Mail your drug orders Drug Store, Woojburn, DENTIST Riooms 1 and 2, I. O. 0. F. Bldg. CANBY, OREGON W e Now have a Willard Service Station ^ I Among those in town on business Just received a fresh supply of True ¡from the Donald section Saturday were Blue Exceptional Chocolates,—Auroia | Sam and Henry Stauffer. Drug Store. | ! STORAGE BATTERY in Clackamas County, located at 1118 Main St., Oregon City CON R. HILGERS DEALER RIGHT ON PACIFC H IG H W A Y Your battery will be cared for by competent men. All makes of-bat­ teries tested free and filled with pnre water without any charge. M . H. Hostetler The Old Reliable A U C T IO N E E R Livestock and Country Sales, Write for Dates and Prices Route 2, HUBBARD, OREGON Needy Mutual Phone 10-551 — Terms Reasonable f t i " - .- * * * . A A A A .A * 1 In the Interest of I Church-Going « 2? jj # ■ S- A man by attending church draws with him his . friends and his children, gives new courage to those doing , the church work, and has that satisfaction which comes to < the Shimmin Bros. Gilmore & Hardesty,' Canby black- ______ - smiths, have dissolved partnership and the former will continue the business Jim ° Z le> w" ° was here Sunday from D. D. Hostetler last week bought a ajone Portland, has just returned from East- new truck from the F, L Miller Ai^to . ¡ern Oregon, Everything is booming Agency, and Carl Bremer purchased ----------------------- - there^every one has money, and busi- a small Studebaker. Mrs. A, E. Feller left last week for\ncS3 in every line is reported good. Port Huron, Michigan to attend the! . ; ---------------------- —. convention of the Ladies of the Mac­ Miss Grace Lick formerly a teacher S, F. Southard has returned from a cabees, here, and Miss Esther Marlon Nelson, hunting trip to the Lorane county, a former Buttevilie teacher are this j bringing back a fine, young buck. The year employed in the Salem schools. Mrs. Ben Quinn was a recent visitor other members of the party will return at the home of her mother Mrs.Mathoit in a few days. of Butteyille. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn now Chris Zimmerman went to Portland live in Portland. Thursday to visit his sons Elmer and The north Salem residents have or­ ganized an Improvement club, to work Ralph Zimmerman, The latter has es­ tablished a law and collection office in Eugene L. Jones was here Sunday for better living conditions and for civ­ Portland. ic betterments. Among the officers is from Portland to visit his mother aud sister. He returned only a short time the name of J. B. -Giesy, formerly of Aurora. ago from service in France. Mrs. Bertha Hurst Of Canby was among the Oregon City visitors Wed­ nesday. She also visited Mrs. Nelson, Edward E. Green, formerly a teach Edith Karr, once a teacher in the formerly Mrs. Roth of Canby, now of er here, who has been a guest at the 1 Aurora schools, has accepted a position Canemah says the Oregon City Enter­ at Warrenton, Oregon, as instructor Canby home of his sister Mrs. E. G. I prise. ! Robinson, has gone to North Bend where ' in sewing and music. j he has accepted a position in the pub­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lic schools. • The four Miller boys were all - at the % Sunday Morning at 1 1 Z Mrs. Wm. Knight, Josie Knight, and , 4 ! ' ' ■ er home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed. Bradtl spent Sunday visiting Make your plans "‘right now” ; to at­ George Miller Sunday—Alvin, George with Mrs. Knight’s sister at Marquam, tend the Clackamas County * Fair at and Andy coming up from Portland to says the Canby News. Canby, October 1, 2, 3, and 4. Sea­ join their brother James, here. D R . d e LE SPIN A SSE son (4 day) tickets, 75 cents. Single admission 25 cents, Buy a season DENTIST Little Miss Zoe Cutsforth who was Out of town people here on business ticket now. Trullinger Bldg Phone United 6319 last week visiting at the home of her the past few days were Cass Sanders aunt Mrs, Zeno Schwab, has returned of Hubbard. Allie Welch of Portland, to her home at Gervais. H u b b a r d , O reg o n The school play shed is making good Joe Gibson of MacksbUrgj Jim McGill