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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1918)
MERIDIAN CONTRIBUTORS Un WRAPPING ADDS TO THE G IFT ROAST GOOSE FOR CHRISTMAS JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS Horn* Art Specialist Suppe its Us« White Ribbon and Tissue Paper With Bits o f Foliage. r B W A i v o W ' . I « .. dm s Haw to Prepare Fowl Which for H s » dreda o f Years Has Been Conveiv tionsi Holiday Dinner 0»*H. Hou For In indrada o f yonra foooa hna btm an ii □portant co rondonal Christ* 2k. a n t itlfifi1 PT dlaà. tW iH n ton- dor giNNH v for Ita p< stability greatly [>n thl OIV weighing about Agri aaya an aspovt* ■R htm “ A pretty gii r the Bring take four cupfuls «ras If It 1 trap wd rs ma; hot mashed potatoes, two and one- Id M as Boi *Aa n half tablespoonfuls o f finely chopped «rapi onion«, one capful o f English walnut the selection o f the gift Carl ......... 2.50 meats chopped moderately fine I one T h e wrappings sbo nrid t # , 1 00 T A — w — —--1 * " "*“ * * and one half tea spoonfuls o f sail, one nnd inconspicuous, an id In Mrs. 1 Of hail cupful o f cream, two tablespoon- that with the gift and the scotìi 1.50 (he giver wishes to •emen fills o f butter sod the yolks o f four the Carl Pot i eggs and a teaspoonful o f sage. White tissue pi tied with 1.00 gift. Mrs. M m I t B tn ............. ... ______ ücC spjùiul. jrvt'CeJto }sa^atvot4 Stuff the body with the dressing and L00 white ribbon with a bl o f foil e for Mr. 1 AJ „ » Ban sew op the openings. Bring the leg* l^vA. vkpl lJI(^\.Asbtvaÿ) 2 âO color, makes a pretti PT a n d n< or Goo. Oku and wings close to the body and tie md il» wrapping than colored p a st. j with a white airing, which must be ortd ribbon. I f the gift. Ii I to be ^ a n v u f W « % t \ jou )-\)W\ jwî D \ , removed just before serving. sent through the mail, the out ride wrappings must necessarily bo o f Put the goose In the dripping pan . K vb strong paper, but If tied neatly and with two cupfuls o f bolting water and uLs su&loo 900a to last*- securely with tinsel Christmas ord. roost for nearly two boars, according 44 the package will make an attractive to size o f fowl, boating often and free appearance, and at the same time will ly. Remove the goose to a hot platter, MOST RADIANT OF ALL DAYS poor protect the gift.” off the oil in the pan and make a Personal touches, such as original gravy with flour that has been browned. There Are None Whose Light Has Ever sketches on the gift card or a spray of Always serve apple sauce with roast Shone So Far as the Light foliage from the region o f the giver’s gOOSf. of Christmas. home convey a deep sentiment and Select Juicy, tart apples and pare, Bert Miller objects to the statement thoughtfulness on the part o f the slice and stew with just enough water Of all the radiant days o f the year to keep from burning. When done, rub that Harry West was employed by him giver, according to Miss Holman. there are none whose light has ever at the Aurora Garage last winter, and While holly and mistletoe are the em shone so far as the light o f Christ them through a sieve and add sugar tc blematic Christmas foliage, a spray of taste. * declares that he refused to employ him hemlock, bittersweet, pepper bough. mas. For nearly two thousand year* when he learned his war-record. 1 any pretty native foliage may be* h has shone with a light that could GOD’S REVELATION BASIC never be quenched, and It shines today, The United States has promised, the used. (By L. S. Mochel) - | serene and fair and steadfast, even Allies arid the liberated countries of though it may be dimmed by the dtffl- Europe 20,000.000 tons o f food stuffs by enlng clouds o f man-made human con July 1. 