Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, January 02, 1919, Image 3

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Pay your Electric light
Aurora State Bank,
Rev, L. S. Mochel and family are re­
ported as having the influenza at. Wood- j
Miss Louise Miller was the guest of]
Mrs, Anna Fry and family on Christ-; j
mas Day.
Judge Bingham,, who has been iH:
several days at Salem, is how reported f
much better,
. County assessor Ben West was .jsick
last week at his home in Salem from an
attack of the influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. W. fi. Ehlen are. mov-?/
ing into the house known as. the W.W.:
Giesy residence, in “ West Aurora.”
Mr. and Mrs- Co as, Eilers and tittle
daughter were dinner guests. Saturday |
at the home of Mr. and Ers. F. L,
Arch C. Long, known to many here»- Miss Velma Bents was here from
34 years old, and Elsie N. Davidsvn,34, Portland to spend Christmas with her !
both of Oregon City were granted: a ! parents Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Bents,
license to wed, last Saturdry. at Van- j In Germany.according to the B rew - i
- "
lers’ Journai ôt“' London," probably the !
Mrs. Bowles and.children of Oregon ¡ hignest prices on record have.been paid :
City were the Christmas guests of Mrs. ¡for 1918 hops. The market in Nurërfl- ]
Bowie’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry berg advanced rapidly from 450 marks ]
Becke, They returned to Oregon: City in September (at the pre-war rate of j
Saturday, 1
: exchange, 98c per pound) to 930 marks i
[ in October ($L95 per pouhd)^ and old
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mr. and
hops advanced accdrding’y, -¿On th e;
Mrs, Geo.- Asking Sr;, ' Gladys Aski.n,
market in Saaz up to 765 kronen ($1.40
Minnie Askin and Frank - Askin wert
per pound) was paid for 1918’s, 375;
dinner guests Christmas at the home
kronen (63c) for 19i7’s aira 2& kronen]
of Mrs. Geo, Askins, Jri • ' -
(40c)_for hops. - The 1918 German ]
M ¡88 Kelly, teacher of the' intermedi­ crop is estimated at 25.000 cwt., the j
ate grades-of the Aurora school, - hat 1918 Austrian crop at 50,000 .cwt. Hops |
been quite sick during, the , Christina were-being used to eke out the tobacco j
holidays, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. supply as well as for brewing.—Ore -1
O. G. Morris, She is improving satis gonian.
faCtodly, but Dr. Giesy would.; not al
low her to return to her school wor!
M A CK SBU ltG ,
until next week,
The Eby school re-opened December ;
Mr. and Mrs, A. K. Anderson,, ant
23, but the Macksburg school and the j
daughters,and Gus Swan of Chariipoeg
Lutheran church have been indefinitely
and Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Johnson an«
closed.' - -. '
- }
Mr, Swan of Portland were guests a t i
August Rothen berg, in charge of the r
family dinne* Christmas day a t th<
home of Mr, and Mrs. L. P. Swan at Red Cross Christm ay Roll Call reports [
fair success in his efforts to enroll I
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G arrett of Donald, members.
(Continued from page 2)
Jim Snyder
W. II. Ortman
Mrs. W. H. Ortman
N. E. Cole
Mrs. N. E. Cole
Henry Ehlen
Mrs. H enry Ehlen
Win. Kraus
P. J. Hunt
Mrs; -P. J. H unt
F. M. Keil
Mrs: F. M. Keil
John Kraus
Mrs, John Kraus
Mrs. Thos. McRae
Arda Kraus
J. W. Sadler
Mrs J, Ws. Sadler
W. P. W urster
Mrs. W. P. W urster
Evadna H urst
H enrietta Will
A. W. Kraus
Georgia Kraus
Mrs. Geo. Kraus
Clara J. W urster
Mrs. Emery Howe
Mrs. Jos Erbsland
Red Cross'work is still active here j Zeno Schwab
Mr. G arrett of Bend, and Mr. and :Mr;
F. Feller and grandson Francis we! < Gratitude for the great blessing of! Mrs. Zeno Schwab
of express, and; Mrs. Rita Colclazicr
Christmas guests at the home of Mr. peace seeks eve
and*Mrs. J. P. Feller at Donald, In this takes the form of working f o r 1 Mi’s. Chester Becker
the evening they were joined by Mr.andi others whom circumstances have placed
Mrs. J. F. Kerr
Mrs, 0. O. Freeman and sons, Mr. and] them in need of our aid.
