THE A U R O R A OB S E R V E R RED CROSS ROLL CALL (Continued from page 1) THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1919. N. C. WESCOTT - - - - - E ditor and P ublisher Entered as second class matter March 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora Oregon, under the A ct of March 3, 1879. , I pledge allegiance to my fiag and the republic tor. which it stands,one Nation, indivisible, withliberty and justice to all. Nineteen eighteen is ended . and Marion county is $300,000 behind its quota o f war stamps. Some one has been shirking! ... ‘ The guarantee for the 1919 wheat expires Juné 1, 1920. The price has. been fixed by presidential proclam­ ation, at $2.26 per bushel at Chicago, and the end o f the war or the proclamation o f peace does not change the price or the date in any way. There are still a few people in this section who can­ not forget, though they would like to, that the Observer has given the pro-Germans, the slackers and the shirkers no rest during the last 20 months. The next 20 months, however, with the return o f peace- and the boys in the ser- vicd, may be still more uneasy months for the slackers, the shirkers and their pro-German cronies, - According to Judge Bushey, Marion county pays $82 per day to care, for its poor. This includes the amount paid out for widows pensions, and amounts to the start­ ling total o f $30,000 per year. Ten years ago the cost was less than $8000 per year. Judge Bushey attributes the great increase to many indigent people from the east hay-j ing become wards o f the county. Willamette Valley is the natural home o f all small fruits. Daring the next ten years, it will supply the world with fruit juices, jams, jellies and preserves. . M r . Reader you will-find it profitable to help furnish the fruit for this purpose. The opportunity j £ here. I f ‘ you are not convinced of this, ask the Observer about the matter. It is convinced that berry culture is one o f our profitable natural industries. .. - Mrs, Fred Keii Sr. Wm. G. Gooding Mrs. Wm. G. Gooding Chas. Beck >r Mrs. Hugo Keil Mrs. Lottie Foster Ida. "Keil Henry Bents Jr. Kenneth Bents Grover Giesy Mrs. Grover Giesy Grover Giesy Jr.. Lester Cole . Percy fö. Öttaway Mrs. P. O. Ottaway • "Mrs. F.. A. Sandberg . Mrs. J. C. Burkholder Ivy Burkholder J. C. Burkholder Marie Smith Henry Wunder Emma E. Snyder Mrs. Geo. White • George White Alice. White 2 Fred Keil Sr. . Frank: L. Miller Mrs. Frank Miller Mrs. Erza Hürst Edward Ogle i Mrs. Edward Ogle Mrs. W. H. Ehlen W . H. Ehlen Allen Ehlen Gene Garrett Mrs. Gene Garrett Mrs. Wm. Schwader Viola M. Giesy . ä Echo M. Giesy ‘ Mrs. Rose Giesy i Bert Miller * . Ä Mrs Bert Miller N. C.-WescOtt Cora S. Weseott Henry N Weseott Katv A. Giesy J. M. Will ...: Mrs. J. M. Will E. J. Snyder *P erey Will. Leoila W iö Mary A. Giesy Tiliie Giesy . '• ■ • L.^ J. Reeves a’ 1 Idä" Jones Hstad Gole .. ■ Geo. Wurster Joe: King Geo. Ehlen . Henry Snyder - Diana M. Snydor Aileen Snyder | Andy Fry George Fry i Walter. Fry Tiliie' Fry ' / Mrs. Ahhiy Fry George Colclazier Mrs.B.Luebbins Teddy Giesy Mrs. Geo. Ehlen Elmer Smucker Mrs. Elmer Smucker Mis: Diana; Snyder, . Mrs. J. S. Tandeleur A. Miller- • - £ Mrs. S. A. M iller' * Mrs.. Nora Blosser I Van Blosser . ;Ci.B‘ Brewer _ ,. Mrs. C. B. Brewer . Mrs. J, R. Marsh - . Mrs. Victor • Grimm ■ Victor Grimm Chäs. Snyder Mrs. Chas. Snyder Emma J. Snyder. L. I. Snyder LOCAL AD RATE. Local notices and classified column advertisements o f every description are ] 6.cents per line, but ho- “ ad-’ will be inserted for less than 25c. This rate of 5 cents per line applies to ‘ for sate, for rent^ lost, _found, want ad, card of