Sim un © Optra “ Seen and Heard” The Clackamas county tax rolls just turned over to the sheriff for collection Ernest Worle and family were here show that the total amount to be col­ shopping Monday. lected for 1919 is ^944,869,15—only a little short of a round million. This is $75,000 more than for 1918, The “ Youth’ s Companion” (new) Thos. M. Wescott, eight years old, is and “ Todays Housewife” both one year very proud of a post card from Cpl. Lee for $2.50. D. Marsh, at Tours, France, received here this week. The American dough­ . Many people were in the city Satur­ boy never forgets the kids—at home or day to take advantage of the Sadler & abroad. Kraus sale. j The following have been appointed George Gray was among the Union j road deputies in Clackamas county for district people in Oregon City on busi­ 11919: D. R. Dimick;. Canby; R. W. Zimmeriflan, Aurora; R, Klaus, Macks- ness Saturday. burg; W, W. Sporalsky, Union; A. F. Eyman, Aurora, R. 2, Mr, and Mrs. Guy N, Hickok and son Nelson were up from Portland Sunday to visit friends here. More honors have been piled upon the broad shoulders of E. G. Robinson/ president of the Molalla Electric Co. E. M. Hurst, who last week became He has been chosen president of the ill with an attack of pleuro pneumonia, Canby Commercial Club. J. R. Vin- yard is vice-president, and R. C.Smith, is reported much better. secretary, Mr. and Mrs. B, H- Will came up Everybody, beware, and lock up the from Portland Sunday to Visit Mr. Wills chicken houses, as someone might get mother and other relatives. chicken hungry again. The Mayor of Paradise and Elmer Deetz are suffer­ ing the loss of all their fowls, says the R. 0 . Jack was here Monday from Wolfer Prairie correspondent of the the Needy section. He says farming Canby News. operations may begin soon, with a few days of good weather “ The following information is want­ ed: Names, locations, capacity ând Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Krueger of Can­ superintendents or managers of all in­ by were decent visitors at the home of stitutions, public or private, equipped Mrs. Krueger’s parents Mr. and Mrs.J, for the care of the sick in Marion and Polk counties. Call 1500 or address D, Ritter at Wolfer Prairie. Willamette Chapter A. R. C., Salem, Oregon.” Mr, and Mrs, H. L. Bents were Sal­ em visitors la3t week. While there The following K. P. officers were in­ they visited the state house and a ses­ stalled recently at Hubbard, Elmer sion of the Oregon legislature; Stauffer, C, C:; A. F. de Lespinasse, V. C ,; Julius Stauffer, K, R. & S .; M. Review of Reviewshas now advanced 6. Kromling, M, of F .; L. M. Scholl, to $4,00 per year, and worth it! But M, of Ex.; Fred Wolfer, M. of A.;Earl you can get this great magazine and Kocher. Prelate; Le3ter Will.M. of W. the Observer, both one year for $4.50. Elton McLaughlin, I. G,; H. F. Scholl, O. G.; C. F. Bevefis, Trustee. Blue-$5.00-1919-War-Savings Stamps cost $1.13 during February, and you M. N. Crisell was among the farmers can buy any amount of them up to here Saturday, and was among sever­ $1000, at the Aurora Post Office. Don’ t al farmers looking over the Fordson at the Miller garage. The Crisell Bros., crowd, pleasel have a Fordson with which they turn over ah acre ana hour. They were the Mr. and Mrs, Sadler', of Aurora, and first in this section to own a Fordson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Evans, of Canby, but it is probable that msfhy other’ s were dinner guests at the home of Mr. will invest soon. and Mrs. E, G, Robinson last Friday evening.