The belt little B«uineu town in Ore­ gon— Aurore. The beet located town in Oregon without a single question — Aurora. Midway between the two lerg- est cities in Oregon, far enough from each. On the paved highway* on the main line of the Southern Pacific rail way. A town with modern »prove meats, with the best soil on earth, fruit, vegetables, flowers, hay, hops and grain. The most contented people, prosperous people, progressive people, home people. Everybody is busy, every­ body employed. Aurora needs a jewel­ er, a real estate agency, a picture show, a cannery, more people and more houses. Portland Eye Specialist Comiag Dr. Will J. Thompson, Portland Eye sight specialist, who has made former visits to Aurora, will contiue his vtsits this Fall an and may be consultesd at the local hotel on Monday, Sept. 12. He will be pleased to meet both old si.d new patrons and look after thier optical needs on that date. ALL HOP GROWERS ICE CREAM SOCIAL | John F. Nordhausan, who lives out The official board of the Fargo M. on Route 1, was ‘a pleasant caller E. church will give an ice cream social after the papers were off last week. this Saturday night at the Fargo Like so many others right now, he is church. You are invited. too busy with hops to visit very long. THIS IS A FARM HOME FOR YOU 42 ACRES—28 acres cultivated; 4 acres practically cleared and the ^balance in timber and pasture. Level' land and fine soil; good well and running water; The Butteville Grange announce a ferced and cross-fenced. Qn macadam road, three quarters or a mile from the dance in their hall at Butteville foi Pacific Htghwap at New Era; 4 'miles from the prosperous town of Canby; one I fourth mile from Brown school bouse, 5§ miles south of Oregon City. Fruit and Saturday night. berries on the place. Good 6 room house and nice barn; good chicken houses and yard-; potato house; tool shed; hog house- On a rural mail route and milk I route and on telephone line. Stock, implements and crop correctly priced at Glad. to . s^e Mrs. Diana Snyder j $9.000.00. Half cash and easy terms on the balance, at 6 per cent interest, back in the post office. She has been j Take this matter up without delay, as this is unusual. FOR SALE 14 years’ experience as a Realtor in Oregon City, in Partlkpd several weeks for foot Good 2800 lb. tyaw horses, 5 stud 8 treatment. on Main Street. Property values well known. year old; sound, true and gentle. O. T. McFarland, Route 3 Aurora, at Get in the. fields and help pick the hops. Fargo Electric .Station. W. F. SCH00LEY RANGES WE HAVE BUYERS NOW WANTING FARMS that give ervice and atisfaction If you have land for sale, còme in and list it. It will be advertised free and sent to our ad­ dresses of buyers in Portland and The East Aurora Realty Co. Observer Office MONARCH BLEND Ask For 50 per cent ( 7 1 a h i We carry in stock the Universal, Colonial and Majestic Ranges. Our sample floor shows over 50 ranges all times. * Hard Wheat * IO U r (Guaranteed) “The kind that Mother Likes" Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour and WHEAT Meal We exchange Fh ur for Wheat 40 lbs. of Flour for a bushel of Wheat We also handle SECOND-HAND RANGES Absolutely Guaranteed A Guarantee means something at our store MONITOR MILLS Monitor, Ore. G. R. WATT ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Drug Store ranging in price from $10.00 upwards Hogg Bros. We are never satisfied unless our customers ate GENERAL COURT PRACTICE ESTATES PROBATED NOTARY PUBLIC o r eg o n Telephone 22 Down It Goes! By Your Stationery We will sell you American Field Fence at pre-war prices, just as soon as our car arrives Come in and get our prices and leave your order Hardware G. A. EHLEN Implements fhe Wide Awake JJlpOt- Hardware Store National Gingham Week Serviceable Ginghams Many Patterns and Colors Some checked, others in unique black plaid effects and striped. Thes 2 ginghams are out of the ordi­ nary kind, both as regards design and quality. School, or afternoon dresres of exceptional, beauty and durability can be made at a very slight cost if you take prompt ad /antage of this oppor­ tunity. They sell at §0c, 25c and 30c a yard* Pretty percales 36 inches wide 20c a yard. Also some very interesting bargains on the remnant counter. You are Judged Sadler & Kraus Do you use the old, back-woods cheap looking, green appearing Rubber Stamp? WILLAMETTE VALLEY How is your supply of letter heads, statements, envelopes, cards, circular letters, bills, etc.? Let The Observer Print ’Em. M H f l M B - “The Best for The Price” Mortgage Loan Co. Our mortgages are ail absolute­ ly guaranteed and we make all collections of principal and inter­ est. This collection service te~ lieves the investor of the annoy­ ance and trouble of making col­ lections and payment is made on time. Our guarantee will relieve you of worry over the safety of your investment, as we stand back of every loan. Office at Aurora State Bank . IF WE CAN’T SAVE YOU MONEY WE DON’T WANT THE JOB. Everyone appreciates courteous treatment and a well assorted stock to select from. [When you need lumber or building material you think of the quality and service you are to receive. If you deal with Copeland's you receive both in the fullest measure. QUALITY FIRST OUR MOTTO C O P E L A N D ’S , SERVICE ALWAYS Hubbard, Oregon