thanks and all similar notices, as well as to all notices o f entertain­ ments, fairs, socials, shows, etc,,which charge an admission fee or are given to raise money for any purpose. Copy for local reading notices must be in not later than Wednesday noon. Yellowy Danvers Onion Seed for S a le - Eli Keil, Aurora, Oregon, (43-3t) If you are about out o f Letter Heads or envelopes, order today. Telephone us your order. MARRY IF LONELY; for results! try me;best and most successful“ Home Maker” hundreds rich wish marriage soon;sj;rictlv confidential;most reliable; years o£;experience; descriptions free, “ The Successful Club” , Mrs, Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, Calif. The Rawleigh man will be in this locality soon. Wait for him. The Observer will send the home paper to any soldier or sailor from this section at $1.00 per year. We will ihange the address as often as notified. MARRY—Thousands lonely, congen­ ial members, worth $50.000 up, will marry,* Descriptions FREE, Ralph Hyde, Ban Francisco, Cal, . 40-6tp. FOR BALE—Four room bungalow reasonable price, modern plumbing, smaU payment down, bal on time at 6 per cent. Inquire; at the ' Observer office, . ' 41-4t, “ Buy your flour, feed and poultry supplies of the Hubbard Creamery Co., Hubbard, Oregon.” * Application blanks for the 1919 regis­ tration o f your automobile hr , motor­ c y c l e may be secured at the Observer office by calling for them. Chauffeur régistration application blanks may al­ so be obtained. No. charge for these j hanks. -FOR SALE—A young fresh, Also a few sheep. Iderson, Aurora, Ore, ' cow, just] Fred An- ! M bney he earned dohn day Knox J / ^ceased, by the County Court two good nurseries four or five hundred low in g:. o f Marion County,Ore., and all persons trees and some other nursery stock, W. J. Flick, 5 subscriptions, having claims against said estate must which it promised to order by Decem- ij Jojtin Pùgh, J r. 2 do. present them to the undersigned, duly] ber 15' Buf the nur8e?ies have a« reed All that the state can raise by taxation next year un­ y-;Geh. Miller, 3 do. verified as by law required, at my office!to « xtend the «m e into January, the J A. H. Giesy, 2 Ho: der the 6 per cent limitation is $3,021,402, which the state in Aurora, Oregon, within six months date depending on how long their stock holds out. To dispose o f this stock we •? Mrs. L, A. Kinyon, 1 do. from, the date o f this notice. institutions and departments claim is short of their needs will sell it at the following low prices, \ Mrs, A; J. Deetz. 1 do. Dated December 12th, 1918. if ordered at once: v by at least $810,520. Instead o f expecting the legislature D. A. Reil, I do. B. F. Giesy, . 15c /. Jno Damm, 2 do. ; Administrator o f the Eestate of Apple trees to find a legal way to raise this amount, the people should 15c Plums and Prunes.. . — .* — A: M. McConnell, 1 do. Alice A. Nibler, Deceased. demand that the state institutions and departments make Mrs. N. C. Weseott, 1 do. \ Dimick & Dimick and W. L. Mulvey, P each es... . . . . _________ £ ............. 15c ; Mrs. J, F. Kerr. l do. their expenditures fall within the lawful income o f the Attorneys for. administrator. Miss Louine Kerr, 1 do, First publication' DecemberT9, 1918.- ‘ Wm. B.runs, 2 do.. state. Ü f* . Walnuts (seedlings)__ __ — 30c I R. H. Whitworth, 5 do'. Last publication January.. 16, 1919^ Walnuts (g ra fte d )..------ $1.00 fo $1 50 .. Sam Miller 1 do. . Mrs, C.- H. Lorenz, 1 do. 40c Q uince..____ ____ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE 25c A p r i c o t s - - - .....- ....——.