Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, September 04, 1919, Image 1

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^P ublish ed Every Thursday
Back Them To The Limit
NO. 26
Lieut. Lamar Tooze and Miss Marie
Sheahah, an Oregon City girl tempor­
arily living in Canada, are to be mar­
ried in Ocean Falls, B. C., Sept. 1L.._
The romance started at the University
of Oregon while both were students
there. Miss Sheahan was there but
one vear, 1914-15. She continued her
studies at the University of Wisconsin.
Lieut. Tooze after his graduation from
the University of Oregon in 1916 took
up his law- studies in Harvard Law
School. When the war broke out he
dropped his books and enlisted.
After their marriage they will leave
over the Canadian Pacific for Cam-?
bridge. Mass,, where they will make
their home during the next two years
while Mr. Tooze is completing his stud­
ies. Upon graduation from the law
school they expect to return to Oregon.
The season on silver gray squirrels
opens September 1, lasting until Octo­
ber 31, The bag limit if five squirrels
in any seven consecutive days.
It is unlawful to hunt or catch a deer
at any time between sunset and one-
half hour before sunrise. The code
provides that it shall be pnma tacie
*evidence of a violation of this act if
any person, between such hours, with
a gun, lies in wait upon or near the
runways or trails used by the game
It is unlawful at any time for any
person within the state of Oregon, a f­
ter having killed a deer, to mutiliate.or
have in possession the carcass or skin
thereof in any manner so as to disguise
the sex and prevent it from being as­
Dress is sometimes a matter
of form and form is often a mat­
There are ways to make your tires]
The American Legion is com­
ter of dress.
posed of the men who made up
last longer—if you’ll read what “Joe”
The majority of growers put too j
If a man calls on a woman she
Shimm^Plays. He knows all about ]
many fowls together in one poultry j
is pleased—either when he
000 soldiers organized to fight
house. A house ten feet square should
comes or goes.
tires, and automobiles and a.whole lot!
the Huns, The Astoria camp
not contain over a ddzen large fowls ’
Brevity is said to be the soul
of other things—some of which he j
of this organization announces
and 15 small ones; For 100 hens a i
of wit, but the man who is short
won’t talk about—to newspaper men. ;
its creed in a letter concerning
house 16 by 60 and divided into two-
doesn’t feel funny.
the alien slackers who with­
or three apartments will answer, j
A wise man imagines that he
But bejow are a few of his “ tire!
engaged in a game of flirta­
don’ts” that will make your tires last!
be 50 in a flock, the space being 60 by
tion until he wakes up and finds
zenship rather than fight the
longer, if you heed them.
30 feet for 50 fowls. An excellent
bin-.splf married.
enemies of America.
plan is a house 16 by 32 feet, divided
Don’t get the feeling that your tires j
Addition to self and subtrac­
“ We wish also to make it
into two compartments, 16 by 16 feet
tion from others, comprise some
will stand any sort of usage. There 1
plain that we have an unend­
each, with 25 hens in each compart­
men’s sole knowledge of arith­
are lots of good tires, but none of them t
ing quarrel with any and all
ment. The space gives ample room
will stand neglect and driver’s indiffer- i
individuals whose purpose is
for scratching under shelter in winter.
to overthrow the government
An extra shed for scratching will also
Don’t forget that tires are made of j
of the United States,”
be appreciated by the hens. It can be
rubber and that rubber lives on air.
built at a small Cost and will afford
This is a creed that appeals
Proper attention to inflation is the se­
ample room. In summer the fowls
to every true American. It
Hop picking has begun locally in a
cret of long tire-life.
can roost under the sheds.
hits a direct blow to every foe
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart,
Had Him There.