Louine Kerr
Mrs. M. W. Johnson of Donald,, and. Our hearts go out in sympathy to, Mrs. M. E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs, Reisbeclc of Portland- ‘ those who have paid so dearly for the 1 Mrs. Lane G ribble
The Oregon state council of defense victory that has spread its mantle of j Chris Zimmerman
and all the county and local subordinate j gladness over the world, In spite of ; Mrs. Chris Zimmerman
councils went out of existence y ester- j the holiday cheer we cannot refrain j Al Zimmerman
Mrs.’ Margaret Stauffer
day officially. Some of the organiz- j from reflections that are sad.
ations wifi continue to function in a] The work of land clearing goes on j Mrs. Triphine Will
voluntary unofficial manner, in those j apacg. Everywhere are to be seen the I Elizabeth Forstner
communities where their work is n o tjmanmotb forest stumps being con- j Lizzie M. Will
Clara Will
'jsum ed by the flames, while the small
While one must have a license to pur- ones yield, tc stump-puller, which works; Bertha Stark
Albert Kraus
chase blasting powder, dynamite, etc., tp advantage in the moistened soil.
Katio Kraus
ingredients of of explosives may be
Louis Webert
purchased without a license if wanted
Mrs. Louis Webert
for any other purpose than the manu­
spent the holidays j Geo. Miller
facture of explosives, Saltpeter for:
Mrs. Geo. Miller
use in curing meats may now be pur-j a t Portland.
chased freely;
"I Ross Hilliard was here from Portland; Wm. Brmm
Geo. W , Askin
Christmas to visit friends.
Mis. Geo. W. Askin
Genevieve Campau was home from
John Pugh Sr.
j Albany for the Christmas holidays,
John Pugh Jr.
Carl Potwin has made several busi-
Anna M. Pugh
i ness trips to Portland the past few
Alvina Pugh
John L. Snyder
Mrs, Eli Keil
j J, C. Brewer recently purchased a
i ton of carrots from Henry Mills—for Mrs. H. A. Gilbert eon
Arthur Keil
! stock feed.
j The Mercian road is-being graveled U. S. Armstrong
C. F. Bremer
\ rather slowly on account of the short-
Mrs. C. F. Bremer
1 age of teams,
S. F , Southard
j Everyone enjoyed the community [ Mrs. S. F. Southard
Christmas tree and the fine program! — —- Southard
t that accompanied it.
—- — Southard
H. A. Gilbertson
Forest Mills has purchased twenty-
three acres of the old Bachert home­
stead from Andy Bachert.
Leona M. Gribble
Watch and
Clock Repairing
' Chris Trost, Sr; Christ Trost, Jr. and
i (Eddie Bisanz made a trip to Oregon
City and Portland last week selling
We wish at this time to express our
appreciation to .the FRUIT GRO W­
ERS in this Qounty who by their
manifestations of Faith in our organi­
zation have made it possible for us to
make greater expansion during the
jtear 1919. This message conveys to
you our Best Wishes for a Joyous
Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
Valley Canning Company
V fJ j I
Ensley W. Gribble
Mrs. A. C. Jesse
Avon Jesse
Frank Oglesby
Lillie Oglesby s
Grover Goetz
Anna Goetz
John Jesse
Sarah Jesse
George Oglesby
- Chas. E. Oglesby
Ida M. Oglesby
E bner Armstrong
Louise Armstrong
J. H. Kraus
Freda Kraus
J. K; Gribble
Wade Gribble
Amy Gribble
Mary E. Gribble
Ace Church
Marget Church
Freda Goetz
Emma Goetz
Laura Köcher
Jane E. Skinner
W. J. Uppendahl
J.- R. Marks
Sarah E. Marks
John K raft
Mrs. John K raft
Jacob Rueck J r.
Christ K raft
H. W. Peter
Mrs. H. W. Peter
J. P. Yost
Mrs. J. F. Yost
Allen F. Yost
Martha Yost
Mabel Yost
Johanna Yost
Sam Harzig
Mrs. D. W. Hepler
Vernon Hepler
D. W. Hepler
Cal C. Kocher
J. J. Taylor .
Mrs. Elmer Deetz
v James McGill
Bertha Kopper
J. J.' Kqpper
J. Thomsen :
M. Thomsen
R. W. Zimmerman
Annie C. Zimmerman
Alcta Zimmerman
R. D. ZimmOrman
Elizabeth Zimmerman
Henry Boege
Katie Boege
Ray Pish .
Laura Pish 1
Kels Anderson-
J. Coleman Mark
Katie Mark
Vesta Mark
Jewell Mark
Electa. M arl|
cieo Mark .
O. L. Pellatz
! Pictorial Review, 2yrs____ ___
¡Popular Mechanics ____
I Review of Reviews_______
J The Observer will take subscriptions j Today’s H ousew ife..,,......... .
and peri-
j to the following magazines ana
peri [Today’s Housewife. 2 yrs.W
Woman’s H.mie Companion___ 2.00
lodicals at the rates given, but all prices
. Woman’s Home Companion,2 yrs 3.00
j are subject to change without notice.' We can furnish any magazine or
¡American Boy______ ________.$ 2.001
[ Boy 's Magazine
■save you mone,v—if you are a subscribe
Boy’s World . . .