— Press despatches o f December 24, included the name Notice is hereby given that- the un­ Currants_________ _______ T H te N E W W E S T M A G A Z I N E dersigned has been duly appointed . as o f Clarence Stevens of Maeksburg as one o f the enlisted Gooseberries........... ....... - ......... 10c “ Building The West” administrator o f the estate o f William _ Establ shed 19i0—-For the development of Ornamentals___— . . . . . . . men released from the German prison camp o f Hammel- Western industries,; agriculture, mining, oil, and Nibler, deceased, by the County Court Roses. .r^ .__ . . . __ . . . __ scenip attractions. Of interest to the Western ;burg. Sometime ago he was reported as missing in action o f Marion County, Oregon, and all. per­ investor, farmer and sightseer. Printed on high Grapes,dozen. — *. ——_____ — $2.50 gradé paper with copper half-tone illustrations. sons having claims against said estate but later his parents received a letter from the war de­ Blackberries, dozen.. . . . . . . . . . . L/. $i,oo Year, $2; copy. 20c. Sample, 10c., 3 back iranv- -beri, fo r 25c. Send now. The New West Maga- must present them to thé undersigned, Red Raspberries, dozen:.. $1.00 i m m l a i l Walker Bank Bldg.. Salt Lake « f i g partment that their son was a prisoner o f war in a Ger­ JJtahr 1004. White B ld g . Seattle,. Wash. ; 790 duly verified as b y . law required at my Black Raspberries, dozen . . . . ___ $1.00 Woodward Aye.» Detroit, Mich.' Address near* office in Aurora, Oregon, within six man prison camp. Now comes the press news o f his re­ Loganberries, d o z e n -;....- S — $1.00 est office, or place your subscription through months from thé date-of this notice. ¡this newspaper. ~ (Continued on page 3) lease. Though not official it is probably true. . Dated December 12thi 'l9lfi. * V a r ie t ie s B. F. Giesy, Hoover tells Baron von der Lancken and Dr. Reith, . v . Administrator o f .tìàe Estate o f Apple trees—Nearly ail varieties*/ t Pears—Bartlett, Anjou, Winter Neb William Nibler, Deceased. Few people know that slavery prevailed in every | forffièr Hun food - administrators o f Belgium to “ G d to ' Dimick & Dimick and W. L, Mulvey. lies, Bose, Fall Butter, Flemish Beauty, German colony in Africa, with all thé attendant horrors o f ! Hell” , yet some Aurora residents are peeved because some Idaho, and Cornice. . Attorneys for Administrator. cruel floggings, chain-gang tortures, starvation, and brutal red-blooded American boys wrote, on the sidewalks, “ To First publication December 19, 1918. • Plums—Peach Plum, Reine Claude, Satsuma, Petite Prune, Silver Prune, •jast publication January 16, 1919. . executions for every trivial offenses. Will tfye civilized world | hell with the,Kaiser.” and a-few others. No Italikb Prunes. Peaches—Early Crawford, Ether ta. approve the restoration o f the African colonies and the STOCKHOLDER’S MEETING The regular annual meeting o f the Hales, Fitzgerald, Charlotte, Sal way, black slaves o f Prussia to German rule? No sane man cap- Lovell, P IC tU R E H A N G IN G S C H O O L M A ’ A M S stockholders o f the Aurora State Bank con template such action without repugnance. If the Cherries—Gov. Wood,Kentish, Black will be held in the Bank Building at Som eppe writing to thè editor o f the Salem Btates- Aurora, Oregon, on Thursday, January , Republican, Lambert, Bineritoyal Ann, peace conference hands back the African colonies to G e m -i y a iy, it will stand convicted of every crime the Kaiser haSjnian, refering to the Wilhelmina, JDoerfier-Kaiser-pieture 9, 1919, at.the hour o f 1 P. M. At this j Ml English Walnut—Frartquette a nd meeting there will be chosen from the committed. : * * ^ - busineSS, Says, ‘-it is a ^pity that old pioneers