P illili H 0 ■II*! ¡p ■ ce Brings Us New Mouths to Feed “ SEEN AND HEARD” 1.^1 • 0 IlllfillSIllllliillllll MMMiMM'MilHii’ The highway commission has asked railroad administration to re-establish | the pre war special rates on road build- j ing materials. The commission desires to ship 1000 car loads o f crushed rock from Shedds for use on the Aurora- Brooks section o f the Pacific Highway. The governor has announced that he will appoint Lieutenant-Colonel George A, White as adjutant general o f Oregon when he return? from gver seas ser-1 vice. Acting Adjutant General Beebe | is reported to have said that he willnot | resign in White’s favor and that he had not agreed to do so when he was ap pointed. In that event Governor Withy- combe should instruct Joe Keller to bounce him. LOGANBERRY MEN HERE MAGAZINE PRICES Louis Lachmund and L, G.-Bulgin of the Pheasant Northwest Products Com pany o f Salem were here Thursday. They are anxious to induce ex-hop growers and other farmers to plant loganberries and other small fruit. Their company is prepared to make one, three or five year contracts at top prices for loganberries and other fruits. The Willamette Valley in general and the Aurora section in particular fur nishes the finest Derry land in the world. They grow here (particularly the log- ans) as no where else. In fact this valley is the natural habitat o f the log anberry. While we have a natural monopoly of/their production, the mark et for the fruit juices, jellies, jams and preserves made from them is world wide. The most remarkable thing about the industry right here is the failure o f the local farmer to go into it. 1 here’s money in it for the grower and the community. It is no longer an experiment. * It is a success. The far mer who goes into it this spring will ba several laps ahead o f him who waits. The Observer will take subscriptions to the following magazines and ._peri- j odicals at the rates given, but all prices are-subject to change without notice. American B oy_________________$ 1.60 (A fter Nov. 1, $2.00) Boy’s Magazine___________ 1.50 Boy’s W o r ld ___________ .60 Collier’s W eek ly ____ ___ ..____ 2.50 C osm opolitan....______________ 2.00 Delineator___ ______________ j 1.50 (A fter Dec. 15, $2.00) Delineator, 2 y e a r s ..._______ 3:00 (After Dec, 15, $4 00) Designer_________ ______ ___ 1.00 (A fter Dec. 15, $1.50) Girls Companion_____________ .50 ¡ Good Housekeeping____ !_______ 1.50 Harper’s B azaar____ _____ T.. 3.U0 McClure’s Magazine, 2 yrs.___ 8.00 McCall’s Magazine_____ _____ 1 00 ; .Modern Priscilla_____________ 1.60 Proclamation A n n ou n cem en t I wish to announce to the good .people of Aurora and vicinity, that I have opened an office and treating rooms in Canby, Oregon, for the practice of my proffession during the winter months. I will be pleased to meet my old | friends and patrons of Aurora, at any time ard will promise the very best service o f which I am capable, and at a reasonable charge. My office is locat ed on front street just over the office o f Judge Wm. Knight, where la m well equipped for up-to-date Scientific, Hydrotherapy and Mechano-Therapy work. If you have chronic ailments, come in and talk it over with me. Consultation is free, and may lead to the alleviation of your pain, restora tion of your health and the salvation of your poeketbook. JOHN FULLER, Orugless Physician. Canby, Oregon. CANTEENS SERVING Ü. S. TROOPS IN ITALY BOYS AWAIT BULLETIN WHEREAS: Woodrow Wilson,Presi dent of the United States and Presi dent of the American Red Cross, has summoned every citizen o f this Country to the comradeship o f UNIVERSAL MEMBERSHIP IN TH E R E D CROSS, AND WHEREAS: Membership in the American Red Cross is an evidence o f loyalty, AND WHEREAS: The American Red Cros is on the eve of the greatest ¡ year’s work in its histosy, supplyii g aid and material encouragement to I American soldiers on duty in France, i Russia, Siberia and in this country; ! taking care