New Era Fax Ray Newbury o f Portland, manager o f Western Oregon Handle factory, came out Saturday evening to spend the week end with his mother, Mrs. J. N. Dustin. Earl Anthony, who has been ill for more than a year, recently left for Bngbtenbush Springs, near Detroit, Oregon, for bis health, after doctors failed to diagnose bis case. Ed. Palmer is building a new house on his place along the highway hotth of New Era. The Portland Thlegram has just made the anmuncsment that dur­ ing their Bargain Week starting Oct. 25. and ending Oct. 31, they will give One Full Tears Subscrip­ tion for only—$3.75. New.suos. to start Ort, 25, old subs, extended one year. They have authorized the Observer to receive subscrip­ tions now for their bargain week. This is an exceptional opportunity ■ to get Oregon’s leading afternoon newspaper at a real bargain. Send your subscription ■ now to the Aurora Observer. No subscription accepted at this rate after Oct. 31. Send in today. r Mail to. Aurora Observer* and we will attend to it. $3.75 for the Portland Telegram, daily, for a year. Old subscribers as well as new. Col. William A. Aird has raised over $3600 worth o f pansey seed this year on his pansey farm a little way north o f this town. This is Col.* Aird’ s sec­ ond year at the pansey game, and is a Miss JuUa Ppeston, formerly o f Au­ fine showing. The Colqnoi served this country in the overseas forces in the re- rora and Mr, i McPherson o f Cheny drove, were ’ married in Salem on c ;nt war. Saturday, September 10. They will Thompson Bro3. mill is going to have make their hoppe in Cherry City. They a new planer added to the equipment. have the sincere wish o f all the Auro This mill, under the management of ra people for a life o f matrimonial Mart, and Archie Thompson has exper­ happiness and prosperity. ienced a large out-put of lumber end ti 3 i during the past.ten months. Read the Ads The New Era Flour Mills are now I ruining two shifts going o ff duty at! mid-night. i Considerable building ¡3 going on a- round this town this month. A great ! many people are going into the poultiy ; buisness extensively and are erecting! new chicken houses. Editor's note;-We are glad to open a section of The Observer for the people o f New Era, and in the near future we expect to be able to appoint a regular correspon lent to gather news for us. This is a growing community and it needs representation. to trade, where you can SAVE MONEY. Highest prices for EGGS. C H A S. BOCKLER i GENERAL MERCHANDISE Barlow, Oregon NOTE—We want your trade, solely upon the Merits o f our Goods. Hubbard, Oregon Business Stationery Letter Heads O . D. E B Y Envelopes -Sale Bills Butter Wrappers All Kinds Of Deer Island DENTIST Good Printing HOTEL Has established his Dental Office in the Aurora Bank Building, where he will be present each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, ¿rom 9 a. m. to 6 p, p. in. PLATES A SPECIALTY AURORA - OREGON Dr. C. Am m eter on the Columbia Highway * Opened recently under New Management Aurora Side Milli & Lumber Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Affiliated Companies Oregon Door Co. Manufacturers = It Does Not Make any Difference what make of a car you have, for we can repair it for you, and do it PROMPTLY and SATISFACTORILY. Miller & Hall Garage HUBBARD, OREGON T rouble S hooting is O ur S pecialty OUR Manufacturers B O X SH O O K S and C R A T E S H E M LO C K , SPR U CE, FIR Plant and Offices Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON BRAND B U T T E R Hubbard Creamery Co. Hubbard, Ore. Great Leaders 5 Alexander the Great Who Sighed for More World s to Conquer ‘ did the irresistible King of Macedón T HUS express his desire for leadership. Sundries, Soaps, Stationery, Candies, Cigarettes, * Perfumes, Toilet Articles. PORTLAND, OREGON East Side Box Co. Mother Hubbard Particularly Notice S A S H and D O O R S G E N E R A L M ILL W O R K Plant and Offices Foot of Spokane Auenue Use the phone! A SK Y O U R ;GROCER FOR We Buy Butterfat and Eggs at Highest Market Prices TABLE BOARD 40c Ylome to Deer Island Observer \ Plans Free Phone 4103 Estates, Trusts, Confidential Advice FREE SHOW Telephone 427 Donald I MARRY IF LONELY, for reanlts, try me; best and moBt successful “ Home Maker” ; hundreds rich wteh marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; des­ criptions free, “ The Successful Clun” , Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, Califor­ nia. 1S5 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oregon City, Oregon Oregon City Donald Electrid Shop . \ Work Done Out of Town S . O . D IL L M A N Canbv, Ore. Aurora has the best water system in the world for towns thrice her size; and pure water. Aurora has splendid roads leading in all directions. Aurora has five rural mail routes. Fair prices rule at all Aurora busi­ H. D. EV AN S; ness houses. Everything Aurora has free auto camp Electrical- ground. Aurora is a good town to live in Wiring neatly done and there is room for you. Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Works. Farm Stationery Farmers Mutual Fire Relief Association AURORA Electric, Tankless Water System E. S. W O LFER SEE The largest farm and home seller in Clackamas' county. * W estco for Insurance Association in Oregon I. Whqeler, Agent L. R. GILBERT, Prop, and Manager WOODBURN, OREGON NOTE—The manager guarantees allwoik turned out at this plant also To Sell Your Farm IN THE LARGEST 9 will do it for you. DO NOT throw away the old suit merely because it “ looks rough” .— Our business is to Make the old suit “ last” . A good time to get acquainted with an-establishment that does Correct Work. Economy Cleaning W orks 1 The Vaile-Kimes system for domestic water Supply Plant and Offices Foot of Spokane Avenue rifVCi SUIT See Us LUMBER MANUFACTURERS FRAMED MINING TIMBER FIR CROSS ARMS Mr. and Mrs. Gene Flynn and little daughter o f Donald were in Aurora Saturday. YOUR CLOTHES x J y . Keep your neatly cleaned and pressed. If it needs repairing, we “THE WATER SYSTEM WITHOUT A TANK ” East INSURE YO U R HOME against loss by Phone Us The Hizz Medical Co., is putting on a free show in Aurora every night this week. The entertainment is good considering the price, in fact as good as many paid shows and fair sized audiences have attended. Miss Hattie Steer o f Aurora and Mr. Harry Fisher o f Oregon City were married Monday Sept. 19, in Oregon City. They have the good wishes o f all the Aurora people for all the happiness and prosperity that goes with married/life. The young couple will make their home in Oregon City. C in r W rite Us The New Era grammar school has! already enrolled 17 pupils, and about | 10 more are expected to enroll by the | first of October. Herman Anthony is sick, and Dr. j Guy Mount is unable to tell just what1 , is the matter with the voung man. al- . though there are indications of typhoid fever. BARLOW The Fall season and school season is always clothes season. That is why the Beck Clothing Store of Woodburn invites you to see their new Oregon wool overcoats, and winter suits and everything for men. High School boys make it their headquarters. They have an ad in this issue. A U R O R m i STORE A U R O R A , OREGON G. R. W A TT ATTORNEY A T L A W Office in Drug Store Have proved their leadership in quality and service, over all kiqds o f roads, in all kinds of weather — seeking new roads to conquer. The best way to provò the merits of a tire is to use it. Try a set of Brunswicks. Or try one and keep a .close record of Brunswick per­ formance. You will soon be using all Brunswicks. Come in and talk it over. R. C. Duke Garage LÄTHE W O R K GENERAL COURT PRACTICE ESTATES PROBATED NOTARY PUBLIC oregon Telephone 22 And General Automobile Repairing • “When it’s done at this shop it's well done. CANBY, OREGON