•»»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»I WOMAN i STATE N E W S J A Is BEAUTIFU1 Always a Well Woman O ne W ord | IN BRIEF. ! Y o u S h ou ld o f N th ot is O verlook L etter mSmSwm hWÉPÿmÊÊi OFFERS A M A R K E T FOR YOUR PRODUCE PORTLAND Corvallis.— The budget fo r the city of Corvallis was published this week, according to the new law, and shows a total estimated expenditure for 1922 of $57,118. Portland, O regon V A U D E V IL L E P H O T O -P L A Y S C om plete C hange Sun. and Thnrs. M atinee D aily. T w ice N ightly Saturday, Sunday, H olidays. Continuous Y o u Will Feel NORTONJA HOTEL SAFE AND E xcellent C afe Special W eekly K ates B us M eets All T rain s 11th and Stark, Portland, Ore. L Cafetería 406 W shlngton St. H. L. Day, Prop. ysters. Steaks and Chops Our Specialty. Special E n tree each day. Open from 10 A. M to 1 A. M. JEWEL Restaurant S Writ« ua for prices end market conditions on Veal Portland, Oregon Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes. Onions, etc Forty Years in the Same Location. OT K IM O * / / C L E A N IN 9 Raincoats $15 to $35 t $ T A » tl« N M lN T Or and A r r i v u a «vt por I L a n d . ore . PORTLAND'S ORIGINAL UPST AIRS CLOTHUS* Our Motto l* to Please YOU. THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL By Parcel Post. Return Postage Paid. Write fur Circulars and Prices- "At Your Beck and Call■* oak » iw n T > 127 Light, Airy Rooms, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. 92 N. 3d. St., Cor. Flandera. Portland, Or«. ED. F. COUDAKD. Mar. Phooa Bdv. 1975 M A R K IN G THERE’S D E V IC E S . Un i s e v e th A N o. e n s o p a ANOTHER DENT Dents and blemishes on you r car carr be removed aud we are the b oys to do It. W h y? Because we specialize iu that kind o f work. We also repair radiators and carry Liberty R adiator cores to stock. All work guaranteed. J. K. DURHAM, tbs Fender Man SO North llt b Ht. Portland, Ora. P L U M B IN G AUTO REPAIR PARTS R I T Z Send for free Catalog PISTONS— PISTON P IN S - KINGS C ylinder and Crank S h a ft Grindin«. A uw - niotive Machine Work and Weldinar. COOK & GILL CO.. INC. 11th and Burnside Sts. Portland. Ore. Phone: ftd«*y *381 Old Carpets Worth Money! B ring them to us In your auto or send them parcel post. In-. Stead o f buying new rugs, la­ dies, save you r old carpets, rugs and w oolen clothin g. L et us m ake new rugs for you. Tho old est and best equipped fa c - tory. F lu ff and rag rugs woven all sizes; ca rp ets refitted ; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, $1.50. W hen you g et to tow n. Phone E. 3580 N O R T H W E S T RUG C O . 188 E. Eighth 6t., Portland, Of. H O T E L Glen Haven Rest Home H ydrotherapy BATTLE CREEK METHODS Applied a s you r phystci- I an directs. T ran sien t patients treated, ideal Home Like Surroundings. 11.5 East T w en ty -E ig h th Street C orner o f Alder Phone-¡Bast 4222 Portland, O regon The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp’y Wholesale Dealers in FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCB 161 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. M oderate Priced Hotel o f M erit" E ast M orrison St., .at East Sixth, tl Principal East Side H otel. 6 m inutes fro Shopping D istrict. Fou r b locks from S. E ast Side Station. DR. G. E. W A I T S “ 212 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and CLANl) TRANSPLANTATIONS Guaranteed Nursery Stock G la sses Fitted. R epairing done by mall. M ost m odern equipm ent. Satisfaction guaranteed. P R E -W A R PRIC ES C la rk -B row er O ptical Co.. 112J 6th Street Truck Bargain Republic, One Too with Good Body. Write for our free circular of truck bargains. W E N T W O R T H & IRW IN INC. O regon distrib u tors G. M. C. trucks 200 Secon d St. Portland, Ore. Fire P ro o f and M odern N E W HOUSTON HOTEL C. S. R ichardson, M anager W eekly R ates to Perm anen t G uests Sixth and E verett Streets, T h ree B locks from New P ostoffice, F ou r B lock s from Union D epot, Portland, Ore. HANSLMA1R & CRABB 1090 ^East Y am hill St., Portland ' R azors grou nd and h on ed. Mail safe blades today. T h e Grinder, 67^ Sixth i Single 30c; D ouble 35c. R azors G round and H oned. B a cklund & Son, 106 W . Park S a fety R azor