The yards should be about ten times few yards,‘though most of the growers
Don’t guess at inflation. You can’t]
within our gates who seeks to
space of the houses, but the larger of this part of the valley will begin ] “Deacon Simms ’low he doan’ ap­
tell the pounds per inch pressure by]
over turn our institutions. It
up from Portland on Labor Day, with the better, and the deeper the hgjjses from the 5th to the 3th, Growers re­ prove o’ churches advertisin’,” remark­
kicking your tire or pounding it with a
gives the I, W. W., the Bol­
port pickers plentiful—some having!
a party of friends and were guests at and sheds, that is, depth to the rear, more than they can use. The price! ed Shinbone; “but when Ah ast him,
shevist, the pro-Hun and the
in dnt case, wuffo’ he ring the church
George Kalbs, of Route 1.
paid is $1.20 per hundred, or 60 cents
Don’t let Sunday morning pass with - 1
alien slackers a solar plexus
the fowls. Each house can have a per box. The yield will be good, and in j hell fo’ service, he jes* had nuffln' to
out testing your inflation with a Pres­
punch right where they live,
double yard, so as to change the fowls m ist yards the picking will be good, as j s a y - ” Boston Transcript.
sure Guage. Once in a while through
from one yard to the other. A yard the foliage is notjieavy.
and every loyal citizen should
the week will help some. Keep the
in front and one in the rear is an ex­
back the American Legion to
AMERICAN IDEAL cellent plan.
pressure up—it pays big.
the limit.
Don’t try to memorize scientific pres- ]
The best way to estimate how many
hens to keep in a building is to mul­
sure tables. All you need to know is j
that every inch of tire diameter needs
Herbert Hoover is so deeply con­ tiply the width by the length -and di­
If you will compare the specifications of the new
20 pounds of air. A six-inch tire needs DAVID HAZEN HANDS
cerned over the opposition to the vide by ten. For instance, if a house
Chevrolet four-ninety with the more ex­
120 pounds, a three-inch, half as much.
“DUTCH" MILLER BOUQUET States that he has let himself be in­ ures together, making 144 square feet,
Twenty pounds to the inch—that’s easy
pensive cars you will find the Four-Ninety
terviewed at length on the League sit­ divide this by ten, and there is a frac­
to remember, but more than half of
tion over 14. Do not put more than
as fully equipt as the best.
tire troubles come from forgetting to
David Hazen delights in handing out Times correspondent in Paris, the 15 hens in such a house.
supply the twenty.
Full pressure
For Example
printed “ bouquets” to the boys of Food Administration Chief asserts that
means fewer punctures.
Don’t skid, turn sharp or stop quick­ 162 nd. Infantry with whom he was so vail America cannot abandon it. We ROAD BONDS PROPOSED
The New Chevrolet Ninety-Four Has:
ly, if you can possibly avoid it. Skid-! long associated in France. One of his cannot withdraw,; he says, and leave
ding is tire destruction at par. Sharp latest was handed to “ Dutch” Miller, Europe to chaos. “To abandon the
One Man Pantasote top.
turns are worse than sharp stones, and ticket seller at the Portland Union League Covenant now means that the
quick stops damage both tires and car. Depot, ex-postmaster of the 162 nd. treaty itself will collapse.”
It is proposed that Clackamas county
N ew improved Remy System of ignition.
Mr. Hoover’s wide acquaintance issue $1,700,000 in bonds for roads in
Don’t neglect small injuries to tires, Infantry, son of Geotge Miller of Aur-
A bruise in live rubber makes a dead |ora, brother of the well known Miller with conditions both here and abroad, ten districts as follows:
Willard Storage Battery.
is reputation as an administrator, a
spot—fix it before gangrene sets in.
No. 1, Barlow to Monitor, 12 miles,
I twins, of Dutch town, (not to mention man of great affairs who deals with
Zenith Double Jet carburetor.
