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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1918)
Aurora /A uroran P iU iiM Every Thursday VOL T UKUKA, THE ELECTION RESULTS IN AURORA PRECINCT ^ Observer MARION COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 7 THE CITY ELECTION $1.25 a Tear 1911 NO. [p niiiillliiüün ARMISTICE IS REPORTED SIGNED Jo! hn Shepherd ntfliod a w a y Fr line nano, • ft while W ILL-SN Y D ER C O . i f m an lin t c pfd IS# PI iriftn ii *vh gift# t who re he Tboft R-d Postoffi *#. who wilt then cl* art.m for * label. The car- Aimed« Plant*, of Light (ino«# hen be rilled ami returned to nob. In IO«? h ■ nvco to l ahfnmia ttt* committee at the Auxi* health and lived t h e Rc M. Al Aurora the com m n ago when be be at the Red Gro«a rooms County where he Wednesday and Thursday, Tuesc lived until his death. 12. 13 and 14 to receive He leaves besidi £8 his wife, two 1 Novel ipect, and wrap the pack J daughters Mrs. Geor irge BateheJor, of weigh 1 Ashton, Illinois, and Mrs, Bennie Wol- ages, Tbe weight must not exceed 2 I fer of Needy; a brother Frank Shcp- pounds and 15 ounces. I herd in Canada; and a sister Mrs.James Care should be taken to include no | Bell of Cadalac, Michigan, to mourn unmailable articles. The committee the loss of a kind and loving husband, will be obliged to remove from the carton any thing which the postal father and brother. Burial .took place Sunday afternoon rules do not allow to be sent. at the Zimmerman cemetary. There was only a short service at the grave AURORA MUST RAISE $750 I by Rev. Lucas of Macksburg, owing to the prevailing influenza. . Mayor Sadler, chairman of the Unit ed War Work Campaign here, has re CARD OF THANKS. ceived a telegram from John R. Molt, We desire through the “ Observer” to National Director of the Campaign, thank the many friends and neighbors, saying the possible ending of the .w ar who so kindly assisted us in the sick increases the need of funds for the or ness, death and burial of our dear hus ganizations and that instead of $500 Aurora must raise $750 in order to do band and father. its share. Mrs. Almeda Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs.B. R.Wolfer and family, j This is due to tbe extra burdens that will fall upon the war organizations. The president and the secretary of war' ELECTION AT HUBBARD and all government agencies approve The combined vote of the East end this 50 per cent increase of the quota. West Hubbard precincts were as fol The nation must give $250.000.000 in lows for the candidates mentioned. stead of $170,000,000. For Senator, McNary 187, West 47. For Governor, Withycombe 136, DONALD MAN COMMISSIONED Pierce 48, Albert Lamb has been commissioned For State Senator, Lachmund 103, a second lieutenant. He is a son of Brown 101 LaFollett 50, Supreme Judge, Coke 2, Campbell 20.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Lamb of Donald. He was with Company 1 on the Mexi Bennett 10, Olson 6. can border three years ago, was one of Justice of Peace, J. S. Calvert 18. County Judge, Bushey 120, Clark 43. three chosen to attend a training school early in August, 1917, and has been Bert Adams and his mother moved with the American Expeditionary to Portland this week where they will Forces in France since last December, reside this winter. — Wood bu m in dependent. NYAL AGENCY WEATHERLY ICE CREAM FOR THAT COUGH AND COLD USE TROY COUGH TABLETS AURORA DRUG STORE Aurora, Oregon A. H. G IE S Y Cheer Up, Folks CHRHTMAS CARTONS HERE JOHN SHEPHERD DEAD I 68 votes were cast Tuesday at K 1.1p,' There was b at oas the the field, but there were ults in tbs Aurora nuniDcr if scattering votes. The f us* below as lowing are successful candidates. Mayor, G. A. Ehien. I'M tor. McNary 8S, West 28. Councilman, C. B. Brewer. overnor, Wilhcombe 71, Pierce A. C. Snyder. Zeno Schwab. l|9 Os Itate Senator, Lwhinund 82, J . G, Wurster. Treasurer, A, M. Fry. Bra 9, La Pollctt 24, Jones 1, A complete list of the votes cast For Representative, Hughs 97. Sey- m air Jones 100, Looney 96, Martin 100, shown here with: Weeks 95. For Mayor . - ____ _ .* 49 For Ciunty Judge, Bushey 97 and G. A. Ehien . , - *, * 1 A. H. Will......................................... Clark 34. 0 j H. L. B en ts.._____ _____ ___ . . . . For Connty Officers 1 Needham (sherifF) 106, Boyer (clerk) N. C. W escott.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 106. Drager (treasurer) 103, Herrick |j . W. S a d le r .......