Man, 145V& 3d St., Portland? SA N ITA R Y B E A U TY PARLOR . W e. help the a pp earance o f w T w e n ty -tw o inch sw itch or transf tion, value $7 60, price $2.45. . . ______ 400 to 412 P ek u m Bldg. SCHOOL OF W ELD IN G P I L E S F IS T U L A , FISSU R E , Itch in g and all o th ­ er rectal con dition s excep t C ancer perm a ­ nently “cured w ithout a su rgica l operation. My m ethod o f treatm ent sa ves the tis ­ sue instead o f destroyin g It. It Is -p a in ­ less, requires no -Anesthetic and is 'p e r m a ­ nent. T h ere is no- co.h-finement to bed. no in terferen ce with b usin ess or socia l en- gagem ents. I gu arantee a cu re or w ill refund your fee. Call or w rits for booklet. O fficia lly recognized b y state and fe d ­ eral board as T he place to learn w elding all m etals. . C om m ercial School o f W eld­ ing, 511 E ast Grant, Cor. 11th. Portland. SILOS A N D W ATER TANKS N ational T an k & Pipe Co;, Portland. T Y P E W R IT E R S — N E W OR R E B U IL T R eb u ilt T y p ew riter Co., 304_Oak Street. V E T E R IN A R IA N — Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chas. M. A n d erson, K enton, P ortla nd. W A N TE D AGEN TS— Perm anent profitable paying, business fo r men and w om en agen ts to sell the O riginal R enulife Violet Ray. V iolet R a y H eadquarters, 425_Wash. St., Portland. W eddin g Bouquets and Funeral Pieces L ubliner Florists, 348 M orrison SL M ention this paper when w riting. W elter System o f S u ggestive T h erapy Dr. T. W . A yers, 715 Dekum Bldg. W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL T IN W A R E Second and M orrison Sts., Portland, Ore. Portland T in w a re M fg. Co., t l F irst SL D R . C. J. D E A N BEES BUST THIS ROMANCE Rout Young Lady Just as Young Man Starts to Make Proposal of Marriage. Chicago.— There Is one young man in Lake Forest who has sworn ven­ geance against members of the bee family for all time. It came about through the efforts of Policeman George Kelly, assigned to the beach at Lake Bluff, to stop spooning on the beach. E M « r o T d e r T n g ~ a n F p LT e a t T n S — A ccordian side and box Pleating. H em ­ stitch ing, B uttons C overed, Braiding, etc. K . S tephana. 219-20-21 P ilto ck B lock.__ F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K S C o m m e rc ia l I r on W o rk » , 7 th A M a d ison. G U A R A N T E E D ^ R E B U I L T M AC H IN ES O rego n T y p e w r it e r . C o , » 4 -A » m S L H A R D W O O D F L O O R IN G O a k -L e a f H a rd w o o d F lo o r C o , Z31 JE. 76th St. N. F loors electric sanded. H O R S E S , M U L E S " B O U G H T , SOLD" Crow n Stables, I n c , 285 Front S t , P o rt­ land, Ore. H orses and m ules for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and co n ­ tractors. W ith er w ithout harness. Phillip Suelter, Pres. h orses bought and sold.___________________ C. L. Chappell, 234 Front St. Rebuilt Guaranteed Chevrolet All m odels In stock have been th or­ oughly con ditioned In the Chevrolet shops— L ow est Prices— E asy Term s. F IE L D S MOTOR CA R CO. C h evrolet D istributors Open Sundays Phone Bdw y 244 Fourteenth a nd A lder S i s , Portland .E A R N M U L T IG R A P H IN G T h e Callan School, only recognized sch ool on the coast. E xperienced op era ­ tor s a lw a y s J n dem and. 405 A rtisan s Bldg. M A C H IN E R Y Send us y ou r Inquiries fo r a nyth ing In Iron Or W ood w ork in g M achinery, Logging, Saw m ill, C on tra ctors’ Equipm ent, L o c o ­ m otives, B oilers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke M achinery C o , 528 R a ilway E xch an ge B ld g , Portland, Or. F O S Y o f v u l c a n i z e d “ r o o f p a i n T New roofs and rep airing done. and W oods. 1103 E. Caruthers SL Young M O N U M E N T S — E . 3d and P in e Sts. O tto Schum ann G ranite & Marble W orks. M OTORCYCLES A N D PARTS All m akes. E asy terms E A S T SID E M O TO R C Y C L E CO. ____________ 44-46 G R A N D AVIS.____________ PERSONAL : M A R R Y IF L O N E L Y ; fo r results, try m e; best and m ost su ccessfu l "H o m e M ak er;’ ’ hundreds rich w ish m arriage soon ; strict­ ly con fid en tia l; m ost reliable; years o f exp erien ce; descriptions free. "T h e S u c­ cessfu l C lu b ," M rs. N A S H , B ox 656, O A K L A N D , C A L IF O R N IA .