—Canby New3. Mr, Myers was here from Portland | Sunday to visit the Zimmerman home. | His father is an employe in the ice i plant of which Mr. Zimmerman’s son Augustus is superintendent in San Francisco, As Mr. Myers is going to Notary Public San Francisco soon he called to see the Zimmermans before leaving—to carry Fire Insurance word to their son. LOUIS WEBERT AURORA OREGON Henry L. Bents recently sent a package of hoD samples to a Belgian DR. de LESPINASSE firm, but the hops went no further th^m ! New York, from which city they were DENTIST ¡returned marked “ Forbidden” . For j what reason it is not allowed to send Trullinger Bldg Phone United 6319 I hop samples to Belgium is not known, j but it is probably due to some war re- striction not yet removed. H u b b a r d , O regon LOCAL AD RATE. HUNT WRITES ABOUT PAVING County commissioner J. T, Hunt] Local notices and classified column writes the Observer that some of the advertisements of every description are legislators having criticized the paving 5 cents per line, but no “ ad” will be done by the county, it was decided to inserted for less than 25c. This rate appoint a committee of three senators of 5 cents per line applies to foi and two representatives, to accompany sale, for rent, lost, found, want ad, Roadmaster Culver and Mr. Hunt to card of thanks and all similar notices, inspect the pavement laid by tne coun­ ! as well as to all notices of entertain­ ty and that built by the Highway com­ ments, fairs, socials, shows, etc,,which mission at Newberg, and to secure charge an admission fee or arc given samples from both, The samples are to raise money for any purpose. Copy now in the hands o f the committee. for local reading notices must be in After comparing them, Mr. Hunt de­ not later than Wednesday noon, clares he and the other members of the court are proud of the showing made. | A $25 SHARE of stock of the Aur- He is positive the county can do the jora Mutual Telephone Company for same work cheaper than the contract­ sale at less than half its face value. In­ ors can do it, and it appears so far that quire at' the Observer Office, the eounty advocates have the best of HOLLY FOR SA L E -Y oung Holly the argument by a dollar or so per trees (berry) for sale, sm all size,about square yard. 18 or 20 inches, 50c each; larger size $1.00. Telephone your order or drop a BURGLAR FOOLS OGLE card to the Observer, Aurora, Oregon. By telephoning the Lincoln garage, 374 Union avenue North, and asking The Christian Herald and McCall’s, employes to call James Ogle, manager j both one year for $3.00. The Herald of the Standard Oil filling station near ! alone $2.50 per year. Phone the Ob- by, ar burglar yesterday lured Mr. Ogle ! server your order today. from the station and robbed the till of $7 during his absense. The burglar j MARRY—A Farmer Worth $40,000. telephoned from W, C, Church’s drug I Füll particulars by return mail, H. store at 355 Union avenue North, and j 253a Minna St. San Francisco, Cal. watched from the doorway of the store Î47-2) until he saw the manager leave the filling station.—Oregonian. The Pictorial Review, 1 year for $2.00, two years for $3.00. Phone the LEGISLATIVE PARAGRAPHS j Observer your order now. LA FOLLETT— Senator La Follett seems to be emulating “ Cousin Bob” . “ i.ob” who makes'queftionable speeches for which he was nearly thrown out of the United States senate, while “ Alec” opposes Senator Dimick’s bill to forbid $he teaching of German in state sup­ ported schools in Oregon. FOR SALE—Top buggy and harness cheap. Walter Grim, Hubbard, Ore, (47-2t) Just a few more days in which to se­ cure “ Good Housekeeping” , one of the best magazines for women, at $1.50 per year. After February 20, 1919 it will be $2.00 per year. Unity, San Francisco, Calif. (47-2t) The newest “ ¡lusher” Is the fellow who gives you thé silver voice over the , phone. He is related to the common ] If you are about out of Letter Head^ or garden variety of fourflushers. It or envelopes, order today. Telephone is over the phone that he makes him- j us your order, self conspicuous, aud those who are j — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not hep Imagine he Is thé guy who MABRY IF LONELY; for results* knows it all. A man from the West, a try me;best.and most successful “ Home wealthy miner from Butte, Mont., dis­ Maker” hundreds rich wish . marriage covered the phone flusher and he has soon;strictlv confidential;most reliable; announced that it Is his intention to t , . , ... - • start a society to eliminate this par- i ! W 8 ° f expe? e,nC l ^ ’ i n n 1 ' iV/I J D , *