____________ (surveyor) 102, Clough (coroner) 103, Geo, Fry_________________ _____ - 1 1 Brooks (recorder) 102, Goulet (county For Councilman commissioner) 88, Wm. Mi ley 1. C. B. Brewer . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . 67 j For Supreme Judge, Campbell 18, Zeno Schwab______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 I Bennett 5, Coke 7, Olson 2. A. C. Snyder____ •______ . . . . . . . 60 For Justice of the Peace of the Aur- J . G. W u rster............................. ..... 55 j or District, Geo. Fry 68, Sam Brown 1, Louis Webert _______ . . . . . _. . . . . 1 A. M. Fry 1, Lane Gribble 1, Louis G. A. Ehien_________ ________ _ 1 Webert 8, N. C. Wescott 2, 3 k . C. W escott______ __________ For Constable, Chas. Kinzer 89. A, A. W ill.............................................. 1 J. Zimmerman 1. 1 S. A. Miller____. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ The Measures, the vote on the seven j J. W. Sadler. ................ ................ 1 measures on the 'ballot were all defeat- ] A, J. Zimmerman___. . . ________ ed in this precinct as follows: For Treasurer 1 Normal Schools, Yes 17, No. 82. A. M. Fry . . . . . . ______ _____ __ 64 I Orphans Home, Yes 16, No 79. 1 Louis W eb ert...___ _____ ___ . . . Rogue River Fishing Bill, Yes 14 I It is reported here at 10 a. m. this morning that Ger No 76. | THE CHAMP0EG VOTE many has accepted the allied terms for an armistice, and Closing Willamette to Commercial | Fishing No 69, Yes 21. Senator, McNary 22, West 7. that hostilities ceased at 2 p. m. To Repeal Delinquent Tax Laws, Yes ! Governor, Withycombe 22, Pierce 7. This indicates that Germany has surrendered uncon 33, No. 67. State Senator, Lachmund 20, Brown Fixing Rate for Legal Notices, Yes 11, La Follett 8. ditionally to Marshal Foch, as the terms laid down make 19, No. 65. Sheriff, Needham 27, clerk, Boyer 27, it practically impossible for Germany to resume hostilities, Increasing Tax Rate, Yes 20, No 72, Drager, treas. 25, Herrick, surveyor The day election board consisted of j 25, Brooks, recorder 35, Hughes, Rep. if she has actually accepted the terms. the following:—J. W. Sadler, Al. Zim 23, Jones 22, Looney 21, Martin 22, merman, Mrs. O. G, Morris, Miss Liz-! Week3 11. BUTTEVILLE ELECTION USUAL CITY TAX IS LEVIED zie Will, and Mrs. E. G. Carpenter. Only 74 votes were cast in the Butte The city council levied the usual city The night board was made of th e ! following: Louis Webert,Geo. W. Fry, j BUTTEVILLE DISINCORPORATED viile precinct, For Senator, McNary tax Monday night, amounting to $850. W. C. Grim, Elmer Smuoker, and J.G. By a vote of 12 for to 9 against dis- received 44 votes and West 30. This is on the basis of last year’s valu Wurster, incorporation, Butteviile has decided to For Governor, Withycombe received ation of $178,000 and is approximately give up its city charter. Step3 will 42 and Pierce 30. a five mill tax^—though the millage The vote for the other offices were as system is no longer in force under the IT IS NOW “JUDGE" FRY probably be taken soon to carry the follows: For the first time in many years Aur- j vote into effect. present laws The ordinance levying For State Treasurer, Hoff 45, Mason the tax is published in another column. ora will have a Justice of the Peace, i The officers chosen atTuesday’s elec In the past the Justice has usually I tion will probably not be seated, unless 24. The following bills were allowed and disincorporation is not accomplished be For Supreme Judge, Coke 2, Ben ordered paid. been located at Hubbard. Tuesday G. W. Fry of Aurora re fore the terms of the old officials e x nett 7, Campbell 3, Olson 2. Molalla Electric Co._________ $65.00 For State Senator, Lachmund 37, Ed. Kraus, labor___ _______ * 5.20 ceived 68 votes for the position. L. 3. pire. Brown 31, LaFollett 22. Calvert at Hubbard received 18, As | Elmer Smucker, labor________ 1,60 For Representatives, Hughes 60, C. B. Brewer, labor._________ 10,80 neither were candidates for the place | FOR SALE--Bay team, 4and5 years old, full sisters, weight 2800, nicely Jones 56, Looney 69, Martin 56, Weeks G. A. Ehien, supplies...______ 23.65 there was no competition tor the job. Cha3.Kinzer was re-elected consta matched. Price reasonable. A. D. 63. W. O. F.y. M a rsh a ll....... . . . . . 