______________ _ P IP E R E P A IR IN G p ip p C » R epaired by experts. Pipe Shop, 272 W ash. P O R T L A N D S H O E R E P A IR S , M A IL ’ E M M odel Shoe Repair, 272 W a sh ington SL 'Davis B r o s , A m erican Shoem akers, 10* 4th St. T R E E S !! PRUNE Medford. — Jesse H. Duncan, for many years a resident of this city and a painter by trade, was found dead of alcoholism, according to Coroner Perl, in his room Friday morning. Too liberal drinking of bay rum extract is held by the coroner to have brought about death. “A cownoy among cowboys," is the way the boys at the Cheyenne round­ up designated the handsome “movie" star, Pauline Frederick, who was their invited guest. Pauline became endeared to the boys when she dem­ « -------- AND OINTMENT.------- - onstrated her ability to ride and rope a steer with the best of ’em last sum­ . Eugene.— A total of 3771 cows in mer. “ I’d rather ride than eat,” is the Lane, county have been tested for Soap,Ointment,Talcum,25c. everywhere. Fortamplea way the star expressed her delight in tuberculosis since the testing work address: Cuticura Laboratories,Dept.X,Malden,Maas. the pastime. was taken up last summer, according to a report made by Ira P. Whitney, BOSCHEE’S SYRUP county agent, at a meeting of the ex­ ecutive committee of the Lane coun- Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heals ty agricultural council. Throat and Lung Inflammation. The almost constant irritation of a Salem.— The voters of the Turner cough keeps the delicate mucous mem­ school district, at a special election brane of the throat and lungs in a held Saturday, went on record favor­ congested condition, which Boschee’s ing a bond issue of $25,000 for the Syrup gently and quickly soothes and erection of a high school building to heals. For this reason it has been a replace the present structure, which favorite household remedy for colds, has been in use for many years. Only coughs, bronchitis and especially for 22 votes were registered against the lung troubles in millions of homes all bond issue. over the world for the last fifty-five Albany. — Edgar Lowden of Craw- years, enabling the patient to obtain a fordsville was convicted in the justice good night’s rest, free from coughing OMATING happen weeth me lasta court here Saturday on a charge of with easy expectoration in the morn­ mont wut I no tella you yet. One having deer meat in his possession un­ ing. You can buy Boschee’s Syrup day a frien come see me and say lawfully and was fined $50. He prompt­ wherever medicines are sold.—Adv. he was gonna getta married. He asks a ly appealed the case to the state cir­ me eef I be besta man for da wed­ cuit court and gave bonds pending the Judge Not Quite Up to Date. ding, I never been dat kinda trouble trial in that court at the coming De­ The meaning of the word “ bogus” yet, so I dunno ver moocha bout. But cember term. was the subject of a long discussion I tink I was besta man anyway—I am still seengle. Eugene.— R. A. Booth, chairman of in a London court the other day. Even­ He tella me only ting gotta do ees the state highway commission, who tually the judge had recourse to a be da weetness. So I say alia right underwent a surgical operation in dictionary and that hook, in giving eef ees no more trouble as dat I be Portland a short time ago and who examples of the use of the word, better man as you are. You know I was later removed to his home in Eu­ quoted the fact that there was once have seen tree men shot and one maka da suicide, so wot I care for see leetle gene, is now able to he about the a judge who did not know the mean­ streets, but says he will not be able ing of a bogus transaction. more trouble? But when dat wedding breaka loose to attend to business or sessions of four guys taka plenta rice and olda the commission for some time yet. The Manners of Women. shoe$*YtJf"trow at my frten and bees “ Madam,” said the man standing in Salem.