1919. Every family must cut There will be Divine Services in the flict, says an exchange. out all food waste if our country is to For a thousand years before the 1 Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 make that promise good. Christian era the Hebrews were look a. m. The Sunday school at the If It is reported that the judicial honors Henry Hurst was up from Portland ing forward to the light o f Christmas. o’clock hour was largely attended last confei red upon Napoleon Davis, in the Sunday, on business, returning the They saw the golden age before them Sunday. We trust that both services when the Christ should come, and their may be well'attended. The very best Donald justice district, through his • ime day. expectation o f a Messiah lighted np service that can be rendered to our election as Justice o f the Peace,. .have W. O. Bergerson, o f Barlow, was the manger at Bethlehem. And then I country for the safety o f democracy is been handed right back to the “ dear among those transacting business h ere! he came; and since then the whole the moral and Christian training of people” from whom all political bless world has been looking both backward Saturday. which God’s revelation is basic. We ings flow. Mr..Davis, ,it is said, re and forward to the light of Christmas. hope to, organize a teacher-training George Oglesby returned Thursday fuses to qualify for the office. Hence Other days we have that are dear we shall be denied the. privilege of. from a 10 days visit at Banks, Oregon, i to the^hnman heart, but Christmas is course so that the teachers' work mt) good morning, y6ur honor, ” or“ Howdy j at the home o f his brother. a little dearer than all other days to be more efficient, so that in the recon struction period, the rising generatiot J udge. j j 0hn Whitworth and Mr. Bittick the heart of grown-up men and women, and Infinitely dearer to the hearts of may be truly grounded on the truth, | were here Thursday, the latter to con -1 the children. The light of Christmas and the solid rock o f the ages. So, FIRS FOR CHRISTMAS TREES suit his physician Dr. Gjgsy. shines for them all the year round. parents, avail yourself o f the presen Mrs. L, G, Giosy spent several days They hark back to the joys o f the day opportunity, and fortify against Thousands of Balsams Supplied by here last week at the home of her par- ; Christmas that is past, and they are any more world disasters. 'H ere lies New England to Cities of always looking forward to the light the secret. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bents, East and Midwest. o f the Christmas that is to come. — - j Hermes Lodge, Knights o f Pythiys, j Christmas is the day o f days to all Most o f the tinsel-covered trees that ‘ o f Aurora was omitted last week from humanity, but it belongs essentially to TWENTY-CENT HOP CONTRACT,5 are set up each Christmas season In the list of contributors to the United the children.. You remember that With the English hop firms offering the homes of Boston, New Tork and War Work fund. It contributed $10.00 Christ took a little child and set him 10 cents for hops on a three year con Philadelphia, It has been found, are , .. ■ in the midst of his disciples, saying: balsam firs, and many of the selected I ' . I “ Of such Is the kingdom o f Heaven.” tract, American prohibition has less specimens are even shipped compare-j More expense statements have been 1 And that was because a child is so terrors for the hop grower who ha3 re tlyely long distances from their places j filed by candidates, as follows: John rich In faith and hope and expecta mained in the business. While the con of growth to Chicago and the cities g. tlok e,ju stice o f the supremo court tions. And because of this faith and sumption o f beer has been greatly re o f the middle West. !$428.77. H. A. Dedman,for represent-! hope and expectation the children are duced in England during the past three While the balsam, fir is popular as J , vg nd always looking forward to Christmas, years—as a war .measure—there is ap a Christmas tree on account o f Its i ’ seeing its light, and anticipating its parently not even a remote possibility symmetrical and practically perfect Hubbard has started a movement to joys. And so, whatever else we do, let 5f prohibition there for years to come. conical shape, ft-is In growing demand 'organize a band. Many o f the mem -! us make the children happy on Christ for a variety o f uses. Its white, ; bers of its former band organization! mas. Let us help them to understand Hence there is no prohibition bogey in straight-grained wood has come to be are in the service. Hubbard citizens . the meaning and the spirit of tilts day England to frighten the grower and lealer alike-out o f their wits. Hence used more and more in the manufac- are also organizing a volunteer fire- of loving and giving, and as far as In facture o f toys that hang from the the hop merchants o f that