THE A U R O R A O B S E R V E R Last week five days elapsed in Oregon City without a single arrest by the police! Even the lightning arresters were idle. Some town! THURSDAY, „OCTOBER 30, 1919. N. C. WESCOTT E ditor and s P ublisher E itered as second class matter March 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora] Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. A REAL NUGGET The open season for deer and china pheasants closes in this part of the state tomorrow night, but black cats, cur dogs,and alien slackers may be hunted the year round. Deposits at the Aurora State Bank have touched the $300,000 mark. It is especially encouraging to note the steadily increasing time and savings deposits of the people of the Aurora vicinity. This is a very healthy condition and indicates that people generally are using judgment and during these prosperous times are laying away funds for future needs. We pay 4% on time deposits and 4% compounded quart­ erly on savings accounts. You are given absolute assurance of safety and the satisfaction of being able to get your money when you need it. There is no loss from market fluctuation. A time deposit with us is the ideal short time investment. 4 Judge Bushey says he carries a red bandanna hand­ kerchief so that he can flag votes with it. Pure bunk! What does he want to flag votes for, when he has them all in his vest pocket? Seven thousand people saw Stanford win a hard fought foot ball game from 0. A. C, Saturday. The Cali fornians won a clean cut victory and Oregonians will not deny them the honors they won so fairly. WHOLE WORLD EMULATES AMERICAN RED CROSS LOCAL AD RATES Local Notices and Classified Col umn Advertisements o f ail kinds are 10 cents per line for the first insertion and 5 cents per line for all insertions thereafter. No single insertion notice less than 25 cents. This rate applies to all For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Want Ads, Cards o f Thanks and all notices o f socials, shows, fairs, entertainments, etc., which charge an admission fee, or are given to raise money for any purpose. Copy for local reading notices must be handed in not later than Wednesday noon. With the Red Cross societies of twenty-six nations co-operating as members, the League of Red Cross Societies is now actively engaged in extending Red Cross efforts through­ out the world, says a cablegram to the American Red Cross from Sir David Henderson, director-general of the league. The membership roster now in­ cludes, the cable said, the Red Cross of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Greece, Holland,' India, Italy, MARRY—Thousands lonely people; Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Roumania, Serbia, South all ages; worth $5,000 to $400,000; will Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United marry; write for my list; FREE. Ralph States and Venezuela. Hyde, 253a-8 Minna St, San Francisco, Cal. 32-4t Ì ervice Is Our Slogan afety Is Our Watchword Aurora State Bank &% I compounded quarterly on Savings Deposits 4% paid on Time Deposits (Under Exacting State Supervision) EK EE M EAT M ARKET W U R S T E R BRO S. Over 1,200,000 pounds o f sugar were unloaded from steamers in Portland Saturday and Monday, and 900,000 pounds more are reported due by rail in Portland today. That should help to relieve the sugar stringency in Aurora. NO HUNTING ALLOWED It required many hundred American policeman last week in New York City to “ protect” an opera company producing German grand opera. Both police and the opera, singers might have been better employed in unload­ ing sugar from ships in New York harbor. ttIt is reported that “ Bill” Cherrington, the veteran Salem piafto qjan and ex-political manager for Alex La Fqllett, has taken J. F. Jones under his wing as an aspir­ ant for Ben West’s job as assessor. “ Bill” has been on earth long enough (some 80 years) to know what he^s up against. . Oxy-Acetylene welding at the Gil­ more & Hardisty blacksmith shop at Notice is hereby given that hunting, Canby, in the most satisfactory man- fishing, and trespassing is forbidden on our lands, and all who fail to observe this warning will be prosecuted to the MARRY IF LONELY; for results full extent of the law. try me;best and most successful “ Home —Muecke Bros. Maker” hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most re­ SUMMONS liable; years of experience; descriptions free. The “ Successful Club” , Box 556, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Oakland, Calif. _ 25-3t. " THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. FOR SALE—5 room modern bunga­ low, and also a 5-room house, both in Department No. 2. fairly good condition. A bargain for anyone who - is interested. A. W. Louis Webert, Joseph H. [ Kraus, Aurora. 