Aurora Observer 1925—Oregon W orlds Fair The World to Oregon—1925 AURORA Published Every Thursday $1.50 a Year AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON. Dec. 22, 1921 VOL. XI. GO TO TH IS NO. 43 Aurora Lutheran Church Where Your Taxes Go Patrons and friends are cordially Beginning right after New Yea» invited to a Christm as program giv­ the Aurora Observer will begin a sbor en by the Aurora School, Friday af­ series of the most instructive article ternoon at 1 p . m . of today. Every home should rea them. Entitled “ Where You* Tax< Go,” by the highly esteemed write Edward G. Lowry, of Washington. B ____ 4j. By all means have- your childre Saturday evening, Christmas Eve.. I read these articles as they appear, f at the Aurora Presbyterian church, the n° school will explain government a. Sunday School will give a special | tax % them so thoroughly.| It will t Christmas program, that promises to | worlds of knowledge. The Observ. be splendid in every detail. The young j «?»es to the expense of securing the? people of the community have been j chapters because we know their in well drilled for the entertainment, and portance to us all. No politics whai everybody is invited to attend th e |ever. Ju st plain, simple truth. Christmas Eve affair at the Presbyter­ ian. churcn. Aurora has five rural mail routes. Aurora is good town to live, in and there is room for you. T here is joy unspeakable in Jesus. M ay it fill th e hearts of all, young and old, in th is com m unity as we celebrate H is N ativity. W e invite you m ost cordially to keep in m ind th e follow ing calendar of festival servioes at our church. . Christm as E ve., D ec. 24, 7 :30 p. in. Children’s Christmas; Service (G erm an). C hristinas morning, 10:80 F estival service, (E nglish). The pastor w ill preach on th e the­ m e, “And H is N am e Shall B e Cal­ led W onderful.” A t 9:45 the C on- fessienal service w ill be held in ger­ man and at 11:30 a. m . th e H oly j Communion w ill be celebrated. Tuesday Evening, D ec. 27, 7 :30 p. m . Children’s Christm as sc V se (E nglish). Our N ew Year’s E ve. and N ew Y ear’s D ay services w ill be announ­ ced next week. W e sincerely hope th at you can arrange to be w ith us in our house nf worship at all th ese services, but w e especially desire your presence at 10 ;30 on C hrist­ m as m orning. “Tho C hrist a thousand tim es in Bethlehem be born, If H e,s not bom in th ee, th y soul is still forlorn” ! W , F . Schm idt, pastor. Christmas Program a Aurora has the best w ater system in the world for towns thrice her size ; and pure water. S & HOLLWEG BLACK ervice to y o l T Our Motto VJ Union High School Aim Consolidation of Several Districts for Candby Bu lding Urged. Canby, Or., H ee. 20.-(S g ecial.}-^ A m ovem ent to form a vnion high school district in th e vicinity of Farm Machinery and Hop Supplies Everything in the line for ranches, hop Canby, w hich w ill m ean th e joining and berry growers. of 16 districts, w ill be officially- Woodburn, Ore. Phone Green 80 launched a t m ass m eetings of the voters to be held in th e im m ediate future. N otices to th e different boards were sent out today by C ounty School Superintendent Ved- der. The m eetings w ill be held follow ­ Eyesight Specialists ing th e consideration of the m atter 204-11 Salem Bank of Commerce by the board. Bldg. M orris Optical Co. Resolved: To save my money And lead a frugal life. Resolved: To do my duty And still abstain from strife, Resolved: To give up smoking ' And never touch a drop. Resolved: To heed the speed laws And ne’er offend a cop. Resolved: To quit complaining. And smile whene’er I can. Resolved: To cease from knocking And. praise my fellow man. Resolved—but what’s the use of My plunging in so deep? I’ve made more resolutions Than any man could keep. “The R ev. and M rs. H . C . Jen­ nings announce th e G olden Anni­ versary of their wedding, D ec. 24, Oregon’s Largest, Most M cdern, 1871—D ec. 24, 1921, A t hom e a t Best-Equipped Exclusve Optical Aurora claims to be thèrideal site foi | “Few A cre,” Aurora, Ore.” Establishment. the proposed K. P. Home to be estab .T ie above announcem ent tells of lisbed by the lodges of Washington and th at happy Christm as E ve. fifty Oregon, and considering the advantages years ago when tw o M innesota we possess and the energy demonstrat­ ed, the Aurora Observer has faith that young neopLe were united in th e holy tfie' desire“ of' oür cdîrnnunity'' wIH txe w f d s of m atrim ony. R ev. End Offices with The First National Bank of Aurora realized. Mrs: Jennings were married at . -At the meeting, last Friday night, of and C hatfield, M inn, on D ec. 24, 1871. 