Complete line o f Drugs, etc., at| Complete line of Drugs, etc., at WORK WORK WORK Moore’ s, Woodburn. Mail your orders. 'Moore’s Woodburn, Mail your orders. Remember, able-bodied boys 18 years old and under 60, the Crown Willamette Pulp Mills at Oregon City and West Ed. Kraus spent the day in Portland j Mrs. Judith Miller returned to Fort- Linn will need men for the winter Sherman Clay Pianos at Moore’s Tuesday. land Tuesday after visiting "relatives season. Just keep them in mind when Drug Store, Woodburn. ! here. arranging your winter work schedule. They have a fine hotel just for em­ I J. M. Will was a business visitor in ployees, at low rates.” W. J. Flick, o f Union Hill district | Portiand Thursday, Mail your drug orderB to Moore’s was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. ! ! Drug Store, Woodburn. ©mint ©apira A nnouncement POWDER We have made arrangements with the rt* i Mrs. A. J. Mishler of Hubbard was See Dr. Bell for your dental work. L yi8itor in Portland Tuesday, All work guaranteed. Phone 27. Mrs. W. W. Giesy of Portland came up Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs. E. R. Gribble. Chas. Eilers was among the Union ! The Turner Tribune says Miss Alice district people here Tuesday. White of Salem was a visitor at Turner Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Slyter were at the home of a friend Mrs. Wm. !here Saturday to meetgue3ts wl.o came E. A. M. Cone^of Butteville Earner last week. ,iri from the North, business visitor here Saturday. OUR THOROUGH EXAMINATION of the eyes—will reveal the cause of your trouble. Any optical defect we can over­ come with suitable lenses, Knowledge arid scientific instru­ ments make ihis possible. Entrust the care o f your eyes to CANCER NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD NO PLASTERS AND PAINS FOR HOLRS Miss lva Feller o f Woodburn and \ Mrs. John Barkman of Donald left last Mr and Mrs Henry L Bents went! Mr’ and Mrs* Chas- Kraxberger were week for Grass Valley to visit their to Portland Friday for a short stay. e Thursday from their h° ™ sister Mr a. A, C. Scheurer, j at Macksburg. George Sutherland o f Macksburg Just received a fresh supply o f True W, H. Asquith is home from -Astoria Blhe Exceptional Chocolates.—Auroi a was a business visitor here Saturday, for a week. He has been paintirg Drug Store. street cars there. j Dr. R. F. Bell announces the opening C. J, Espy and J.P. Feller of Donald ] o f offices for the practice of dentistry, ! attended the Marion County Communi- | in the Aurora State Bank Building. j ity Federation banquet last week at ! Phone 27. j Salem, and Mr. Espy also attended a | session o f the Knights Templar Com- | mandery and was initiated jr. the mys- ! Mrs. Diana Snyder returned Sunday night from Bend where she was visit­ I teries of that rank. ing her sister Mrs. Jesse Johnson. Mrs, Snyder was much impressed with the District Attorney Gehlar has filed an ; prospects o f that city, and made some } answer to the complaint o f Harry Jen- ¡ investments in Bend real property. ! kins against the county for damages | alleged to have baen sustained in an Senator McNary arrived this week j auto wreck near Gervais on a county road two years ago last September. ¡.from Washington, having left the city The district attorney asked the dismis­ j at once upon the adjournment of the sal of the suit on the grounds that the ! Senate, Congress will convene again county was not at fault. He claims Monday, December 1, but it is not ex­ that an approaching auto with glaring pected to accomplish much before headlights caused the driver of Jenkins’ Christmas. Fred and George Damm were busi­ ness visitors here Thursday from theii home at Macksburg. W. P. Wurster took in the Stocl Show at Portland Friday and Saturday. He states that the big new building was entirely in adequate to house tht show. car to run it into the ditch and that it was r.ot the condition of the road that caused the accident. PILES FISTULA GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN SKIN STOMACH BOWELS of San Francisco whereby we can furnish Powder to our trade at the following prices: Eureka Stumping Powder PER B O X 2 0 Per Cent Stumping Powder PER B O X $ 8 . 7 5 Prices Strictly Cash These are distinctly attractive prices for first class powders, which make stumping and blasting possi­ ble to all those having land to clear. There is every prospect of still more prosperous times for the Country, but no immediate prospect of a genera] re­ duction in prices, except in such special cases as our arrangement with this big powder company through quantity purchases» Hence we are certain that these prices should appeal to powder buyers. Hardware The more a man knows about love r.he less experience he has had. D I ...A N D ... O Aurora I Phone 2 7 l i $ 6.50 J oseph J, K e b e r , raised the price o f bread. The one Executor of the Estate. pound loaf now retails for 11 cents and | the one1 and a half pound loaves for 16 M ax G ehlh ar a n d J a s . G. H e l t z e l , Attorneys for Estate. ! cents. It will be difficult to persuade j bread buyers that the increase is justi­ Date of first publication, Nov. 27, 1919. fied. Many people are again baking Datf. of last publication, Dec. 25, 1919. their own bread, it is said. Aurora, Ore. | ASQUITH & BLOSSER ' Send or Phone your order now to 0 A IN T IIN G * APER HANGING Furs Are High R. W. Cherrick, of Merryvale FarnJ near Barlow, was awarded three prizes . on Hampshire swine at the Intel All Work Neatly Done Everywhere trappers are makjng big national Stock Show at Portland lad Aurora * Oregon | money. Are YOU one o f them? j week. Mr. Cherricjc has