BARJ j UW Corvallis where he is working with a Mr. Porter has bought an automobile. survey crew, Chester Oathout was a Portland visit­ Mrs. Cora Larson Olsen returned to the Tillamook country last week after or recently. visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jesse visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Saaurney of Portland Jesse’s parents Sunday, spent the day with their parents Mr. Mrs. K irk o f McMinnville is v isitin g and Mrs. Larson Sunday, her dau ghter Mrs. W urfel. Mrs. Ashford and daughters of Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. S B. Berg of Silverton Minnville visited Mr, and Mrs. Percy Visited their sons recently, Ashford here a couple of weeks. Mr, Dickson an old resident here was Henry Kirk of McMinnville brother hurried in Portland Friday, of Mrs. Wurfel is visiting his sister, Mr. Rymerson an ok) resident here Mr. Kirk recently returned from France where he was in the service over » year. is visiting a t Mr. Bergusons. Sam and Andy Gribbleand mother of The Red Cross ladies met with Mrs. Irwin Thursday of last week. Macksburg visited at the Jesse home Mrs. Clara Larson Oathes of Astoria 'last Wednesday. Mrs," Gribble is a i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse. Visited her parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason are visit­ | Clarence Landsverk surprised his ing Mrs. Masons father “ Buddy” Tull. parents one day last week by walking j in. The last they heard from Clarence - Miss Agnes Berg has been engaged he was at Key West and did not expect for our school for the coming school ■ to he released, but he is honorably dis- year. j charged from the Navy after serving Cecil Ross is home on a furlough. | ovei two' years and is glad to be home Cecil is stationed on the Mexican bor­ although he has traveled on the water der. pa great deal and seen many different Orville Widdows left Monday for countries. T H E DIFFERENCE John Brown Smith, the successful business man im­ ports the materials for his clothing, shirts and underwear from several parts of Europe. Anything under six cylin­ ders and real plush upholstery is beneath his consideration. He thinks, sleeps, works and enjoys himself in big figures. John Smith, the plodder, wears the cheapest grade of ready-made clothing. He hopes, some day, to own a second-hand runabout. He thinks, sleeps, eats and en­ joys himself always with a watchful eye to his manifold responsibilities and a slowly growing rainy day fund. The real difference between the two Smith’s, however, is this: John Brown Smith subscribes to a Victory Liberty Loan with a check for a sum which would keep him in high-balls, cigars, and dinners for one month. He is not exactly ungracious about it but he expresses the belief that the war’s end makes unecessary any further loan is­ sues and hopes “this is the last.” John Smith confers with the real head of the family and grins when he discovers he can take on a bigger load than he at first had anticipated by paring his own weekly budget a trifle more. So he makes the first payment on two bonds instead of one and gets quite cheerful about it. “ Great stuff/’ he says, “bring on some more bond issues.” // X y , Who is the better American? Union Hill district has $4000 to its credit in Victory Loan subscriptions. Among them is a subscription by Charles Hart, an honorably discharged soldier. Such sub­ scriptions ought to make the stay-at-home, able non-sub­ scribers ashamed of their Americanism and patriotism. Are we satisfied to let the soldiers both serve and pay without ourselves coming forward to meet our full quota? * If you have the money, or if you can get it, it is your solemn duty, as a good citizen, to buy Victory Liberty Loan bonds. All share in the V ictory; all should share in the cost. Every good citizen WILL, He who says, “Let the banks take the, Victory Loan”, does not understand that bank buying means additional inflation of currency, more credit liability, and higher prices. Every bond that a bank buys, lessens the purchas­ ing power of the money left in individual hands. Clean-up day made a great change in the appearance of the town, but there i3 still plenty of room for improve­ ment, and its not too late for further effort. PRINTED Butter W rappers It no longer being allow able to w rite th e nam e o f th e m a k e r on rolls of b u tte r ex­ posed for sale,T heO bserver has again begun p rin tin g (upon orders)of B u tter W rappers. 