508 Platt Bldg., Portland, Ore. if Hermes lodge, Knights of Pythias, the D r. Joinings is a member of the members were enthused over thè prop osition and by a unanimous vote de M innesota Conference of the M inn- j dared their decision to sta rt the pro esota Episcopal Church and served gram by donating $2500.00 cash toward ---------- I the church for 25 years as Pasor the purchase of a site at Aurora. We Auction block Make your wants known and p residing J»lder> H e was then understand th a t they term this here. One cent a woid each week, , , , _ T n . , ... •‘sta rte r’’ only, and th at the members Send money with ad. They pay you . P ected Publishing A gent of the church w ith headquarters at C hica­ and citizens will more than duplicate it, if necessary, to secure the site. go, N ew York and C incirm atti. Will do painting m trade for chick­ As a location, we know of no place A fter serving in th a t capacity for GLASSES FITTED that would equal Aurora, and no other ens, cows, or pigs. First class work 25 yrs he retired tw o years ago to guaranteed. Write C. A, White, Au­ Lenses accurately duplicated town wool«} more fully appreciate it or his ranch near Aurora on account Optical repairs carefully and promptly make it a real “ home*’ in the true rora, Route 5. e title of made meaning of the word. Have some 2 yr old filbert trees to of ill t health, holding th ...... | ‘The Sun of Prosperity Shines on' sell, Barcelonia variety. Also some J “Publishing A gent Em eritus.’ . /There aré four children, a son and Aurora,” and the Rays will Fall Full Oregon Champion Gooseberry plants. Dr. W. C. Gehman, Optometrist R. J . Glatt, R, l. Woodburn. St daughter married and living in the on the Pythian Home. SALEM. ORE Fpr Sale—20 acres level farm land ;j E ast and tw o daughters are living fifteen in cultivation, and 5 stump iat h om e.. A ll th e good w ishes of pasture. 1V2 m iles from Aurora. the comm unity go to th is worthy Tucker. 4t* J couple at this G olden W edding An- t For Sale Cheap—Overland Touring ¿iversary. car, or what have you to trade. In -1 • T quire a t this office. 2t T 1 Registered Jersey Bull. 18 raos. old T Papers to go with same, whose sire on : Aurora, on the Pacific Highway 1 both Sides have good records. Price T reasontble, 2 miles east of Aurora, and Southern Pacific, midway be­ SALEM, OREGON A Seif Starter Robert R. Rankin Attorney at Law THE FIRST CHRISTMAS “And the Angel said unto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you good Exchange, ForSale and Want Ads. tidings of be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a res Tested Savior, who is Christ the Lord. $\xst OF National lank AURORA f i T ? 1 i i t I i T í % At the close of our first six months of business our resources have reached $120,000. ; - This figure was not correctly shown by the publishers in the Christmas Edition of the Observer. i t i § 4 4 f t 4’ S ❖ y t » That your Christinas be Merry with the best wishes of many warm friends,'this is the wish of The First National. ervice Is Our Slogan afety Is Our Watchword i Items that make for Safety in a Bank. i “Why do you increase your capital?” ' This was asked us by a depositor, as he no­ ticed on our new calendar that our capital and surplus is now $41,000.00. 1 f Ì 1 i 4 i t Route 5. A. Hamel. FEED-PRODUCE EXCHANGE Ju st established at Donald. We pay cash for eggs, veal, dressed hogs, eta. Feed for Sale. Satisfaction guaranteed Trucking. Located m Page building, formerly confectionery stand. Donald C. F. Murdock tf. tween Salem and Portland is in the Marion county. The surrounding country is devoted to grains, fruits, stocks end to raising hops. Surround­ ing Aurora is one of the greatest hop FOR SALE 11 shoats, about 125 lbs each; 20 pigs * 8 weeks old; 1 black gilding 4 yiSvOld weight aoout 1350. 100 two y r old fil­ bert trees and all sizes holly trees—the berry kind. 1 Jersey cow fresh about ».♦ Dec. 20, guaranteed m every respect. Hollyheim Orchards Chas. Eilers, Prop. R 3. raising sections o f the state* f The town is supplied with pure artesian water by a municipally, owned water 1 T works and lighted electrically. f * cement walks. There are two banks 4 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 The streets are graded and improved with one newspaper and two churches. Be­ proper glasses. tf 1 MONUMENTS If your monumental work is solicited, and located exectly midway-between Portland and Salem. kindly ask the solicitor for our busi­ ness card. Capital Monumental Works, 2210 S. Com. St. Phone 689, Salem We explained that this is primarily a protection tu our customers. Should a bank by some unusual circtmstance suffer a loss the undivided profits and surplus would first be applied to cover the loss. If this were not sufficient the Capital Stock fund would next be applied and should more be neces­ sary the stockholders would each be requir­ ed to contribute an amount equal to the par value of the shares of stock he m ight hold. The State Examiners make due investigation to see that each stockholder is able to pieet this double liability. From this it will be seen th at there is a boiler of $66, 000. standing between oar depositors and any chance of loss, which amount any one will admit is many times greater than necessary. This is onlv in line, however, with our policy of .‘ protection which protects” and “ service th a t serves.” raising, and the Aurora section of the * Preaching morning and evening, in ¡ county is in one of the richest sect­ * the Aurora Presbyterian Church every ions o f Marion county. A paved * 2nd and 4th Sunday. All welcome; and highway through the center of town, tf * urged to come, ♦i» t ADEQUATE SURPLUS heart of one of the richest sections of sides grains and hops, the country * * Dr. Osmar R. Wolf, Woodburn, Ore. around is going into all kinds of fruit * is fully equipped to fit your eyes with * * ”1 -L U K E S;10.U HARTMAN BROS. t 1 i i i 1 great jo y winch shall Aurora State Bank Capital and Surplus, $40,000 Time Aurora has splendid roads leading in all directions. Savings Checking Accounts (Under Exacting State Supervision)