E. M, Hurst has just purchased a HOP CONSUMPTION - NEW CANNERY AT SALEM new truck o f larger capacity than the The records of the treasury depart­ The Pheasants Northwest Products j onc’he has been using the past season. ment show that the amount of hops [ He is now much beetter prepared to company has secured the former ! Southern Pacific hop warehouse at Sal- I consumed by brewers in the United ¡ handle all kinds of|heavy hauling. I em for a cannery where jellies and j States varied but slightly the past 11 Mr. and Mrs, Loots Webert were jams will be made. The new product j years, except for 1918. The following Oregon City visitors Friday. will be marketed under the trhde j figures sh-.w this plainly: . Mr. and Mrs. Chris Giesy, Mr. and Consumed by Brewers i marked name o f "Orington” , a term j | Mrs. L. G. Giesy were guests Thanks­ Mike Brennan was among the Butte- Year Pounds made up o f a part o f the , names Ore- ! giving Day at the home o f Mr, and vtlle people transacting business Sat­ gon and Washington. 1908 — ..........................' 42,988.257 ; Mrs. Henry L. Bents, and Miss Velma urday. 1909 — ...... ................. ... 40,813.804 Bents was home from Portland for the , Loganberries for the juice business ! 43,293.764 will continue to be made in at the Loju 1910 __iiTL______ _____ day. 45,068 811 plant on Commercial street, but all the j 1911 .................................... ____ _ 42,436.665 Mrs. Nellie Stinson o f Portland has | preserving o f the company is to b e ! 1912 ______— „ 1913— - ______ ____ — 44,237.736 been the guest o f Mrs. S, A. Miller the The Clackamas county circuit court harled at the new location, both es- ; past week. 43,987,623 { tablishments employing a total o f about ’.914........ | has granted an extension of time in 200 people at all times. 1916— ___ ____ _____ . . . 38,829,294 i which the plaintiff may file a bill o f ex- ’When the machinery, now awaiting I 1916— — 37,451.610 Among the Meridian people here Fri­ l eeptions in the case of Harry West vs. installation, is in its' place the comnany j 1917 ____________ : .................. 41 , 949,226 day were C. C. and George Oldfield- and ! Marion county. The time was extend - plans formally to open the building \ 1 9 1 8 -....... ...........— ........ 33,481.416 ] ed until today. December 5. Forest E. Mills. The figures on our imports of hops i with a celebration to which all o f its loganberry growers will be invited. ■ show more startling variations. In The nature o f the' entertainment and round numbers we imported in 1918, 8 B. J. Grim and M, D. Leabo Were j Little-Madeline Robinson who has the date have not yet been divulged. million pounds; in 1909, 7 millions; in White District people here Saturday [been visiting her cousins at the Sand- 1910, 3 millions; in 1911, 8 millions; in j burg home returned to Salem Saturday, on business. GIESY VS. MARION C0UNI7 1912, 2 millions; In 1913, 8 millions; in | She was accompanied by Mildred Sand- The case o f A. W, Giesy versus Mar­ 1914, 5 millions; in 1915, 11 millions. j berg who went to see her cousin safely ion county has been set for hearing to­ But in 1916 imports suddenly dropped Services in the Presbyterian church ! home, returning in the afternoon, day in the Supreme court. This suit is to 675,704; in 1917 to 236,819; and in next Sunday at 11 a.m, Sunday school over damages claimed from, the county 1918 to 121,288 pounds. meets at 10 a, m. through the opening of a road through Frank McCracken was here last week the Giesy ranch as a direct outlet from BOND INTEREST DATES' from Pacific City where he has been Fargo to the Aurora road. The case M. N. Crisell and W. E. Flick were engaged in Salmon fishing for more Interest dates on converted Liberty came up in the county court before business visitors here Friday from the than a year. H e" has had two very- Judge Bushey whose award of damages Loan bonds remain unchanged. Con­ successful seasons. He will return in Union Hill district. was not satisfactory to. Giesy. In the version o f 3J per cent bonds (First a couple o f weeks when the season Marion county circuit court Judge Bing­ Loan) and four per cent bond (Second opens again alter a 20-day closed period. ham sustained the action o f the county Loan) affected only the interest rates— Ben Wolfer, one of the well known court. The hearing today in the sup­ not dates. Clackamas county farmers, was here on business Saturday, County Assessor West and District reme court is upon an appeal from . Interest is paid on bonds o f the first loan, regardless of whether they have Attorney Gehlhar appeared before the ¡Judge Bingham’s decision. The case is the final wind-up o f a been