Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, September 01, 1921, Image 1

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Published Every Thursday
$1.50 a Year
M id w a y B etw een P ortlan d an d Salem , on the Pacific H ig h w a y and
SEPT. 19 Luther League
30 Pupils to Ride
The Woodburn High School begins
Sept. 19: dont start before that. The
free truck is being splendidly rigged up
and epuipped to hold as nigh as 35 pupils
The Woodburn
High School is the best possible for
those o f this community to find. It is
really an opportunity for each student
o f H. S. age to grasp. Better make
arrangements now, and not after it is
t ) o late.
Aurora Lutherans will be hosts to
two gathei'ings o f church pebple within
the next few months. On Labor Day
September 5th, the annual rally o fj the
Willamette Valley Association o f Luth­
er Leagues w ill'be held here and on
October 4th and 5th the Pacific Coast
Conference will meet in the local Christ
church. On Labor Day about 150 young
people are expected and at the Confer­
ence about 15 or 20 ministers will be in
attendance., The Portland committee
has prepared the following program for
the Luther League Rally, Sept. 5th.
Morning session, 10 o ’ clock in the
church. Chairman, Mr. A. A. Krueger
o f Salem; Opening Devotions by Rev.
dvices from the various leagues in- A Kraus; Address o f Welcome.
uieai-e that there will be a large crowd
Special music by St. Paul’s Choir,
o f people in attendance at the Luther | p ortland. Presentation o f topic, What
League convention to be held in Au Young People do to Further the Cause
rora next Monday.
o f Missions” by Miss Irene Schulz o f
The program, as printed in last St. John’ s League, Portland.
w eek’s Observer, will be followed with
Discussion o f topic by one leader from
perhaps a few minor changes. The
league and by the assembly in
morning session will be held at 10
general. Mri Oscar Boland will repre­
o ’clock in the church. Dinner will be
sent the Aurora church in the discus­
served at 12:15 in Brunn’s Grove. The
sion. Question Box. conducted by Rev
afternoon session will also be held in
George Kohler, o f Salem.
the Grove. The features of the morn­
ing program are the discussion of
Buisness meeting. Closing Service by
young people’s part in mission work, Rev. Berthdld. Dinner will be served
to be followed by the Question Box, by the ladies o f the local congregation
conducted by Rev. Koehler, pastor of 12.30 to all in Brunn’ s Grove. A fte r,
State Street Lutheran church, Salem. noon session at 1.30 o ’ clock in Brunn's
In the afternoon the program will Grove. Half Hour’ s Song Festival, led
consist o f a half hour’s song festival by Mr. Geo. Haehlen o f Portland Con.
and the convention address. The fine Address by Rev.' W , F. Schmidt. The
choir o f St. Paul's Lutheran church remainder o f the afternoon will be given
of Portland, under the leadership of over to a program o f sports, in charge
Mr. Geo. Hahlen, will furnish several ° f 51r. A. Rummer. At 6.30 there will
be a ‘ ‘ wiener roast” in the Grove.
selections in the morning.
The local congregation extends a is needless to add that all the Aurora
hearty invitation to all Aurora people people are heartily invited to take part
to take part in the joys o f the con­ in the rail.
P. R y.
Five R ural R outes, C ity W a ter, E lectricity, A u to C a m p G rou n d s.
Contract for
School Hauling
M A C aSB U ilO
and the grand crops,
crops. rus
His son, O. 11 MrspjtA. Niesc and daughter, Virginia;
Long, has lived in Clackamas county Aijr, and Mrs. Ralph Regan, Miss Ce-
more than ten years, and has farmed j
Gansseder and Miss Cameron
nearly /all that time at Macksburg.
j Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lockwood, of
Friends and relatives o f Mr. and Portland, visited this week with Mr.
Mbs. W. W. Doemsky were entertained j an(j jyjr W. E. Etai banadi.
at the home o f Mr. John Bchwabauer,
o f Needy, on Sunday, August 28. A
Rev. O. C. Weller, is going to take
dance was given in honor of the young a little vacation, and during the
couple, who are making % visit in this month o f September there will be no
vicinity from California, where they preaching at the Aurora Presbyter­
now reside. The guests included: Mr. ian church.
and Mrs. Louis Doemsky, M!r. and Mrs.
Lewis Keil, Mr. and Mr'ST Glen Ca-1 Better run over to Can by and see
rothers, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grimm, I what G. W. White Motor Co. can offer t
Mr. 9nd Mrs. John I*ugh, Mr. and Mrs. you in a used car. Special bargains
1. t.
Herman Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. tfiio week.