Don’t refuse your tires a change of | Bill Flick), and all round good fellow, acts, not theories, make his state to cost $132,000.
scenery when they need it. When the j citizen and soldier, ir. Saturday’s Port- ment one of the most important
- No. 2, Canby to Marquam, 13 miles,
Cone c l u t c h with adjustable compensating
rear tires show wear—send them for- j ian(j Telegram. It ran thus:
tributions to the recent League disciss­ to cost $143,000.
io n s .
w s r d if s a m e s i z g as f r o n t w I igg ! t i r e s . j "
Mi l l ^r^s - sm il© h a s f a d -
N o. 3, N e w E r a t o M ola lla , L i b e r a l
“There are one or two points in con-' t o M a c k s b u r g , 20 m ile s, t o Cost $220,-
Do the same from left to right when Ld, He hobbles around like a crow
New Canadian Semi-Cantilever springs. A 1920
the outside shows wear—putting the I.with ingrowing toenails. It isn’t the nection with the present treaty,” said 000 .
best side out. Change is better for j gout that’s troubling “Dutch” . It isn’t
No. 4, Oregon City to Keiland Hill,
eration by the American public. We
tires than for invalids,
even a love affair—but these did worry need to digest the fact that we have McCord Hill, Carus, Hog Hollow, 13
Three-quarters floating rear ’ axle with Hyatt
---------- ^------ ------------------is— ---------- him a lot over there. It is simply being for a century and a half been advo- miles, to cost $143,003,
1 « I j on his feet so much and not having
iting democracy not only ^ as a
No. 5, Oregon City to Scliuebel, 8
roller bearings.
L£J I | time to care for them that is causing remedy for the internal ills of 'all so­ miles, to cost $88,000.
ciety, but also as the only real safe-
Complete lamp equipment, tilted windshield,
| the grief.
No. 6, Oregon City to Viola, 9 miles,
t Sergeant Alvin Miller, along with uard against war. We have believed to cost $99,000.
every other lad in Contres, had to take and proclaimed, in season and out,
No, 7, Park Place to Spring Water,
care of his feet during the war. Foot-
Oil pressure guage, ammeter, electric horn, de­
free expression and enforcement of 20 miles, $220,000.
I work was one of the chief things that the will of the majority was the real
The United States
No, 8, Logan-Barton to Estacada, 14
mountable rims, extra rim and carrier on
j won the war if anyone should happen basis of government, was essential for miles, to cost $154,000.
Grain Corporation
rear. Complete tool equipment, foot rail,
Announces that it will sell
No. 9, Rock Creek to Sandy, Orient,
the advancement of civilization, and
“ Straight” grade flour, to all
| ed regularly and if Buddy is found to that we have proved its enormous hu­ Damiscus and to Multnomah county, 22
robe rail and everything that comfort and
purchasers, in carload lots, in
i be having trouble, he must rest for a man benefits in our country.
miles, to cost $242,000.
140 lb. jute sacks,gross weight,
convenience dictate—no extras to buy.
| while.or get into some branch of the
American Ideas Have Prevailed. '
No, 10, Wilsonville to Oswego and
delivered to any Railway Sta­
I service that does not require walking.
tion in Zone 10, comprising
'We went into the war to destroy Stafford to Willamette, 16 miles, to
the States of Oregon, W ash-
] In Contres the former pride of Aurora autocracy as a menace to our own and cost $176,000.
ington and Idaho, at not to ex­
had wonderful feet for waltzing and all other democracies. If we had not
Each road designated will gets its
ceed $10.00 per bbl, net cash.
come into the war every inch of Euro­ share only. The bonds if voted, will
Purchasers will be supplied
Alvin told his little brothers Andrew pean soil today would be under auto­ run 20 years at at 5 per cent. The
from nearest available mill,
which may result in slight sav­
! Jackson and George Washington, and cratic government. We have imposed bonds will be issued only so fast as
ing for buyers’ account.
j they told the writer, that if his feet do our will on the world. Out of this necessary to built the roads within
victory has come the destruction of
Wholesale and jobbers pro­
I not improve he will have to take a va the four great autocracies in Ger­ three years.
fits on such flour must not ex­
I cation.”
The districts must pay for the rights
ceed 75c per bbl. and retailer’s
many, Russia, Turkey and Austria and
profits must not exceed $1.25
the little autocracy in Greece. New of way, grading and preparing the base
per bbl.
democracies have sprung into being in
Address all communications to
PEACHES FOR CANNING Poland, Finland, Letvia, Lithuania, for the hard surface.