o f the dependents o f soli- ~ j iers in this Country by means o f Home Service; aiding in the reconstruction of FOR N ie EW FROM nUIVIt, HniUlF' citizeng. Europe by assiating the soldiers rePatriated ru n n w S a rnuiYI asslat¡ng returned to positions ¿providing help and encourage- Ameiican soldiers in camps and hos- jtnent to .wounded soldiers, and in other pitáis In Great Britain are now able to ] ways assisting the World to recover The American Red Cross canteens, keep in touch with affairs at home! from the results of the War, which serve at railroad stations, Im- through the medium of a dally bulletin! AND WHEREAS: It is desired that Notice of Hearing Final Account portanf*t)oints on highroads, and in service which has been established b y ' every adult citizen become a member Notice is hereby given that the final; towns and villages throughout the the American Red Cross. of the American Red Cross that all may account of Ernistina Boehmke, execu-1 Italian zone of war, are now serving Army officers say the service fills a feel they have a living part in the work trix o f the estate of Theodore Boehmke, i American troops. These canteens long-felt want, providing the men with ' 01 the Society, deceased, has been filed in the County have been operating during the past sporting and home news they cannot! NOW THEREFORE. I, J.W .SAD- Court of Marion County, Oregon, and six months for the benefit of the Ital find in the English newspapers. j LER, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF that the sixteenth day of Decem ber,! ian army and Its allies, greeting the The arrival of the bulletin is now ' AURORA, STATE OF OREGON, do 1918, at the hour o f ten o ’ clock a. m. soldiers In their passage from one one of A he big daily events. In this herby proclaim that the week of De- has been appointed by said Court for | point to another with coffee and connection a Red Cross worker in ; eember 16-23 be devoted to the purpose American crackers and Jam. But It hearing objection to said final account is-'only recently that the khaki-clad England sends the following message of securing membership in the Ameri at which time any persons interested fighters from across the sea have been to National Headquarters In Wash- can Red Cross and do urge every citt- in said estate may appear and file ob--j added to the number of those served fngton : ! zen to join the Red Cross and to assist jections thereto in writing and contest! at the Red Cross rest stations. . “ After talking with the hoys about ln promoting universal membership in the daily nfcws service I. have been & at organization, the same, hand ¡ ¡ I g | day of Numerous bowling greens have been told to notify, you 'hat If the bulletin r § § ® ¡ under ERNISTINA BOEHMKE, discontinued you will be court-aiar-; , 8g - Executrix of said estate. established by the American Red Cross is ,. , i i i * -! December. ’ * iu the tuberculosis barracks of Paris. tialed and shot. Ü W. SADLER, Mayor o f Aurore. SEND THE HOME PAPER W. MARION COUNTY CORN SHOW (Attest> Gis0- City FRY, Among those who have sent the local Recorder. The fifth annual Marion County Corn paper to boys in the service are the fol Show will be held at Salem, December lowing: HOP NOTES 16 to 21, under the Auspices of the Sal W. J. Flick, 5 subscriptions. L. P. Swan o f Donald was transact-; em Commercial Club. There are no| One of the recent hop Bales of con- John Pugh, Jr, 2 do. ing business here Friday. entry of bees and no admission is j siderable local interest is that o f 2700 Geo. Miller, 3 do. Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Gribble were j charged. There will be a number of | pounds o f the Trost crop by E. Netter, A. H. Giesy, 2 do. among those shopping hare Friday. special prizes in addition to the follow- j a(, 28 cents. Mrs. L, A. Kinyon, 1 do. _ , „ . , _ . , Mrs, A, J» Deetz. 1 do. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomsen o f Marks j ing premiums: Class A Lot 1-100 ears yellow dent, , Henry L’ Bents ca" le, h°me Saturday D. A. Keil, 1 do, Prairie were here on business Friday. | first, $10.00; second $6.00; third $4.00. !f "om a v eury successful business trip Jno Damm, 2 do. Mrs. Hugo Keil and Mrs F. M. Keil Lot 2 -1 0 0 ears white dent, first $10.00;! the hop sect,0,nf o f th? state’ A. M, McConnell, 1 do. were among those shopping in Aurora second $6.00; third $4.00. Lot 3-100 I He has written several large hop con Mrs. N. C. Wescott, 1 do. v ; tracts, ranging from 300 to 5C0 baler, Friday. ears any other color, dent, first $5.00 Mrs. J. F. Kerr, 1 do. 1 j for Strauss & Co, of London. second $4.00 and third $3,00, Chas. Austin has. removed to Oak Miss Louine Kerr, 1 do. Class B Lot 1—10 ears yellow dent, | It is . now estimated by the best in-: Grove where he is in charge of a big Wm. Bruns, 2 do. first $5.00; second $1,00; third $3,00. j formed dealers in.the state that not to poultry enterprise. R. H. Whitworth, 5 do. L ot2 —10 ears white dent, first $5.00; | exceed 1O0Q bales of the 1118 hop cr* p Gam Miller 1 do. J. E. Loveall, who has been ill with second, $4.00; third, $3.00. Lot 3—10! remain in the grower’s hands, though Mrs. C. H. Lorenz, 1 do. the influenza, is reported much better, ears any other color dent, first, $3.00: there is a considerable quantity o f olds and will soon be able to be out again. ! second $2.00 and third $1.DO, j still in first hands, Get the Genuine, Among the well known Clackamas i Class C Lot 1— 1 ears yellow dent, Among the redent hop sales are the and Avoid county farmers transacting business first $2.00; second $1,00; and third 50 Waste j following: Downing & Eoff 131 bales here during the week were D. B. 'V od ’ cents. Lot 2— 1 ear white dent, first! I at 28 cents to Liyesley; ¡Ed, Hartley at er, J. Colman Mark, and Gust Fredrik- ! $2,00; second $1,00; and third 50 cents, 1: Independence, 81 bales at 28 cents to son, j Lot 3— 1 ear any other color dent, first I Lachmund; ^ee McGinn, Eutteville 90 Economy Every Cake At 11 a. m. next Sunday we will $1.00; second 75 cents; and third 50 ¡bales to Lachmund, at 28 cents. hold services in the Presbyterian cents. Hanna Bros., J, R. Cooper. Da\ id- Class D L o ti— 12 ears pop corn,small church. The country people are invit son & Hedges, of Independence, and DR. de LESPINASSE ed to these services as heartily as are varieties, first $2.Q0; second $1.00; and Lot” ~2— 12~ears _ p o p !W' H' E^an ° f , Brooks are 8,1 onf , the third 50 cents. ____ _ _ *___.__ , the city folks. Sunday school meets at hop growers who have contracted big DENTIST corn, large varieties, first $2.00; second. . . „ iO a. m. $1,00; and third 50 cents. ¡quantities o f hops to Strauss & Co. of A. C. Thompson, principal o f one of Trullinger Bldg Phone United 6319 Class E Lot 1 - 1 2 ears sweet corn, London’ 0,1 a 3’ year brsi3’ at 20 cent8‘ the Pendleton schools has been visiting early varieties, first $2.00; second $1.00; 1 H ubbard . O regon his parents at Needy while the schools and third 50 cents. Lot 2— 12 ears iGOOD NURSERY STOCK CHEAP o f Pendleton were closed on account of sweet corn, late varieties, first $2.00; | Any one Intending to plant trees in the influenza epidemic. second $ L y and third 50 cents. Sweep-| their fami|y orchard ahould ask U8 for Mother’s Magazine________ _____" 2,00 Pictorial Review______________ 2.00 Pictorial Review, 2 yrs_________ 8,00 Popular Mechanics_____ , ____ _ 2.00 Reviewjaf Reviews__ 1 . 8.00 Today’s H o u s e w ife ...-..* __ _ .75 Today’s Housewife, 2 y r s .....__ 1.25 Woman’s Home Companion....... 2.00 Woman's Home Companion,2 yrs 3.00 We can furnish any magazine or periodical at special prices that will save you money—if you are a subscrib er to the Observer. In addition we save you the trouble o f sending in sub scriptions. Ask us for prioes on any publication you want. LO U ISW EBERT Notary Public Fire Insurance OREGON aurora Just Arrived Our new line of HEATING STOVES If your want to keep warm, com e in and get one. AFTER OCTOBER 12 W e will be prepared to GRINDYOUR PLOW SHARES Bring them in Hardware G. A. EHLEN %. Ti- The Wide Awake Implemente - v -■ Hardware Store (Enptra E. M. HURST Always in the market for old Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Brass, Old Newspapers and Magazines .