A urora Observer AURORA Published Every Thursday $1.50 a Year NO. 28 AU RORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON* Sept. 8 , 1921 VOL. X I. Midway Between Portland and Salem, on the Pacific Highway and S. P. Ry. Five Rural Routes, City Water, Ele€tmity, Auto Camp Grgmide. 5000 buyers in this field To Parents and H. S. Pupils of the Aurora CANBY H A S TIR E ** SURE! TH IS IS PROSPERITY F IR E DESTROYS W A IT ’ S BARN STAGE COM PANY’ S LOSS HEAVY Community Since definite arangements have been made by the Woodburn School Board and the Bui9neea Men o f Aurora, for running a free bus to and from the Woodburn High School Building during the school term beginning Monday, Sept. 19, 1 wish to extend to you a cor* dial invitation to join us in high school this year. Everthing possible has been done to ouild up a first ciasa high school in Woodburn/ I believe those who have inspected the building and equipment, and examined the Courses o f Study, will agree with me that this attempt h is bien very sueessful. There is no better high school in Oregon, than we will have this year. We have a large and we 1 qualified falculty, all nece ssary apparatus has been provided, the en­ rollment is expected to be at least two- hundtedffif ty students, so we can assure you that you will make no mistake in selecting this school as your choice for this year. Do not forget that the bus will make its first trip on Monday. Sept. 19. The driver has a contract to make trips daily after that date. Your children will be wel) taken care o f on these trips, And will return home just as early afc they can. The Wood- bum High School accepts full respon­ sibility in this matter. Any complaints should be made directly to the Super­ intendent o f Schools. The driver' who is to furnish the conveyance is under a contract which has been declared satisfactory by the Citizen's Committee o f Aurora, Ib is contract is o f course, signed by the Woodburn School Board. Do not be led to believe that no one is responsible in. tips matter, as we have taxon care o f that. -Copies o f our course of study are being mailed to all prospective high school students. Add­ itional copies will be left at the office o f the "Aurora Observer" for distribu­ tion to any one who may call for them. The undersigned will be pleased to talk with any onn interested about the school work, or to answer any inquirie» by mail when requested to do; so, P. E. Fagan. Superintendent Woodburn Schools. Smiles, jobs, prosperity—is a f i l ­ ing; a; condition thaf goes in waves, striking Certain locations for a period o f time, and deserting certain “sections for Certain periods. Old man “ P ep " is thé General-in-Chief o f the army representing fthis “ glorious feeling*’ that is à sure sign o f Prosperity. The ■ ‘ wave ’ ’ >fias seemingly deserted .the Paget Sound section for a time. Seat­ tle and Tacoma- are as “ dead as a door-nail. ’ * This we hear from trav­ elers,-' commercial men newspapers and f r ie r s living there. Jobs there are not possible. : The smiles, jobs, prosperity; the feeling and energetic condition has traveled south and set­ tled, in And around Portland. Port­ land's ambition .for the 1925 World’s Fair has brought her in the liffie- iMore Than 2 0 0 Attend! fo r their kjwfness. The afternoon seisioa was held in the grove at 2 © clock. Mr. Holen o f Portland led tie Luthef League Con­ assembly in a half hours Song Festival a ter whieh Rev, W. F. Schmidt, of vention Aurora delivered the convention ad* ilrcp', . In lbs business (meeting wbi.b fpl- The Luther League Convention held i i the local Lutheran church on Labor b>wpd, Mr. Theodore Khngsporn was Day, was a grand sueoesê. The w©ath- e ectad paealdent. Mr. Gerdau Roder, pr was kjealf Aurora’s hospitality was seeretarg and Mr. Arthur Hubenbeck« r unsstinted and the enthusiasm unbound treasurer o f the United Luther Leagu s The devotional exercises were con­ cd A t the mom» ng session the ehurch was filled to overflowing. St. Paul’s ducted by the Revs. Krause* Bert hold and Ludwig. choir - from Portland furnished two Time and place for the next rally a thems. Miss H edwif Klingeporu w ll hwennounced later by the officeis rTOr¡ the ep « . B. b6 Owenwood of Belt