—Not one complaint was filed wife. I aska wot’s idee and dey tella me was da custom trow somating at with the state board o f forestry the street car, “ why do you persist in everybody whosa jusa gotta married. here with relation to excessive as­ punching me with your umbrella?” I tink was preefy gooda Idee. He sessments levied against timber own­ “ I want to make you look around so getta used to hava somating trow at ers for fire patrol service during the I can thank you for giving me your heem anyway. seat. Now, sir, don’t go off and say But I dunno dat was da custom so 1921 season. Hearing of these objec­ that women haven’t any manners.” I no breengo somating for trow. My tions is made incumbent upon the friens tella me getta rice and olda state board of forestry under a law In China It Is a custom widely ob­ shoes. But was too late buy da rice enacted at the last session of the legis­ served for a shopkeeper to divide and I no gotta olda shoes. I^no lika lature. about 10 per cent of the profits among to maka bum job at dat wedding so I Brownsville. — F. J. Tschauner, the employes at the New Year. getta idee. I maka leetle surprise for Brownsville farmer, thinks that his my frien and bees wife. When everybody else was trow da yield of corn this season was a record Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes. rice and olda shoes I geeva surprise. breaker for the Willamette valley. He That itch and burn with hot baths I trow fiva, seexa rocks and eoople raised 400 bushels o f corn on four bricks. So longa I gotta trow somating acres of ground. It is said here that o f Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings o f Cuticura Ointment. I feegure bricks was so gooda as da this yield would be a bumper crop Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe­ shoes. And my frien was so surprise when he getta hit weeth one dat even in the middle west corn-growing cially if a little o f the fragrant Guti- bricks he no wake up till next day. I belt. Mr. Tschauner’s farm is one of cura Talcum is dusted on at the fin­ tink I am pretty smarta guy alia right. the richest in the Calapooia river ish. 25c each everywhere.—Adv. . S Wot you tink? D E N T IS T S — ------O—----r- * S m ith ,L on g,S tev en son, 310 B u sh -L ane B ig BROOKE DRUG CO I Kelly was unable to watch all of the shady glens formed by the groups o f poplar trees and attend to his other duties about the beach at the same time. So he transported a number of bees’ nests to these nooks. Thursday night a young Lake For­ est couple who have been spending much time together this summer, vis­ ited the beach. The young man decid­ ed the moment had come to pop- the question. So he led the fair one to the shade of the poplar glen, gulped a few times, and got under way. L a n g d a le 's Sold under A s th m a M oney PORI UNO R em edy Back G uarantee TONNAGE ON COUNTRY ROADS Report of Bureau of Markets Shows Extent to Which Highways Are Being Used. The necessity of keeping country roads in good condition is shown by a report recently compiled by the bureau of markets and crop esti­ mates, United States Department of Agriculture, showing the extent to which they are .used in hauling farm products to market. According to the report, which shows the tonnage of 11 products hauled on country roads, giving the yearly average for the pe­ riod from 1915 to 1919, there were 27 tons of these 11 crops hauled for ev­ ery 100 acres o f land. The average tonnage of the 11 crops hauled on country roads each year for the pe­ riod mentioned amounted to 80,560,000 tons. The 11 crops referred to in the report are corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice, flaxseed, cotton (including seed), tobacco, potatoes, and culti­ vated hay. _ _ _ “ Sit down,” he said. “ There is some­ thing I must say to you.” She sat, but rose quickly, and with a scream dashed down the beach. Good-night, romance.- Piacing the Responsibility. “ What have you learned at school?” was the time honored question a young woman asked her niece yesterday. “ Oh, nothing at all,” responded the little first grader: “ I don’t know what in the world is the matter with my teacher 1”—Eldorado (Kan.) Times. valley. (Copyright.) T R E E S !!! B efore buying elsew here see us. Colum bia N ursery C o , 1490 Union A v e , Portland. PYORRHEA Cuticura Soap Clear the Skin CUT RATE M a i l ORDER DRUGGISTS. D o you su ffer from A sth m a ? If so, order a bottle STOCK T H A T G R O W S RAZOR BLADES RESH ARPEN ED E. C. LONG NON-EX­ PANDING PISTONS For pleasure car*, trucks and tractors. GUARANTEED D R U G L E S S P H Y S IC IA N PRUNE t .n e s t stock that can be raised a t & price W e have g o t ju st w hat you w ant. Call you will like to pay. W rite or call. or w rite for prices. Russellville N ursery Co, The V illa Nurseries H A. L E W IS , Prop, R F O 'N o . 