,i er to the Observer. In addition we
¡Collier’s Weekly _ __________ 2.50j
[ Cosmopolitan..........................2.00} save you the trouble of sending in sub-
I Delineator....... — . . - - . r - - ...- - -
2 00 jscriptions. Ask us for prices on any
j Delineator, 2 years___ 3.00 j publication you want.
I Designer . . . . . . . . ____ 1 .6 0 ----------------------- '— ;----------- ---------------------------
(Girls Com panion...._____ . . . .
| Goud House keeping. . . . . . _____
1.50 !
[Harper’s Bazaar
___ . . .
3 00 j
¡ McClure’s Magazine, 2 y rs,.....
N otary Public
j McCall’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . .
F ire In su ran ce
[Modern Priscilla.__________
(Mother’s Magazine.. . . . ___1..
! Pictorial Review__ . . . ___ ____
2.00 i
We take this opportunity
to thank our many friends
for their patronage dur-
the past year and
The following were those in the Needy
District who responded to the Red
Cross Christmas Roll C,ali, Mrs, Solon
Kinzer was the captain of the com-
ojittee. for the'drive, and the solicitors
were Ernest W ernerandCarl Learfold;
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest .Wearner
Ernest K. Werner
Ralph Werner
Melvin Werner
Mabel W emer
Raymond Werner
Ernest Thiel
Herman Klipnke
Charles Speglc
Mary Spagle
Mrs. Magdalena Spagle
Frank Spagle
Mrs. John §chwabauer
Estella Criswell
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Nobblitt
6. W | Townsend
John Gahlcr, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gahlcr, Jr.
Ben Wolfer
Mr. and Mrs. Gilgan Stoller
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Belknap
Mr. and Mrs. B. R, Wolfer
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lofgren
Detail M. Cravea
•Geo. ilenrikscn
Mrs. D. B. Yoder
Robert Wibon
James Wilson
H , Schwabauer
Lillie Schwabauer
Mrs. L. P. Spagle
.Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Solon Kinzer
Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Hanson
Mr. and MrS. Geo. Brockart
Arthur Brockart
Ivor Learfaid .
Nancy Learfald
W, T. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. ©le Sather
Mr. and Mrs. -F. D. Braly
P. G. Stuwe ,
E. L. Stuwe
Christina Stqwe
C. G. Hoffman;
Mr. and Mrs, L. J3- Frey
Jolm Yoder '
i; ?
' '
W. G. Kenagy ?
,C. E. Miller-
, -
A. F. H ostetler ; :
Ruth D odd^z’lt W l ;
Mrs. Dorothy Hondfiefc...
C. j . Hondriek
Lulu Hosdrick
Mr, and Mr!.' E. S. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. G. 'E. Wyland
George Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dybvad
Bernhard Ltndlaml
Carl Learfald
The following patriotic people of
Meridian have answered the Red Cross
Roll Call—and have joined the great]id
organization of Universal mercy—an
institution whose great composite!
heart beats strong with “ good will to- j
waid men” :
E. G. Anderson
Mrs. Fred Bachert
Fred Bachert
Mrs. John Roberta
Mrs. Mary France
Mrs, Bertha Bonn
Mrs. Forrest Mills
Helen Bisanz
Ellen Albee
Mrs. G. Gardner
C. C. Oldfield
Mrs. Christ Trost
Mrs. M att Ban
Mrs. Saphrona Stewart
Carl Potwin
Mrs. T. A. Cornpau
J. C. Brewer
Joe Bonn
Mrs. Joe Bonn
George Oldfield
Charles W atts, ro t wishing to join,
gave the Red Cross as a Christmas
donation, 50 cents.
Team Captain.
H a rd w are
The Wide Awake
Im plem ents
IS F a Hardware Store
Free Air
Wurster Bros.
Conduct The Most Modern
and Sanitary Meat Market
in The Willamette Valley.
Try Their Home Products—
Pure Lard, Weinerwurst,
Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc.
A u ro ra, O re g o n
the bee on Ed
Ed never could see any
chew but a big hunk ol
oversweet tobacco. “You
take this plug of Real
Gravely,Msays Hank."T ake
a small chew—two or three
squares. See how long it
holds its pure, rich taste.
If you don’t, admit- that
Gravely gives yoil tobacco
satisfaction without extra
cost, I’ll buy your plug for
a month.” Hanged it Ed
didn’t walk in next day,
grab off a plug of Gravely
and throw down his money
just like a little man!
it £««* farther—fhttt’t v h f j w * rmm f t
thé gatiti taste e f this dais si to te m with •
a at extra east.
Real G r a v e l y
C h e w i n g P lu g
each piece packed in a pouch
P D • G R AV E LY TÔ □ A C C O C O . Î &Ä N y I L L Ê , VA*