Lek. the hay and was awakened when M. ¡¿ viritiei In Aurora con.roanded J. Lee drove in with the last buss gy^end p e * in “ gomg ah eji eedl actually “ doing instead of talking the attention of all with her appeal for Sunday night, after hauling a base has astonished the' world, and the interest., in the Lord’s great work o f ball crowd home, and before resuming world is I going" to help from this day j g J jjH E Sbe also read seme fasei* his nap the stranger lit a cigar or cigarette, thus starting the fire which to 1925 in pitting on ^ne o< th*> »>*«-! nitinJ ^¿otiUons from letter, written soot expositions ever dreamed o f b y : hw totoll4 ^ was the most disastrous ever witness­ present or past generotions. Tod.j-jA {tertw aiK0Mtan o l ^ ^ ed in Canby. Another, theory is that ioehlM t,f su ta streM Lutheran spontaneous . combustion-'in -the loft Portland and all smaU towns adjooait Q are showing a substantial activity mj harch. Salem. conducted the Question caused the blaze, but the latter is giv­ all business lines- New building re- Box and answered a ncore o f questions en little or no credence by city offi­ ported aU- along; live yollng g H g cials. Clubs are full of optomism. New j The morning session closed with the M. J. Lee had.not left the barn settlers heading for the Portland assembly singing Gustavos Adolphus’ after running thé bus.s in more than » u n h a n d W U taotte VaUayand Thou LittM ten minutes, when the fire bèll.sound-, our building records showing m alii • ed, but by the time men* could get Flock be not A fra id ." daily,, papers that no time-is left for Dinner was served at 12:80 in Brun’s there to work the fire was well under chronic kickers. [Grove where our good friend "BiU” wáy, and their, efforts ; to save the j — - [|iad made everything In readiness end huilding proved to'be of¿ho avail, and' - [ where the Ara *peop!e frnd brought they were lueky. to save the Band'hall, The hop pickers at the Geo,- enough good things for a regiment whieh is on property adjoining it on ' the south. Nearly every man and ev­ yard had a big wiener roast last night. Mr. Bruns and Aurora received** hearty ery woman o f Canby turned out short­ ly to fight fire, and the boys who han­ dled the fire cart and hose wagon de­ serve praise for their efficiency in sav­ ing the Band hall and the little pri­ mary school house. The three busses that burned were worth over $7,009.80 and tile buss bodies were put up at a cost o f $2400 each, and this was partly covered by insurance, Mr. Rose says, but the loss to the business brought About through inevitable'delay will be. enormous, as they were making « y preparation for the State fairÇ and were figuring Ì on putting the nfew ones on the ran to Salem from Oregon City. One of thé new busses had never been fait over the road. Seven tons o f hay? were burned to­ gether with hundreds.of. dollarsvworth o f other material stored in -the bam The hops are Ring this week. A few by individuals. The total amount o f yards are picked, but this the big week. the loss to the stage company is yef In many cases the growers are need­ undetermined, as learned in an inter­ ing more pickers. The yield will not view with Geo. W. Rose o f the com- go more than a half or two-thirds in ! peny early Monday. many instances, but the crop m good The fire started about 1 o ’clock in Hop Pickers are Busy The Worlds Fair Let’ s tell them all that Aurora is ene B , C. C. LOUCKS Hop, picking at the Williams aid Hart yard is in foil blast; employing about 125 people. Sam Edmiston w ill b e g » picking hie hops this week. Mr, R. H. Walls has been on the si b list for several ways. The t aid Hill Commetdpkl Club met Tuesday night. In additfod to the gen­ eral business, a plan for the new Club House was accepted and building will soon begin. Rarph Williams and family wore vis­ itors at Ladd Hill Sunday.