Brockert, Mr. and Mrs. John Scliwa-
The G. W. White Motor Co. o f Can-
bauer, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Daemsky, by have a good many bargains in used
Mrs. Molly Roche, Misses Mary Scheer, Fords this week. Better go over and
Louise Smidt, Bertha Brockart, Irma pick out yours at a saving in money. 1 1. Y
Roche, Lothea Hornig, Vesta Carothers,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Snyder from Port­ T
Mildred Grimm, Selma Cgrothers, Esther
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scholl from
Grimm, Hazel Carothers, Evelyn Pugh,
Pearl Pugh; Cleo Carothers, Ida Schwa- Hubbard visited the Misses Lizzie and T
bauer, and Esther Doemsky, and Messrs, t Clara Will Sunday,
Leo Keil, Mjcrl Smidt, John Schwa-
baucr, Lyle Carothers, Claremont Smidt,
now for 75 cents
William Schwabauer, Walter Grimm, I per bushel m the field. Bring your
and Eiden Pugh.
- j boxes. Fry Bros. Aurora.
¡¡ h
¿First National Bank
f Y
# Y
The Boys’ and'Girls’ Live Stock and Grain Clubs will
carry on judging contests at the Clackamas County Fair, the
Oregon State Fair, and the Pacific International Live Stock
The First National Bank desires to see the boys and
girls o f this community take an active interest in these demon­
strations o f the value o f this Club Work.
W e will gladly give you full information as to the pro­
grams and entries, and have made arrangements whereby, if
you desire, you may have this Club W ork explained to you by
the State Club Leaders, at these three Fairs.
This bank is owned by Sixty-three o f the farmers and
business people o f this community, who are all interested in
your advancement.
Y ou will Always Find a Cordial Welcórre
i X
{ t
g i w
anh JmieBtittftti (Ecmpattg
The personel! of our offi ers and directors contains men well
versed on matters pertaining l? real estate, investment bonds and
legal opinions.
We are sure the investing and borrowing public will feel
free to seek any needed advice or information" from this new local
our office is maintained with
3Hrst National Hank
4 4
. U
Hartman’s Eyeglass
JewelerB & Opticians
We can not be any more
sincere and frank than to say
that we are deeply interested
in the'prosperity of this com­
munity because we know that
its well-being means the con­
tinued healthy growth and
prosperity of our bank. We
strive to promote the interests
of our community in every way
that is consistent with sound
Quality Circu­
lation Counts.
The Observer
has it.
To s e a l in th©
delicious Burley
to b a c c o flavor.
It3s T oasted
i ____
a fe ty Is O u r W a tc h w o r d
e rv ice Is O u r S logan
Announces the completio n o f its organization, vested with
ample powers to properly meet every need of both the borrower
and the investor, *
f T
X 4 ¿
Butteville Grange announce a
(Sty? SteJifral mortgage
family o f Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. dance in their hall at Butteville for
Lewis Keil and son Leo, o f Aurora, Saturday night.
Miss Loletha Horning o f Cahby, Mr. i
and Mrs. Geo. Brocket o f Needy. At j
a late hour before they departed i
Chas. Spagle snapped the crowd with j
his camera, all declaring they had j
Ferdinand Kraxberger who has
just returned from a visit in Ger­
many, says ^ conditions there appear
to be about as prosperous as in Amer­
ica. A square meal for 15 cents and
glass o f beer for two cents. That
heats Portland in some respects— es­
pecially the price o f beer.
threshing was on and the threshers
were operated by electricity, Mr.
liraxberger says.
t Y
Hop Contracts
* Quote Prices
From 27 1-2 to
3 pen t a p le a s a n t da-v.
in this field
Earl Grimm o f Aurora, Mr. and Mrs.
John Pugh, Jr., and fam ily o f Fargo,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carothers and
5000 bu yers
The members of Western Hope R--
bekah lodge and families gave a pleas-*
O. B. Long, prosperous farmer if
ant surprise to Mr. and Mrs. John
Mackfabur» has been entertaining his
A party from Aurora and vicinity,
Jesse at their liome last Sundav,
father, C. F. Long, who last Thursday
• A picnic dinner was served at 1* met with the Woodburn High School
arrived here from Oelrichs, South Da-^
o ’clock. A good social time was en­ B oird Wednesday night and closed: fin-1
kota. He motored with a party .of
joyed by all those present. Those al arrangements fo r hauling pupils fo i Four hop contracts with prices rang-
three, including a nephew, to Living- i
a id from school. M. S. Reas has tl e :
,_, ,
, .
. - .present were: Mr. and Mirs. John Jesse
ston, Montana, where he left the paity *»r__
contract for hauling, Thirty pupils or j inS f rom 27i cents
35 cents a pound
Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Dentel and sou, ir.crj will attend.
j were filed in the recorders office yes-
and came via the Northern Pacific toj*
Richard; M r, and Mrs. D. C. Harms
Spokane, thence to Portland o^’ er tin
Aarangements will be made to atter d terday.
anil children,
S., P, & S. While in Montana Mr. Ldn|
to the Athletic part o f the work as we l !