like thè stockholders sevdn (7) directors, who Mayette Seedlings 4 tp.fiféet, 5 -f '• Gooseberries—O r e g o n - Champion, ; V. ~ £ y.. ' ; tD o e ^ e % Kaye, to be ^ belittled because they have a, Ger- will serve for the ensuing year.. Poorman, Victoria, Chautauqua. Such other'business will be trans­ ^ r " “'man name”. — “ V-;-' Currants—Perfection, White- Grape, as may properly come before the The emigrant gates at Castle Garden,New York w il| The editor o f the Statesman will doubtless tell tha| acted Prolific, Cherry, Red Cross, Black annual stockholder’s meeting. Naples. -. Zeno Schwab, not ^wing open^s easily in'the future as It has in the past.1 correspondent that ta most, men names mean little or noth-. • Secretary.. All this stock is - guaranteed good In the old days the European emigrant passed throughifthéling. Hun, Vandal^ or other barbarian names^ with few ! _ Aurora, Oregon, December 17, 1918. matured stock, true to name, and free H H i . j First; Publication, December 19/1918-.' from disease. Send us- your order, "pr gate inward, declared his intention o f becoming an Ameri­ glaring exceptions, mean n o more than good A m e r i c a n , I Last Publication, January 9, 1919.. .c come in audrt.aU^.it ;qyer. We can save ^C ^ : you money, . . . ,r . . - can citizen, and in most stated thereby acquired the right French^ or namés; o f other enlightened people. . to vote as well as practically all other important right possessed by full citizens. But times liave changed. No longer can the newly landed ^lien aetpire many o f the rights o f citizensfiip by a, mere “4 ^ ^ Bra^ 011 intention” . Restrictions have been placed upon indiscriminate entry, and still more restraints*will be added. The American gate will not open inward as easily as of yore, but the gate is wide open to all who prefer some other land t o oursf" To the pro-Germans, to the Kaiser lovers, to the American Boshevikis, to the libelers and the traducers o f America, and to the human snakes and reptiles that have crawled under the American fence,, to $11 these tbife -fateip ^pen— outward, . . \ | M . M 9 . m S M ! 1 f.C - The Hurry Call! SEND THE HOME PAPER . / But it appears to the most o f us that the possession | Wm. HEINZ 1 p f a -¿pionefer” name, barbaiian pr otherwise, cannot ex­ J - . . AUCTIONEER # cusé thè lack o f sense and discretion that allows a teacher | Live Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty J to display to h^r pupils m arj American school room, in T erms R easonable Z time of war, a picture o f the- Hun Kaiser, under the mis­ % Phone Canby l 3-15 (Mail—Aurora Route 1) S apprehension that: hèfisjéné,pf the ‘ ‘Great men” o f the agev /A s ,the arch criminal o f the world, the Kaiser’s pic­ ture might adorn a r o u e ’s gallery, but has no place in Jny American school room nor in any American hpme. Always in the market for old. ricture-hanging school ma’ams, no matter what their Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Brass, Old Newspapers and . Magazines names,should keep a tight rein upon that trouble breeding (neatly folded),second hand sacks, and junk of all kinds. Impulse to display “ great” faces in their school rooms. AURORA * OREGON I ? ® Stick to s a fe American /physiognomies. E. M. HURST THE AURORA OBSERVER . N. C. WESCOTT, Pub. Aurora, Oregon RAILROAD TIME CARD SOUTHERN PACIFIC ■Ä' * No. 16 No. ÌS No.' 18 No. 24 NORTH feoUND ion flagVj— . ■» (on f l ag) . . L (stop) _. .... ’**•' ( s t o p ) ....— . ___ _ 7:54 10:18 2:59 7.47 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. - S O U T H BOUND N o,-23 (stop) / _V 8,:59 a.m. No, .17 2:46 p.m. Ro; 27 jö ii fla g )___ 4:56 p.m.