country are us lies, let us all become as little chil company. branches o f its younger fellows and better qualified to pry into the future dren on Christmas day, remembering from the branches of the other ever Anyone wishing a small quantity of j , . , , . that he who gave us the Ghristmas, )f the hop industry than are those of greens that are widely used in many , 1 choice th e' himself had the heart of a llttle chlid. America. Apparently they are satis nursery stock can secure the: parts o f the country. same cheap by inquiring at the Obser-1 ____________ aed that hop culture HAS A FUTURE, The wood of the balsam fir Is used 1 ver office at once. If not ordered in a in England gt least, and they are will to a large extent, also, In the manu- , , , I ,, , ing to risk their money on their judg facture o f excelsior, of which then-| fe " reverts to the nursery from ment. In England. 20 or 25 cents for sands o f tons are used each holiday which it is due. hofis is not a high price, any more than season for the packing o f gifts that Henry St John o f Washington state, j are sent by express and mail. The it is in New York, Hence there is who formely lived in the Grim neigh- > balsam fir is the source, too, of the nothing unreasonable or startling in wood from which pre made many of borhood,. some 50 years ago, is visiting j three-year 20 cenL contracts, and any the food containers, such as fruit relatives in Wilsonville. He was aj top grower who is inclined to remain brother-in-law o f the late Francis As- j baskets and butter boxes, in which in'the business may well consider such ..materials for the Christmas dinner bury White, and is known to many, o f m offer seriously. /■ ' are* brought to the market, the taste- the pioneer settlers of this section. The wrapping o f a Christmas gift MAGAZINE PRICES B f Marnai ’s Ht (A fter Nov. 1. $2 <npanton. 2 yrs ritornar B o y ' s M agazine.............. Wo I Boy's World „ Collier's Weeklv (A fter Dec. 15. $2.00 Delineator, 2 years_______ (A fter Dec. 15. $4 00] Designer .... (A fter Doc. 15. $1.50 Girls C o m p a n i o n . . . . . . . Go-id Hon whooping......... ... Harper's Bazaar . . . . . . . . . . McClure’s Magazine, 2 yrs. McCall's Magazine. . . . . . . . vlOdern Priscilla.. . . . . . . .. . Mother’s Magai ne . . . . . . . Ask LOUIS W E B E R T Notary Public Fire Insurance AURORA OR EGON s HEARD” E Just Arrived • H EATIN G STO VES If your want to keep warm, | ®oum Capita j lessness of the wood making it unsur passed for such uses. Finally, the balsam fir Is-being Increasingly used for the manufacture of paper, and this, wrapped around thousands of holiday packages,' adds Still another chapter to the list of the tree’s almost Indispensable usefulness as a factor In Christmas observances. -■ Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Meeker, for- j merly of Hubbard, now lesiding atj Garden City, Calif., are the proud j parents of a son, George Robert Meek- ■ er, born November 2, 1918, announce-: maid was very fair to .see, ment cards arriving Monday, says the ‘ The But staid, and not Inclined to folly. Hubbard Enterprise. Bhe stood behind the Christmas tree JUSTICES^ AND CONSTABLES The following are the Justices of the Peace and Constables who wera elected 'Tovember 5 in the districts named: Aurora Justice______ ___________ Geo. W. F n •And gravely hung a wreath of holly. The taxable valuation o f property in Himself passed there, by chance, and Constable . ____________ Chas. Kinzer Donald saw Marion county has been fixed at 68 per ! SEND THE HOME PAPER Her all alone, and straightway lin Justice. ________ Napoleon Davit cent o f its full cash value. In Clack gered : amas county the ratio has been fixed at ■ And she, who had been tranquil—pshaw! Constable.. _........... ..............M, DeSart Became at once most butter-fingered! Champoeg Among those who have sent the local 56 per cent. The county with the high The mistletoe hung overhead; Justice______ paper to boys in the service are the" fol est ration is Sherman where the ratio (I think I said the maid was fair?) eyes were bright, her lips were red, Constable__ _ __________ F. E. 'bsborne lowing: is 96. The lowest is Deschutes with a Her And sunbeams glistened in her hair. Gervais W.*J. Flick, 5 subscriptions. ration of 40. The tree was large, the two were hid— lustice..'