(neatly folded) .second hand sacks, and junk of all kinds. AURORA - OREGON '■ | Wm. HEINZ | AUCTIONEER „ 2 Ltoe Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty jf T erms R easonable » Phone Canby 13-15 (Mail— Aurora Route I ) V * * V V V * * V * v * V V » V * V * » * * * V* D R. B. F. GIESY Physician and Surgeon Both Phones Office at Residence Aurora, Or. The case o f Giesy vs Marion county, stakes—10 ears dent, Ribbon. prices on nursery stock. We have a Class F— Best individual collection of small* quantity due us from a Rood a suit over a road through the A. W. Giesy place into Fargo, which was corn, first $7.00; second $4.00; and third nursery which must be secured before scheduled to come up last Thursday $3.00. Dec. 15 or it reverts to the nursery com has been postponed to a later date on pany. Hence we must dispose o f it at account o f the absence o f some o f the once. It consists o f the following: ATTENTION, MR. D0NEY! attorneys. Apple trees, nearly all varieties. The Red Cross sent 15,000,000 cigar The Hubbard city election was held ettes, 50,000 Stacks of cards, 20,000’ Pears, Bartlett, Anjou, Winter Nel Monday, December 2 in accordance boxes o f matches and 1,000,000 choco- j lies, Bose, Fall Butter, Flemish Beauty, with its charter instead o f in pursuance late bars to England for American sold-! Idaho, and Cornice. Plums, Peach Plum, Reine Claude, with the new state law. Only 8 voters iers, waiting to go to France. Satsuma, Petite Prune, Silver Prune, turned out to choose the following offi ! and a few others. No Italian Prunes. cers: Mayor, G, W. Mayger;treasurer, I Peaches, Early Crawford, .Elberta, Geo. Scholl; councilman, B. Paulsen, | Hales, Fitzgerald, Charlotte, Salway. L. M, Scholl, August-Will, | Lovell. H, L. Bents and John Murray have Cherries, Gov. Wood, Kentish, Black received' letters from Edward Gook- ; Republican, Lambert, Bing Loyal Ann, ingham, executive chairman of the j May Duke, Etc. State Liberty Loan Committee thank English Walnut, Franquette and ing them for their efforts in the Fourth I Mayette Seedlings 4 to 6 feet. Liberty Loan campaign, M r, Cooking-, Gooseberries, Oregon Champion, ham says “ You and your associates have ; Poorman, Victoria, Chautauqua. secured the support and service o f your Currants, Pferfection, White Grape, i Prolific, Cherry, Red Cross, , Black loyal citizenry in the most* striking I Naples. manner. The number o f your 'bond We. can secure almost any other HUBBARD OREGON subscribers is sub3tatioally greater j stock or varieties, but-not at the low than in any previous campaign. ” I prices at which we can sell the above. JNO. U. FISHER Watch and Clock Repairing AURORA GARAGE GAS OILS IS NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE^-OF PARTS FOR CHEVROLET and FORD CARS ACCESSORIES* Greases HERBERT J. MILLER, Prop. Free Air Wurster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The W illamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. You 'd hardly know Pete was chewing Yet he says he gets shore satisfaction out of his small chew of Gravely than he ever got out of a big chew of ordinary to bacco. “ Real Gravely has a pure, rich taste,’ ' says Pete. “ It’s sweetened just enough, and one sm all chew holds its good taste so long. I figure that this class of tobacco costs me nothing extra—maybeZess than I’d have to spend for ordinary plug.” It goes further—that’s why you can get the good taste of this class of tobacco without extra cost. PEYTON B R A N D Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch V-B-ICim yE.LY. T O B A C C O - € © - ,v Ç A N V Î U ffefrafc* ê