I -CHRISTMAS NEARLY HERE // ARE YOU PREPARED If not, shop where shopping is a pleasure, and where you can SAVE MONEY, TIME and TROUBLE. Our store is full of appropriate, useful gifts Tor eyery member of the Family. DRESS GOODS TOILET ARTICLES Material for a dress makes a gift that is useful and appreciated. We will save you mon­ ey on this line of merchandise whether it be wool, silk or cotton materials, Toilet Water______________________ „89c Women’s Hose, pair_____ l-2c to $2.49 LADIES PURSES Perfume______ _ _ _________________ $1.19 Men’s Hose, pair___________ ,12 l-2c to $1.25 in a great variety of styles so that all will be able to select one that will please them, Face Powder ____________ ____ _____ „4 5c Children’s Hose, pair__________ _,.19c to 98c $1.98 to $3.98 Always please. Ccme, see and appreciate the values you can get here. have some nice ones. Extra nice Christmas box toilet necessities RIBBONS $3.98 moke very nice presents for the girls. We have a nice line of fancy ribbons, yard Manicure Sets 25c to $1.25 and Children CHANGED HANDS ¿incorporated 312 D EPAR TM EN XSIQ R ES N E W YE A R ’S TH EN AND N O W . 4,590 indians, entitled to vote at fins meeting and japenese and are requested to be present. the ballance filipinos, hindus, kor- eans and hawaiians. There are 49,279 more males th'ao females in Change in Ownership N. E. Manock has purchased Mr. G. R. W att’s interest in the Aurora Drug 24,607 males and 22,580 females.. Store. Mr. Manock.'although a new­ comer in Aurora, likes it fine and knows the location is here, the business is here, if the people only know it. He has new goods arriving daily, --------------------------------------------------------- Fun W ith Christmas Parcels 000000000)00000000000000000 jBL A.ST year we had much more over the Christmas tree I K S than ever before because each parcel was^wrapped in such a way that it was im­ possible to guess what it contained. To stimulate the children’s inge­ nuity, a prize of a box of candy was of- fered to the member of the family who displayed the greatest cleverness in wrapping gifts. This was won by eight-year-old Jack. He hung a string of remarkably lifelike sausages upon the tree, as an offering to his mother. When the strings were untied half-a- dozen hemstitched handke r c h i e f s tumbled out. Each handkerchief had first been rolled in a small cardboard and then wrapped in mottled paper. A close second to Jack’s was a fountain pen concealed in a candle made of thin pasteboard wrapped in white tissue paper twisted to a point at the top to represent the wick and black­ ened with a drop o f ink to show that the wick had been lighted. This was stuck into the kitchen candlestick be­ fore placing it under the tree where it presented a very realistic appear­ ance. I|B l fun H. H. Deets has filed suit against Mrs, Sarah Bell Pratt to secure ^pos­ session o f a Jersey cow and heifer, which he claims are being illegially held In Marion county we have Toys I Used to Know Robt. A. Krims and a friend of Port­ land were out Sunday, riding over the country with Dr. B, F. Giesy and Zeno Schwab. All four gentlemen got soaked—we mean they got soaken wet from the rain that overtook them. [THIN the shopping center here I stand, a waif and stray, And watch the throngs of worn» en dear Who pay and pay and pay. Wide-eyed, l look about, but oh! Where are the toys I used to know? • J j IIFI Swift an acrobat goes by, To boyhood’s marveling, And fascinated eyes rove high To watch the wonder thing. But, heart o f mine! across my sight There floats a little homemade kite. My boy demands a ’ lectric train, •With fifty feet o f track. His modern spirit skims the plain And brooks no holding back. O Christmas when I used to bless :My key-wound flfty-cent express! My little girl I must amuse, And so I buy at view 1A doll that wears French high-heeled shoes And silken stockings too! Y et lo! a vision from above— My sister’s doll, o f rags and love! O dear, dead days that brought to me My earliest burst of speed, When Santa placed beneath the tree My first velocipede! Yet my son tells the Christmas Czar He’ s got to have a motorcar. 