progress and will probably be complet­ and Mat Bann of Meridian, and A. H. ed or nearly so by the ,time school be­ Giesy of Portland. The Marion county community feder­ gins on September 22. The district ation met last night at Mt. Angel. meeting authorized the construction of John Steelhammer of Woodburn -is A Y. M. C. A,, news letter from W. the shed at the June school meeting. president and J, W. Mayo o f Stayton, M. Smith, chairman of the county cam­ vice presiderft, paign committe says Donald has raised half of its quota, Silverton a fourth, Mr. and Mrs, Simmons of Nebraska GENERAL have moved into' the house formerly and Marion all of its share. Other Mrs. J, W, Sadler and little daughter. owned by the late A. J, Stephenson, places have made only a start. CONTRACTOR Peggy, Mrs, Clara.Atkinson, Mrs. M. having bought the home from Mrs. L. Saling and Mrs. N. C. Wescott ana Alice Stephenson. They intend to 227 SHERLOCK BUILDING son Thomas,, went to Portland Monday make their home hefe permanently. Rev, F. T, Lucas, who has been pas­ to “ see the president” . PORTLAND, OREGON tor of the Macksburg Lutheran church for several years, has gone to Gamas, Phone Main 2821 - u, ! James and Charles Oglesby sold their Washingtorf"as pastor of the Lutheran The open season iqr ducks begins on | pjaces jast week to Herman Vigen of church there. He leaves many friends October 1 and closes on, January 15, Wisconsin. The two places consist of here who regret his departure but who both days being included, in- Western 30 acres on Gribble Prairie, The deal wish him success in his new pastorate. Oregon, the state officials having d®* i Was made through J, J. Sandsness^of cided to follow the Fedeial laws. Canby, the consideration being $60(>0. More people are making plans to go ; N ota ry P u b lic to the Clackamas county Fair from] F ire In su ran ce Polk Gribble, Mf. and Mrs. Jean Justice of the Peace Haynes of Sher­ Aurora and. vicinity. The reduced ad- j Gribble, Wade and BlancKe Gribble. wood is in a peck of trouble. District mission price will induce a much larger Hejrfy Kraus and Nels Bowers left last Attorney Tongue has been asked by attendance as now the whole family AURORA OREGON week for Myrtle Creet^, where they in­ State Motor Association to present can afford to go every day. Single ad­ tend to,spend ten days hunting. charges against Haynes to the grand mission 25 cents, season* tickets *(four R . B. F. G IE S Y jury, it being charged that Justice days) 75 cents. Haynes aDpeared in his court room so The Giesy Sisters have some peach drunk .that the odor of liquor filled the trees in their garden which were plant­ room. That’ s going some! Adam Knight, mayor of Canby' and j secretary ot the Clackamas County Fair ed nearly 30 years ago. From one of association, left last week for Balti­ these trees a peach 11 inches in circum­ ference was picked last week. School opened Monday at the White more Maryland, where he will- attend the convention of the Encampment school, with Miss Florence Beardsley branch of the Sovereign Grand Lodge Both Phones Among the Clackamas county people as teacher. Miss Beardsley made an of the I, 0, 0, F., which meets from Aurora, Or. Office at Residence who drew tickets to hear President enviable record in the same school last September 15 to 20. On the return year. The White DistriqRis one of the trip Mr. Knight will visit Washington, Wilson speak at Portland Monday night most progressive country districts in were Mr. atid Mr, and Mrs. John Eid the county. The district parent-teach­ D. C,, New York City, Gettysburg field and other interesting places. A S Q U IT H & B L O S S E R of Canby, W. S. Tull of Barlow, M, E. er association has been very active in Tull, Ghas. M. Wait of Canby, W. 0 . the past and has accomplished much AINTIING Bergerson o f Barlow, Dr. Guy Mount good through its developement of “ the Joe Gibson, proprietor of the Macks­ APER HANGING of Oregon City. school spirit” there. burg confectionery store, was; here on I S e rv ice T a lk s Franz Kraxberger is advertising a Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Kinyon were Mrs. Josie Ryan and Mrs.