converted, on June 15, and Dec­ State Tax Commission Friday to ask Mrs. B. H. Will and Mrs. J. B. Hurst that th-* tax ratio be increased from 68 long controversy over the opening o f a ember 15; on bonds of second loan, May and children came up from Portland per cent to 73 per cent. I f the in­ road for the use o f Fargo people com­ 15 and November 15; third loan, March ing this way. The opening o f the road Saturday to visit friends here. ' crease is allowed it will increase the | was authorized several months ago by 15 and September 15; fourth loan,April 16 and October 15, valuation o f public utility property .and the county court. I ®oum ©Optra I lessen the burden on real estate and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmerman came personal property. up from Portland last week to spend Thanksgiving with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Garrett and Mr, and Mrs. Arch Gcniedell are here from Mrs. N. C. Wescott and son Thomas Pacific City for a few days, guests at were visitors Saturday at the Hubbard the home o f Mr, and Mrs, Schwader. dental offices of Dr, de Lespinasse. Mr. Garrett has been engaged in sal­ mon fishing for several months and-ex­ pects to return soon, Mr. Schiedell Mr. and Mrs, John Leach were here will go to St. Helens- later to work in last week from Portland to visit Mrs. the timber. Leachs parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W, Irvin, » . J. J. Taylor was here Friday from Paradise Corners on business. He has Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Pierce came up just ordered 28,000 .strawberry plants from Portland to spend Thanksgiving and will go into the business on a big- with Mrs. Pierce’ s parents, Mr. and1 er scale than ever. He has long been a grower of fine strawberries. .He finds Mrs. Charles Beck. it necessary occasionally to make a change ot stock and secure new plants Local draft boards have all received —ftom another location and other soil, telegrams advising them they are to to improve his product, after the get all records in order and to be ready same manner that potato growers change seed. to wind up their business soon.1 ; Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Sadler and little daughter Peggy spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Settlemeier at Woodburn, George McDonald came up from Portland Wednesday to spend Thanks­ giving and the week end with his cous­ ins at the home of Mrs. Diana Snyder. Lee Carpenter is home from Portland where he has been in the service o f the 0 :egon Military Patrol for several months. The force has- been reduced to 25 men. The Ladies Aid announce that the Bazaar which was to have been held Saturday, December,1, has been post­ poned to 1^ ter date, which has not ySt bean decided upon. SEND THE HOME PAPER Among those who have sent the local paper to boys in the service are the fol­ lowing: W. J. Flick, 5 subscriptions. John Pugh, Jr. 2 do. Geo. Miller, 3 do. A. H. Giesy, 2 do. Mrs. L. ArKinyon, 1 do. Mrs, A, J. Deetz, 1 do. D. A. Keil. 1 do. Jno Damm, 2 do. M. McConnell, 1 do. Mrs. N, C. Wescott, 1 do. Mrs. J. F. Kerr, 1 do. o Miss Louine Kerr, 1 do. Wm. Bruns, 2 do. R. H. Whitworth, 5 do. Sam Miller 1 dp. Mrs. C. H. Lorenz, 1 do. A. j j R . B. F. GIESY Physician and Surgeon Both Phones Office at Residence . Aurora,-Ur. LOUIS W EBERT Just Arrived Our new line of H E A T IN G S T O V E S If your want to keep warm, come in and get one. AFTER OCTOBER 12 COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Pupils who failed to pass at the last May or June 8th grade examinations may take the test on either January 16th and 17th or February 6-h ant^, 7th as he or she may choose. No school Generous Doing Without in will give both examination but pupils : mey come to the office at either time. America Supplied Food Friday, December 6th, has been set apart as “ Food Day” in the schools! to Europe. Millions of women and children in Eur­ ope will starve unless we practice the Exports from this country since It i same economy as we did last year. entered the war have kept starvation from Allied Europe and’ have main­ .AVERAGE WHEAT PRICES tained the health and strength of those The following government figures who have been bearing the brunt of our battles, so that they could hold give us a clear idea o f the average price out to - victory. Now that hostilities ¡o f wheat in the United States the past The prices have varied have ceased we must assume the add­ : five years. ed burden of keeping starvation from considerably in various localities but Increasing Its toll upon the millions - the averages Tor the country were as who have been liberated from the I follows: Prussian yoke. Famine would undo ! 