0 tree, long since decayed and dead, W hat joys you held apart! Qke! how those mittens, thick and red, Warmed both my hands and heart! But now my wife I have to buy A pair o f auto gauntlets high. H ere; where the incandescents gleam Amid the costly show, 1 seem to see, as in a dream, The penny candles glow. Tree o f my youth! my heart, grown new, Again hangs on a branch of you! —John O’Keefe, in New York World. A wrist watch was hidden in a bou­ quet of paper flowers.- The tiny watch hid itself in the heart of a huge Amer­ ican Beauty that formed the center I blossom of this masterpiece. A brace- let was concealed among the stems and the wide ribbon which tied them together. I This year, a silk umbrella is I to he disguised as a dachshund by first wrapping it In strong paper I and then twisting a wire around each end and bend­ ing the ends up to form the short legs of “ long bowwow.” Another bit of paper twisted on the ferrule forms the tail. The crook handle of the um­ brella is padded with cotton batting for the head and the whole thing covered with brown crepe paper. Two big pins are used for eyes. Small gifts are the easiest of all to make mysterious. They can he hid­ den in imitation apples,, bananas, j Stye Attthasaaiffir or any other pattern is a very tasty Xmaa ^rrarnt - S. B. OLSON (Official S. P. Watch Inspector) PtatHprottar W oodburn, Oregon m xb JfrfuHer Opposite S. P. Depot SC i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO & 2,144 are negroes, Father-Brother •Husband Bath Towels 25c to 69c H W alter Lettenmaier has sold his is giving a w jy ponies for new sub­ As long as people can remember, scribers. The Statesman is a good there have been New Year parties. confectionery store to Thompson Tlie old Romans gave theirs in honor Keefover. M r. Thompson is a new paper; last Sunday’s copy is the of Janus, the two-faced god. One arrival from Kansas and M r . K eef­ first one wc ever seen. face looked back at the ' old, spent ypar, and one face looked forward to over is too well and favorably known The annual election of officers of the new, fresh year. They gave pres­ in Aurora for any introduction by ents to him and to each other with us. Here’s wishing abundent suc­ W illam ette Coapter, American Red the hope that the new year would be Cross, will be held at Red Cross good to them. Some of the people who cess to the new proprietors. headquarters, 640 State street, Sal­ lived long ago waited until the end of March to celebrate the New Year, There are 783,389 people in Ore­ em, at 7:30 p. m ., Friday, Dec. 16. since that was the time that the trees gon. 769,146 of them are white. All members of the Red Cross are and grass began new life. 3,000 chínese* 4,151 is full of articles from which you can select appropriate gifts that will please i (È, T h e Oregon Statesmen, of Salem Our Men’s Department Toilet Sets___________________$2.98 to $5.50 Handkerchiefs for Men, W om en Oregon. HOSIERY l j 4 I Bath Towel Sets 89c to $2.25 oranges or other kinds of ffu tt or pa­ per cornucopias or clfums. set of doilies has been into Old Glory by using crepe paRe* covered with American flags. Tvrio' o f these were cut out, pasted on cardboard and fast­ ened together on each side of the flat package of doilies ai nd a small stick attached to one end. This w ill “ wave” most effectively from the C h r i s t m a s On Pacific Highway, dear Woodburn tree. A bottle of cologne is made Commencing at 9 p, m. prompt into a doll. A MUSIC BY round cake o f soap forms the Barnhill’s E lks Jazz Orchestra head which -is swfi|thed in a frilly cap o f Portland of white crepe pa per. Eyes, nose and Kings o f Syncopation mouth are ligh tly traced upon Its vacant countenance in water colors. >1.10 per Couple Extra Lady 25c The head is tied to the top of the bot­ tle, the long dre. Is of white crepe pa­ per put on, and rpiother twist of paper A. Big Dance Horseshoe Park Saturday, Dec. 10th To all My Patrons Friends and Acquaintances I want to here express the Season’s Greetings and wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Frank L. Miller Aurora A u to Dealer