33-tf, Miller, B. F. Giesy, Grover | C. Giesy and Ida S. Mosh- j K M ä RRY— Descriptions rich people; berger, will marry; FREE, T. M. 4336 Cali­ Planitiffs, | fornia St. San Francisco, Cal. 33-8t. vs. Woodburn School district electors W i l l VOte Upon the j J a ry Mme°r7 deceased, the ] district budget next Saturday. The largest items out of! unknown heirs o f Sarah | a total of $34,000, are the following: Teacher’s salaries I ^ lller> deceased> aIso a11 Summcms $18,000, bonds and interest $3,925, outstanding warrants known claiming any right,] $6,830. The amount to be râised by a district tax is $23,- titIe> estate, lien or inter- j r r r i tir n • • n est in the real estate d e -1 571, Woodburn is never niggardly in support o f its scribed in the complaint j , schools and the budget is certain to be adopted. herein. Give The Cow Plenty of our feed and you’ ll get plenty of good rich milk in the pail. Our special coW feed is ^o extra nutri­ tious that it not alone sustains Bossy in good condition but makes for more and better milk .besides. If you’ll try our feed for a’ ll not be'satisfied with ordinary feed again. The results will be too satisfactory. THE PORTLAND NEWS Hubbard Creamery Co. The Portland News by mail one year for $3,25; for six months $1.70; and for three months 85 cents. Send your sub­ scription to Thomas M, Wescott, Aur­ ora, Oregon, HUBBARD, OREGON Review of Reviews has now advanced to $4,00 per year, and worth it! But you can get this great magazine and the Observer, both one year for $4.50. Defendants. ] TRESPASS NOTICES To: The unknown heirs o f Mary Protect yoür fields against Trespass­ Miller, deceased, the unknown heirs Hunters, and unauthorized Berry : Governor Olcott still decl ines to accede to the wishes o f Sarah Miller, deceased, also all ers, Pickers, with proper notices. of the National Woman’s party—to call a special session other persons or parties unknown Notices to Trespassers, $1.00 per doz­ of the Oregon Legislature to ratify the woman suffrage claiming any right, title, estate, lien en, single notices 10c. or interest in the real estate des­ Hunters and trespasser’ s notices amendment to the Federal constitution. Oregon public cribed in the complaint herein. (combined in one), $1.00 per dozen, sentiment does not appear at this time to demand a spec­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE single notices 10c. OF OREGON: You and each of| Notices forbidding the picking of ial session for the above (or any other) purpose. Single you are hereby required to appearl Berries, $1.00 per dozen. and answer the complaint filed notices 10c. against you in the above entitled I “ No Smoking” notices, for barns, Several candidates for the presidency will probably! eourt and cause on or before the; stables, storerooms, etc.,50c per dozen. ■ „ iv • i 11 / 4 . n/r rru ! 29th day o f November, 1919, and i f 1 appear upon the Oregon primary ballot next May. The you foif to so appea; and’ an3wcr| candidates for the Republican nomination who may askj said complaint by said date for want j DR. L. A. DILLARD DENTIST the indorsement of Oregon Republicans are Wm. H. Taft,dtIiereof’ the Plamtiffs above named! t i nr i tt /-i tt t t t - i tt * h / tm will apply to said court for the relief Rooms 1 and 2, I. O. O. F. Bldg. Leonard Wood, Warren G. Harding, J . E. Watson, Miles ; prayed for in their complaint, to-wit: CANBY, OREGON A decree decreeing said plaintiffs ! Poindexter, Frank O. Lowden, and Hirman W. Johnson. to be the Owners in fee simple bar-) Those whose names may appearon the democratic primary ring you and each o f you from all j ballot are W. G. McAdoo, A. Mitchell Palmer, and possi­ right, title, lien, interest or estate j whatever in or to the following de- j Registered Breeding Stock bly Woodrow Wilson. 