lived at Bar] We are paying top-notch prices. Try I low only a few months, but has bee a us—you’ ll be pleased. Send for Free j very successful—with Hampshires. Price List today. E. R. SKINNER & CO. Box AD Some Oregon teachers say that pupij 1121 Front Street Sacramento, Calif. | coming here from other states are fsj | better imformed about Oregon than aij LIVE STOCK SALES our Oregon pupils, because of ■ the , FARM SALES THE PORTLAND NEWS | ter text books used in their fore ■OUR SPECIALTY j state, and the poorly written geogi| Term« Reasonable The Portland News by mail one year pies in use in this state. There is WM. HEINZ j for $3,25; for six months $1.70; and for ¡reason why Oregon should not have Canty Phone 13-15 (Mail—Aurora, Route I) I three months 85 cents. Send your sub- I best text books obtainable. AND TINTING O Both one year Physician and Surgeon Aurora, Ur. regoman Daily Dr. R . F. BELL Aurora State Bank Bldg. Hardware Store The late husband catches the early morning lecture. PAUL C. FISCHER . G. A. EHLEN Implements The Wide Awake Look out for hard times; the days are getting shorter. LOUIS W EBERT BothPhoüés Office at Residence $ 8 .5 0 FROM THE PENCIL’S POINT J, F. Nordhausen, o f Aurora, was Lots of men remain bachelors simply among those to transact business in because they can afford to. Oregon City Saturday. Mr. Nord­ If the victims remain single there is hausen,. who has been working in the Registered Breeding Stock interest o f the Red Cross society in no objection to love at first sight. Big Type Poland and Duroc Jersey this section, came here on business FOUR YEARS STUDY IN EUROPE & childless marriage is not a howl­ Swine. pertaining to the order. OVER THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE ing success in one sense of the term. Young stock for sale. Portland Physical Therapy Laboratories 412 to 417 Journal Bld’g, Portland, Or. Some men use all the material they DLMICK STOCK FARM, Silverton turned in 615 Red Cross j na%e at hand making fools of them Hubbard, Oregon. memberships, Gervais 23, and Wil­ selves. lamette University 151. The total at the end of the week, for the entire ^NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL county, was 4750. There were- over MONEY TO LOAN ACCOUNT. 8000 members o f the Red Cross in Mar- Notary Public Farm Loans Preferred NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That ion-county last year, Fire Insurance the Final Account of Joseph J. Keber, as Executor of the Estate of Fritz Weber, Deceased, has been filed in the Only 25 days remain in which to se­ Oregon City Beaver Bldg. OREGON AURORA cure automobile licences for 1920. J .County Court of Marion County, Stale ! There are yet 35000 owners who have ! of Oregon, and that the 29th day oi ! not applied. To save visits to th e] December, 1919, at the hour of ter R. B. F. GIESY I police courts, autoisus should see to it o’clock A. M., has been duly appointee j that their 1920 licence plates are upon by such Court for the hearing of o l- j their cars before the first 1920 drive is jections to such Final Account and tie settlement thereof, at whi-h time any I made. person interested in such estate may D E N T IS T appear and file objections thereto in Practically all Oregon bakeries have writing and contest the same. OR DAYS TUMORS G IA N T P O W D E R C O M P A N Y The Aurora Observer W ÊÈÊÈm AURORA, OREGON AUCTIONEER FRANKLIN & LAU N ER C O N C E R T P IA N IS T j scription I f your monumental work is solicited, kindly ask the solicitor for our busi­ ness card. DR. L. A. DILLARD Capital Monumental Works, Rooms 1 and 2, I. O. O. F. Bldg. CANBY, OREGON 2210 S. Com.; Phone 689, Salem. M. H. Hostetler The Old Reliable AUCTIONEER Livestock and Country Sales, Write for Dates and Prices Route 2, HUBBARD, OREGON Needy Mutual Phone 10-551 -—Terms Reasonable DENTIST ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON DENTIST Tmllinger Bldg Phone United 6319 H u b b a r d , O regon Pearls IÜ The estate of John N. McKay w| ! died in this county October, was j mitted to probate in the crjuri ty coup here last week. The estate is value | at more than $100,100, I t consists E. M. HURST $7065 personal property, land of tl| j approximate value o i $31,535. the Me Proprietor j Kay building, Portland, $36,100, ati Frequent trips between Aurora ¡Portland property valued a $3*401] and Portland.—Will Haul To Any • Mrs. Caoline McKay,widow was na Place in the Willamette VaHey. • administratrix. The heirs are he ¡children: Mary, Cecelia, Joseph. Jofrj Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 6-52 AURORA, OREGON ¡Jr., Lenard and Mrs. McKyy. TheJ ¡reside near Champeeg. Auto Truck DR. de LESPINASSE It is reported that trucks pf me than 5 tons capacity may be ba | from Oregon highways. A recent 1« is said to specifiy 5 tons as the mal | imum capacity. Applications f <| i licensing trucks of more than 5 top j haye been received at the secretary j state’s office has brought an interpJ tation of the law by assistant Attornl j General Van Winkle, which holds thl • i the big trucks have no right on t| I public highway. PAUL C. FISCHER TEACHER IN AURORA ON WEDNESDAY'S AT HOME OF MRS. FRANK MILLER to Thomas M. Wescott, Aur­ ora, Oregon, MONUMENTS and Pearls ^£2^» The new stock of Oriental pearl necklaces are now here in all sizes and lengths and their luster [can’t be beat, with a guarantee that stands behind them like a rock. Also a fine line of watches, wrist watches,rings, chains, necklaces, clocks, silverware, cut glass, etc» Watch Repairing a Speciality—All Work Guaranted S. B. OLSON Official S. P, Watch Inspector In The ROGERS & EVENDEN DRUG STORE WOODBURN OREGON