1 9 1 3 ...:-.-— . . .......................... .$ .79 .99 the work which has been accomplished 119X4....................................— ____ 1 1 9 1 6 ................ S l i p ............... 1 .98 In freeing the world for democracy. No ¡1916.......................................... 1.44 stable government can be established ! 1917......... ....................... ................. 2 05 and maintained by a nation harassed 1918.................... : ___ 3 ................ i 2.10 Many here will regret to hear of the by hunger. x A starving people turns death of Henry Schwanzera, Jr. frpm to rioting and anarchy. Food has influenza, in Eastern Oregon. He wa3 given strength and courage to the na­ City Property Valuations on his way to Los Angles to attend his tions fighting for democracy; It must The county assessor has given out father’s silver wedding anniversary now give the actions strength and the following figures on the -assessed when he became ill. His father was tranquillity to re-establish themselves valuation o f the cities named below. notified and came north oply in time to Ir, freedom and democracy. The figures for last year are also given- attend hi3 son’s funeral, Mr. Swan- Without our help It would have been for comparison. absolutely Impossible for the. Allies to zera, Sr, moved from Macksburg to 1918 1917 maintain a living ration. Since our California a few years ago, but is well entry Into the war we have been con­ Aurora____ _ ..$ 137,320— ..$ 144,834 known heie. His son was about 21 tributing largely to the support o f one Aumsviile___ 105,455._______ 108,530 years o f age. hundred and twenty million people I Ruttevilfe____ 11,095 10,375 whose normal food supplies have been ¡Donald___ . . . . 55,760— 52,965 cut off, whose production has* fallen I Gervais ___ 131,395_____ 133,705 Get the Genuine, almost to the vanishing point, Whose 173,465_____ 148,015 and Avoid fields have been devastated by Ger­ ¡H ubbard— Weste many. The food exported from the ¡Jefferson......... 164,030_____ 163,820 United States In the past year has ¡Mt. Angel____ 287,820____ . 283.025 been sufficient to supply the complete ¡Salem £ ........... 10,867,160— .10,568,675 ration of twenty-two million people. ¡Scotts M ills... 83,185_____ 81,630 I It Is hard to grasp the magnitude ¡Silver ton_____ 1,084,205..........1,058,650 | and significance of the assistance ¡S t a y t o n -____ 363,740____ _ 350,85( I which has been lent the Allies by the j St, Paul........... 48,§40.......... 48,505 ! patriotic, voluntary service of the 113,745_____ 102.116 llllll 1 illllllllllllllllillllllllllillililllllllilltlllHIllllllllllllHHIIIIIIII ! American people. The food we sent i Turner......... i abroad last year would have been suf- | Woodburn____ 759,290 _____ 759.655 flclent to feed one-fifth of our popula- j West,Woodburn 69,650...__ i tion. And this was done In spite of ¡Sublimity..'— 65,7 55.__ _ j the fact that we entered the year with The above figures do not include the I short crops. Our surplus was practi­ j valuation o f the public “'utilities, such IBS cally nothing. An overwhelming pro­ | the railroads, the electric light and portion of the food that left this coun­ j telephone property. These valuations try last year was saved out of the nor­ ! are fixed by the state tax commission mal home consumption o f our own phi I ‘ and have not yet been given out. people. In spite ef difficulties met In Inter­ Four pounds o f sugar for each mem­ nal transportation and shortage of ber o f a family may now be purchased. ocean tonnage our food exports last GOOD NURSERY STOCK CHEAP More sugar for ices and ice cream may year amounted to' a figure that a few Any one intending to plant trees in ! . also be secured. It is urged, however, years ago would, have-been unbelieva­ their family orchard should ask us for ble. Even the most optimistic element that there be no waste, as strict con­ prices on nursery stock. We have a servation is still desirable, to keep of our population faced with anxious small quantity- due us from a good prices down as well as to create a sur­ consternation the prospect which nursery which must be secured before opened before us with the beginning plus to help relieve the European sug­ of the 1917 harvest year. Dec. 15 or it reverts to the nursery com­ ar famine. The American people have not been pany. Hence we must dispose o f it at compelled to save. They have been once. It consists o f the following: appealed to on The basis of humanity Apple trees, nearly all varieties. A representative o f the Insurance and of patriotism. They have re­ Pears, Bartlett, Anjou, Winter Nel­ Department o f the