and H. M. Harding
Johnnie; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck,
a tee various other courses, Parties o f Silverton contracted to sell Hugo |V,
spent Pine days visiting iu the Ye I
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. White and daughter,
lowstoii'e National Park, which, In
wishidg information should write or see Loewi, Inc., o f Few York, 5000 pounds
Vida; Mr. and Mrs. G, A. Ehlen and
o f hops at 35 cents, delivery to be made
says, i? wonderful t o . see. One thing
Prof. F. E. Fagan.
children, Rose, George and. Fred; Mr.
in Silverton where the hop yards are
he mentioned was that there was o
and Mrs. O. G. Morris and daughter,
located. A second contract was signed
group of cars parked side by side at
Helena; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Graves, Mr.
by the same parties fo r the delivery o f
the entrance of the park, one being,
and Mrs. George Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Last Sunday, at the beautiful 33,000 pounds o f cluster hobs o f 1921
from Augusta, Maine, one from Miama,
W. C. Kinyon, Mr. and Mrs. Phil (cuntrv home o f John Schwaubauer crop at 27J cents. Colvin Brothers o f
Florida, one from Duluth, Minnesota,
one from Los Angeles and another Wilgand and daughter, Caroline; Mrs. o f Needy, gathered relatives and a Aurora olso contracted with the same
from Seattle. This is something that M;u*y Cole, Mrs. Edith Carpenter, Mrs. few intimate friends in honor o f Mr. firm for 10,000 pounds at 28 cents deliv­
Catharine Zimmerman, Mrs,
Laura ,all(j Mrs. Louis Doemsky, the latter ery to be made here.
might not be seen again— five cars
Charley Chung o f Auxara contracted
parked close together, from the four Koeher, Mrs. T. H. Kernish, Arthur known by her friends as Lillie
Schwaubauer, Mr. and Mrs. William wito A. J. Ray & Son o f Portland for
corners and center of the United States, Keil and Eldon Koeher.
Doemsky and daughter, Esther, o f the delivery o f 5000 pounds o f hops,
Mr. Long is in the mercantile busi­
Gonzales, Calif., to spend a social grown on the Yergen farm, five raile3
ness at Oelrichs, S. D., a small town
'Mrs. E. E. Bradtl, Mrs. D. G. Clark,
northwest o f Aurora, for 28c a pound.
time. The day was spent in music
30 miles from Hot Springs, the county Mir3. M.. J. Lee and daughter, Miss Lor­
and conversation. At noon a boun­
seat of Fall River county, having been
raine, were Portland visitors Monday. teous dinner was served fo r which
thus engaged for more than 35 years.
Mrs. Schwaubauer will long be re­
In an interview by the writer, he Said! . V ,
membered and to which all did ample
The service on Sunday morning will
that, the grain crops of South Dakota! ^irs. Edward Bradtl entertained Stm- justice. The following were present:
this year were bumper and that every-; J-O^^rif-honor of Mr. B radtl’s birthday, Mr. and Mrs.- John Schwaubauer, be in the German language at 10:30
one is prosperous. The farmers there, j The rooms were beautifully decorated Johnnie, Edith, Lewis and Willie o ’clock. The eermon will be preached
he says, are going to be in better ii- j -with ferns and flowers. A sumptuous Schwaubauer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
by the pastor. An important meeting
naUeial shape this fall than they have j (jihhfcr was served, the main feature Doemsky, Mr. and Mrs. William
been for several years. Mr. Long lei t j bein^> the large cake decorated with Doemsky and daughter, Esther, of of the congregation will be held im­
Monday for Livingston, where he will-j candles. The g u e s t s included Mr. Gonzales, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. H. H. mediately after morning worship.
join his party and return via the twin \ Bradtl’s mother, Mrs. Frances Bradtl, Smidt and sons Murel and Ciairmont
The Sunday school meets at 9:30.
cities in the automobile.-^ He rvas v.ervj 0£ New Era; Mr., and Mrs. Chas. Bradtl o f Oregon City, Mrs. Roche and
The annual Mission Festival will be
favorably impressed with Oregon and j aml 'children, Francis and Ernestine; daughter o f Gladstone, Miss Mary
held on October 9, with Rev. Ludwig,
Washington, and commented partieu-; M r.* and Mrs. Clyde Schiedel and son, Scheer o f Macksburg, Miss Louisa
larly on this part of the Willamette | Glen; Mr. E. G. Bradtl, Mrs. Lillian Smidt o f Portland, Mr. and Mrs. of Portland, as main speaker.
W. F. SCHMIDT, Pastor.
\alley and the wonderful, mild climate. Pe\}amp and son, Richard; Mr. and
V T T £♦ <$»
A urora , marión county , O regon , sept i. 1921
VOL. X I .
You will find here a friend­
ly, human interest in your suc­
cess and every helpful service
which a bank can perform.
Eyesight Specialists
204-11 Salem Bank o f Commerce
Aurora State Bank
Capital and Surplus, $40,000
O p tica l C o.
Oregon’ s Largest, Most Modern,
Best-Equipped Exclusve Optical
Checking Accounts
(Under Exacting State Supervision)