____ __ _________ H. D. Mars John Pugh, Jr. 2 do. He turned and left her?—Yes, H, J, Miller, o f the Aurora Garage, he Jons table___ _________ W. M. Bowley Geo. Miller, 3 do. did! is still minus his Colt’s six-shooter that Woodburn A. H. Giesy, 2 do. Justice______ Mrs. L. A. Kinyon, 1 do. some one stole . from his office on the The maid was very wroth. Oh, dear, She ran away with cheeks a-flaming Jonstable___ _________.J. W. Kelsey Mrs, A, J. Deetz. 1 do. - night of the last peace celebration. ’ Twixt anger and a touch of fear, D. A. Keil, 1 do. Candle drippings all over the office The scarlet o f the holly shaming. W. L. White and son Allen were here floor indicate that the burglar knew She told her dearest friend, I’ve heard, Jno Damm, 2 do. So, shortly, everybody knew it; Saturday from Union Hill on business. what he was looking for, as many other The place whereat the deed occurred A. M. McConnell, 1 do. Was near, and maidens flocked to view things of value were not touched—only Mrs. N. C, Wescott, *1 do. It. the gun and a few dollars in cash were Himself was there, engulfed in gloom, Mrs. J. E. Kerr, 1 do." COUNCIL BILL NO. 109 (And he was also good to see.) taken. Miss Louine Kerr, 1 do. The mistletoe Its waxen bloom Wm. Bruns, 2 do. Entitled an ordinance laying a tax on Still flaunted for those maids to see; R. H. Whitworth, 5 do. And so they each one ran and hid, real and personal property in the city And scorned to tarty?—Yes, Sam Miller 1 do. of Aurora, Oregon. Get the Genuine they Mrs. C.-H. Lprenz, 1 do. and Avoid did! The People of the City o f Aurora do —Beatrice Barry, In New York Times. Waste ardain as follows: Notice of Hearing Final Account That a tax amounting to the sum of Letting the Neighbors See IL - Eight hundred fifty dollais ($850.00) be Notice is hereby given that the final “ Mr. Glithery gave Mrs. Glithery a and is hereby levied on the real and account o f Ernistina Boehmke, execu pearl necklace for a Christmas pres» personal property within the corporate trix of the estate o f .Theodore Boehmke, ent,” remarked Mr. Twobble. deceased, has been filed in the County “ I’ve heard about It,” answered Mrs. limits of the City of Aurora, Marion Court of Marion County, Oregon, and Twobble. “And if It wasn’t for the County, Oregon, as shown by the that the sixteenth day of December, R. B. F. GIESY risk, I dare say she’d hang It in a assessment roll of Marion County, Ore 1918, at the hour o f ten o ’ clock a. m. front window o f their apartment In gon for the year 1918, said tax to be used for general municipal purposes. stead of a holly wreath." has been appointed by said Court for hearing objection to said final account Passed and approved by the common at which time any persons interested council o f the City o f Aurora, Oregon Merely a Pose. in said estate may appear and file 'ob “ Those pretty girls who stand be this fourth day o f November 1918. neath the mistletoe pretend they don’t jections thereto in writing and contest J. W, SADLER, Mayor know where they are.” the same, v GEO. W. FRY, Recorder “ Umph 1” replied the heartless cynhs. First publication Nov. 14, 1918, ERNISTINA BOEHMKE, Both Phones _ Aurora, Or. “They’d know in a jiffy If some fellpff bast publication Nov, 28, 1918. Executrix o f said estate Office at Residence came gUmg yyitb a harelip.” Maybe—And Maybe Not D Physician and Surgeon Our new line of, com e in and get one. AFTER OCTOBER 12 W e will be prepared to GRIND YOUR PLDYY SHARES Bring them in Hardware G . A . EHLEN Implements The Wide Awake 'JtS8sß% Hardware Store Wurster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The W illamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna', Etc. Aurora, Oregon u n s H flM B B M B $ e B B K r o s E a The Fellow who zrgiied w Jim the other n ig h t ran up against the shock o f his life. Jim knows tobacco . And before he got through, Jim made the fellow adm it that Real Gravely tastes better and gives a satis faction you can’t get out of ordinary tobacco. A small chew of Gravely lasts so m uch longer that it costs nothing,extra to chew this class of tobacco. Il goes further—that’s why you can get the good taste of this class o f tobaccc without extra cost. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch ■ G R A V E L Y . T O 8 A C C IO C O * , l} A N V j L L Ê . V A -