100 for $1.50 E ach additional 1 0 0 ,7 5 cents T en cents(per order) additional if sen t by m a il Phone or mail your order now, and* get your wrappers by return mail. The Observer, Aurora, Oregon M A RK ETREPO RT Egg per dozen 41«" Butter, 2-lb. roll 80c Spring B roiler 35c Ducks, 30c to 35c Turkeys, old, 30c Jeese 18c Old Roosters, 17c Hens, 28c Cascara, 13c Lard, 30c Potatoes, $1,10 to $1.50 Mohair 50 c 5 Henry Tautfest and family were over from Fargo Thursday. The county has just purchased a new paving plant at a cost«of $14,000. Its first use will be in putting down a hard surface pavement on the Liberty lead. There will be a general clean up at the Aurora cemetery, Thursday, April 15. Everyone is invited to come out and help with this necessary work. Wanted at Once—An all round farm hand, single, $50 a month. Room and board. No milking. Inquire at Ob­ server office, Aurora, Oregon, 9-lt. Twenty-eight lady employes of the Sheridan Cannery comprise the Band of 28 pieces which ,will give a concert at Woodburn Saturday, May 10 at 2 p. A. McConnell of Union was trans­ m. to 3 p. m. and at 7 o’clock in the evening. It will be well worth going acting business here Saturday, to hear. Sam Stauffer was a visitor here Mon­ day. from his home near Donald. f The Graves Cannery of Woodburn wants for Canning Royal Ann, Early Mr. and Mrs, S. P. Hondnck of Eltons, Governor Wood, Bings and Needy were m the city Saturday. Lambert cherriés; Bartlett pears and The city council met Monday night Italian prunes. We are also in the mar­ and transacted only routine business. ket for strawberries, raspberries logan­ W. J . Uppenhahl was in from the berries and gooseberries. For pncés Marks Prairie country Friday on busi- write Graves Cannery Co., Woodburn, Oregon, or see G. W. McGuire, field ness. ■ buyer. ® " Mr. and Mrs. Carl Potwin were in town Saturday from Meridian shop­ MACKSBURG ping. The Mother’s Club is to meet in the The dance Saturday night at the coming, week at the home of its see’y Aurora Band Hall was enjoyed by a Mrs. G. M. Baldwin. Hurried as we nice crowd. all are with the work that spring-time It was reported that paving was be­ brings to the ranch, an afternoon tak­ gun last week on the Pacific Highway en for social pleasure and for mutual near Brooks. work once in two weeks is not con­ S. H. Stoner,Edwin Stoner, and Miss sidered lost. Stoner were among those shopping Building, interrupted by the absence here Tuesday. of our men at the war, is reviving Mrs. King who has been visiting again. Roy Yoder is building a fine Mrs. Ida Miller returned Tuesday to, new barn, Carl Bosche is putting up a her home in Portland. ;■ granary and the sound of hammer and saw is reverberating from other ranch­ Mr. and Mrs. Colclazier and the es in our place. former’s sister motored over the Colum­ The Red Cross Auxiliary is still im­ bia Highway Sunday, proving its vacation by putting home Mr, ane Mrs. W.L. Murray and John affairs in shape to be left when again Murray were here Saturday on busi­ they are called upon for work. Not a ness from East Butteville. member of our Auxiliary Would think Herman Abrams made a trip -Tuesday of giving up the work while the appeal to a logging camp near Silver Falls in for help Í3 heard in such bitter strains as aré coming across the sea and even the timber above Silverton. sounding from our own shores today. We are now showing a nice line pi Spring and Summer Hats. Call and Gradually the places left vacant by opr soldier boys are beiwr refilled. Will see them.—Fargo Mercantile Co. Gibson returned from France last week Mrs, J. S, Cooper, who was visiting after an absence of nearly a year. Mr. her daughter Mrs. John Kraus, has re­ Gibson is looking in better health, even when he went away. This is só turned to her home at Independence.. , than rarity among ¡the boys who were only The directors of the Aurora State in our training camps and never over the sea, but soldiers with form and Bank met Tuesday, Those at feature unmarred are not so common meeting were Directors Chas. Kraxbey- among those who have been m the ger, J. H. Miley, I. A.. Miiey/ 6 r, fight, T.he few su rvivors Of' the Civil War well remember the deathly pallor Giesy and Zeno Schwab. . , . ' and fhe vasted features of our return­ It is reported that an 18-acre tract f t ing men especially of those who had Donald, one half of which is. in logan­ contracted swamp fever1 in the un­ drained lands or in the noisome prisons berries, was sold last week for $6000, of the south and how for years it was It was the Billis tract and. was sold to easy to distinguish a soldier by the sunken outlines of his face. Mr. Pritchett of Portland. W. Ç. Grim, accompanied by Mrs, B. J. Grim and Miss Clara Will, motored1 All D istricts Short to Dallas Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs, The banking districts below are all A. F. Will. Mr. Grim’s little daughter short of their quotas, except Canby is with Mrs, Will, his sister, a t Dallas. where the two banks have guaranteed Recently while attending the Grand the quota. The amounts subscribed Lodge of the ladies of the Maccabees refer to popular subscriptions. District Subscriptions at Portland, Mrs. A, E, Feller of Don­ Quota Subscribed ald had her auto damaged jt>y collision with a large car, hut no one was in­ A urora.____ $ 24,150.......$ 20,300 Hubbard. . . . . 15,250........... 10,500 ju re).;/ Canby............ 48,150.......... 32,500 J. S. Fisher,the Needy saw mill man, Donald,.......... 