^ Andrew ¡among the Buttevilie people transact- Public Sale at his farm near the Macl-; s- byry stores, for Wednesday, Septem­ Johnson were in Aurora Monday from - ring business here Saturday. ber 24, at which he will sell wagons, Buttevilie. farm implements, tractor, auto, horse's, Carine Wursier and Alois Hurst heifers, goats, sheep, etc., together Mr. and Mrs. R, 0. Jack motored in­ ! spent the week end at Falls Gity with with, cheat seed, barley, etc. Will to town Saturday from their home in ; Mj.;s, Ewen S tone, t^ieir former teacher, Heinz will be the auctioneer and Arthur the Needy section. Graham clerk. Joe Gibson and his lunch wagon will be there. Sales made Elmer Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. on the usual terms, 12 months time. Fcur cases of small pox were report­ AlP~the ^ames Ugle and W. A. Giesy, all of ed from^ Canby last week, | Portland were here Sunday visiting patients are reported improving Complete line o f Drugs, etc., at: relatives. Moore’s, Woodburn. Mail your orders, j WILLARD *• to Moores ! Sky Went Along. A woman was leaving a home where she had been very happy, and, as she boarded the train which Was to take Mrs. Alma Donaldson of Barlow was her away, the tears came fast. Her Mail your drug orders to' Moore’s j here on busidess Saturday. little son, anxious to comfort her, Drug Store, Woodburn. tried the effect of a cheering discov- ery he had just made. “Why, mother.” I Mrs. Joaquin Miller of Banks was he exclaimed, “the sky is goipg right J. C. Moore and family were here . here Saturday, the guest p f Mrs. J. F. along with us.” Other iaint-hearted people need to make the same dis­ Sunday evening from Donald -on a I Kerr and family, covery. No matter what we leave be- pleasure trip. hind, the best goes with us. D R , L. A . D IL L A R D Try us for anything in the Hard­ ware and Implement line. H a rd w a re G. A. EHLEN The Wide Awake Im plem ents Hardware Store regonian I ...A N D ... Aurora \Jb server Both one year $6.00 Oskar Huber S end or P h on e y o u r ord e r n o w to The Aurora Observer AU R O R A, OREGON LOUIS W E B E R T D a Here’s a FriendlyTip’* says the Good Judge M en w h o k n ow tob a cco , ch e w the best w ith ou t its c o s t in g them a n y m ore» T h e y tak e a little c h e w and it’ s am azin g h o w the g o o d taste stays in a r ic h , high g r a d e c h e w in g tob a cco* Physician and Surgeon F o r lasting t o b a c c o satis­ fa ctio n , t h e r e ’ s n o t h in g lik e a sm all c h e w o f th; rich -tastin g to b a c c o . P AND TINTING All Work Neatly‘T)pne A u ro r a - O re g o n AUCTIONEER LIVE STOCK SALES FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY A I Spend ¿he Summer at business Saturday, Joe is somewhat of ^ an “ opportunist” also, and when the Clackamas county road authorities al­ lowed a pond of water to grow on each side of his store entrance, he posted a sign, “ No Fishing Allowed Here.” f 1 P A C IF IC C IT Y t t I I . . A ll K inds o f Fishing and B oating. Best o f C a m p A ccom m od a tion s. . put up in two styles R I G H T , G U T is a s h o rt-cu t t o b a c c o 4 W -B C U T is a lon g fin e-cu t t o b a c c o "Y o rk City. Franz Kraxberger, who has so many t and varied^ interests that we have no 2 space to list them, and Mr. Hepler, Sr, t who is 83 years old, and has 10 children M ONUM ENTS ‘ ODD TE R M ” OFFERS If your monumental work is solicited, Modern Priscilla, 5 months. . . 5 5 kindly ask the solicitor for our busi­ Revienv o f Reviews, 6 months.. $1.50 ♦ war, were here Saturday. Mr. Hepler ness card. W orld’s W ork, 8 months.......... 2.00 appears as young and active as most Capital Monumental Works, men of 60 and was engaged in farming Physical Culture, 4 months .50 up to a coqple of years ago, J 2210 S. Com. St. Phone 689, Salem. Harper ’s Magazine, 8 months. . . 2.00 and 60 or more grandchildren, 12 of I who were in the army during the great Terms Reasonable ♦ W M . H E IN Z I G . H . W A R D , Pacific City, Oregon | C a n b y P h on e 13-15 (M all— Aurora, R oute 1) For In form ation W r ite THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW