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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1918)
ARTICLES YOU CANNOT SEND BOYS IN FRANCE AURORA MUST DIG UP TASO FOR La FoDett’s Pledge to the UNITED WAR WORK Voters of Marion County E lec Unite« I n ltM St*? W t p f t W n tfttiv rs NOT NOMINATE! neh officer. IF 1 AM m IMINATION OR EN- M Aui IN WHICH I AM : » Governor- James Withy State Treaaurei Justice of Supreme Court_ Am Butteville...........................John Murray Attorney-General— Donald____ *.........................C. J.-Espj George M. Brown, of Douglas. Mar H ubbard____________ Bahne Paulsen Superintendent of Public Instruction— J a . Churchill, of Baker Mill Wood b u m ............. ..........N. A. Hoffard The county chairman suggests that Labor Commissioner— C. H. Oram, of Multnomah. n , o i t i€ 10 solicitors be named in each school er, Sti district. The banks will be the official Public Service Commissioner— Fred A. Williams, of Josephine. the depositories of the funds. Superintendent Water Division No. 1— Instructions to the solicitors say. each ers go «lectora Percy A. Cupper, of Marion, "D on't apologize or .assume the atti 'uperlntendent Water Division No. 2— 1 Aurora District, Charles Kinzer,Aur A. M. LA FOLLETT. closed on ora. tude of a beggar. You are represent George T. Cochran, of Union. ing a great array of institutions that Why Make a Change at This Time? i Champoeg Dial riet, K. E. Osborns, PROPERTY VALUATIONS NOTICE OF ELECTION Aurora, No. 5. have been called together to help win Notice is hereby given that the regu Gervais District, William Bowley, RISE IN MARION COUNTY the war. You represent the Govern COUNTY AND DISTRICT TICKET Gervais. ment, these Institutions, and the Boys lar annual general city election of ie 1 Horeb District, B. A. Case, Gates. in France, i t is an honor to do this city of Aurora, Marion County.Oregon, The final equalisation of the assessed work and all should esteem it as such State Senator Jefferson District, J. T. Jones, Je f will be held on Tuesday the fifth day of W. \ l Jones. Waconda. valuation of Ma rion county property, or refrain for taking part.” ferson. OF OREGON November, 1918, to choose the follow Louis Lachmund, Salem. ML Angel District, a . Bourbon- not including public utilities , shows an ing city officers: Justice F. A. Moore of the Sup Representatives naise, ML Angel. A Mayor to serve the term of two assessment of $37.610,680. J The farm reme court died last month, too WHAT TO SEND S. A. Hughes, Salem. Salem District, W. E. De Long, Sa lands and the town and city lota have late for the name of any candi yean. Seymour Jones, Chemswa. They send us pocket Bibles to make us lem. ^ date to succeed him to be placed A Treasurer to serve the term of one fallen off slightly in value Automo- David H, Looney, Jetterson. on the Ballot. This condition lads behave. Silverton District, A. F. Simercl. biles have increased 45 per cent. There year. makes it necessary to write in Ivan G. Martin, Salem. They send us bright trench mirrors to Silverton. Four Councilmen to serve the term are 500 less horses in the county than the name of your candidate. George W. Weeks, Fair Grounds. help us when we shave. Scotts Mills District, H, E, Magee, last year. Cattle, Digs, sheep and goats This is the most important of two years. Powders for our face and feet, cold I County Judge Scotts Mills. position in the Judicial system of have all increased in number. The 15,- The polls will be .open from one the State. , . cream and camphor ice, W. M. Bushey, Salem. 398 head of cattle are valued at an aver Stayton District, Henry Smith, Stay- o’clock p. m,- to seven o’clock p. in. of It is essential to choose a man age of $35.84,the 21,225 sheep and goats But never any poison for the hungry Sheriff ton. . said day. of extensive legal training of army lice. high character, and of broad vis The polIThg place will the I. 0. at $6.69 each; 8355 head of swine at ion. We commend for your con $10.25 each; the 6781 horses and mules They send us double-mint, it is really O'. F. Hall, Aurora, Oregon. sideration and vote very nice. The city council has designated the at $77.15 each; and the 168 dogs at They send us little sewing kits, with following judges and clerks of election, $21.08 each. which we cut and splice. who have been duly and legally ap The summary of the assessment roll OF OREGON CITY Wrist watches and bright wristlets, pointed to conduct the herein men is as follows: Resident of the State 30 years; ukuleles on which we strum. Acres of all lands, 19,601,375. lawyer for 25 years; vetern of Span- tioned election: never any poison for the hungry Judges—G. A, Ehlen, C. B, Brewer Improvements on deeded or patented But army ish-American War and Philippine crum. lands, $2,640,660, Insurrection, having served with 2nd and N. C. Wescott. Oregon Regiment; member of Ore Oh, yes, dear friend, we've got them Town and city lots, $1.916.245. Clerks—Mrs. J. W. Sadlerand Mrs, gon Legislature in 1907 and 1909 ses Clara Atkinson. and got them mighty bad. Improvements on lands not deeded The pesky things keep gnawing ’till sions; Judge of the 5th Judicial Dis Any person who passesses the quali-, or patented, $53,005, they drive us almost mad. trict 9J years. Steamboats, sailboats, stationary en They are after us continually, morning, In all these positions he has made fications of a legal voter of the state of noon and night. good. - 4 Oregon, and who has been a resident of gines, and manufacturing machinery, And every time they grab' a chunk we His record as a private citizen and the city of Aurora during the six $504.285. know Sherman was right. public official has been above criti I months next preceding the election Merchandise and stock in trade $1,- cism. 322,130. herein mentioned may vote there at. Ah ha! By Heck, we’ve found it! Some Write in his name at the Farming implements, wagons, car GEO. W. FRY, Guy’s got wise a t last! riages, etc., $187,740, City Recorder, A cake of stuff came yesterday that General Election Noy. 5th. nails 'em to the mast. Money, notes and accounts, $503,100. Dated this tenth day of October 1918, We lather it on freely; each soul is full For Justice of the Supreme Court to Shares of stock, $790.095, of hope— fill vacancy caused by the death of Hotel and office furniture, $71,215. Don’t send us ukuleles; send Germicdal Justice Frank A. Moore. NOTIGE Horses and mules, $523.155. Soap! Vote for One Jiotice is hereby given the voters of —By an American Artilleryman Cattle, $551,855. City of Butteville, Marion County,state Sheep and goats, $141,990. of Oregon, that there will be placed up SHERIFFS NOTICE OF REAL PRO Swin, $855,525. s •» on a separate ballot to be vbted upon PERTY ON EXECUTION Dogs, $3415. Write the name of J. U. Campbell in at the next general election held on Automobiles, $679,950. the above space and place an X in Tuesday, Nov. I>th, 1918, in the said Net gain over 1917, $770,330, front of his name. city of Butteville, Oregon, the follow By virtue of an Execution issued out ing question, viz: of the Honorable Circuit Court of the J . U. Campbell (or Supreme Court Campaign Shall Jthe city of Butteville surrender STOLE HIS DUCKS AND GUN Stata of Oregon, for the County ' of Com., Oregon City, Oregon, J . D. Butler, its Charter and be disincorporated? Sec’y* [P aid Adv.] GEO. E. PENROD, As sportsman and autoist, as mayor Marion on the 3rd day of September, 32-2t .City Recorder, and hustling bond salesman of U ncle 1918 in favor of J, A, Webber, plain Sam, as the terror of slackers and bos tiff and against F. J. Keller and Mrs. om friend of McAdoo, mayor Bair F, J. Keller, his wife defendants of the is known from the Canadian line to Tia sum of Five Hundred Sixty and 33-100, MY ENTIRE STOCK OF I Juna, but the Portland crook who stole (560.33) Dollars, in U. S. gold coin with his Remington automatic shot gun and interest thereon at the rate of eight j hi3 game bag full of ducks from his per cent, per annum from the 24th day automobile, appreciated neither the vir of July, 1918, and the further sum of WILL BE SOLD AT COST n tues of loyalty nor the merits of the Twenty dollars, 00-100 ($20.00) costs | sportsman. And mayor Bair came and accruing costs, I have levied upon and- will sell at Public Auction, on S at j home without gun or ducks. You can save money at the store of H ardw are Implements urday, the 23rd day of November, 1918, The Rlolalla Electric Co. has resumed at 10 o’clock, A,M.,at the Court House 124-hour light and power service, which dooi in Marion County and State of j will now be permanent. The low wat- Oregon, all the right, title and interest The Wide Awake Hardware Store i er in the Molalla made the service poor which the said F. J. Keller and Mrs. F. i for several weeks, but the heavy J, Keller, his wife defendants hud on ; rains have replenished the water sup- or after the 27th day of July, 1918, in ; ply so abundantly that there will be no or to the following described'premises, to-wit: ! further trouble. Beginning at a point on the Boones Ferry road which bears N. 39 degress MAGAZINE PRICES 05 minutes È. 70.89 feet from the OILS GAS The Observer will take subscriptions stone at the intersection of this road to the following magazines and peri with thè road running west to Butte IS NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE OF P A R T S odicals at the rates given, but all prices ville, thence S. 52 degrees 56 minutes FOR CHEVROLET and FORD CARS are subject to change without notice. tracing old fence line 318.45 feet to a Laboring Class ACCESSORIES American B o y ...____________ $ 1.50 point: thence N. 82 degrees 35 minutes E, tracing old fence line, 442,57 feet to (After Nov. 1, $2.00) Greases Free Air Boy’s Magazine>_____________ 1.50 a point: thence N. 18 degrees 50 min Boy’s World ........................................ 50 utes E. tracing old fence line 53,95 to a Collier’s W eekly____________ 2.50 point: thence S, 85 degrees 03 minutes Cosmopolitan....__________ . . . 2.00 E. tracing old fence line, 2031.19 feet D elineator...^__ ,___________ 1.50 to an old iron cog wheel ore an iron shaft under old fence; thence North tracing (After Dec. 15, $2.00), Keep the price of fish down. H^lp production of j Delineator, 2 years____ ___ . . . 3.00 old line and fence, 509.41 feet to a point: thence N. 52 degrees 02 minutes (After Dec, 15, $4.00) fish. Eliminate waste. Designer................... _________ 1.00 W. tracing-present newly made fence, 1958.72 feet to a point in about the (After Dec. 15, $1.50) Girls Companion..__; . .......... ,50 middle of said Boones Ferry Road; Read argument in State election pamplet Good Housekeeping___________ 1.50 thence S. 39 degrees 16 minutes W. Clackamas County Fishermens Union, Andrew Naterlin, Secty. Harper’s B azaar____________ 3.00 tracing about the middle of the said Oregon Citj \ Oregon __ (Paid Advt.) ] McClure’s Magazine,'2 yrs,____ 3.00 Boones Ferry RoSSd 1879.77 feet to the longer than a big hunk of R eal G ravely is thei McCall’s Magazine............... 1.00 place of beginning, containing 60.323 g. ordinary plug. Each piece common-sense chew lor Modern Priscilla_______ i ____ 1.50 acres of land more or less, a strip of is packed in a pouch. men. It is economical. A Mother’s Magazine_______ 2.00 which along the westerly side hereof is These are the plain facts m an gets his tobacco sat- Pictorial Review____ _________ 2.00 occupied by about one half of the said about Gravelj^ Plug To isfaction out of a smaller Pictorial Review, 2 yrs________ 3.00 Boones Ferry Road, together with all bacco. chew arid iewer of them. Popular Mechanics__________ 2,00 the singular and tenements, heredita The good Gravely taste Review of Reviews___ . . . . . ___ 3.00 ments and appurtenances thereto be lasts a long while. Two or It goes further—that’s why you longing or in any wise appertaining, Today’s Housewife_____ _____ .75 Indeps* dent andidate for ounty Judge of Marion County- three smallsquaresof Real can get the good taste of this clast | Today’s Housewife, 2 y rs.____ 1,25. and also all their estate, right, title G ravely stays with you of tobacco without extra cost. PLATFORM Woman’s Home Companion___ 2.00 and interest in and to the same, includ- „ for a&A ct economy. Your choice for road supervisors in your | Woman’s HomeCompaniop,2 yrs 3.00 dower and claim of dower. district would be my choice. We can furnish any magazine or Terms of Sale Cash, unless bid in by PEYTON BRAND Yum Teed money should be spent in your own district. jl periodical at special prices that will Plaintiff. “REVERE’' * Phone 74 Dated at Salem, Oregon, this '9th save yoq ipon^y—■ -if you are a subscrib- I er to the Observer, In addition we day of October, 1918. t ir e s C l a r k ’ s T ir e H o u s e W. I, NEEDHAM, I save you the trouble of sending in sub >1 Save Y our Rim Cut Tire* 3 1 9 - N - C o m m e r c i a l S t. • SA LEM , O REG O N scriptions. Ask us for prices on any Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. Pì B - GRAVE LYt T O B A G G O .CO r,2 D A N VI WL E . V À • (Paid. Adv.)_________ . ByO.D. BOWER, Deputy, jl publication you want, VOTERS J. U. CAMPBELL Just Arrived Our new line of HEATING STOVES If your want to keep warm, come in and get one. AFTER OCTOBER 12 We will be prepared to GRINDYOIR PLOW SHARES Hardware and Implements W . R. H A M IL TO N , DONALD, ORE. Which Bring them in G. A. EHLEN DO YOU WANT? Mo.'e and Cheaper Fish OA-* v u HONEST LIVELIHOOD m ANo F O O b ' PRODUCTION HIGHER PRICED FISH w v v Pleasure Seekers oU o A ies W ASTE of FOOD FISH sportsmen ___ VOTE 307 X NO AURORA GARAGE HERBERT J. MILLER, Prop. T hat good Gravely taste t FC *R COUNTY JUDGE H. L. CLARK Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10$ a vouch-and vuorthu