* Bruee Case bas purchased the Taut- fest place and will reside there. Rupert Graham and Henry Wilhelm made a trip to the coast recently, * they report a very pleasant time. The Serial and Bazaar held > t Laid lU U .to .n th .» « for the 1925 Fair. Hill was a success both socially and Seventy-five per cent o f Oregon's vis­ financially. iter« pass through Aurora. We will Frank Schmidt o f Camas. Washing­ have our show, Garb on. ton spent Sun. and Mon, at Ladd Bill. 1 M O L A L L A ’S Ladd Hitt Notes C A S H S TO R E GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed We Sell for Cath HOME AG AIN Mr. and Mrs. K eefover returned, last week, from their vacation and ¿áte. trip to Wyoming. Mr. K . says there is nothing, absolutely nothing there» a* compared to the Willamette Valley. They enjoyed, the outing however, and drove over considerable country. EIG H TY-BIGH T YEARS Aurora Celebrate? A benefit dance will be given at ButteviUe Grange Hall Saturday even­ ing Sept. 17, under the auspices o f the Ladd Bill Commercial Club. The pro­ ceeds o f this, dance will be used towards rebuilding the new Club House. Every­ body welcome, J. A. Parrott has rented the Frank Schmidt place. Birthday C. C. Loucka has a branch store at Williams and Hart hop yard during the hap picking seéson. Mrs. Tripfiina W itt celebrated her S8tb birthday Sundry S e p t 4th, with all her children and great-grand­ children, it being the first time they «B met together at ope tune and. all enjoyed the birthday dinned. Thse© present were: Mr. and Mm- Leonard W ill o f Sherwood, My. and. Mrs. Aug. W itt a«d- w m ^ r . ite i M S . Ear! Keeher ri*T son Le!*nd, Mr. and: M m George Scholtj Lettore, Elvefa,, Irene and J©hn. Sbboll o f Hubbard. M r.,and Mrs. Antoner Will, Myra and jfesry WiH o f Needy ; Mr. and Mrs. Jenas W at, Percy and Leona W ill, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. R oy W ill, ^aslla, Mildred end Cecil W ill, from Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Spokane, W ash.; Elizabeth Fostner, Berthe Stark, Lizzie and Clara W i l t Hartman’s Eyeglass Mre. Witt o f Her Service KEEPS AN EYE ON YOUR EYES HARTM AN B R O S. ; Jewelers & Opticians SALEM. ORE and W e Sell for Less and priees look promising. The St; the morning , and by 2:30 the entire Paul end Nwwberg yards o f Mr, Bents I building was consumed. are turning out nearly a full crop. During the fighting o f the flames, About 15 days more will finish the J. R. Vinyard o f the store was run picking. 800 idle people on charity in down by the fire wagon and injured, Portland and farmers can’ t get suffi­ and is confined to his home, but will cient help. Our sympathy for the un­ recover. employed lessens. W e sell the “ Storm King” shoe, the water-proof shoe for men s Groceries and Supplies at Portland Cash Store Prices ervice Is Our Slogan afety Is Our Watchword J. E. RIDDELL W H ITNEY BOYS CHORUS 700 STRONG TO SING IN ST ATE F A IR GROUNDS SUNDAY . A ftern o o n , Gtyr Ä a t National la n k OF AVRORA W e invite the accounts o f those persons seeking opportunities fo r investment. Through our direct connection with companies placing real estate loans and bond issues, this bank is able to offer its customers the choicest-real estate m ortgages and invest­ ment bonds. Sixty-three o f your friends and neigh­ bors have placed this institution at your ser­ vice. You w ill A lw a ys Find a Cordial W elcorr e got . 2 . The total checks Sunday afternoon, Oct. 2nd, the Whitney Beys Chorus will give a big concert in the State Fair grounds at Salem. The grand stand will be used for tfie Auditorium. In front o f the grand stand will ge erected a mam- mouth raised platform capable o f holding the entire chorus. Last June 700 members o f this Chorus gave a concert in the Portland Municipal Auditorium to a packed house. The Oregonian said it was on# of “ the most remarkable and thrill­ ing concerto ever given in Portland. ’ ’ The entire chorus will be present and render the best program this famous chorus has ever produced. of cash and deposited with the Aurora State Bank last week was over $80,000.00. This demonstrates the confidence o f our customers in the strength and facilities o f this bank. This Is a suc jessfal bank patronized by successful people. / 2B8* Morris ^ Optical Co. Eyesight Specialiete 201-U Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. SALEM, OREGON Oregon’ s Largest, Moot Modern, Best-Equipped Exclueve Optical Establishment. Aurora State Bank Capital and Surplus, $40,0(10 Time Savings (U nder Exacting State Checking Accounts u n t s jj Supervision)