10.00 For County Officers, Bushey (County Mrs. Carpenter, Collecting____ ble, He received 89 votes here and j Clutter, Sherwood, Oregon, Route No. 3.00 35-4t: Judge) 56, Clark 7. Needham, sheriff G. W. Fry, water su p t.. . . ____ 2500 probably a larger number at Hubbard. I 5, Mulloy Sta. Oregon Elec. 67, Boyer, clerk 67, Drager, treasurer The recorder reported the cash on 68, Herrick, surveyor 66, Ciough, Coro- hand as amounting to $702,00, Under 1*1 rier 62, Goulet, Co. Com, 54. a recent decision of the supreme couit, For Justice of the Peace Donald Pre cities are no longer required to prepare cinct, Napoleon Davis 6, M. DeSart 6. budgets—uniass their charters require Normal Schools, Ye3 15, No. 39. it. The Aurora charter does not re Orphans Home, Yes 18, No 59. quire a budget, The anticipated in Prohibiting Net Fish-ng in Rogue come for the next 12 months includes River, Yes 11, No 36. the following: Closing W.llamettee River to Com Cash on hand______________ $ 702.01 mercial Fishing, Yes 16, No 30. Water R en tals___ _______ 700,00 Repealing Delinquent Tax Publica City Tax-------- . . . . . . . . _____ 850,00 THE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE STORE tion Yes 23, No 24. County Road Tax_________ 600.00 Established 1898 Fixing Rate for Legal Notices, Yes Total____ ____________ $ 2852,01 22, No 22. Increasing Tax Rate, over 6 per cent Gooding and Ryan Injured limitation Yes 12, No 34, Geo. X, Gooding was quite seriously Fred Ehien Reported Wounded injured. Tuesday while sawing wood Ë] The casualty lists this week carried with a power saw. While bearing off El the name of Fred Ehien,. of this city, as the cut wood, the saw struck a piece he was holding. The stick struck him among those slightly wounded in in the face, breaking his nose, and France. It is not positively known knocking him down. When he fell he however, whether this refers to a struck the back of his head on a limb wound received in July (but not report or log on the ground. He is now rest ed until now) or whether it is a second ing quite easy, -though at first it was wound that he has received. It is feared that his injury was much more known here that after several weeks serious.. The same day Jas. Ryan was injured in the hospital, due to shrapnel wounds, when his team ran away at his farm that young Ehien returned to his com near Champoeg. One leu was broken With an Armistice signed and hostilities pany. But as all the wounded are not when he was thrown from his wagon, reported by cable, many being reported and the other sprained. He also, is ceased, the Dawn of Peace is at hand, and by slow letters through government getting along as well as can be ex every one is happy! But the return “ channels” , it is possible this report pected. mav be of the wound Ehien received of Peace will bring important duties and in July, obligations. America must feed and clothe Shoes have gone up in price bus we buy them. They are a necessity. the world and supply other innumerable Yet milk, the food that is necessary I DON’T wants. Hence the prices of many articles to everyone, because it goes up, is tdo My parents told me not to smoke— often cut from the diet. Isn’t that a are certain to advance. "Our store, how I don’t; | . j little Inconsistent? ever, is filled with modern merchandise at Or listen to a naughty joke — * * * * I don’t. We must have pure fresh milk. prices lower than will prevail for many a They made it plain I must not wink Count it economy to see that each day. “A word to the wise is sufficient". At pretty girls, or even think child in the family has at least a pint of milk a day. Get the milk habit. About intoxicating drink— Encourage the dairymen to keep up I don’t. his dairy. He is willing to do his share To dance and girt is very wrong— but he can’t do everything without co I don’t. operation. Wild youths chase women, wine and song j I don’t. The self-denial of the American THE STORE OF MERIT I kiss no girls, not even one— home, added to the efforts of the I do not know how it is done— American farmer, havei removed fear WE PAY CASH FOR MOHAIR You wou'dn’t think I had much fan—i j from the minds of our Allies, for this ig I DON’T!! 1 year, at least. Let’s .keen it no KEEP YOUR FEET DRY KEEP WELL The Bergema and Zimmerman & Dugan lines of shoes are designed and made for wet weath- ;er service—they are built upon honor, will fit the feet well, will wear well, and serve you well in every way: During these trying times of sickness don’t take any chances—let us supply you with the right kind of foot wear for any and all occasions. If you have in mincl the late models and the new shades of ladie’s dress shoes we have them. The prices are very reasonable too,see if they are not. The kind of rubber footwear you need will be found here. SADLER! KRAUS — -T H E BEST FOR THE PRICE----------- * W ool Hosiery For Everybody