7,550__ 4,550 this week shipped a car of saw timber to Iowa, for use on public works. He EXECUTOR’S NOTICE has shipped lumber and timbers to all parts of the country as far east as NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an order of the Chicago. County Court of the State of Oregon The latest road plan for Marion coun­ for the County of Marion, duly made ty contemplates the expenditure of and entered on the 22d day of March, $1,700.00 during the next five years for 1919, was appointed executor of the 100 miles of hard surface and 50 miles Estate of Susan Will, deceased, and of gravel roads—-if the proposal car­ that he has duly qualified as such ries at the election June 3. exefeutor. All persons having claims The Union Meat Co,, of Portland* against said estate are hereby notified owned by Swift & Co., will probably to present the same, with ; proper be operated soon under the latter name. vouchers, as required by law, to said Thé Portland Union Stock - Yards also executoi at Aurora, in Marion County, owned by Swift & Co., something that Oregon, wit'iin six months from the many people have not known. The date of this notice. change in name removes all camou­ Dated this 6th «day of May, 1919. flage and lets the people know with ALLEN H. WILL, Executor. whom they are dealing. Max Gehlhar and Jas. G. Heltzel, Attorneys for Estate. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tautfest and sons were here Tuesday evening from Date of First Publication May 8. their home at Fargo. Mrs. T autfest’s Date of Last Publicatiou June 5. brother John Kister writes from'France that he hopes (like most of the.boys of R. B. F. GIESY A. E. F.) to receive orders soon to re­ turn to America» ' D Representatives of 11 Marion county towns have been invited to attend a luncheon at the Marion Hotel, - Salem, next Monday to fcgm a commercial or­ ganization for the county, and to pro­ Both Phones mote the commuhity club idea for every Office at Residence town in the county. EDWIN STONER HOME The Phillips gravel plant on Puddfng River is now taking out more than 1000 Corporal Edwin Stoner, son of Mr. yards per week. Some days the amount and Mrs. S. H. Stoner, arrived home is above 200 yards. last week Thursday from Charleston, S. There will be a meeting Tuesday C., having received his discharge from the service. He was accompanied by evening at 8 o’clock at the Rock Creek Mr. Os borne, a comrade from bis motor church to make arrangements to clean up the Rock Creek Cemetery and to truck company.. Mr, Osborne stopped over a day only fence it. Everyone having friends and then went on to his home in La- buried there and all others interested Grand. Mr. Stoner is looking well, and are requested to attend. This meeting is glad to get back to Oregon which he is called by the trustees of the ceme­ considers the ideal state, in comparison tery. with life in the “ sunny south” . Mr, The Willameete Valley Mortgage and and Mrs. Stoner have another son Loan company, by its trustee, B. F. Benjamin Stoner, still in the service. Giesy, has brought suit in the Clacka­ He is stationed at Washington, D. C. where a part of his regiment, the 63rd mas county circuit court against Eliza­ beth R. Denny and the latter as ad­ Infantry, is doing guard duty. ministratrix of the estate of Malcolm F. B. Fargo and Geo, McFarland J. Denny, deceased, and B. A. Garrett, were here from Fargo Tuesday even­ for judgment in the sum of $16,752.38, ing. They state that the prospects for together with interest and attorney’s a big apple crop are excellent at the fees of $1000 on 15 promissory notes in Fargo orchards. The blooms were the sum of $1000 each, alleging failure plentiful and the fruit appears to be to make payments upon a contract for setting heavily. * the purhcase of land. Service Talks In the matter of AND Implements as well as in all other merchandising Try us for anything in the Hard­ ware and Implement line. H a rd w are G .A . EHLEN Im plem ents Hardware Store The Wide Awake Wurster Bros, Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The Willamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. A u ro ra , O re g o n W E H A V E STA RTED O U R ICE MACHINE FOR THE SEASON NO ADVANCE IN PRICES H u b b a rd C re a m e ry C o. H u b b ard , O regon Physician and Surgeon *T don’t know why it is, but the newspapers rarely print my name cor-j rectly. Most of the time they spell i t Thomas, but it is just plain Thoms. The printers want to stick an V in it” ,said D, C. Thoms, who has served three sessions of the legislature. Mri Thoms was in Portland last week to attend a me ting of the Pacific Millers’ associa­ tion. His mill is at Scio, Linn county, and the mill is about all there is at Scio. but, adds Mr. Thoms, it’s a good town and a prosperous one,—Oregonian. 1 Aurora, Or, R .R . GILMORE Blacksmithing H O RSESH O EIN G A SPECIALTY Formerly the Chas. Goudreau Shop CANBY - OREGON OHIO DENTISTS DR. J. G. NASH, Manager 507$ Main Street, Over Harding’s Drug Store Phone 62 Oregon City, Oregon Bring Your Dental Troubles to Us We will at all times be pleased to advise you as to your needs in our line. We offer you the benefit of our service, and guarantee perfect satisfaction. Patients are not allowed to leave our office unless ;SS thoroughly satisfied. _ 1