1, M ontavilla Sta., Portland, Or M onta villa St a., Portland, O regon Y our Oil trouble and Piston .trou ble >wlll end w hen w e Install D Y E IN G C hronic diseases a specialty. D r. W . N . Allen, 302 Raleigh Building. m HOTEL CLIFFORD Used AND W e can sell you Dours, W indow s, R o o f­ ing, Paint, G lass and Builders* H ardw are direct- W e are m anufacturers. W rite fo r prices b efore buying. H eaouck Sash & D oor C o , 212 F irst S t , Portland. HOTEL Rales $1.00 sad up. 128 N. 6th SL. Portland. Ore Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Postofhce Eyes E xam in ed. CO . F or reliable Cleaning aud D yeing se rv ­ ice send parcels to us. W e pay return postage. Inform ation and prices given upon request. K N K E S C ITY D Y E W O RK S E stablished 1890 Portland . D*pot Morrison Cars direct to Hot«I. Popular Pric** Center Shopping and Theater district. FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. "A H E A T IN G B R A Z IN G “ W E L D IN G & C U T T IN G N o r th w e s t g e l d i n g & Supply C o., 88 1st St C H IR O P R A C T O R A N D E L E C T R O - T H E R A P E U T IC S P A R K A N D M O R RISO N STS. R A IN IE R & Plum bing F ix tu res and Supplies. Pipe Fittings, low est prices. 363 E. M o rrison. U. S. STABLE s T'365 Union- Ave. Draft Fite Ptoof and M odern E lectricity ALASKA Corner B roadw ay and W ash . P O R T L A N D GeMjr s>nt«s b o a Its Pm U g s EXCELLENT SERVICE and IN F O R M A T IO N DEPARTMENT D O O R S A N D W IN D O W S Bpmh» Broadway li AIA» Dyeing & Cleaning STAM PS 350 Alder 3 l Portland. Ore. C U T F L O W E R S A F L O W A L “ D E S IG N S C larks B ros., Florists, 287 M orrison S L D A N C IN G E V E R Y N O O N A E V E N IN G O rie n ta l C a fe . C h in e s e -A m e ric a n K itc h e n JIMMY DUNN V nm h lU EXPERT RUBBEF HYATT TALKING MACHINE C O , C L E A N IN G MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’ S struck on the head by a robber Sat­ urday night and $250 was taken. The robber escaped. Send for Catalogue. Lira. B aker a nd Oleson, 817 DcKurn Bldg. Suits and Overcoats $25 to $40 Gardiner.—John Fairchild, proprie­ tor of a Reedsport confectionery, was $ 5 .0 0 Monthly Buys O ne. A good place to Eat and Live Well. Remarkable 60c luncheon at noon Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. ra., 326 Stark St W m deploy expert repair men with years' experience. Return parcel poat Charges paid. Give via a trial at lowest city prices. Morrison Shoe Repair Factory. 249 Morrison Page & Son AH Phonographs In One 286 Alder Street, Portland. Oregon. Will rent you a room for $1.00 per day, or a room with bath for $1.50 to $2.00 per day? Sixth street opposite The Oregonian and A l ­ d e r street opposite Meii Sc Frank’s. The Best Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. SHOE REPAIRING S^Tim & w ick MBMSQZQSOKEEHiimXBMQ DO YOU ENOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL BAB’S RESTAURANT T H C HEAR the WONDERFUL Right at Hom e Here C E N T R A L — R E A S O N A B L E “R A TE S Hotel Alder Cottage Grove.—A number of cattle and sheep in the Lorane neighborhood have died recently from some mys­ terious cause, which the owners sus­ pect to be the eating of poisonous toadstools, that have been numerous in the woods of that section. Long Beach, Wash.