The Embroidery is delightful in both Just Received by Express des'gn and An Immense Shipment of Execution Have You a Man or Boy T o Buy For Every stitch done by hand with infinate care VERY FINE Hand Embroidered Buy Mens’ and Boys’ Gifts at the place they would buy for themselves. Every day in the year we are helping men and boys select their wearing apparel and therefore we are in a position to be of service to you in the selection of a suitable gift. M A D E R IA U N E N S Every woman simply loves anything hand­ made Imported from the Maderia Islands You must see them to really enjoy and ap­ preciate their artistic beauty, Therefore these dainty exquisite Maderia llin- ens make unfailing appeal Salem The Gift never saw such a large assortment before of all Gifts long to be ■ remembered Impressive, Interest­ ing Gift values One of the nicest things you can give her Your mail orders Carefully filled, we pay the postage or express Satisfaction guaran­ teed or your money cheerfully refunded Oblong pieces, round centers from the small to the medium and very large ones, st-arfs, all lengths, spreads of all kinds, towels, baby pillows and hundreds and hundreds of dainty handkerchiefs, A new Suit or Overcoat Mackinaw or Raincoat Winter Hat or Cap Pair of Shoes or Slippers Sweaters Neckties Silk or Wool Hose Silk or Wool Shirts Suitcase or Traveling Bag Auto Gauntlets or Dress Gloves Bathrobes Handkerchiefs Belts Suspenders W e Suggest Wearables for Christmas The Beck Clothing House Prices are Very Moderate Kafoury Bros. M A Y WE SUGGEST Every Mans* and oys ’ Suit or Overcoat B now on Sale at Reduced Prices dinner cloths and napkins. SALEM STORE 466 State Street Our lines of Mens’ and Boys wear is identical with the lines carried in the better city stores, at prices considerably under city prices. Portland Store 383,* Alder Street j Woodburn The Mens* and Boys* Store Oregon Jkb 7 j commission business on a large scale g U S 3 .2 S 3 B H and on the same street Ziegler & Son si * a have a large commission house. They ship cars frequently and are quite a center for the producers. Wo call m this part of town Commission row. B TA In a nice suit of offices over th e State Bank we find Henry L. Bentfc who knows more about hops than an y oth­ er man in the valley. Mr. Bfents is! one of the ablest men of our town a n d . a leader in all public enterprises. Dr. I It is of much satisfaction to dwell , Miss Patch will greet you if the (ant atmosphere of the store is one of Ammeter has dental offices in the! * T • j i same building and the doctor has' in a community and town where class ' Prcsic|eiu is out. E. G. Robinson, j the drawing cards of Aurora. Stoner I president and manager of the Mo-! Bros, garage is across the street on made many friends in this communi­ is equal and neighborly feeling exists j lalla Electric company is a man “ al- j the corner, drive in and see how ty who even take a delight1 in getting {ways on the job.” Talk with him for courteous people really are. While hi in his dental chair. W. H. Asquith is to the extent that every one’s pros­ ' ten minutes and you will be convinced here visiting the Stoners, you may | the painter and decorator that my .kes perity is shared; where you trust that this town is the very center, the | see Frank Miller, and no man ever! the Aurora homes so pretty and they hub of the valley, and what he tells j met Frank Miller without buying a [are above those of most towns. R. E.J your neighbor fully, human sympa­ you is correct. This company is one' new auto for himself or for a Christ- j Keefover and Mrs. Keefover s? peak to < thies are part of your make-up and of the big ones of the valley. Lets mas present for his wife. Down the ¡more people than any one y a tow n.’ go in the Aurora Drug store and see:street some distance is Mr. Atwood in ¡They-are in charge of the telephone; hard times or good times effect little Mr. N. E. Manock. I t ’s a first class. the blacksmith shop, a smithy always; company and office and I ,usy is no | 1 place in all details and kept in a city-! on the job and then Mr. Miley who is \ name for it. Ask th a n V £ you don’t j the steady business of the towii or ,fied manner. By this time you will one of the oldest settlers of our town, j believe us. We have S’ 3ent a most the growing power of the fertile soil, be at the Aurora Confectionery, where Mr. Miley will look after your shoe j pleasant day and visiter j. most of our i ¡Walt Lettenmaier will be found with needs and tell you about the days j business houses, but A urora busiuess Little worries exists in Aurora, every- ^he goods at his fountain. Continue ■ when oxen plowed these fertile fields j houses are not all. The town is a body is busy no unemployed no poor to the next door and enter The F irst or pulled the stumps to make the j lodge town, a fri truck and splendid ^ a te r tiee is the S. P. Agent, Geo. M iller,1 say “ good morning” to Albert Ehlen the postmistress and Miss Emma -e. s. A. Miller is fire chief, who has been on duty here for about and perhaps “ shave u p ” before en- Snyder assistant and they are kept «1« Snyder, assistant. A urora has thirtv vears and who has a ^ a U e r i n g the Will-Snyder mercantile busy with Aurora’s enormous postal f t * J S o r e a SBleu^d f S v ^ x e ' In here Mr. Jonas Will will business and five rural routes m sfc- 'one f j f the best grade schools in the and one of the ‘‘main stays.” Y o l ¡“ te rtst in part of Aurora’s his- mg out m all dBeetions frem thta bub caw ity in rank, Mrs. L ottie Foster, I didn’t hear old $anta come— he ne^er made a sound, wUl want to meet our business men tory> at least about £orty years of l£- ]of nch farms- Ia noon I f so is p rin cip al, and Miss Joints, Miss Stffinebriiik and Miss Walker fhe abla Just left for me a Christmas tree, with presents all around! 7o e A ^ o ra S ate B a n k lMr- always Wil1’ Mrs’ Percy Hotel will 18 next so stop in at at S the Aurora btate Danic, found WiU here and and son nearly al- | the and Aurora Mrs. Coon serve where you Mr’ and iarf jtriictars. Aurora receives a h alf the stone building on he comer, i™ ya J You will talk about th is ! make glad the inner man and down clfjzeti m ails a day and besides the A n d tho I like each thing he brought, my hooks and all the rest, Cashier Zeno Schwab wUl greet you ^ ™3ya after your visit stairs we will find Joe King with the postoffioli we have five routits ably m tne most cordial, though business!STOre „ . , ® 81 , yu ! r , , » , , , .. I’ll tall 2?ou confidentially; I love my dolly best! like manner or the assistant cashier as one of tbe best arranged and stock- refreshments and after dinner cigar. 0 ared fa r by P. O. Ottoway^ L. L. — Bi MARTHA HART, in Successful Farming. f dribble, 'G. R. Marsh, Joe Brdwn, E. Z ^ o r t T who Z on ed g ® * * stores ha™ see»> if Next d° ° V W urster l aV6 ^ dutv constantly This’bank is one of y°u knew the extent of their business meat market—one of the best *ver M. H ow a. We hakVe two churches, th e Phesby- t i e principal builders and financial m - would agree that this was indeed entered; clean, neat an ice pUn*J * miide to the town and community and a lar£e> rlch community. Now stop connection and a real market m w e iy terian ¡tn d Luthe.ran, the pillpits be­ SJe ot the belt sffite b ^ T i n tne “ to Shimmin Bros. aad if tbe ? * * * S‘ A' Miller> one of * * * * * ing filled by Rev. O. C. W eiler and boys are not' too busy they will light- hve wires has the .undertaking' par- Rev. W . F . Schmidt. state, Dr. B. F. Giesy is president ot We e the ¡K. P. lodge, the Pyth­ en your journey with a few words of dors on the comer and eroding the the banking house, and heavily inter­ optimism or sell you a car to continue; street we will stop a minute in the G. ian Sisters’, th e Odd Fellows, the Re- ested in tne county. The bank you A* Ehlen hardware and implement bekahs anil th e W. 0. W., th at meet win find is one of your best boosters. on your way. By this time you have store. Mr. Ehlen or Mi. Will will regular. B esi< les Aurora has a strong Tnen drop in at tne law office next reached the big store of Sadler & show you around. Big! Yes, one of and hard working W oman’s Club, a general merchandise estafc door and if Atty. G. R. W att isn’t lishment that ranks up with any you the big stocks of the county, and a with Mrs. Aiarelia Powers, president away on a case he will tell you why and M rs. Atkinson, ¿secretary. Aurora is the best community town have seen. J. W. Sadler and A. W. place you like to enter. Mr. Ehlen in Oregon. To Mr. W att we all look Kraus, the proprietors are boosters 1* a leader iu our town’s activities j -imam for our legal advice and if any move and fine men to meet and Miss Agnes and uiayor of the city. On the next Smith who they have in charge of the street east G. C. Giesy is on the job, is for the town Mr. W att is with you dry goods, is on the job continually.: Mu Giesy runs a feed mill, handles and t Aere is room fo r -you. clear down the line. The Molalla El- This big stock of goods and the |>lea§- j flour, vegetables^ grain and general fitfifi, Co.a is officered, is eext goons INTRODUCING A FEW AURORA HOUSES A Midway Town That is a Safe Investment. Get in Now i z A CHRISTM AS CONFESSION i