyed every day
that, after the loss, is found to be U N -
IN S U R E D .
Check over your policies—
is your property in this condition?
call on us and we will protect you.
If so,
rates are reasonable and the companies
we represent are of the best.
Office at Aurora State Bank
D o n 't G e t S oa ked --
Fall rains will soon be here— F ix T h a t
O ld R oof N O W .
Just received three cars o f First Quality
Shingles. Come in and look ’em over.