Knights of Pythias sponded voluntarily. lies, Bose, Fall Butter, Flemish Beauty, wrote a $5000 policy for F. L. Miller Idaho, and Cornice. Besides such incidental benefits as o f this city. Pythian insurance amount­ Plums, Peach Plum, Reine Claude, ing to 43,900,000 has been paid to the the Improvement In figure and health Satsuma, Petite Prune, Silver Prune, that we’ve reaped from our meatless, families of its members during the last wheatless days, think of the fun we’ve and a few others. No Italian Prunes, 40 years. In Oregon alone $183,000 has had out of them—the new crop of Peaches, Early Crawford, Elberta, been paid to Pythian widows and Jokes, Jibes, topical songs and car­ Hales, Fitzgerald, Charlotte, Salway, orphans. The past year -it has been toons to replace the mother-in-law j Lovell. . payingrOregon claims at the rate o f joke and the boost to our reputation Cherries, Gov. Wood, Kentish, Black for ready humor 1 $40 per day. Republican, Lambert, Bing Loyal Ann, May Duke, Etc. j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4* 4 44 English Walnut, Franquette and 4 Marion county spent $29,679.94 on I * Mayette Seedlings 4 to 6 feet. Eighty millions of men can- 4 roads during the month o f October. Of j ♦ j 4 not be taken out of production 4 Gooseberries, Oregon Champion, this amount approximately $6850 was | 4 for four years without lasting 4 Poorman, Victoria, Chautauqua. paid to cities, $2850 for macadamizing, j 4 losses o f yield. It will be years 4 Currants, Perfection, White Grape, ¿1200 for graveling, $3200 for bridges, | * before their fields recuperate, 4 Prolific, Cherry, Red Cross, Black $6800 for general repairs and miscel­ ! 4 farms are restored and herds re- 4 Naples. 4 laneous, $1400 for patrolmen’s salaries, ! 4 stocked. Save food. We can secure almost any other 4 and the balance for paving and new I 4 stock or varieties, but not at the low tools and machinery. prices at which we can sell the above, Jill■111! lllllllfl ■ El 0 u Among those in the city Saturday “SEEN AND were J.Colman Mark o f Marks Prairie, HEARD” F. D. Braly and little son o f Needy, Fred Wagner o f Union, and Mrs.Lewis 111 lEI Keil and son Leo o f Union Hill. »LUES ARE FED BY SELF DENIAL : Mother's Magazine__________ -2.00 Pijtbrial Review_______________ 2.00 The Observer will take subscriptions Pictorial Review, 2 yrs.______ — 3.00 to the following magazines and peri­ Popular Mechanics__ • _________ 2.00 odicals at the rates given,but all prices Review of Reviews____ _-r— ___ 3.00 .76 are subject to change without notice. Today’ s Housewife_____ ___ _ Today's Housewife, 2 y rs.. . . __ 1.25 American Boy__________ ____ __$ 1.60 Woman’s Home Companion____ 2.00 (After Nov. 1, $2-00) Woman’s Home Companionf2 yrs 3 00 Bov’s Magazine________ 1.50 We can furnish any m agazine.or Boy’s World — ;____________ -60 Collièr’s Weekly___ _______ .2.50 periodical at special prices that# wilt Cosmopolitan___ r____ _____ 2.00 save you money—if you are a subscrib­ to the Observer. In addition we Delineator______ ______ 1.50 er save you the trouble o f sending in sub­ (After Dec. 15, $2.00) scriptions. Ask us for prides oh any Delineator, 2 years-,______ _____ 3.00 publication you want. (After Dec. 15, $4 00) Designer ___ -...... _ .............1.00 (After Dec. 15, $1.50) Girls Companion___ ______ *____ ,50 Good Housekeeping____ _______ ,1.50 N otary Public Harper’s Bazaar______ r ___ 3 u0 Fire Insurance McClure’s Magazine, 2 yrs,____ 3.00 McCall’s Magazine................ ..... 1 00 Modern Priscilla______________ 1.60 OREGON AURORA MAGAZINE PRICES W e will be prepared to GRIND Ï0UR PLOW SHARES Bring them in Hardware The Wide Awake GAS Implements Hardware Store OILS AURO RA GARAGE IS NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE OF PARTS FOR CHEVROLET and FORD CARS ' ACCESSORIES Greases HERBERT J. MILLER, Prop. Free Air Wurster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The Willamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. I I 44 >444444 44 4444 + 444 G . A . EH LEN . Aurora, Oregon Mike laughed at the Judge for chewing Gravely. T h e Judge cam e right b a ck at Mike with a friend­ ly ch ew —just a cou p le o f little squares off his plug of R eal Gravely. Mike found that the chew stayed with him for a long while, and the m ore he chew ed the better it tasted. “ There’s the real tobac­ c o satisfaction,” says the Judge: “ and it costs noth­ ing extra to ch ew this class of plug.” / / goes further—that's why you can get the good taste cf this clast of tobacco without extra cost. PEYTON BRAND V R eal G ra v e ly C h e w in g Plug each piece packed in a pouch '«• P-B-GR AVE L'Y T O P A ’G C O ” Ç . O D A.fcl. V ILL