7 ICE P R IN T E D Butter W rappers It no longer being allowable to write the name of the maker on rolls of butter ex­ posed for sa!e,TheObserver has again begun printing (upon orders)of Butter Wrappers. 1 0 0 fo r $ 1 .5 0 Each additional 100, 75 cents 7 scribed real premises or any parti thereof, situated in Marion County. Oregon. December 1 to 10, the Red Cross seals will be on sale Being the Southeast quarter o f the Northeast quarter o f Section 11, also throughout Oregon, for the benefit o f the state tuber­ ten acres from the East side o f the culosis association. Oregon’s quota of the Christmas Southwest quarter o f the Northeast quarter o f Section 11 all in Town­ seals is $44,260, every cent of which will be used in Ore­ ship 4 S, R. 1 W. o f Willamette Me­ gon in behalf with those afflicted with tuberculosis. The ridian, in the County o f Marion; spirit of service is abroad in the land. The war taught us State o f Oregon. The above is subject to a dedication the value o f happiness and service to country and to fellow- heretofore made for a County Road men. Hence the little Red Cross Cnristmas stickers and along the N. line o f property hereby their mission will not be overlooked the first ten days of conveyed. -You are further notified that this December. summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Aurora Observer, a newspaper o f general ; Jim Stewart, o f Fossil and Corvallis, member o f the circulation, printed and published in Aurora, Oregon, pursuant to an order legislature and road booster, is about to file an initiative o f the Honorable George G. Bingham, petition to have placed on the ballot a bill to allow Judge o f the above entitled Court, dated October 11, 1919. the state to issue bonds, up to % of its assessed valuation, You are further notified that the date o f the first publication o f this instead of two per cent as at present. The limit of the summons was upon the 16th day o f state’s indebtedness is about $20,000,000. Stewart’s pro­ October, 1919, and that the last posal would increase the amount allowed* to about $60,- publication thereof will be made on the 27th day o f November, 1919. 000,000. - All -o f which shows that the Hon.; James S. McNARY, McNARY, KEYES & E. M. PAGE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Stewart of Fossil, Corvallis and Oregon is no piker. 6 Big Type Poland and Duroc Jersey Swine. Young stock for sale. DIMICK STOCK FARM, Hubbard, Oregon, Automobile Owners! Does your ear need Painting? If so, bring it to us. Our first class workmanship, together with our dust proof finishing room guaran­ tees absolute satisfaction. Our pric­ es are reasonable, Oregon City Auto Painting Co. Busch’s Dock Auto Truck Tencents(per order) additional if sent by mail. Phone or mail your order now, and get your wrappers by return mail. T h e O bserver, A u ro ra , O r e g o n MARRY IF LONELY; for results Completé line of Drugs, etc., at try me;best and most successful“ Home Moore’s Woodburn, Mail your orders. Maker” hundreds rich wish marriage soon;strictlv confidential; most re- .The Observer is agent for the Satur­ liablejyears of experience; descriptions day Evening Post $2.00 per year. Lad­ free. The “ Successful Club” , Mrs. Ball, Box 556, Oakland, Calif. 31-33p ies Home Journal $1.75 per year. Country Gentlemen $1.00 per year. Sherman Clay Pianos at Moore’s Telephone us vour order now. Drug Store, Woodburn,’ Oregon City, Ore. The Christian Herald and McCall’ s, both one year for $3.00. The Herald alone $2.50 per year. Phone the Ob­ server your order today. E. M. HURST Proprietor “ Buy your flour, feed and poultry supplies o f the Hubbard Creamery Co., Hubbard, Oregon.” Frequent trips between Aurora and Portland.—Will Haul To Any Place in the Willamette Valley. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 6-52 AURORA» OREGON Sherman Clay Pianos Drug Store, Woodburn. at Moore’s Have your oxy-actylene welding done by Gilmore & Hardisty, blacksmiths, , Canby. ¡ R. R. GILMORE Blacksmithing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Formerly the Chas. Goudreau Shop CANBY - OREGON