— “ I have taken Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription off and on since 1910—do not take it all the time but am never without it— and when I feel a little under the weather it is my medi­ cine. I started to take it first for tired feeling and loss of appetite. I received such wonderful results from the-first bot­ tle that I never want to be without it, and gladly recommend it to the young as well as the old. Young women in prime of life need all their energies: they may keep away from the blues and that tired feeling by using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. I think it is the best of all tonics. Women who are getting on in years need a good medicine. The little chronic troubles Which they had not no­ ticed in past years are developing into real sickness, and they feel that discour­ aged and tired condition more than any one else. -1 beg you, women, to take m y advice, get a bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Favor­ ite Prescription. You will bless the day you read my letter.” Mrs. A. W . Quinn. You should obtain this famous Pre­ scription now at your nearest drug store in tablets or liquid, o f write Dr. Pierce, president Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y ., for free medical advice. N ORDER to keep votes and opin­ ions secret the ancients resorted to some form of vote. The Greeks used oyster shells (ostrakon) to vote on the banishment or ostracism of men; the Romans used tablets or ta- bellae. The printed ballot was used in the New England colonies in the earliest days of their history, but its use in Europe was not until later. In 1710 it was proposed by the English parliament but was rejected. The French chamber of deputies used it in 1840-1845. i (Copyright.) --------- O---------- Influence of Seaweeds on Waves. The gigantic seaweeds o f high southern latitudes exercise a remark­ able effect in stilling the waves; so much So that at Kingston, South Aus­ tralia, an open bay has been made a safe anchorage by virtue of this ef­ fect. O Salem. — Approximately $20,000 worth of stock in the Willamette Val­ ley Flax and Hemp Growers’ associa­ tion fias been subscribed to by farm­ ers of this vicinity, according to a report of I. J. Hayford, chairman of the Flax Growers’ association, which met here Saturday. The Flax Grow­ ers’ association and the Flax and Hemp Growers’ corporation are separ­ ate organizations. Salem.—A hearse, if the maximum load capacity is one ton or more, is considered a truck under the motor vehicle laws, according to a legal opinion given here Saturday by the attorney-general. If the carrying load capacity Is less than one ton, the hearse would he classed as an auto­ mobile, the attorney-general said. The opinion was asked by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state. Salem.— Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, Saturday night issued orders to George Dunsford, superintendent of capitol buildings and grounds, to start preparations for the special session of the legislature to convene in Salem Monday, December 19. It will require about two weeks to put the buildings in condition for the session, Mr. Duns­ ford said. The state industrial acci­ dent commission is now using the sen­ ate chamber, while the motor vehicle department has a force of stenograph­ ers and clerks working in the house of representatives. Both of these houses will have to be vacated by the state departments to provide accommoda­ tions for the legislators. All of the committee and hearing rooms also are being used by the various state de­ partments, and these will have to be cleared prior to the opening of the session. Docility of the Human Race. Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the easi­ ness with which the many are gov­ erned by the few.— Hume. The Lucky Man. No man ought to sleep sounder or have sweeter dreams than he who owns his own farm and has his debts all paid. A Human Salamander. English Ad— The Model Laundry, Change of Proprietorship. Shirts ironed on the new principal.— Boston Transcript. Happiness Not Far to Seek. You traverse the world in search of happiness, which is within the reach of every man; a contented mind con­ fers it on all.— Horace. Rests, Refreshes, Soot he§8 Beals— Keep your Eyes Strong and Heal thy.’ ll theyTire, Smart, Itch, ot Burn, If Sore, Irritated, Inflamed o f Granulated, S a fe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. W rite for Free Eye Book, Baiine'Eye Remedy Company, Cbicaao, U. S . A A™, Van QnlicfiflJ? BEHNKE-WALKER Are oaiisnea: business college is the biggest, most perfectly equipped Business Training- School in the North­ west. Fit yourself for a higher position with, more money. Permanent positions assured our- Graduates. Write for catalog—Fourth and TamhiH, Portland. P. N. U. No. 49, 1921