Czechoslovakia, Greater
United States Grain
Serbia, Greece, Siberia, and even Ger­
Late Crawfords and Elbertas. Or
many and Austria have established
The government has issued a warn­
510 Board of Trade Building
der now. Eilers Peach Orchards, Aur democratic governments.
Portland, Oregon
ora Mutual Phone, R. 3, Aurora, Ore these a host of small republics, such ing that all dealers in wheat, wheat
and other wheat products must
as Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and flour
take out licenses at once under penalty
others, have sprung up,, and again as of prosecution by the department of
a result of this great world movement justice. Bakers consuming less than
the constitutions of Spain, Rumania, 50 barrels of wheat flour monthly, re­
and even England, have made a final tailers, farmers and farmers co oper­
ascent to complete franchise and de­ ative associations, however, are not re­
mocracy, although they still maintain quired to take out licenses. '
a symbol of royalty.
Just a few7 short days now before the old bell on the
“We have been the living spring for
Among those in Aurora this week
this last century and half from which were James Ogle and Wm. Giesy of
hlil will ring out the announcement.
Let us help
these ideas have sprung, and we have Portland, Mr. and Mrs. John Gahler
you get ready for that day. Our supplies for the
triumphed. The . world today, except and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carothers of
for a comparatively few reactionary
school girls and boys are equal to all normal Ade-
and communistic autocracies, is dem­ Needy,
Shimmin Bros.
School Time
Is Buying Time
U t Us“Show”Y ou
Fall goods are now coming in.' We are
able to supply all your fall and winter
requirements" in Outing Flannels, Suit­
ings, U nderwear, Shoes, Rubber wear, etc.
We invite you to come in, examine
these goods as to quality and prices.
We are satisfied tnat we can save you
money on practically everything you
may need—considering the high quality
of our goods. Let us “show" you.
W IL L -S N Y D E R C O .
ocratic, and we did it.
“A man who takes a wife and
blesses the world with several infants
cannot go away and leave them on
the claim that there was no legal mar­
“These infant democracies all have
political, social and economic prob­
lems involving their neighbors that
are fraught with the most intense
friction. There are no natural bound­
aries in Europe. Races are not com­
pact; they blend at every border. They
need railway communication and sea
outlets through their neighbors’ ^terri­
“Many of these states must for the
next few years struggle almost for
bare bones to maintain their very
existence. Every one of them is go­
ing to do its best; to protect its own
interests, even to the prejudice of iti
Governments Lack Experience.
“We in America should realize that
(Contidued on page 4)
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller have been
attending the undertaker’s convention
at Portland this week.
Joe King has returned from a week’s
vacation at the Tiliamook Beaches.
His mother and his niece of Barlow
were with him.
George W. Atwood who has pur­
chased the place occupied by Carl Brem­
er opposite Gilbertsons Grove, arrived
Tuesday to take posession.
Miss Velma Bents and Miss Orletta
Kraus were south bound passengers on
the afternoon train yesterday.
S. U. Guivin of Monmouth was a
visitor at the home of E M, Hurst this
week. They yrere boyhood friends.
G. P, H, S. White of Turner was
here yesterday, and with his brother
W. L. White of Union, was transact­
ing business in town.
Miss Inene Wurfel was among the
Barlow people here yesterday,
mands. The quality and prices of these goods are
in keeping with honest merchandising. It does’nt
matter what you may require our stocks are suffi-
ently great to meet that requirement. Especially
we want to remind you that our stocks of shoes, un­
derwear, piece goods for dresses and under clothes,
hats and caps, boys suits, rubber footwear and w et
weather clothing in season are the right goods at
prices that are reasonable.
--------------THE BEST FOR THE PRICE-----
School tablets, practice paper, drawing paper, pens,
ink, Crayons.
Large assortment to select from.